Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 226 A Thrilling Bet!Family conjecture!

Chapter 226: A Thrilling Bet!Family conjecture!
he does not know.

Wei Wangfu.

Li Tai has been nervously waiting for the news.

He was sitting in front of the lobby, and the tea in his hand had been replaced by another cup after another.





The aristocratic family made a move, using the traitors planted in Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun, and let them gather together to fight. At that time, even Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun would not be able to say anything else.

These people are all confidantes of Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun who are extremely important.

Confidant assassination.

Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun had to admit it even if they didn't.

General Hou!

This king was also forced by the family, there is no way, if it is not you, it is the death of this king, I believe you definitely do not want this king to be in danger, right?
Everything you have done for this king, I will remember everything in my heart.

Do not worry,!

As long as this king can overcome this hurdle and keep the reputation of the Houhou family prominent, he will become the pillar of our Great Tang Dynasty, engraved on the history of our Great Tang forever, and praised by all people.

Li Tai swallowed hard.

"His Royal Highness King Wei, His Royal Highness King Wei."

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, Wei Ting rushed in from the outside in a hurry.

"His Royal Highness King Wei, it's a success! Li Junxian has led the Jinwu Guards to arrest Zhao County Li and Hou Junji!"

"All plans are proceeding according to our arrangement."

"According to the current situation, half of the success is already achieved. The people in the whole city are scolding Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun. This time, we should be safe and sound."

"As long as they are all dead, then Jieli Khan and others, no matter what they say, we will have something to say."

Wei Ting roared loudly.

There was a lot of excitement on his face.

Although the expression was still fearful, it already contained a deep sense of relief.


The strategy they used this time was not complicated, but it was extremely effective.

The two scapegoats are dead, so it can be said that they are completely safe.

Even if it is blamed, it is only a very slight punishment.

Li Tai stood up suddenly.

Hearing Wei Ting say so much in a row, he kicked his butt and sat down on the stool weakly again.


He laughed!
Smile relieved!

The big rock that had been hanging in my heart finally had a support. Although it didn't fall to the ground completely, it seemed to be safe, and it would not suddenly collapse and kill myself.

"Okay, that's good, that's good!!"

Li Tai clenched his hands tightly, his mouth was a little incoherent.

"Your Highness, everyone in the court knows that Hou Junji belongs to you."

"Do you want to... Your Highness, do you want to go to the imperial city to explain to His Majesty? Or... to intercede for Hou Junji?"

Wei Ting said again.

"Please? I won't go!"

Hearing this, Li Tai, who had just sat down, bounced up again as if a spring had been installed under his buttocks.

Paled face.

Looking flustered.

I just got out of danger, good guy, are you pushing yourself into a sea of ​​swords and flames?
imperial city?

Now the imperial city is really like hell in his eyes, he dare not approach it!

After all, there is a ghost in his heart, thinking about Li Shimin's eyes, Li Tai's heart shudders.

Wei Ting looked at him as if he had lost his soul, and hurriedly explained: "Your Highness, Your Highness, be quiet, please be quiet."

"This is not asking His Highness to die, but... It is a normal reaction of His Highness without knowing it!"

"Your Highness, think about it. If you know these things, in the eyes of others, you must not dare to go to the imperial city to intercede."

"But if His Highness goes down and does the opposite, then not only the people in the city, but His Majesty will firmly believe that, Your Highness, you don't know anything about the collusion between Hou Junji and the Turks."

"Otherwise, how could you still intercede for Hou Junji? You must pretend to be extremely shocked and horrified, and ask His Majesty to investigate this matter thoroughly again."

"So, Your Highness, you will be completely safe and sound!"

Wei Ting said word by word.

Li Tai listened, and his eyes lit up more and more.


Li Tai understood this truth very well, what Wei Ting said gave him a good idea.

But he also knew that Li Shimin was able to sit here all these years because of his own blood.

Li Tai understands Li Shimin's character very well, so it's not easy to fool him, but it's not impossible to fool him.

Li Shimin is not stupid.

However, Li Tai can also consider a little bit, after all, Hou Junji helped Wei Wangfu take the blame this time.

Hou Junji also fought with Li Shimin in the north and south, and he had a deep relationship. After Hou Junji died, how could he still hold himself accountable?

Not to mention, he is his own son.

He is the King of Wei in the Tang Dynasty! !

Besides, Datang won this time.

Bet once?
Li Tai's heart turned sharply.

Wei Ting looked at Li Tai, knew what he was thinking, and smiled lightly.

"Your Highness, His Majesty is your father after all."

"This time, even if His Majesty is not allowed to take a look at the play, it is for the people of the world, as well as the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and those aristocratic families to take a look."

"Besides, no matter what, if His Highness doesn't show up at this time, those people will look at him and say that His Highness is heartless and ungrateful."

"This scene is going to be played after all."

After all, Wei Ting thought deeper.

It doesn't matter whether Li Shimin believes it or not.

Even if Li Shimin had his own choice in mind, even if he had already seen in his heart that Li Tai had something to do with this matter, it would be good for others to watch this scene.

He is King Wei!

Hou Junji was killed at this time, if he didn't show up, wouldn't it make the other followers of Wei Palace feel cold?
Li Tai narrowed his eyes slightly.

Gently nodding.

He knew Wei Ting was right.

"Okay! I'll go!!"

Li Tai said in a deep voice.


The Li family in Longxi, the main residence.

The head of the Li family in Longxi, the head of the Cui family in Qinghe, and the head of the Zheng family in Xingyang sat in the Tang Dynasty.

Listening to the report of the old butler of the Li family, his gloomy face finally eased a little.


To say the least, it has already become the majority!

The Jinwu Guard had already attacked, and Hou Junji and Zhao Jun's Li family would never escape.

"Think about how we can prevent them from biting us."

"Hou Junji and Zhao Jun's Li family are still kept in the dark, which can affect their rage later."

"They will definitely say everything we did before."

Qinghe Cui's Patriarch said in a deep voice.

Jin Wuwei has already started.

As long as Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun are all captured, then they will definitely be confessed by then.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi snorted coldly.

A cold, bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

confess? !

Do they... still have this chance?

Longxi Li family let out a long breath.

"Our time is still too urgent, otherwise, this strategy will be absolutely foolproof."

The head of the Li family in Longxi had a low voice.

They expected before that when the Jinwu Guard was impulsive, they would directly slaughter Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun.

Don't do it again and again.

Dead without proof!

Anyway, everyone in the world already knew that Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhaojun had betrayed Datang, and now they committed suicide in fear of crime, even if it was a strange death, what did it matter?

However, it is too urgent now, and they have no time to arrange it.

Hou Junji and Zhaojun Li's two waves of strength are not something they can kill if they say so.

In this way, we can only take this step first, and then make a decision after they enter Dali Temple or the Ministry of Punishment.

"Then what should we do now?"

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang asked in a deep voice.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a light breath.

"Don't worry, as long as we deny it, I believe Li Shimin can't do anything to us."

"After all, there is a Wei Palace ahead."

"Li Shimin killed his own brother. Could it be possible that he should bear the notoriety of murdering his son? Not to mention, there is no absolute evidence that Wei Wangfu has something to do with this matter."

"Let them talk about breaking the sky, just think of them as dog jumping over the wall."

There was madness in the eyes of the head of the Li family in Longxi.

The Patriarch of the Cui Clan in Qinghe and the Patriarch of the Zheng Clan in Xingyang nodded their heads one after another.

They knew that now they could only do what Longxi Li said.

There is absolutely no other way.

After all, it is not easy to get to this point in the lore scene.

Li Shimin.

Really deserve to be killed! !

"If I knew this, I should have killed Li Shimin when he first ascended the throne!"

"In this way, it can be done once and for all."

There was endless regret in the voice of the Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe.

They are proud.

Li Yuan has been in power for nine years, and their aristocratic family can be said to treat Li Yuan as dough, and they can control it however they want.

When Li Shimin came to power, they thought they would treat Li Yuan in the same way and could control him at will.


They made a mistake! !

The power of the family, in front of Li Shimin, seemed to be receding like a tide.

They can't control it.

Li Shimin is like a wild horse running wild.

If at that time, with the power of the clan, there was a great chance that Li Shimin could be crushed, but they didn't do it.

"Who would have thought that."

The head of the Zheng family in Xingyang sighed.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi snorted coldly.

He clenched his fists hard.

"It's meaningless to say this now."

"But! Didn't you all find out? In the past few years, Li Shimin was at our disposal. He had nothing to do with our family. It's from this year!"

"June? July? . . . "

"From this moment on, our family can no longer control Li Shimin."

"In just these few months, we seem to have a deep-rooted advantage, but we can't hold back Li Shimin, who looks extremely weak."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi glanced over the two of them lightly.

The eyes are deep.

Like a black hole.

As soon as these words came out, the other two trembled and their souls exploded.

There was a look of memory in their eyes.

yes!That time they wanted to completely turn the court into a puppet and start killing!

From that time, Li Shimin suddenly found food!
Their family, no matter how sure the game seemed to win, all turned over.

why! !

The eyes of the two were fixed on the head of the Li family in Longxi.

"Chu... Wang... Mansion!!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a deep breath and spit out each word.

His face was gloomy.

The haze is like the night of a thunderstorm.

Chu Palace! !

Hearing these three words, the eyes of Patriarch Cui in Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng in Xingyang trembled violently.

They bowed their heads.

thinking hard...

The images of the past few months flashed by one by one.

It seems that, as the head of the Li family in Longxi said, since Li Shimin started transporting grain from the Chu Palace, everything their family has done, no matter what, has almost no effect.


Even, just like the imperial examination, they thought they had grasped all the throats, and they had controlled all the methods Li Shimin could think of.

However, they still miscalculated.

Li Shimin didn't know what was going on, but he got the book, and the appearance of the book directly destroyed the family's control over the book.

Up to now, the family still has a large number of books in their hands, but they can no longer sell them.

became waste paper.

Books with punctuation, cheaper prices, and better paper have now completely cornered the book market.

The clan was devoured.

Up to now, the family has no way to intervene in this business, and they were completely driven out by the court.



Chu Palace!
What's in here?
damn it!
They really never expected that what was originally an inconspicuous little prince's mansion turned into a big pit for them to fall down! !

There is really no way to believe it!
"What exactly is in the Chu Palace, we are now aware of everything that happened in the Chu Palace. There is still no way to get it."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi said again.

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang had an incomparably deep expression, and said, "It seems that we have always underestimated the King of Chu."

The head of the Zheng family in Xingyang breathed a little fast, and after taking a deep breath, his eyes were already erect.

"Brother Cui, the last time your people sneaked into the Zhuqueyuan under the Chu Palace, it was like an ocean, and no one came back."

"What exactly is going on?"

The head of the Zheng family in Xingyang moved his throat and spoke slowly.

His voice was a little hoarse.

Speaking of Chu Palace, they remembered this incident.

Qinghe Cui's people are still elite.

Vanish out of thin air!

None of the spies sent out later came back.

In the end what happened?
Where did those people go in the Suzaku Courtyard that day?
do not know!
Nobody knows! !

When you think about it, it's really frightening, it seems to explode.

Qinghe Cui's Patriarch's pupils trembled like wheatgrass.

This matter was indeed too shocking.

He, the King of Chu, is just a little prince who didn't have a feudal clan. How old is he?
They all died in the hands of Chu Palace?

They don't believe it, and they really can't believe it! !

How powerful is the Zhuqueyuan under the Chu Palace?
"Could it be... Brother Cui, could it be that other people are eyeing our family?"

Suddenly, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi said in a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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