Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 247 Obtaining a Solution!The ministers were stunned!

Chapter 247 Obtaining a Solution!The ministers were stunned!
Instead of directly helping the people, the imperial court gave the people a way, a way to get rich.

Let them exchange their labor for their own necessities, this is simply insane!
"it is good!"

After a long time, Li Shimin exhaled lightly and said in a deep voice.

"This way..."

"Help me to thank His Royal Highness Chu Wang for helping us to open up new ideas."

"It's not too late, old man, we won't bother you too much, and we'll have a drink with the old man after this matter is resolved!"

Li Shimin said solemnly.

The old man smiled and nodded.

"Okay, but don't worry, Your Majesty, and everyone, please sit down first."

"Come here, bring the snow, sand and salt, let His Majesty take them away."

The old man stopped the four of them and shouted outside.

Hearing this, Li Shimin immediately retracted the leg that was about to be stepped forward.

Almost forgot about it.

Snow sand salt!
Last time they told the old man that they would bring some to them if they had enough money in the other courtyard. Unexpectedly, they did! !

"I almost forgot about it, so I would like to thank the old man, please trouble the old man to keep thinking about it."

Li Shimin said gratefully.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui looked at each other, and they all bowed their hands to the old man to express their gratitude.

"Is there a lot of snow, sand and salt at King Chu's side?"

Li Shimin seemed to be very casual, and asked a question.

The old man shook his head and replied: "This old man really doesn't know. I usually don't care about His Highness's affairs."

"Besides, His Royal Highness has quite a lot of property, and the old Taoist only takes care of His Royal Highness and entrusts it to the old Taoist. Other than that, the old Taoist generally doesn't care about it."

"The snow, sand, salt, and sugar are all processed by the other courtyard. If Your Majesty has any ideas, you can go there and ask."

The old man answered.

Li Shimin nodded and didn't say anything more.

Soon, several people came up carrying eight large bags.

"Here is a bag of salt, and a bag of sugar, Your Majesty, and three more, one for each, please."

The old man laughed.

But Li Shimin was stunned.

Changsun Wuji and the three of them were also a little dumbfounded.

Not for anything else, just because this bag, Nima's, is a [-]-jin big sack! !
Seeing that the package is so cheap, if it wasn't for the snow, sand and salt inside, they would have thought it was something worthless.


Li Shimin took a deep breath, twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, and quickly cupped his fists at the old man, saying, "Okay! Good! Good!"

"Thank you, old man. It's not too late. I'll go to work first."

"By the way, old man, if His Royal Highness King Chu comes back, please let me know as soon as possible."

Li Shimin said.

He really had great doubts in his heart.

If there was no such thing as the snow disaster, he would have led his troops to look for the King of Chu right now.

He always felt that the king of Chu must still have a lot of this snow, sand and salt!
But exactly how many there are is impossible to guess.

Seeing is believing.

Unfortunately, we are not available right now.

After all, Li Shimin led the crowd, as well as snow, sand, salt and sugar, and hurried out.

When they walked out of Chu Palace.

Before, the sky, which was originally clear, suddenly dimmed again.

There is a wind.

Li Shimin suddenly raised his head.

outstretched hand.

It started again.

"Not good, let's go!"

Li Shimin yelled and rushed towards the imperial city again and again.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui were also taken aback.

No one thought that the snow last night was not over yet, and now it has started again.

The heavy snow hadn't receded yet, and the people hadn't reacted from the snow disaster. If it happened again, the entire Tang Dynasty might be paralyzed by more than half.

Heating is imminent!

Can't stand them coming slowly! !

Chang'an City.

Just beside Mingde Gate, there is a Town God's Temple.

This Town God's Temple is not big.

It took more than 100 years to build, and few people come to offer incense on weekdays. After all, there are many temples and Taoist temples in Chang'an City, and no one will come here.

Therefore, it has become a base camp for some beggars or orphans.

Although Chang'an is the capital of the Tang Dynasty, there are many orphans and beggars.

The small Town God's Temple was packed with more than 20 people.

In this way, in this cold weather, it can be regarded as a little warm.

But, the wind blows!
The simple windows on all sides, as well as the tightly closed doors, were all leaking wind. Immediately, the heat accumulated due to the large number of people disappeared instantly.

These people have blue complexions and white lips.

"'s going to snow again outside."

"Grandma, I haven't had time to pick up the firewood this year, and I don't have thick clothes. What should I do?"

"If this continues, we will really... really be frozen to death here."

Among the crowd, an older child spoke.

Everyone hugs themselves tightly.

curled up.

I want to turn myself into a circle.

It seems that it can be warmer this way.

The youngest children huddled together to keep warm in this way.

"Brother Yang...I think, before freezing to death, we will all be... starved to death."


In the crowd, a thin child shivered with a smile.



surround them.

Like a god of death, hovering above their heads.

No one spoke.

Those slightly older children, with anxious eyes, looked at the thick snow outside, and the wind that started to get stronger and the snow that started to fall again. They had no choice but to squeeze themselves hard again. clothes.

But these clothes are already stretched.

For such a temperature, it's like wearing nothing, it's useless at all.


He swallowed hard.

"Just die!!"

He closed his eyes.

At this time, even if they go out, no one can give them anything to eat.

Because every household has to prepare for themselves.

This year was supposed to be a disaster year.

The people themselves had no food reserves.

In the Town God's Temple, no one spoke.

Only the wind outside was howling more and more.

The snowflakes swept across the sky, it seemed that this time, it was even fiercer than yesterday!
Tai Chi Palace.

When Li Shimin came back with his eldest grandson Wuji, the place was already full of people.

Li Jing, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin....
Everyone looked anxious, pacing back and forth, at a loss, their expressions burst.

Empress Changsun kept looking out.

"Everyone, hurry up, His Majesty will be back soon."

"Your Majesty, eldest grandson Pushe, Wei Zhongshu and Prime Minister Du, the three of them went to Chu Palace. Please be calm and calm. I believe Your Majesty will find a solution."

Empress Changsun comforted everyone in a deep voice.

At this time, Empress Changsun's eyes suddenly lit up.

She quickly ran outside.

"Your Majesty, you are back!!"

she exclaimed.


Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing, Qin Qiong and others all turned their heads and looked outside the Taiji Palace.

I saw Li Shimin and Changsun Wuji coming from outside in the snow.

"His Majesty!"

Immediately, Qin Qiong exclaimed and walked out quickly.

"Your Majesty, the heavy snow has started again now, Your Majesty, please hurry up and order disaster relief."

"Otherwise... the common people are really going to freeze to death and starve to death."

"At that time, it's's too late."

Qin Qiong roared hastily.

Li Shimin looked at the few of them, took a deep breath, and walked into the Tai Chi Palace.

Empress Changsun hurriedly patted the snow on her body.

"I know about this."

"The most urgent task is to warm up the people as soon as possible."

Li Shimin shouted in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, now, not to mention the common people, even some rich men don't have charcoal in their homes, and now that the heavy snow has started to block the roads again, we can't deploy charcoal at all."

"And, Your Majesty, the common people are not prepared for winter at all, and the gap is huge. Your Majesty, we don't have that much money, so we all buy charcoal."

"The situation in Chang'an County and Wannian County is not good. If there is no solution now, I believe that by tomorrow, people will be frozen to death."

Qin Qiong said hurriedly.

Li Shimin glanced at him.

"Don't worry, I... already have a solution."

"Otherwise, what do you think I went to Chu Palace for? To play?"

"Your Majesty, is His Highness the King of Chu back?" Hearing this, Li Jing asked suddenly.

Li Shimin shook his head, and replied: "No, but, do you still remember the briquettes you saw in the Chu King's Courtyard last time?"

"This time, whether the people of Chang'an can get over this hurdle depends on the briquettes."

As soon as these words came out, Li Jing, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin and the others' eyes lit up suddenly, and they also looked stunned.

damn it!
This is really a real timely help! !

"King Chu... Gudong... Okay, Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

"I don't know if the king of Chu still has this briquette?"

Li Jing asked again.

Yuchi Jingde was beside him, but he was a little dazed.

what is this?
I have never heard of it myself.

However, seeing that several people knew about this thing, and their faces showed excitement, the worries in their hearts seemed to be much less.

Involuntarily, he was not as flustered and hopeless as before.

"This time, don't just think about ready-made ones."

Li Shimin took a deep breath, his eyes became more dignified.

In the past, when they had any problems, they almost simply picked up the ready-made food from Chu Palace.

But this time, the heavy snow covered a wide area, except for Chang'an, there is a large area outside, it can be said that the north of Chang'an is covered.

What the King of Chu has ready-made is not enough to relieve the entire disaster area.

Can only rely on... Work for relief! !
Li Shimin was thinking about these four words along the way.

And the more you think about it, the more you will be shocked by the wisdom of King Chu.


Really terrible!

Let the common people devote themselves to this snowstorm, when the time comes, what else is there to worry about?
With a way to keep warm, there is hope for survival.

Li Shimin took a deep breath, looked around, and said, "Relief with work!!"

"Auxiliary machine, explain to them, and then, start preparing, without delay."

Li Shimin shouted in a low voice.

Relief with work? !
As soon as these words came out, Li Jing, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin and the others were a little dazed, and looked at Changsun Wuji again and again.

Changsun Wuji quickly stood up and explained carefully.

Inside the Tai Chi Palace, it was extremely quiet.

Outside the main hall, the cold wind howled and the sky was covered with snow.

When Changsun Wuji's voice fell, the hearts of everyone present jumped wildly.




Not from the perspective of human nature, but from the perspective of reality, these four words can be said to make their hearts clear! !

"The coal needed for briquettes can be found everywhere."

"Now, let's go."

"This method must be spread throughout the north! Some people will make briquettes, and some people will prepare porridge for disaster relief!"


Li Shimin looked at Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and the others, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Almost in unison, everyone bowed and clasped their fists, made a firm voice, and then left in a hurry.

This time, unlike before, he was flustered and helpless.

But there is a tiger in the heart, and the blood is boiling.

Li Shimin watched their backs, and gently sat aside.

Empress Changsun quickly poured tea and handed it to Li Shimin with both hands.

"Your Majesty, don't worry this time."

"You and I have seen the power of briquettes. The best charcoal is powerful. People, it should be fine."

"Besides, if there is work instead of relief to mobilize the cohesion of the whole people, what kind of disaster will we not be able to get through?"

Empress Changsun comforted her.

Li Shimin nodded slightly.

He glanced at Empress Changsun and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Huh... Guanyin servant girl. In this life, the last thing I regret is marrying you."

"Otherwise, where do you go to find such a good prince as Kuan'er?"

Empress Changsun was taken aback.

Immediately his face turned red.

Slightly shy.


Li Shimin laughed heartily.

Such a witty remark from Li Shimin made the atmosphere in Tai Chi Palace less tense than before.

Empress Changsun gently rubbed Li Shimin's temples.

"With a house, there is hope."

"Yes, as long as there is a way, no matter how difficult things are, they can finally go on."

"The world is covered in heavy snow. I don't know where this stinky boy, King Chu, is, and will he come back? At that time, I really want to thank him."

"Hehe... If it wasn't for Kuan'er, during this period of time, I might have bowed down to plow the land under Mount Li with you."

Li Shimin said with a smile.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and the others are already busy.

Then the next thing can be regarded as a clue.

This snow disaster might bring some troubles to the imperial court, but after all, it was not about waiting to die helplessly.

Empress Changsun nodded.

She sighed softly and looked out.

The wind and snow outside the main hall has completely grown.

The snowflakes, like feathers, really fell down. After a while, the traces of their previous walks were covered up, and they became like jade again.

(End of this chapter)

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