Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 235 The whole city cheers!This is Datang's progress!

Chapter 235: The whole city cheers!This is Datang's progress!
Li Shimin's heart is really infinitely high.

When had he seen such a scene?
Countless people fought in front of the imperial city, but they were as quiet as a tomb, without any noise. At this moment, it was as if all the sounds between heaven and earth had disappeared.

They all looked at Li Shimin.

Li Shimin exhaled heavily.

"After more than three months, sweet potatoes are finally harvesting."

"Actually, today, I shouldn't be the first one to dig it up. After all, the sweet potato was obtained by the King of Chu. It's a pity that the King of Chu has a calm temperament and doesn't like fame and wealth. He only loves the mountains and rivers."

"It's a pity that the king of Chu didn't arrive at today's grand ceremony!"

"In this case, it can only be me who came to receive the goods. The yield per mu is thirty dan. At the beginning, the king of Chu told me. If you are with me, I don't believe it."

"Thirty dans, this is [-] dans. I have grown crops and know what this represents. How is it possible?"


Having said that, Li Shimin rubbed his hands vigorously, his palms were all sweaty.

Thirty tons per mu!
To be honest, he really didn't dare to think about it before.

Such a high yield has never been seen in thousands of years.

"But! The King of Chu said that sweet potatoes are perfectly fine!"

"Since this is the case, I planted several trees in front of the Suzaku Gate in front of the people of the world. Now, I will tear it open with my own hands."

"Let the world, let the people take a look at what the King of Chu has brought to our Tang Dynasty!"

Li Shimin let out a long laugh, and pushed down the fence he had surrounded himself with with one hand.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and others stood as close as possible.

But even so, the invisible officials behind could still squeeze forward.

Even the common people want to go in and get closer, it is best to be able to see it with their own eyes.

But.After all, in this era of Datang, there is no live broadcast, no camera, and what can be seen is only the first few lines.

Jin Wuwei employed people to pull out a cordon to block the people.

Otherwise, the common people would really rush forward.

Their breathing is rapid.

Their eyeballs are about to pop out.

The common people have been waiting for this moment for more than three months, how can they not be excited?
Yiqianjin per mu!Thirty tons per mu!

In this case, who listens and who is not confused?
In this case, who would not be excited?
I can't hold it at all!

Li Shimin squatted down.

Empress Changsun and Li Yuan also squatted beside them.

They all watched together, and Li Shimin's hand was digging carefully towards a mound, for fear that something might go wrong.

For a while, breathing became short of breath.

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze.

Jieli Khan, the head of the Li family in Zhaojun, and Hou Junji all stared at Li Shimin.

It has to be said that the position of the audience is no better than the three of them.

He was able to see all of Li Shimin's movements without any obstruction.

Although this position was bought with a head, it was enough to bring some comfort to the three of them...
To be able to see with one's own eyes the auspicious harvest of thirty dans per mu before death is worth living in this life.

"Grandma's! Who is this King of Chu!"

"Thirty dan per mu, the Tang Dynasty has such a treasure. If I had known this earlier, I think I should have surrendered directly!"

Jieli Khan muttered to himself.

He is very clear, not only him, but also Tuli Khan and his group.

If it is really possible to produce thirty dan per mu, it will not take long, even if there is no mysterious army appearing, they will kneel here.

Every Turkic person knows the price that the people of Datang who can eat their fill will pay in order to defend their homeland.

At that time, let alone the Turks, even if the Tubo, Goguryeo and other dynasties were united, they probably would not be the opponents of the Tang Dynasty.

The mound of soil was scraped open.

Li Shimin has already grabbed the root of the sweet potato with his hands.

As time went by, the breaths of countless people present froze and stagnated.

At this moment, it seemed that all the attention between heaven and earth was in Li Shimin's hands.

Even the birds flying in the sky hover over the sweet potatoes, unwilling to leave for a long time.

"Hiss... ho..."

Li Shimin closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and settled his heart that seemed to be about to burst out of his chest.

He knew that if the birth of Sweet Potato was really what Kuan'er said, then a new era would begin!

If the yield per mu is less than [-] dan, then all the joy and expectations of today will really be in vain.

The Tang Dynasty is still the same Tang Dynasty, the people are still the same people, and the world is still the same world.

There will be no metamorphosis!
Li Shimin's hands were tightly clenched, and then he exerted force on his arms.

at last!

There was a slight sound of sweet potatoes breaking through the thin soil.

The soil on the sweet potatoes rolled down and fell.

Li Shimin's arm was raised high.

But, no one cares about dirt these days.

All eyes were on Li Shimin's raised hands.

That is…….
In an instant, between heaven and earth, there is endless oppression, endless emptiness, and endless silence.

They saw it!

sweet potato!

That's right, sweet potatoes!
I saw a pile of fruits bigger than a fist on a thick rhizome in Li Shimin's hand.

Is this.... sweet potato?
At this time, Li Shimin also raised his head. He stared at a series of sweet potatoes in his hand, opened his mouth, and his eyes burst.

He was frightened.

Really scared?
This sweet potato looks ordinary from the outside, and there is even a lot of dirt stuck to the red sandy surface.

However, Li Shimin can clearly understand the horror of this sweet potato!
Thirty tons per mu!
This point, Li Shimin is extremely sure, and the worries in his heart disappeared in an instant.!

Do not!
Even if the yield per mu is forty dan, maybe there is.

this weight...
Li Shimin could feel a tingling feeling coming from his arms, and he seemed to be holding sweet potatoes easily from the outside, but Li Shimin knew that this bunch of sweet potatoes weighed about five or six catties.

This sweet potato is really big!

Almost as big as two fists!

This is just one plant!
One plant weighs five or six catties!

Thirty dan, one mu of land, isn't it just like playing?
A load of one hundred catties.

It's just twenty sweet potatoes.

In this way, on an acre of land, only [-] plants need to be planted.

My small piece of land is only so big, and I have already planted nine sweet potatoes. In this way, one mu of land can easily produce [-] tons of crops.

This! ! !
This is real! ! !

real! !



Tears flowed from Li Shimin's eyes in an instant. These tears were like the opening of a river, like a galaxy hanging upside down, like a waterfall on earth!

Can't stop, really can't stop!

It just followed his cheeks and kept falling, and the dragon robe was already soaked in a few breaths.

The sun shines on the sweet potatoes.

When the rays of light and sweet potatoes reflected each other, Li Shimin had already seen the future of Datang.

King of Chu!

Wide! !
I love you so much! !
The corners of Li Shimin's mouth trembled crazily. He wanted to laugh, but also wanted to cry.

However, he knew that he was the emperor, and in today's scene, he had to maintain the emperor's posture that he should have.

But in his heart, laughter has blossomed, and his heart seems to be cracked by laughter!
Empress Changsun, Li Yuan had already noticed Li Shimin's abnormality by the side, and the two looked at the big teardrops, a little confused.

Is it....
Sweet potatoes not living up to expectations?

Changsun Wuji, Fang Weizheng, and Du Ruhui all stared at the sweet potato in Li Shimin's hand.

A little anxious in my heart.

What is the situation?

Has this sweet potato reached [-] tons per mu?
They don't know.

"Your Majesty, how about this sweet potato...?"


Empress Changsun glanced at both sides, she knew that she had to remind Li Shimin.

The common people and hundreds of officials are all watching.

Whether it is achieved or not, whether it is feasible or not, you have to express your opinion!
"Your Majesty, the yield of thirty dan per mu is too scary after all. Even if it is not reached, the common people will forgive it."

"It's okay, it's really okay!"

Empress Changsun's voice was clear and clear, spreading all around.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the yield of thirty dan per mu is like a myth."

"Now our people's food is only three or four dan per mu. As long as this sweet potato can produce seven or eight dan, it will be enough to balance the world, and the world will cheer!"

Changsun Wuji agreed.

"The auxiliary machine is right, Your Majesty." Wei Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, how about this sweet potato?" Du Ruhui asked.

Countless people's eyes were fixed on Li Shimin.

Your Majesty, why are you not moving?
However, this idea has just risen from the bottom of their hearts, and the next breath...

After all, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing out loud.

Have a good laugh!

Laugh loudly!

Laugh excitedly!
He swallowed hard, and carefully retracted his arms.

I can't help it, it's too heavy, this shit's arms are already shaking now, if I keep going, I really can't stand it.

However, Li Shimin did not hand over the sweet potatoes to anyone, but put them on the ground.

After that, he made an action that shocked countless people.

Li Shimin knelt directly on the ground.

He kowtowed three times to the sweet potato respectfully.

"His Majesty!!"

Empress Changsun cried softly.

But all around, whether it was the officials or the common people, before they could react from the loud laughter, they saw Li Shimin kneeling on the ground.


Li Shimin knelt on the ground, looked around, laughed a few times, and then shouted impatiently: "Seven or eight loads per mu?"

"No, it's too little! But as for the yield of thirty dan per mu? I also have some regrets."

Li Shimin said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, countless people looked at each other in blank dismay, at a loss.


In that case, didn't it reach thirty dan?

Did it fail after all?

But looking at His Majesty's attitude, even if it doesn't reach thirty dan, it must be much more than the three or four dan produced per mu.

However, there is still some sigh and discomfort in my inexplicable heart.

Especially those people who have been guarding the sweet potato for more than three months.

The expression on his face froze.

It seemed unacceptable for a while.

Empress Changsun and Li Yuan didn't know what to say.

Didn't reach it?

After all, what the King of Chu said was [-] dan per mu is too scary.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui glanced at each other, and there was tremor in their eyes.

Was the King of Chu wrong?
Has it not reached [-] dan per mu?

did not expect,
There are times when King Chu's words are wrong.

The three of them didn't know what was going on, and they began to feel uncomfortable.

But then, Li Shimin's voice sounded again.

Li Shimin had already seen everyone's expressions.

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the sweet potato with infinitely gentle eyes.


He raised his head again.

"No, you are wrong."

"The king of Chu said, never missed it!"

"Thirty dan per mu, what is it? I checked it myself. According to such a weight, it can be easily... Forty dan per mu!!"

As soon as this word comes out!
The minds of countless people around went blank in an instant.

That blood pressure, go straight up!

It seems to be splashing out of the top of the head!
In front of the eyes, the scenery is invisible, it is all black.

The dizziness came very suddenly.

His Majesty! !
what did you say? ! ! !

Horror spreads among all people, and deathly silence accompanies everyone.

Chang'an seems to be frozen!
at this moment.

It seemed that even breathing disappeared at this moment.

Empress Changsun was stunned.

Li Yuan was stunned.

Changsun Wuji was stunned.

Wei Zheng was stunned.

Everyone in the audience, who could breathe, was stunned.

Totally stupid!



Forty Dan per mu! !

For grandma, this is ten more than the thirty dan per mu.

To be honest, who would have thought of it!

It's absolutely amazing!

The original yield of thirty dan per mu is already shocking.

Li Shimin's silence just now made the common people think that it would not be possible to reach 3 to [-] dan, but that's it. In fact, they may be disappointed, but it's just a little bit disappointed with the expectations they held before.

To be honest, as Wei Zheng and the others said, it is enough to make people frightened if they can reach more than ten dan per mu.

This is food that the common people have never touched.

I don't know how many times stronger than the current yield of three or four tons per mu, enough to bring about earth-shaking changes for the people.

People, what else can you be dissatisfied with?
This is really a great gift from God to him.


just now!

Your Majesty, what did you say, this sweet potato can reach forty tons per mu!

Compared with thirty dan, a full ten dan came out!

my mother!

This extra fraction is enough to instantly kill the food they have worked so hard to grow.

Oh my God!
How is this possible?
real or fake?

The minds of the people are in chaos, and they don't know what to do or what to say.

I don't know how long it took, but Changsun Wuji, Du Ruhui and the others finally came to their senses.

Dark lips!

Yintang turns purple!

Fingers trembling!

Throat dry!

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty, this...Your Majesty, is what you said true or false? Forty tans per mu, forty tans per mu! This...this..."

Changsun Wuji was completely, completely incoherent.

(End of this chapter)

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