Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 208 Li Shimin's Excitement!Li Tai panicked!

Qin Qiong took out a piece of paper from his arms.

Li Shimin hurriedly opened it.

When he saw it, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Embroidered Spring Knife! !
This this…….
"Li Junxian!"

He almost yelled out.

The sound was terrifying.

Very anxious.

Li Junxian hurried over.

Immediately untied the Xiuchun knife from his waist, held it in both hands and offered it up.

Li Shimin held the handle of the knife with one hand, and suddenly exerted force, the Xiuchun knife came out of its sheath, and the cold light overflowed.

Do not!
It's not just like, it's almost the same.




"How is it possible! Xiuchun Knife!"

The moment the knife was unsheathed, everyone's hearts seemed to stop beating, staring at it in disbelief, in disbelief.

Of that mysterious army, a group of people used such a knife?

What else can I say!

It must be related to Chu Palace! !
If it doesn't matter, who will believe it?
"His Majesty!!"

Wei Zheng exclaimed, and immediately said: "Let's go to Chu Palace to see now."

Li Shimin's eyes were serious.

His breathing became more and more excited.

Chu Palace!
What else is inside, I don't know?Kuan'er, he... I don't know how much private money Nima still has.

I'm a bitch!
His mind went blank.

Could it be that this group of mysterious troops really belonged to Kuan'er?Affiliated to Chu Palace?Then they were ordered by Kuan'er to support northern Xinjiang? !

This is too... too exciting! !
Who would have imagined that after eating melons at the end, they would end up eating melons on the head of King Chu's mansion.

For a moment, Li Shimin really didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.


Really confused!
Who can accept such a result?It is absolutely unacceptable.

I'm good!
I'm a bitch!

It's absolutely perfect! !

"Hiss... ho..."

"Go, must go!!"

Li Shimin raised his head, he glanced at the eyes of everyone in Tai Chi Palace, and said, "But, not now."

"Grandma's, Li Junxian, help me to sit down, help me to sit down quickly, I can't do it, I can't stand it anymore."

Li Junxian quickly helped Li Shimin to sit down.

Li Shimin dared to call his legs numb now.

"I... I can't walk now."

"Take a break first, take a break first, no, no, I can't walk anymore."


Li Shimin swallowed his saliva.

Changsun Wuji took a deep breath, clenched his hands fiercely, felt the pain in the palm of his hand, and said slowly, "Follow Your Highness's order, and those who offend me will be punished even if they are far away!!"

"The world is one family, where the sun and the moon shine, where the rivers and rivers run, and where the wind blows, I belong to Tang!"

"You other races, next to my Great Tang, as His Highness said, how can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch!"

"Therefore, you alien races, die!"


"Your Majesty, I just said these words. No matter how you listen to it, it sounds like what the King of Chu said. The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country."

"Listen, listen to everyone, only His Royal Highness the King of Chu can say such domineering words."

"I didn't run away, I can't be wrong, this mysterious army is the subordinates of Chu Palace, and that mysterious highness is His Highness Chu!!"

"Minister....Minister...Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, with such a unicorn, why should my Tang Dynasty not be prosperous, why not be prosperous!!!"

Changsun Wuji roared.

The smile on his face is really like a blooming chrysanthemum.



Immersed in it, can't help but be overjoyed!
Li Jing, Qin Qiong, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng...
They glanced at each other, so excited that they didn't know what to do.

They opened their mouths, but no words came out.

Only the endless joy in my heart, like waves, impacting my heart wave after wave.

His Highness the King of Chu!

All of this turned out to be controlled by His Royal Highness the King of Chu behind the scenes!

Li Shimin raised his head, looked at the crowd, suppressed the shock and excitement in his heart, and uttered low words in his hoarse voice.

"Don't be too happy, after all, we just analyzed this matter in this way, and there is not much evidence."

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will go to Chu Palace!"

Li Shimin clenched his fists vigorously and said in a low voice.


Everyone was excited and shouted in unison.

They back off.

Li Shimin sat in the Tai Chi Palace, looking at the setting sun outside the door, smiling, smiling, and finally lost control and laughed loudly.

He lay directly on the ground.

Wave after wave of laughter resounded throughout the Tai Chi Palace.

Li Junxian stood beside him holding a knife.

Accompany quietly.

But the horror in my heart couldn't be calmed at all.

Your Highness the King of Chu!
The strongest army in the world is not the Turks, the Tubo, or the Tang Dynasty, but the private soldiers of His Highness the King of Chu!

Ruoda's Yunzhou City was finally saved by His Royal Highness King Chu!
This time, His Royal Highness the King of Chu saved the world, the Tang Dynasty, and the common people.

This time, to be honest, it was His Royal Highness King Chu who once again gave Datang a new life.

Li Junxian let out a heavy breath, and tightly gripped the Xiuchun Knife with his fingers.

For a moment, he felt an urge to seek refuge with His Highness the King of Chu.

He is a general, and what he pursues in this life is to be taller and stronger.

I thought that the Jinwu Guard was already number one in the world, but who would have thought that there would be an army outside that would leave the Jinwu Guard far behind.

Platinum python robe.

An army of 40 defeated an army of [-].

Just thinking about it makes the blood in my whole body warm up.

"King of Chu! Kuan'er! My emperor's son, how much money do you keep from me!!"

At this time, Li Shimin gave a long shout.

However, when the voice fell, no one answered him.

In front of Suzaku's gate, the sun is just right.

The setting sun is warm on the bluestone slabs, and the autumn wind from Suzaku Street makes it even more comfortable.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, and Li Jing walked slowly on the road in the imperial city, feeling their steps were light and comfortable.

"You say, is His Royal Highness Chu the mysterious His Highness?" Changsun Wuji narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing, there should be nine times out of ten that I can't go wrong. In this world, there is a king of Chu who is already a reward from heaven to the world. How could there be a second one who is like a heavenly man?" Where is Your Highness?" Wei Zheng smiled.

"Yeah, who's to say no, to be honest, my heart almost stopped when I heard Second Brother Qin say that just now, hahaha..." Du Ruhui agreed.

"His Royal Highness Chu is beyond everyone's expectations. This time, if it is confirmed that His Royal Highness Chu is the mysterious His Royal Highness, then... I dare not imagine what kind of person my Tang Dynasty will usher in." Your emperor." Li Jing stretched his arms vigorously and stretched himself.

"My Tang Dynasty, I have cultivated the blessings of eight lifetimes!" Cheng Yaojin said with a smile.

Everyone nodded.

Isn't that what it says?

And eight life blessings! !
I guess I can't change it.

A few people walked out of the Suzaku gate without saying a word.

In front of the gate, the people are still Wuyang Wuyang.

Jieli Khan and Tuli Khan knelt in a row in front of the Suzaku Gate, facing north.

Changsun Wuji and the others took a look and left.

Jieli Khan seemed to notice something, he raised his head slightly, and cast a sideways glance.

It's those damn guys from Datang.

Changsun Wuji, Li Jing, Wei Zheng....
He can remember the appearance of these people very clearly.

These are his greatest enemies in Datang!

But now, kneeling here, they are at ease.

Jieli Khan took a deep breath.

He pretended to be unbearable, swayed his body, turned to Jieli Langya next to him, and said quickly and in a low voice: "Langya, Wei Wangfu and Shizu, have you contacted?"

Jieli Langya also lowered his voice, his mouth didn't move, he just spoke from his throat.

"Father, they already know. Someone greeted me in the crowd just now."

Hearing this, Jieli Khan nodded and said nothing more.

Adjusted posture.

Close your eyes.


What a shame! !

If I can escape this time, Datang, Chang'an, I will come back sooner or later! !
Not only him, but everyone else had their eyes closed.

I dare not open my eyes.

Also ashamed to open his eyes.

There is no one else, because in front of the few people, there are all kinds of glass sculptures.

Jieli Khan took a look, and felt his throat was sweet, and wanted to spit out blood.

Jieli Langya's expression was extremely ashamed.

He really wanted to strangle himself right now.

At first, I thought I had taken advantage of it, but who knew that I sold myself and helped others count the money.

Damn Li Shimin!

The most damned thing is that bullshit King Chu! !

Damn it!
Jie Lilang gritted his teeth, unable to calm down for a long time.

National Supervisor.

Kong Yingda was extremely happy.

Not only him, but all the masters and students were extremely happy.

Ever since the legendary treasure of the town was snatched away by others, everyone felt a little uncomfortable, as if a thorn was stuck in the flesh.

it's good now!
It's completely fine!
Very comfortable.

Who would have thought that in the end it was His Royal Highness the King of Chu who put the Turkic people together.

What a national treasure, shit!

It turned out to be just a worthless thing, but it was regarded as a treasure by the Turkic people, wasting millions of tons of food in vain, grandma's, absolutely, this is really absolute!
Your Majesty's series of operations and performances really fooled everyone.

"His Royal Highness Chu is really amazing, he still has this skill, no, when His Royal Highness Chu comes back, I will be under the door and learn a lot!"

"I heard from the court that it is possible to die in the evening, hahaha... You are right! This glazed sculpture is really beautiful, and only His Royal Highness the King of Chu knows it in the whole world. Those Turkic people are fooled, and they deserve it! Everyone is greedy! It's amazing, hum.!"

"Who says it's not? Look at the Turkic people. To be honest, we really have to thank them. If it wasn't for them, this time, our Tang Dynasty would not even have enough rations to send troops."

"That's right, hahaha... They must be dumbfounded. Look at the expressions on their faces when His Majesty asked for so many glazed statues to be brought out before. It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

"His Royal Highness, you are unfathomable!"


Yu Shinan and his group were chattering like old men and women in the village.

If he was not in the Imperial College, no one would believe that this group of old men who gloated at other people's misfortune and were shocked by His Royal Highness the King of Chu would be the masters who supported half the sky of the Tang Dynasty literary world.

Listening to what they said, Kong Yingda smiled slightly.

Sure enough.

Sure enough, His Majesty still relied on the hand of His Highness King Chu.

At that time, everyone was yelling at His Majesty, shouting about Datang's loss, but now, the truth is revealed, and they all praised His Highness King Chu's talent.

I have to say that I was extremely worried at the time.

It seems that everything is overthinking.

That's right, with His Royal Highness the King of Chu here, how could the Great Tang suffer?

There is also the mysterious army that is rumored to be raging outside, and what kind of mysterious His Royal Highness.

Kong Yingda didn't know what others thought, but he always felt that he had something to do with His Highness the King of Chu.

King of Chu!

This is the real saint on earth.

Kong Yingda sighed inwardly.

Very envious.

Also extremely respectful.

He could feel the wisdom of His Highness King Chu more and more.

At that time, it was just an accidental discussion, and the few four sentences left by His Royal Highness the King of Chu made him realize Taoism and Heaven, and Confucianism and Taoism returned to Dacheng.

In this world, in this Tang Dynasty, Kong Yingda didn't believe that His Royal Highness the King of Chu would not leave anything behind to make this world reach its peak.

His Highness the King of Chu!

I really don't know when you will return!
Old man, I really look forward to having another soul blend with you.

Wei Wangfu.

Li Tai clenched his hands tightly, and blood flowed crazily from the cracks in his hands.

Real hammer!
This time it is a real hammer!

Damn it, damn it, Jieli Khan, Tuli Khan, Jieli Spike...
These people were all arrested in Chang'an, and now they all kneel on the ground in a row.




Li Tai panicked completely.

Before, he was still lucky, thinking that this group of Turkic khans would not reach Chang'an so easily. After all, there are still people in Turkic, and there are more than [-] broken men in Turkic. He thought that these people would not let Li Jing and the others bring Jie Li Ke Khan returned to Chang'an.

However, who would have thought that this scene would go so smoothly.

Without any twists and turns.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, please don't get excited, Your Highness."

"Don't panic, you can't panic now! Jieli Khan and the others are all controlled by Li Shimin, but things have not reached the most difficult time for Wan Wanhuan."

"After all, we have already sent Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhao Jun out before, no matter how much they bite people, as long as we don't let go, we will definitely get through it without any danger."

Wei Ting said hastily.

Chai Lingwu also nodded vigorously in agreement.

Li Tai's eyes were dark.

He stared at these two people, all of them, all of them! !

this moment.

Li Tai felt a little bit regretful, if they hadn't come up with random ideas, he wouldn't be so passive now.

"Yes, Your Highness, when the time comes, we will be executed together with Jieli Khan Jieli Langya and others, and we will be completely safe."

Chai Lingwu said.

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