Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 238 Incredible!King Chu is everywhere!

Chapter 238 Incredible!King Chu is everywhere!
Not long after, Li Shimin's brows suddenly tightened, he pursed his lower lip, and leaned forward slightly.

He listened with great concentration.

This melody...
How strange!
I seem to have never heard of it!

Not only him, Xia Xia, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng, Changsun Wuji, Kong Yingda, Yu Shinan and other scholars were also stunned.

what is this?
Everyone stretched their necks, at a loss, with a dazed look on their faces.

However, their ears are more powerful than each element.

For fear of missing a note.

Also at this time.

Miss Yan'er moved her veil lightly, and her voice sounded.

"Void yesterday, now you are in front of me, I want to love, please give me a chance..."

Miss Yan'er sang with great care.

This piece of music was written to her by His Royal Highness the King of Chu for the first time.

At this moment, I miss His Royal Highness the King of Chu even more.

In my heart, I think about His Royal Highness Chu King day and night.

Miss Yan'er couldn't help playing the song "Preference".

The voice is soft.

But there is stubbornness in the softness.

When Miss Yan'er first heard this piece, the melody was melodious and novel.

All of a sudden, Miss Yan'er fell into it and couldn't extricate herself.

It was even more pestering. At that time, he didn't know that the man was His Highness Li Kuan, the King of Chu, so he taught him everything.

Such a tune, not to mention that she has never heard it before, even in the entire Tang Dynasty, such a tune has never appeared before.

However, when she learned it, she knew that she had been included in the song.

I prefer these two words, as if I wrote them for myself.

In her proud heart, that person lived forever, and could never be erased.

Even after following His Highness, he learned a lot of tunes, but the importance of this one can never be changed.

"You decide whether you want to accompany me, whether you want to listen to favoritism, rely on me to feel love, wait for your dependence, it is also very happy to be partial to you..."

When the last line of the lyrics was sung, Miss Yan'er's eyes were already moist.

Your Highness!
Yan'er has identified you, even if you don't stay with Yan'er in the future, Yan'er has already decided to accompany you forever.

Preferring to you, even if it hurts, is also very pleasant.

The corners of Yan'er's mouth curled up slightly.

After playing, she didn't say anything, got up slowly, hugged the guqin, turned and left.

Without any hesitation.


But at this moment, Li Shimin got up suddenly.

His eyes were fixed on the back of Miss Yan'er, his expression was cracked, his eyes were startled, he was at a loss and couldn't believe it.

This tune! !

This tune! !

This tune! !

And the words and sentences of this song are simply a match between heaven and earth, as if they were naturally formed.

Let alone heard of it, there is no record in history.

to be frank!
A melody is a melody, and in the Tang Dynasty, in general performances, almost all the melodies had no words.

Even the King of Qin Breaking the Battle that Li Shimin is proud of has no accompanying lyrics.

But this piece!

Sounds great!

sounds amazing! !
Li Shimin didn't even know how to describe it.


That's right! !
It's amazing! ! !

This melody, this note, this... this...
Not only him, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and others also opened their mouths wide and looked at Miss Yan'er in disbelief.

At this moment, they finally knew why they had the title of "No. [-] in the world".

She is not number one in the world,

Who is?

This song!

the word!

Absolutely! !
Just like Tianyin! !

"Miss Yan'er, please stop!"

Li Shimin finally shouted out.

Miss Yan'er paused, but Li Shimin was the emperor after all, she turned around and asked, "I wonder what your majesty is looking for Yan'er?"

"This... Gudong... This song is so good, can you play another one? Please, please!"

Li Shimin clasped his fists and said excitedly.

"Yes, Miss Yan'er, I was a little unreasonable before, please don't take offense, Miss Yan'er, please do another song."

"It's so good, it's so good, this song, even a bastard like me... feel like weeping."

"Miss Yan'er, let's play another song!!"


All the lords of Dagon Gun are also trying to stay.

The previous contempt in their hearts disappeared in an instant.

Miss Yan'er looked at these people's longing eyes.

After thinking about it, he nodded.

Miss Yan'er didn't think much about it.

What she thought was also very simple.

These are written by His Highness to himself, himself.We should also let everyone in the world know His Highness's talent!

Although His Highness wrote these lyrics and music for himself, after all, he couldn't just hide them like this.

Your Highness, after all, belongs to the people of the world, the whole world!
For myself, being able to have a little time with His Highness is already a blessing from God, and it is a great honor.

The guqin in Miss Yan'er's hand was slowly placed on the stand that Li Junxian had already prepared.

A silence.

Eyes burning.

All look forward to Miss Yan'er!
Miss Yan'er thought about it for a while, and she had a definite plan.

This piece of lyrics and music is His Highness's favorite, and it is also her favorite. The name of the lyrics and music is "Huahai".

Qu, start first!

Then, the pronunciation of the word is loud and clear!

"It's still, all the flowers are blooming, it's far away, love is clear, the sky is depressed, but love likes it very much..."

The sound of the song is Miaomiao.

Words are full of sound.

It's as if pearls and jade are falling on the ground, falling finely and crisply, and it's as if rainwater is falling on the pond, the smoke is lingering, like a dream.

Li Shimin really seemed to see a fairy.

This song!

The style is a bit different from the previous song, but in the heart, in the whole body, in the blood, it is like eating honey, as if putting him in the sweetest place in the world.

Also, the matching word is really perfect!

Spring is blooming!

Everything lasts as long as possible!

The kite flew by!

Butterflies are flying around!

Then walk in the overwhelming sea of ​​flowers with the girl I love.

For a moment, Li Shimin didn't want to be the emperor anymore, he just wanted to take the girl all over the world.

He pursed his lips hard.

Subconsciously, she turned her head to look at Empress Changsun beside her.

The latter, with starlight in his eyes, was already staring at himself.

Li Shimin took a deep breath, and couldn't help but gently hugged Empress Changsun into his arms.

At this moment, it seems that the wind is much gentler, and the air is full of sweetness.

How wonderful it would be to spend a lifetime together while wandering in the world.

"Don't want you to leave, the memory can't be separated, I owe your love, I'm waiting for a new start, the sky is still bright, it loves the sea, the love song is defeated, love no longer exists."

This song is not long.

When Miss Yan'er's guqin stopped, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun still hugged each other tightly.

The lyrics and music are sweet and sad, which made the two of them feel deeply.

In this life, we have walked hand in hand, wandering all the way, but never stopped, and have been walking hand in hand.

From the age of 13 to now, dozens of wind and rain.

And hug each other.

It is really a great blessing!
This lyrics and music are really... a treasure in the world, number one in the world!




Could this girl Yan'er be a star descending from the sky?Falling to Datang, falling to Chang'an?
Now, Li Shimin's heart is really convinced.

No. [-] in the world!

There is nothing more.

What's even more frightening is that Li Shimin has no idea how many such lyrics and music this Yan'er girl has.


Li Shimin took a deep breath, looked at Miss Yan'er, and slowly stood up.

"A girl's skill, a girl's profundity."

"I, I really admire it!"

"If the girl doesn't dislike it, please sit down, celebrate with us, and discuss the way of rhythm together."

Li Shimin invited directly.

"Yes, Miss Yan'er, stay here, I am number one in the world, I really admire it!" Changsun Wuji echoed.

"Miss Yan'er, the lyrics and music are unique, and no one in the world can surpass her. Before, I was really the one who watched the sky from the bottom of a well."

Wei Zheng felt lucky, he was glad that he invited Miss Yan'er, otherwise, he might have to work in the well for several years.

"Please, please! Miss, I'm ashamed to be a great talent. Really, girl, please!" Du Ruhui clasped his fists and said solemnly.

"Girl, stay here. The name of the girl must be spread all over the world, and her name will last forever. I will also be touched by the girl's talent, and I hope to go one step further above the melody!"

"Miss Yan'er, I really know why the girl has such a reputation. Before, I was really the one who looked down on others."


Others also agreed again and again.

Miss Yan'er looked at them, shook her head slightly, and gently supported Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

Guqin, the maid has reinstalled it.

"Your Majesty, empress, and ministers."

"It's serious, really!"

"Yan'er, I learned all these things under His Highness' account, and His Highness wrote all these lyrics for me. If you say that you are number one in the world, it's not Yan'er, but Your Highness."

Miss Yan'er said with a smile.

Your Highness? !
As soon as this remark came out, the full name was shocked!

You look at me, I look at you, at a loss.

Especially Li Jing, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and others,

They are even more sensitive to the word Your Highness! !
You know, His Royal Highness is His Royal Highness King Chu, so who is this His Royal Highness?

Why never heard of it?

Which genius is it?
Now these juniors, do they like to hide behind the scenes so much?

If I had such a talent, I am afraid that I would have already caused a lot of trouble in the world, and everyone in the world would know about it!

Li Shimin swallowed hard.

He looked at Miss Yan'er, and blurted out: "Miss Yan'er, do you know who this Highness is?"

Miss Yan'er paused.

She thought about it.

His Highness has never told himself that his name is not allowed.

Moreover, there has been a mysterious Highness being sung in Chang'an recently, and His Highness's name is rarely mentioned, so I don't need to hide it.

Your Highness, you shouldn't blame yourself.

Today is the ceremony!
All eyes.

Countless people in Chang'an participated in it.

I just wanted to find an opportunity to publicize His Highness's name. In comparison, is there a better opportunity today?

No more.

That being the case....
Miss Yan'er did not hesitate or doubt.

The red lips under the veil smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty, my Highness is exactly His Highness King Chu."

After finishing speaking, Miss Yan'er turned around and left directly.

But Li Shimin's mouth, which was about to continue speaking, was fixed there as if frozen.

His eyeballs seemed to protrude completely.


My whole body is numb!

The brain went blank with a "buzz".

The sound was like thunder.

It made his heartbeat seem to freeze, and he was at a loss, which was unbelievable.

King of Chu!

Li Kuan! ! !

Li Shimin swallowed hard.

I just felt a severe pain in my throat, and the saliva was like burning magma, scalding into my stomach.

Of course, although not spit like magma.

Instead, the blood in his whole body was boiling, and the pores of his whole body were emitting mist, as if there were countless coals burning and roasting in his body, and his internal organs were burning with pain.

His hands trembled a little.

His lips trembled violently.

The back of Yan'er girl was reflected in the split eyes.

Vaguely, he saw Li Kuan in a trance.

I saw the King of Chu in the Tang Dynasty! !

It's really unimaginable!
It turns out... So it turns out that this brat is manipulating all of this?

No, it's far from manipulative, maybe this brat just went to Pingkangfang, it's normal for a gentleman to love beautiful women, and then he became the absolute obsession in Miss Yan'er's heart.

These lyrics and music are given out at will!


Sea of ​​flowers!

How could he do that?
I should have thought of it a long time ago, I should have thought of all this long ago, Li Kuan, the poet sage, what's the problem with another music sage?

What's more, the world is so big that there is such a talented person, besides Kuan'er, who else can be found?

I should have thought of it long ago!
This girl Yan'er and Kuan'er...
Li Shimin's heartbeat thumped.

Not only him, but also the group of civil and military officials in charge of the world, they are also completely stupid.

Li Yuan was at a loss.

Empress Changsun was stunned.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and others looked at the steps and wanted to say something, but their nerves were completely tied up, leaving only shock and numbness.

King of Chu!
It's the king of Chu again!
Reasonable, unexpected!

Now that they know the result, it will be completely clear after a little thought.

Really wonderful!

Such a monstrous rhythm, except for His Royal Highness Chu Wang.Who else can do it?

Changsun Wuji let out a long breath, retracted his stiff eyes, turned his head, cupped his hands at Li Shimin and said with a wry smile, "Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Chu is so talented, rare in the world, and unparalleled in the world!"

Wei Zheng swallowed hard, stretched out his trembling hands, clasped his fists and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, the world says that Miss Yan'er has the best melody in the world. It turns out that His Highness King Chu did all of this, really. Yes... the old ministers dare not comment!!"

"Miss Yan'er is not really the number one in the world. It turns out that His Royal Highness King Chu is the number one. He is both excellent in poetry and music. Throughout the dynasties and dynasties, there has never been such a great talent!" Du Ruhui said dryly.

"That's it, that's it, Your Majesty, His Highness King Chu is so intelligent, it's really shocking!"

(End of this chapter)

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