Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 230: The King of Chu!It's really only him!

Chapter 230: King Chu!It's really only him!
Snow, sand and salt are such treasures that the king of Chu can have them.

Not to mention that big army.

In this world, besides King Chu, who else can lead such a mysterious army?
Hou Junji's hands were shaking.

He listened to Li Shimin's words, and instantly, his mind went blank, his lips were bloodless, and he was extremely shocked.

King of Chu?

Is it the king of Chu?
Is it really the King of Chu?
His eyes widened.

Just staring at Li Shimin.

This news really made him a little overwhelmed.

how can that be possible!
Hou Junji thought about it.

He had calculated the mysterious army and the mysterious His Royal Highness in the legend, but the king of Chu was not in his calculation at all!
Without him, it is because the King of Chu is too young!
How is it possible to train such an army?
Although he didn't see the appearance of the mysterious army fighting with his own eyes, during the few days in Yunzhou City, his ears were about to be ground into calluses.

Bravery is incomparable!

Excellent, cannot be summed up thoroughly.

Their terrifying combat methods and perverted strict discipline don't seem to be like the army of this world, like heavenly soldiers and generals.

However, now Li Shimin is actually saying that they are all from King Chu.

Hou Junji couldn't accept it.

If this is the case, then this time the strategy failed, and it turned out that the combined Chu Palace and the family were all defeated by the Chu King.

Hou Junji looked at Li Shimin in a daze.



Li Shimin looked at him.

The knife also appeared in his mind again.

Embroidered spring knife!

Half of that army was holding the same embroidered spring knife as Li Junxian.

In fact, the answer is already completely ready.

However, after all, there is no other more solid evidence, but it is too arbitrary to declare that King Chu is the mysterious Highness with only a knife and a terrifying weapon similar to a small iron stone.

However, Li Shimin knew very well in his heart that he was the King of Chu's man!

Empress Changsun, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin and the others also knew in their hearts that the King of Chu was absolutely extraordinary!
King Chu has an absolute secret!
This army has nothing to do with the King of Chu!
Just at this time.

Li Junxian suddenly came up from the steps.

"Your Majesty, outside, Jieli Khan and the Patriarch of the Li Family of Zhao County want to see His Majesty."

Reported by Li Junxian.

Hou Junji's eyes trembled.

They are coming?
"Let them in."

Li Shimin waved his hand without any rejection at all.

Li Junxian hurried down.

Li Shimin looked at Hou Junji, tapped his fingers lightly on his knee.

"Let me ask you something. Does this matter have anything to do with Li Tai?"

"You can answer, or you don't need to answer, but when Jieli Khan and Zhaojun Li's people come, you know, they will all say it."

Li Shimin asked.

Hou Junji pursed the corners of his mouth and gave a wry smile. He didn't speak, but just nodded.

Li Shimin's pupils shrank suddenly, but after a few breaths, he completely calmed down.

In fact, he already knew the answer in his heart.

Only now, it has been thoroughly confirmed.

Empress Changsun only felt a sudden jerk, and her whole mind was a little dazed, dizzy.

Li Tai!

Li Tai! ! !

Really have something to do with him?

This is real! !
Empress Changsun bit her lips tightly, she didn't let herself speak out, but her heart was scratching like a knife,

After all, she is the queen of Datang, and she is Li Tai's mother queen after all.

Now that Li Tai has done such a thing, it is impossible for her not to feel pain in her heart.

Tai Chi Palace fell into silence.

But soon, it was broken.

"Emperor Tang, I have something to tell you."

"Emperor Tang, I have something to do!"

Jieli Khan roared and was brought up from the outside.

The Patriarch of the Li Clan in Longxi also followed closely. He saw Hou Junji kneeling in front of him from a distance, and then saw Li Shimin sitting there.

In the past, he really didn't pay attention to Li Shimin at all.

But thinking about it, he didn't even realize it, and he didn't know what the family did, but he changed the big U form into this.

Li Shimin has become the absolute judge who decides his life and death.

"Your Majesty!"

When he got outside the hall, Li Junxian let out a low cry, put his hand on his shoulder, and made him kneel on the steps.

"Say! What's the matter!"

Li Shimin looked at Jieli Khan.

"Emperor Tang, regarding the matter of Northern Xinjiang, the reason why our Turks were able to destroy all the defense lines in Northern Xinjiang overnight was because of the help of the Chang'an family and King Wei."

"They gave us Datang's defense map in northern Xinjiang. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for us Turks to attack."

"They also said that they would welcome us in Chang'an. This time, before we arrive in Chang'an, they will open the city gate from the inside to welcome us in."

"As for the price? Let us kill you, kill all of you, and then welcome King Wei to the throne and rule this land with the family."

Jieli Khan didn't hesitate at all.

This time, he directly said everything in one brain.

He doesn't agree!
Wei Wangfu and the family want to sell them, and then draw a clear line with themselves, how is it possible!

Although they took countermeasures and threw out Hou Junji and Zhaojun Li's two scapegoats, Jieli Khan didn't care so much. Whether Li Shimin believed it was his business, whether he said it or not was his own business.

Li Shimin took a deep breath.

His hand was clenched tightly.

Empress Changsun also only felt that her throat was burning, her eyes were rising, and her heart was bleeding.

She grabbed Li Shimin's arm tightly.

calm him down.

In fact, this is also letting her control herself.

She never imagined that the strategy of Wei Palace and the clan would be so vicious and without any lower limit!

Open the gate of Chang'an, welcome the Turks into the city, and hand over Li Shimin's head!

How could they do such a thing! !
Li Tai! !
This stupid son, what does he think! !
Is his mind full of shit? !
He is a direct descendant of the royal family!

He even colluded with the Turkic people and the family.

Empress Changsun is really hard to accept.

Li Shimin closed his eyes directly.

After a long time, it opened again, and looked at the Patriarch Li of Zhao County next to him again.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Zhao County let out a soft breath.

"Your Majesty, what Jieli Khan said is correct. We handed over all the marching plans of the Tang Dynasty to the Turks. That's why General Cheng and the others were intercepted and killed."

"This plan, we were all going to succeed, but we didn't expect such a big accident."

"The appearance of the mysterious army made us fall short, and captured Jieli Khan and the others alive. Therefore, the Wei Palace and the family were afraid. They directly threw out my Zhaojun Li family and Hou Guogong as scapegoats."

"If the expectations are correct, they will not recognize anything we have said, and all the connections with Turks will be dumped on us."

"As for believing it or not...Your Majesty, you know it in your heart."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Zhaojun agreed.

The voice fell, and the audience was silent.

Following the reports of Zhaojun Li's patriarch and Jieli Khan, the ins and outs of this incident seem to be completely clear.

"Emperor Tang, of course, it's up to you whether you believe these words or not."

Jieli Khan said.

"Take them all down, and kneel outside Suzaku's door!"

Li Shimin waved his hand and said to Li Junxian.

Immediately, Li Junxian led the Jinwu Guards and escorted the three of them out of the imperial city.

Things, needless to say.

In Li Shimin's heart, he already had a decision.

"His Majesty……."

When everyone left, Empress Changsun stood up suddenly, screamed, and knelt down in front of Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, Li Tai has done such a frenzied thing, the concubine knows that it is too late to say anything."

"However, Your Majesty, after all, Li Tai is the son of a concubine, and the King Wei of the Tang Dynasty cannot listen to all their opinions."

"It's not certain... They want to pour dirty water on Li Tai before they die, disturbing our Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty, this matter still needs to be learned!"

Empress Changsun's eyes danced.

She is afraid!
She is scary!
She trembles!
To be honest, she never expected that Li Tai, who usually looks honest, honest and reasonable, would dare to do such a thing secretly.

Betray Datang!

Collusion with Turks!

Regardless of the people!

Conspiracy and rebellion!
However, Li Tai was her biological son after all, and as a mother, who would defend her son?

Li Shimin looked down at her.

"Guanyin maidservant, as long as they dare to cholera the Tang Dynasty, I will convince them to death. Without solid evidence, I will naturally not deal with it casually."

Empress Changsun looked at the cruel Li Shimin.

He pursed his lips.

I don't know what to say.

"But if Li Tai... really does these things, even if I really want to let him go, the people of Tang Dynasty, as well as Kuan'er, will definitely not let him go!"

"Okay, it's getting late, let's rest."

After Li Shimin finished speaking, he left Taiji Palace and headed towards the bedroom.

Empress Changsun wiped her tears and stood up silently.

"Your Majesty, although the concubine is a mother, she also knows the right and wrong. If Li Tai really did such a rebellious thing, let your majesty and the king of Chu deal with it."

"it is good!"

In the dark night, Li Shimin's voice came to mind again.

The Li family in Longxi, the main residence.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi, the Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe, and the Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang did not rest, they sat in the lobby and waited for the news.

Jin Wuwei made a move.

Counting the time, at this time, Hou Junji and the Li family of Zhao County should all be put to death.

"Patriarch, Patriarch!"

"There's news from outside!"

At this time, the housekeeper of the Li family hurried in.


The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi hurriedly shouted.

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng of Xingyang all stared at the chief steward.

The butler hurriedly said all these things.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi felt a little relieved.

"Patriarch Li, although they were all captured by the Jinwu Guards, but Jieli Khan and the Patriarch Li of Zhaojun went to the palace to meet Erlang of the Li family, wouldn't there be any trouble?"

Qinghe Cui's Patriarch was a little nervous.

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang also rubbed his hands, feeling extremely entangled.

To be honest, when the steward reported that the two of them planned to tell everything, the people in the whole city are now spreading the word crazily.

Wei Wangfu.

Five surnames and seven hopes.

All the rumors were flying all over the sky, and the whole Chang'an was in chaos.

Moreover, the two of them went into the imperial city. Although they didn't know what happened inside, it was clear that the two of them came out safely.

They must have told Li Shimin everything.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi snorted coldly.

"They did this, I expected it a long time ago, if they didn't do it, it would be impossible."

"Don't worry, Li Shimin doesn't dare to attack Wei Wangfu and us just because of the words of two people."

"As long as we don't act immediately, it will be a victory for us! Pass it on, let our people also mobilize, and spread all the rumors we have prepared!"

"Anyway, no matter what the crime is, it will be placed on Hou Junji and Zhaojun Li's head. Let's make a mess, let's make a mess! Only when there is chaos in Chang'an can we benefit the most!!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi ordered.


The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi had already made preparations.

Fight rumors with rumors.

Besides, the Chang'an people's ability to spread rumors can spread faster than the rumors specially arranged by the aristocratic family?

It won't be long before the whole Chang'an will be filled with all the rumors that are beneficial to them according to his will.

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng of Xingyang also heaved a sigh of relief when they heard this.

This arrangement is really wonderful!
"It's still Patriarch Li who thinks thoroughly." Qinghe Cui's Patriarch said.

"This is nothing." The Patriarch of the Li Clan in Longxi let out a sigh: "This matter is almost over. When Hou Junji and the others are all dead, we will be completely safe."

"It's time to start preparing."

As he spoke, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi suddenly looked sharply, scanning the eyes of the two of them with incomparably profound determination.

Hou Junji, the head of the Li clan in Zhao County, and Jieli Khanzheng knelt together ironically.

All kinds of rotten vegetable leaves and weeds in the hands of the people were thrown towards them one after another.

vent his anger.

They don't care about Weiwang's mansion and the five surnames and Qiwang now, but these three people are a certain disaster!
"It's the King of Chu!"

Suddenly, among the three of them who were silent, Hou Junji spoke.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Zhao County was a little sluggish.

After a few breaths, he turned to look at Hou Junji blankly.

"What king of Chu?"

Jieli Khan stared at Hou Junji with his bloodshot eyes open.

But Hou Junji didn't say anything again.

Just closed your eyes.

Kneel there like a dead man.

Patriarch Li of Zhaojun and Jieli Khan glanced at each other subconsciously.

Suddenly, their hearts trembled.

In the darkness of the night, the eyes that were no longer visible were full of horror.

King of Chu!'s him! !
The sound of the wind passed through, and the noisy voices of the people were still extremely chaotic.

The entire square in front of Suzaku Gate was already filled with human heads.

The imperial city has never been so lively.

Hou Junji, Jieli Khan, and the head of the Li family in Zhaojun are like pickles in an ice cellar.

(End of this chapter)

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