Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 218 Little Si's Crooked Hit is Right!Terrible new stuff!

Chapter 218 : Little Si's crooked attack is on the right track!Terrible new stuff!
If it can fly, how can it be on the ground now?
Why not on the roof?
Sun Simiao nodded.


"However, according to what His Highness said, this thing needs to be activated, otherwise it won't move. As for how to operate it, the old way... I don't know."

Listening to Sun Simiao's explanation, several people pursed the corners of their mouths, swallowed their saliva, rubbed their hands together, and dispersed.

I couldn't help the horror in my eyes.

This ball is really too big!

"Your Majesty, how can it fly with just one ball?"

"Also, even if the ball flies, it seems that it's just the ball flying, and it's not of much use."

Without blinking his eyes, Wei Zheng expressed the doubts in his heart and the shortcomings of this ball.

If you just want to be able to fly and not be able to take people with you, to be honest, it is of no use.


"Your Majesty, please also see that there is a basket here, which seems to be connected with this big ball."

"Wow... this basket is so big, it can accommodate several of me."

At this time, Yuchi Jingde also yelled out.


Several people walked in his direction.


This ball is not just a ball.

Could it be that this basket can carry people? !

"Your Majesty, this place is a bit small after all."

"Besides, the light is too dim, why don't you move out, so that you can observe more carefully."

Changsun Wuji suggested.

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Let's go, let's hold hands together and lift this ball out. Be careful not to hurt the big ball!"

Li Shimin ordered immediately.

Hearing this, several people immediately rolled up their sleeves.

Pull and push.

The big ball was sent out by them.

The basket was also untied by them and taken out.

This time, everyone saw clearly.

"Your Majesty, you should be unable to fly now."

"If you want it to fly, you must prop up all these loose cloths."

Du Ruhui studied for a while, then said in a deep voice.

"But, no, Your Majesty, look, the bottom here is empty."

"This ball is not sealed, there is a big hole underneath."

"Well, we can't inflate the ball."

Wei Zheng said immediately beside him.

Li Shimin frowned.

It seems that they already know how to use this thing.

Blow the ball out completely.

Then, this big ball can fly?

People, can stand in the basket decorated below.

In this way, flying can be realized!
Thinking of this, Li Shimin's eyelids twitched violently.

In the blood vessels, hot blood gushed out one after another.

Crazy pounding of the heart, the whole person's breathing became rapid.

In the chest, it seemed that there was a big drum beating crazily.

Li Shimin himself could hear the heartbeat clearly.

People can fly! !

Li Shimin's eyes were about to burst.

He gritted his teeth.

With a trembling voice.

"Then...then think of a way to see if you can...can you completely inflate the ball."

Li Shimin ordered.

Others gathered around the big ball excitedly.

Quick chat.

Quick discussion.

They are also a little crazy, a little crazy.

It seemed that they were only one step away from going to heaven.

Throughout the ages, no matter who it is, someone has gone to heaven?Someone flew by?Has anyone ever looked down on this land?

nobody! !

not a single one! !
They will be the first! !

No... His Highness the King of Chu should be the first one, but it's shocking enough to be the latecomer of His Highness the King of Chu.

What should I do with this thing?
Several people discussed for a long time, and their brows were almost brought together.

And at this moment, suddenly, Xiao Sizi and Princess Changle came out of the warehouse.

"Father, look, what is this?"

"Father, father, hehehe... so heavy, ho ho ho..."

The little Si continued to let out bursts of extremely forceful screams, looking cute.

Princess Changle was there to help.

The two walked out carrying something that looked like a stove.

Li Shimin turned around in surprise.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Li Jing and others also turned their heads to look over.

Just now Li Shimin asked them to find a way to inflate the big ball. To be honest, several people were at a loss.

This ball is so big, if it is sealed, they may be able to call more people to blow this thing up.

However, under the big ball, there is a huge hole.

I'm afraid that the air I blow in is not as much as the air that goes out.

They felt that if His Highness the King of Chu was able to make such a design, then he must have his own ideas and definitely be able to inflate the ball.

However, they really don't have a clue.

Let them think about it, but they can't think of what to do!
I have to marvel, His Royal Highness Chu's little brain is really amazing.

At this time, Xiao Sizi and Princess Changle came out.

All eyes fell on the two of them at once.

"This is...Little Si, Chang Le, what are you holding?"

Li Shimin was suspicious, so he hurried up to meet him.

Immediately afterwards, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, Li Jing and others walked over impatiently.

Xiao Sizi possesses the attribute of a treasure detector, which they all know very well.

During this period of time, there were countless problems, and Xiao Sizi always appeared when they were at a loss, and then solved them smoothly.

It can be said that good times can be ruled out, but hopelessness really depends on Xiao Sizi alone.

So this time...
"Little Si, put the things down first."

"Be careful, don't hurt yourself."

Li Shimin said quickly.

But even though he said this, his eyes kept staring at the things in the hands of the two, and he hurried up to greet the things in the hands of the two, as if he didn't manage Xiao Si and Princess Changle at all.

"Your Majesty, what is this?"

"I don't know, it's so strange, is this a stove?"

"Auxiliary machine, you say so, it looks a bit similar, but what is the use of this stove?"

"Why is it put together with the big ball?"

"Could it be that this thing is on the big ball?"

"Impossible, put a stove on the big ball? Could it be because the sky is cold in winter, so you deliberately keep warm?"


Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and the others also immediately surrounded the stove, discussing fiercely with each other.

They couldn't associate this thing with the big ball.

How do you look at it, these two are completely different existences!
"It's probably just an ordinary stove."

Li Shimin said, and turned his head to look at the big ball behind him, shook his head, sighed, and said, "There should be no connection."

After all, the difference between the two is a bit much.


No one would connect the two together.

Disappointment was uncontrollable in the eyes of the others.

It's ok!
That also means that I have to start thinking again about how to inflate the big ball.

But also at this time.


"Oh, oh, get out of the way!"

"Sister, come quickly, put this thing on that ball!"

The little si pushed Li Shimin who was blocking the way away, clapped his little hands excitedly, muttered in his mouth, and called Princess Changle, and the two pulled the stove over.

Li Shimin rubbed his nose.

This cute little girl...
He smiled and shook his head slightly, really messing around.

These two, no matter how you look at them, cannot be connected together.

But it's okay, let the little girl go, this girl is a little energetic, let her release it, and let her go to sleep when she is tired from playing.

In this way, it is also saved to take care of it.

Li Shimin thought so.

Including Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui, they also didn't care, and looked away again.

They murmured.

they pondered.

They wanted to figure out how the big ball could fly.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, why don't we go eat first? Then come to study?"

Sun Simiao spoke, he glanced at the sky, and said with a smile.

The sun is already high.

The stomach is indeed a little deflated.

It's time to eat!

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes and scratched his head, quite helplessly.

no way.

That being the case, it seems that we can only go to eat first.

"Alright, then first..."

He said, but before he finished speaking, suddenly, Xiao Si's voice came, interrupting his words directly.

"Woohoo, all right, all right, royal father, queen mother, look quickly!"

"Hee hee, the big ball is bulging, the big ball is completely bulging!!"

The little Si jumped up and down.

"Your Majesty! Look!!"

Empress Changsun yelled in panic.

Li Shimin was dignified, and turned his head to look directly at the past. Next to him, Changsun Wuji and Wei Zheng also turned around one after another, their eyes horrified.

They were aghast.

Eyes shocked.


That is?

How can it be!

What did they see and thought they were dazzled! !

Li Shimin rubbed his eyes vigorously with his hands, he couldn't believe it, but it was true!

That's right!

The big ball is bulging!
The shriveled state just now is expanding bit by bit!

And that stove, somehow, was stuck on it by Xiao Sizi and Princess Changle.

Flame, burning.

Little by little, the balloon began to take on its original form.

At this time, Li Shimin finally saw clearly that this big ball was actually two parts, the top part was separated, and the inside was always in a bulging state.

That's why they looked half-bulged just now. After all, if it wasn't bulging at all, the cloth would just be a pile scattered on the ground, and it definitely wouldn't be as big as they saw just now.

And now, the big ball is propping up visibly with the naked eye.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

At this moment, the big ball, vaguely, seemed to start floating upwards.



"Hold the big ball!!"

Immediately, Li Shimin didn't dare to hesitate, and shouted directly.

The moment Li Shimin's voice fell, Cheng Yaojin and the others rushed forward.

Grabbed the basket.

The big ball that Yaoyao was about to rise shook.

Below, it is still as stable as a rock, while above, the shaking of the big ball has indeed expanded more and more.

Li Shimin grinned.


He laughed so excitedly!
It really works, it really works! !
Not only him, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and the others were all staring at the big ball, unbelievable.


This big ball is really flying!
They didn't understand what happened, let alone what was going on, but their eyes reflected the big ball rushing towards the sky.


Really wonderful!

Your Highness, how did you do this?
They saw that there was still a large opening at the bottom of the big ball.

Like this, can it still lift off?

They are confused, they are confused, they are overwhelmed.

However, now the big ball has indeed risen!

The rise is very high!

If it wasn't for Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and the others holding him down, they might have drifted away by now.

In fact, this ball is the hot air balloon that Li Kuan fiddled with.


This hot air balloon is still somewhat different from the hot air balloons of later generations.

In the sphere of this hot air balloon, there is a sealed gas at the top. After being heated by the temperature below, the gas will expand and become more active, and then it will take the hot air balloon into the sky.

Then the hot air balloon is to fill the sphere with extremely high density heat.

This step was impossible with Datang's current technology, so he took a trick.

Heat, more and more.

Heat, thicker and thicker.

The heat is getting bigger and bigger.

And the upward force of the hot air balloon is getting stronger and stronger.

"Not good, not good!"

"Your Majesty, we are a bit overwhelmed!"

Cheng Yaojin shouted.

"Your Majesty, we are going to fly away, hurry up, Commander Li, hurry up and call someone over, alas..."

Yuchi Jingde also yelled frantically.




The two of them boast that they are not as good as the Overlord of Chu, but their strength can be regarded as proud of the world.

But who would have thought that it could be controlled at the beginning, but now, it seems that it cannot be controlled.

They could feel that they had exerted all their breastfeeding strength, but this big ball still wanted to take the two of them to the sky.

If it takes a long time, the two of them know very well that they will be taken away after all.

Li Junxian, who had been following him, turned pale with shock, and hurriedly called ten Jinwu guards.

Only in this way can the hot air balloon be completely controlled.

"My mother, Your Majesty, the strength of this big ball is too strong, and Lao Hei and I were a little bit weak just now."


Cheng Yaojin let out a deep breath, wiped his sweat with his hands, and looked up with a little panic in his eyes.

When did he encounter such a thing?

Oh my God!
Yuchi Jingde rubbed his wrist, he felt his shoulder hurting now.

Just now, because I pressed the hot air balloon hard, I put my arms directly into the basket, and the edge of the basket was pressed against my armpits, so I didn't use all my strength.

But even so, he felt that he was about to lose control of the momentum of the big ball just now.

(End of this chapter)

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