Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 253 At the foot of Mount Li!Murder appears!

Chapter 253: At the Foot of Mount Li!Murder appears!
This time, the aristocratic family cut off the lifeblood of the people, isn't it equivalent to cutting off the lifeblood of Datang?


Unable to control it, Li Jing gasped.

The corners of his eyes trembled uncontrollably, as if they were about to burst.

The eyes are staring, like Niu Dan.

Bloodshot, densely packed.

After Wei Zheng said that, how could he not understand the joints?

"His Majesty!"

Li Jing screamed.

Li Shimin's eyes can eat people.

At this time, the court is already troubled.

The people in Chang'an, under the heavy snowstorm, couldn't breathe.

Now, Shizu suddenly came with a knife from behind, and couldn't hold it back at all.

How to carry it?
At the same time, also accurate!
Really accurate, this knife almost pierced his own heart, the heart of the imperial court, the hearts of the common people, and the heart of the world!

If you can't cope with this knife.

The self, the people, the imperial court, and the world will all completely collapse and split apart.

There is no place to die!

Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui also stared extremely wide.

Standing in the snow, motionless.

Listening to Wei Zheng's analysis, their hearts and brains were also extremely burst.





Shizu, is this going to.... Is this going to be the last fight?
They dared to use salt to control the world!
This is the lifeblood of the common people and the foundation of the Great Tang Dynasty. Now they are going to fight His Majesty forever.

""Your Majesty, we... what should we do? "

"The city is closed by heavy snow, where can we find salt at this juncture?"

"But if there is no more salt, even if the people don't make trouble, the world will collapse. When the time comes, the aristocratic clan and they..."

Li Jing was a little scared.

He was cold.

prior to.

He really didn't think too much about it, but Wei Zheng's words were really frightening.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Li Shimin looked at him with an extremely gloomy expression.

Shake his head.

Take a deep breath.

"Pharmacist, go back, first find a way to stabilize the people with the people of Jingzhao Mansion."

"As for dealing with the aristocratic clan, I have to think about it carefully."

Li Shimin said solemnly.

After that, he turned around and walked out.

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Li Jing was confused.

Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui also hurriedly followed.


Look dazed.

They also don't know where His Majesty is going.

However, they must accompany!

"Pharmacist, you should go back to the Ministry of War first, Chang'an needs you now."

"Your Majesty, just leave us to accompany His Majesty. Go and get busy. At this time, don't let your feet wander."

Wei Zheng turned his head and shouted at Li Jing.

When Li Jing heard this, his eyes flickered.

Hearing Wei Zheng's words, he took a deep breath.

"it is good!"

Li Jing didn't know what to do now, since His Majesty gave such an order, he immediately agreed.

"Your Majesty, Wei Zheng, remember to be careful."

"If there is any news or countermeasures, please notify the Ministry of War and Jingzhao Mansion as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty, the last general, let's go."

Li Jing left in a hurry.

It was extremely difficult for Li Shimin to walk in the snow that nearly reached his knees, but it was extremely difficult.

He's going to Lishan Mountain!
Go see King Chu!
Now, those who can save him, can save Chang'an, and can save the people.Only the inquiring news came from Lishan.

Snow sand salt!
What is the situation, he must find out.

"Your Majesty, are we going to Lishan Mountain?" Changsun Wuji followed, glanced at Li Shimin, and couldn't help asking softly.

In fact, he already had a guess in his heart.

In this situation, His Majesty has no other place to go except to go to Mount Li.

Not to mention, they just came back from Chu Palace.

The situation of snow, sand and salt....
At this time, His Majesty must figure it out, at least he has a bottom line in his heart.

Snow sand salt.

It is the only unstable factor in Chang'an.

How many are there?
To be honest, Changsun Wuji and the others also want to know from the bottom of their hearts.


Li Shimin swallowed.

"I'm going to take a look at this snow and salt. I wanted to wait until the snow had melted a bit, but I had no choice."

"Let's go, there is still a long way to go from Mount Li. I hope I can arrive before dawn tomorrow..."

Li Shimin said slowly.

"Okay, Your Majesty, it's okay, let's walk slowly, we can always get there."

"It's just snow, not a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Be careful where you step, we will open the way for you!"

When Du Ruhui heard this, he said firmly.

On weekdays, they all use horse-drawn carriages, and it takes only half a day to travel from Chang'an to Lishan.

Now, the road is blocked by heavy snow.

The situation of rushing must be very slow.

And this is much slower than usual walking, with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Yes, they know.

There is a must to go to Lishan!

Even if it's a knife in the front, you have to go!
Changsun Wuji and Wei Zheng also nodded heavily.

Clenched fists tightly.

The complexion is tough.

Li Junxian, who has been following, heard this, and immediately called other people to prepare for various things.

There must be no accidents along the way.

He really hoped that Li Shimin could go again in the daytime.

It will be dark now.

There is so much snow again.

As night fell, so did the cold winds.

However, Li Junxian is very clear.

This trip to Mount Li, even if the sky falls, His Majesty will go.

"This time, do we still have to rely on His Highness the King of Chu?" Wei Zheng couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know if His Royal Highness King Chu can help Datang get out of this crisis again, but the snow, sand and salt are so good, the craftsmanship must be extremely complicated, is it really enough to support the whole of Chang'an?" Changsun Wuji said deeply. soundtrack.

"I don't know." Du Ruhui shook his head and continued, "But..."

He smiled wryly: "However, the surprise His Royal Highness the King of Chu gave us is too terrifying."

"Who knows how much private money His Royal Highness King Chu still has? We don't even know yet."

Li Shimin took a deep breath.

did not speak.

Dive into the snowstorm.

Headed towards Lishan.

The shoes were already wet after a day of walking.

Snow melted water, has been soaked.

However, he persisted, just for the last hope in his heart.


It never occurred to him that there was anything else he could do to deal with this situation.

In desperation, after all, he had to rely on Kuan'er, and his private money.
Imperial City.

Tai Chi Palace.

Empress Changsun also received news from the Jinwu Guard that Li Shimin and the others were going to Lishan late at night.

Hearing this, Empress Changsun was stunned for a moment, but she understood in an instant.

Your Majesty must have encountered something difficult again.

She knew very well that Li Shimin would never be so capricious.

He is also an emperor who is very good at listening to other people's opinions.

If nothing happened, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and others would never accompany him, nor would they be so resolute.

Thinking of this, Empress Changsun put on her cloak and walked directly outside.

snow, very deep.

Can be fearless.


This time, has His Majesty put his hope on Kuan'er again?


She still doesn't know what happened here.

The snow seems to have stopped today.

However, the wind howled at night.

Empress Changsun tightened her cuffs and ran directly towards Suzaku's gate.


She is running.

She wanted to find Li Shimin and the others.

"Empress, it's getting late at night, please go back quickly, empress."

"If His Majesty finds out, he will blame us."

The guards following closely wanted to stop him.

Empress Changsun shook her head.

"Whoever dares to persuade you again, kill Wushe!"

What Empress Changsun said was extremely firm.
Li Shimin, Wei Zheng and others braved the night to leave the imperial city, and it seemed that they were going to leave Chang'an too.

Although not many people come out now.


The news didn't take long.

Soon, you know almost everything you need to know.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi had a gloomy expression on his face.

In the silence, his eyes were full of contemplation and doubt.

On this day, Li Shimin took his eldest grandson Wuji, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui to go out of the city?

What are they doing out of town?
The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi is really unpredictable.

Absolutely impossible to guess!
Li Shimin and the others, what is their plan?

Moreover, it was getting dark, and there was snow outside, so the roads inside Chang'an City were difficult to walk, let alone the roads outside Chang'an City.

"Brother Li, if Li Shimin wants to do this now, it is probably because of salt?"

"Besides salt, what other reason could make them leave the city at this time?"

"Today, Li Jing has already told Li Shimin about this matter, presumably they should prepare countermeasures."

The head of the Cui family in Qinghe thought for a long time, but he didn't have any clue, so he could only make such a bold guess.

It can be said that the family put everything on this strategy.

Of course, it must be watertight and keep an eye on all relevant personnel.

Li Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Jingzhao Mansion are also top priorities.

Today, when Li Jing left the Ministry of War, they can be said to have received the news.

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi looked solemnly.

But the Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang let out a slight snort.

"If it's for the salt, then why did he go out of the city? Could it be that... there is salt outside the city?"

"But, how is this possible?"

The head of the Zheng family in Xingyang spoke.

He really couldn't figure it out, even if Li Shimin was in a hurry and took medicine indiscriminately, which song was he singing?
Outside the city, there is now a fart of salt.

The Patriarch of the Cui family in Qinghe gave a wry smile, but did not speak.

He is just guessing.

He didn't know what he was going to do.

"No! He is for the salt!!"

But at this moment, the Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes became clear all of a sudden.

"At the foot of Lishan Mountain! Our spies also discovered that the King of Chu might be at the foot of Lishan Mountain. This is the only possibility. Li Shimin must have gone here!"

"Otherwise, there is nothing else to say."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi raised his head and shouted in a low voice.

"At the foot of Mount Li?"

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng of Xingyang both exclaimed.

Being reminded by the Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang like this is completely transparent.

That's right!

No matter how you look at it, Li Shimin left the city in such a hurry that he didn't hesitate to go in the heavy snow. He must be going to the foot of Lishan Mountain!

There is no other place except here.

"Then what should we do?" The head of the Zheng family in Xingyang exclaimed.

"Do you want to move? Just watch him go to Lishan?"

Bloodthirsty was revealed in his cloudy eyes.

From Chang'an to the foot of Lishan Mountain, the journey is not short.

Just relying on these two legs to walk there, even if it takes a day, it may not be possible to get there.

In the mind of the Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang, another idea suddenly occurred to him.

The corner of Qinghe Cui's patriarch's mouth curled up.

Fingers, grabbed the handle of the chair suddenly.


"Of course to kill!"

"Such a good opportunity, if you don't kill it, it will be a waste!"

"We have wasted so much effort just to deal with Li Shimin. Now that he wants to come to the door by himself, don't blame the old man."

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi immediately made a decision.

In Chang'an, they dare not attack Li Shimin.

too difficult!
In case of failure, it would not be a simple loss of rice, but a direct and shattering destruction.

However, out of town, it's different.

Not to mention, there is so much snow outside now that it is perfect for an ambush.

"Hahahaha... Patriarch Li, you are right."

"The swordsman of my Zheng family, this time, will show up..."

The Patriarch of the Zheng family in Xingyang slapped his thigh and said directly.

"Black ice platform, also prepare immediately."

The excited voice of the head of the Li family in Longxi was a little hoarse.

"By the way, let's go ahead and tell the other companies to prepare."

"With such a good opportunity, I can only kill Li Shimin, and everything will be over."

Patriarch Cui of Qinghe and Patriarch Zheng of Xingyang looked at each other, their old eyes were filled with madness.

Who would have thought that God suddenly gave them another great opportunity.

Li Shimin is himself going to die.

Outside Chang'an, if Li Shimin can be killed directly.

All is well.

It really saves them a lot of effort.

"it is good!"

The two shouted in unison.

Wei Wangfu.

The brazier, burning, exudes a warm fire.

Li Tai was covered with high-quality animal skins, eating grapes comfortably and enjoying the service of the little eunuch.

"His Royal Highness King Wei."

At this moment.

Wei Ting and Chai Lingwu stepped on the snow and rushed in with difficulty.


Li Tai got up immediately.

The guard who notified outside was embarrassed.

Before he had time to report, the three of them rushed in.

Who would have thought that these three old men would walk not much slower than him this time.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Li Tai squinted his eyes, suppressed the surprise in his heart, and asked.

This time comes...
Li Tai also glanced out.

Snow did not fall.

However, the wind is still tight.

If they don't have any major events, it is absolutely impossible for them to come.

"Your Highness, get ready."

"Perhaps, early in the morning, early in the morning, it's your turn to go."

"Dragon Robe, are you ready?"

Wei Ting spoke directly, without any twists and turns.

(End of this chapter)

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