Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 233: King Chu's Charisma!The world celebrates!

Chapter 233: King Chu's Appeal!The world celebrates!
Pingkang Square.

Bird House.

It's not even noon yet, the atmosphere here is a bit dull, and many of the doors of the Goulan are still closed.

Under normal circumstances, Goulan is not open until [-]:[-] in the evening.

But recently, because of the Grand Ceremony, the whole of Chang'an is boiling, and the business of Pingkangfang has skyrocketed several levels compared to before.

Therefore, there are more hooks for closing the door in the morning.

After all, a boy, a cook, or something is not made of iron.

Now the workload at night has increased by [-] to [-]% compared to before. Usually, after one night, everyone is exhausted and needs a good rest.

and so.

It's even quieter here.

"Auxiliary machine, when you were young, I heard that you often came to this kind of place."

"Hahaha, you're joking, no matter how many times I come, it doesn't prove that he goes there a lot. I heard that he was also a romantic and talented man when he was young."

"That's what you said, it seems to be true, Keming, I heard that when you were young, you liked to write poems in the fence?"

"Hey, it's all in the past."

"Let's go, let's go, I don't know which Yanquelou is?"

The eldest grandson Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui walked in Pingkangfang, looking at the dazzling signboards on the left and right, recalling the youthful years, looking for the Tao.

After the three of them came out of Taiji Palace, they came here directly.

no way.

This girl Yan'er is no ordinary actress.

Nobody sells face.

If you don't come out, you don't come out!

I heard that there was once a whole Pingkangfang scholars who united and put all their belongings together just to listen to a song by Miss Yan'er.

But even so, Miss Yan'er didn't even show her face in the end.

Even the family invitations were directly rejected.

For such a person, Wei Zheng knew that if he asked his subordinates to invite him, the result would probably be the same, so he might as well go there himself.

Soon, the three of them arrived in front of the Yanque Tower after inquiring.

Have to say, this place is still easy to find.

The door is ajar.

The three of them pushed the door open and went in.

As soon as he entered, the cleaning boy said directly: "Three guests, it's still early, so come back later."

Wei Zheng smiled: "I'm Wei Zheng, this is Changsun Wuji, and this is Du Ruhui."

"We came to Guidi to find someone."

Inside the Yanque Building, when the cleaning boys heard this, their hands moved violently.
What the hell!

These three names, they can be said to be very popular.

Now all of them have come to Yanque Tower?

The boy from before quickly swallowed his saliva, wiped his hands on his body in a panic, and said, "You guys wait a moment, I'll go find the butler."

The butler was not slow to come.

The pace is hurried.

The three of Wei Zheng, even if they are the biggest Goulan in Pingkang Fang, they dare not neglect them.

"The three princes, I don't know what you are going to do when you come to Xiaodi? Who are you looking for?"

The butler asked quickly.

"Miss Yan'er! Your Majesty and Empress, invite Miss Yan'er to play in the imperial city on the day of the ceremony. Please tell Miss Yan'er."

Wei Zheng directly explained his intention.

The butler smiled wryly upon hearing this.

"Well, the three princes, if it's someone else, it's definitely easy to talk about, but Miss Yan'er, whether you want to go... I really can't guarantee it, I can only ask the three of you."

The housekeeper hurriedly said.

"Okay, then... trouble the housekeeper."

Wei Zheng nodded.

The butler hurried upstairs and rushed down again after a while.

"Well, the three princes, Miss Yan'er asked, I wonder if His Highness the King of Chu will come to this grand ceremony?"

His Highness the King of Chu?

Hearing this, the three of them glanced at each other and looked at each other.

Damn, the face of His Majesty and Empress is not as good as His Royal Highness King Chu?

Wei Zheng felt that if he couldn't speak up, the Yan'er girl would directly refuse the appointment.


Has the charm of His Royal Highness the King of Chu already made Miss Yan'er obsessed?

"It will come with a high probability." Wei Zheng replied.

The butler went up again.

When he came down, he was shaking his robe with one hand, his face was full of excitement.

"Go! Go!"

"Miss Yan'er said, go!!"

Not to mention anything else, the butler himself was too excited to do it.

how long it has been?
don't go!

These two words, his ears could hear cocoons.

Who would have thought that this time it would be said!

Miss Yan'er, she is really coming out! !
"Three princes, Miss Yan'er go!"

The butler stood in front of the three of them, rubbing his hands, and shouted excitedly.

They were all at a loss.

When Wei Zheng and the others heard this, they also let out a long breath.

No matter who it was, it was finally going.

To be honest, if Miss Yan'er refuses to go, they really have nothing to do.

This girl who is said to be the number one songwriter, is this the first time she has sung in front of outsiders?
Just thinking about it, the three of them are also looking forward to it.

no way!
Miss Yan'er's reputation is too great.

The three of them glanced at each other, cupped their fists at the butler, said some polite words, and left.

But the news spread throughout Chang'an City in an instant.

Miss Yan'er, because of His Royal Highness the King of Chu, she is coming out for the first time!
"Have you heard? Miss Yan'er is coming out! Just to go to the imperial city to meet His Royal Highness the King of Chu!"

"Really? Miss Yan'er is going to come to the imperial city during the grand ceremony? My mother, this is really the first time a big girl gets on the sedan chair!"

"Who says it's not? It's spread all over Chang'an now. It was the three of them, Changsun Guogong, Wei Zhongshu and Du Guogong, who went to invite it together."

"That's right, Miss Yan'er asked a question at the time. During the grand ceremony, will the King of Chu come down? Wei Zhongshu said that there is a high probability that he will come, so Miss Yan'er said to go."

"Unexpectedly, Miss Yan'er has already been fascinated by His Royal Highness Chu. Even the world's number one songwriter cannot escape His Royal Highness Chu's grasp."

"Grandma, when that day comes, I will definitely go to admire Miss Yan'er. By the way, will His Royal Highness King Chu really come?"

"Then who knows? Wei Zhongshu just said that there is a high probability that he will come, but I think he will come. After all, for such an important matter, grandma, Miss Yan'er and His Royal Highness the King of Chu are all coming. This is really true." It’s double happiness!”


It spread among the people.

Chang'an City, which was already hot, now seems to have added a handful of oil to it.



Boiling and bubbling.

Princess House.

Princess Changle, Li Xueyan, Du Ruyan and the others all sat under the small pavilion together.

No one can do it when they are angry.

Some teeth were grinding, some cheeks were swollen with anger, and some were so pouting that they could hang a bucket.

Li Xueyan even clenched the sword in his hand tightly, with a murderous aura.

Of course, they all heard the rumors about Miss Yan'er in Chang'an City.

Otherwise, can you be so angry?

They were all still waiting for Li Kuanle.

It stands to reason that they lined up early, but what kind of Yan'er girl suddenly appeared, just to jump in line?
Can not accept!


Burning with anger!

fed up! !
Now everyone in the city knows that Miss Yan'er is going after Li Kuan, where does this leave them?
They all thought of Li Kuan more or less in their hearts.

However, they didn't say anything, thinking that with their identities, they would have a lot of opportunities when Li Kuan came back.

But this is all right, let people steal the house directly.

Now the whole city knows Miss Yan'er and Li Kuan, but they don't know about them.

"I don't know how to be ashamed, I just say that I want His Highness the King of Chu, I don't have any girl's restraint!"

Du Ruyan said harshly.

"Hmph!" Li Xueyan snorted coldly, half unsheathed the long sword in her hand, and let out a sharp sword moan.

"You guys." Princess Changle didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although she was not very happy in her heart, her younger brother was going to be snatched away, but there was no other way.

Moreover, the reason for her anger is that Miss Yan'er was born in Pingkangfang.

In terms of status alone, he is far from being worthy of Kuan'er, but saying this directly may have an impact on Kuan'er in the future....

Others, it doesn't matter.

She was mainly worried about Li Kuan's marriage.

It is said that the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother. As an older sister, she doesn't want her younger brother to be happy.

"Even if His Highness King Chu is snatched away, I think he deserved it." Princess Changle held the teacup lightly with her smiling fingers, and continued: "Everyone doesn't say anything, and holds back everything. Now it's all right. , someone got there first."

Li Xueyan, Du Ruyan and the others glared fiercely at Princess Changle.

However, nothing could be said in rebuttal.

Depressed, brewing in the small pavilion of the princess mansion.

For the first time, these young girls are worried about their life-long events.

In their minds, they all thought of this girl Yan'er, and... and these best friends sitting beside them.

Now it is unanimous to the outside world, but how many can His Royal Highness Chu marry?

It seems that compared to Miss Yan'er, these people are my real "enemies"!
Li Xueyan, Du Ruyan and the others looked at each other, and suddenly this idea came to their minds.

Tai Chi Palace.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui told Li Shimin the news.

Hearing what they said, Li Shimin couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Has Kuan'er's reputation reached such a level now?"

"This girl Yan'er has never been out of the house, but today she agreed to come down because of the name of King Chu."

"This time, I really borrowed the light of the King of Chu, otherwise, wouldn't I not be able to appreciate it?"

Li Shimin sighed.

Changsun Wuji and the three of them smiled wryly.


At that time, they could be sure that if Wei Zheng didn't say that there was a high probability that he would come, Miss Yan'er would definitely refuse.

After all, Miss Yan'er didn't talk too much, she just asked if His Royal Highness King Chu would come.

Zhangsun Wuji nodded.

"Who said no."

"Your Majesty, just now there was news from the Prince of Chu's residence, saying yes, His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu has replied that Hou Junji must die, and all his family members will be exiled to Lingnan."

Changsun Wuji said again.

Li Shimin was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

A chuckle.

He let out a long breath.

"Okay, Yi Kuan'er."

Hou Junji died.

The family was exiled to Lingnan.

Very reasonable.

After all, Hou Junji made great achievements during his lifetime, and no one in Lu Guogong's mansion knew about it this time.

At the same time, Li Shimin couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

"What the hell did you do, you brat? The message came back very quickly, why didn't you come back?"

"Or, he has been in Chu Palace and never went out at all?"

Li Shimin was puzzled.

Changsun Wuji and the three of them also shrugged.

Your Majesty, you ask us, who shall we ask?

Who in the world knows the movements of His Royal Highness the King of Chu?

Time, in the expectation of the people in Chang'an, in the countdown of countless scholars counting down with their fingers.

The Grand Ceremony is finally here!
On this day, the whole of Chang'an is in full bloom!
On this day, the whole of Chang'an is rubbing shoulders!
On the same day, the Suzaku door opened, and people and spirits were exhilarated!
Early in the morning, the sun had not yet come out, and the genius was just getting bright.

But the entire Chang'an city, as far as the eye can see, is full of common people.

Today, the chickens in Chang'an City are all dumbfounded.

In the past, it was a day when they crowed and woke people up, but today, people came to wake them up.

The children sang songs, held various flags, and ran quickly on the avenue. With the help of their dexterity, they kept drilling and stopping, and they were extremely excited.

Those women and girls also put on their best clothes.

Although it is already October, it is not too cold. It is cooler in the morning and evening. At noon, when I move, I can feel sweat droplets the size of soybeans rolling down.

It's the season when all kinds of clothes can be worn.

The autumn wind is rippling.


In short, on this day, the right time, place and people are harmonious, and there is no shortage at all!

In front of Suzaku's door.

Except for one passage, the rest of the standing places are full of people.

This channel is the channel for officials to enter the palace.

Today is a grand ceremony, and all civil and military officials will celebrate together.

"Oh, Wei Zhongshu, don't come here without any problems. I didn't expect to meet Wei Zhongshu at the door by such a coincidence." Kong Yingda was also wearing a clean blue gown of Confucian scholars today, leading Yu Shinan, Gai Wenda and others through the aisle to participate in the ceremony.

"What a coincidence, Chongyuan, you are here too, hurry up, please, please, hahaha... Today's important national event, Chongyuan, you must not get drunk or return!"

Wei Zheng said hurriedly, his face was so full of smiles that he could hardly see his facial features.

"Hey, Governor Yang, when did you come to Chang'an? Over there in Luoyang, are you okay?"

"Everything in Luoyang is safe and sound, Your Majesty's Grand Ceremony, I will naturally be present to celebrate in person!"

"That's right. Leave some people to guard Luoyang. I, the governor of Yangzhou, rushed here quickly, let alone him!"

"Hahaha... Let's go, let's go, let's go see His Majesty together!!"

In the passage, many high-ranking local officials who were abroad also gathered together.

After all, it is impossible for Tang officials to be the only ones from Chang'an.

Therefore, the number of local officials abroad who guard the ten ways of the world is also very large.

Today is such a prosperous age, but almost all qualified heretic officials who can come have come.

Even if I couldn't come, I tried my best to come.

(End of this chapter)

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