Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 274 His Royal Highness Chu has arrangements!All nations come to court!

"Not to mention, how much salt can the common people eat in a month? The common people in the world should eat salt!"


Shangguan Haitang said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Is that so?

That's it!


They look at me, I look at you, no one can speak.


It's really amazing, how did His Royal Highness Chu's brain grow?Such a method can be found.

Oh my God! !

As giants in the imperial court, they understand very well that the significance of this technology to the common people, if it is really as Shangguan Haitang said, then the common people in the world will have a complete carnival, and will also usher in a great progress.

The standard of living of the common people has also been raised a lot! !

I have to admire it!


Li Shimin swallowed.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is, Miss Haitang, Kuan'er..."

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful! If that's the case, I really want to thank the King of Chu and you on behalf of the people of the world."

Li Shimin said in a deep voice.

"That's right, brat Kuan'er, Miss Haitang, tell me, how much private money do you have? I don't know."

Empress Changsun was also stunned.

She stared at Shangguan Haitang, really wanting to see clearly how much the guards around her son knew about him.

"Empress, hehe, His Royal Highness's private money..."

"Your Highness said that you can't disclose it, but you will know when the time comes. Your Highness will reveal it little by little, so that the Tang Dynasty will be different from the previous dynasties, completely different!"

When Shangguan Haitang said this, her eyes were like stars.

Empress Changsun watched quietly, with a small smile at the corner of her mouth, infinitely proud.

Kuan'er, this is really his own Qilin'er.

And really, the Lord of Prosperity that Datang should have!

This is how to lead the great country of the lobby!

Li Shimin was next to him, but he was extremely envious.

Why can't Kuan'er give himself one or two of his brains? doesn't matter anymore.

After all, I didn't live as long as Kuan'er.

I really don't know where Datang will go under the influence of Kuan'er.

That must be a prosperous age that I have never seen before, and it has never been recorded in the book!
"Miss Haitang, I don't know why the King of Chu didn't come back this time."

"I, Datang, what is the best way to go?"

Li Shimin asked in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Shangguan Haitang.

Next, how will Datang go?
Ministers like Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, and Du Ruhui all understood that the direction of His Royal Highness King Chu was most likely the future direction of Datang.

Datang, where is he going!
They really can't remember.

However, it is definitely not like it is now, taking it easy and repeating the dramas of the past dynasties.

Everyone is very clear about their abilities.

To be honest, they have paid a lot in these years, but, the Great Tang... the world... and this imperial court...
Nothing much has changed.

Everyone said that Li Jingcheng, Jin Qinqiong and the like were fierce.

But Zai Qiang, can he be stronger than Bai Qi Meng Tian?Can he beat Wei Qing and Huo Qubing?Can it compare to Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Zhou Yu?

Everyone said that Fang Mou was decisive, and that the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was extremely wise.

But, can they compare to Xiao and Zhang Liang?There are not many people like them in the past dynasties.

But what is the result?

Well known.

Throughout the dynasties, there has been constant reincarnation.

It seems that there has never been a vicious circle.

If there is no His Royal Highness Chu, if they continue, they will only reshape some prosperous times in the past, and then, at a certain stage, the Tang Dynasty will decline and re-enter the cycle again.

But now what?

The king of Chu is here!

With Your Highness!

The way of His Royal Highness Chu!

In the direction of His Royal Highness King Chu, they always have a feeling that they can definitely jump out of this vicious circle and walk out a brand new path.

Absolutely! !

This is already leaving them far behind!
Countless gazes looked at Shangguan Haitang.

He wanted to know the answer from Li Kuan's guard.

Shangguan Haitang smiled lightly.

He took a sip of his tea.

"Your Majesty, and Your Majesty, His Highness has made arrangements for these matters."

"But right now, Your Highness has more important things to do."

One, a big event that needs to eradicate a strong enemy!

However, Shangguan Haitang did not say this sentence, His Highness had ordered that it is best not to worry His Majesty's little son and the others.
A month later.

All the rebellious officials and thieves who participated in the rebellion were all executed.

Datang has ushered in a brand new moment, Chaotang, the one-word hall of the Li family's royal family!
The court hall was peaceful, but in the marketplace, Shen Lian looked depressed.

Yuheng, and his granddaughter!

Recently, he was investigating a case. He was going to catch Yuheng by the tail, but he was still escaped in the end.

His Highness, he went back to the north and relied on the things of the snow mountain to fight against Fan Yang Lu's family, while he was in charge of Yuheng, one of the seven stars.

I thought that the progress would be faster than His Highness, but I didn't expect to be run away, and lost many brothers.

"This Yuheng is indeed the person who was able to work with His Highness."

Shen Lian sighed, and then ordered Jin Yiwei to say: "You immediately go and get the file of the case of Tai Chi Temple a month ago, and then go to the Ministry of Rites to check the situation of the Taoist priests registered in the Ministry of Rites of Tai Chi Temple a month ago, and then compare the files to see Before and after that case, did the number of Taoist priests in Taiji Temple change? At the same time, I searched for Taoist priests in Taiji Temple who were still alive, and asked Wu Yazi if there was anything unusual at that time, which Taoist priest Wu Yazi had a good relationship with, and often stayed together... "

Recently, due to the infinite prestige of the king of Chu, they can also use the power of the court.

When Jin Yiwei heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he said, "My lord, could it be that..."

The corners of Shen Lian's mouth twitched slightly: "I caught Yuheng before but the other party was a puppet. It seemed unbelievable, but there are traces to follow. I checked this time. If you want to turn a person into a puppet, you have to do it yourself. That's fine, so if my predictions are correct, maybe Yuheng was in the Tai Chi Temple when the case happened a month ago!"

"Check it out, maybe Yuheng's veil is about to be pulled away!"

"Yes! My lord!" Jin Yiwei immediately nodded excitedly, and then left quickly.

Shen Lian let out a breath of turbid air lightly, and the black eyes in his eyes shone brightly.

Are there other secrets hidden in the cases that I have already investigated?

If there is really a secret, being able to hide it from him during his first investigation is really not weak.

But Shen Lian wasn't ashamed, or felt that he couldn't do it... After all, the case from a month ago has passed, and what he can find now is very limited.

No matter how deep Yuheng hides, Shen Lian will dig him out bit by bit.

"Yuheng, the gift you gave is really big. Why... Do you think that even if you tell me that Wu Yazi in the last case is the direction of investigation, I can't find you? Or, Do you think you have erased all traces and traces?"

Shen Lian's eyes flickered, full of energy like never before.

"grown ups."

At this moment, a Jin Yiwei suddenly came over and said: "My lord, there is an order from the palace, let your lord enter the palace immediately to face the saint."

"Enter the palace?"

Shen Lian raised his eyebrows.

Who is looking for yourself?
He thought to no avail, so he nodded: "Let's go, enter the palace."

After entering the palace, some palace servants brought Shen Lian to the front of the Taiji Palace, and then a guard said: "Commander Shen, Your Majesty has an order. Commander Shen has arrived. You don't need to be notified, you can enter directly."

Shen Lian nodded, not surprised.

He thanked the guard and quickly entered inside.

Entering the Tai Chi Palace, he found that Li Shimin was the only one in the entire Tai Chi Palace.

Today, he is not wearing a dragon robe, but a quaint black suit, his back looks majestic and lonely.

Is this Li Shimin, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?.

Shen Lian took a deep breath. This was the first time he had seen No.1 in the world, and it was inevitable that he felt a little complicated.

"I've met Your Majesty." Shen Lian bowed slightly, neither humble nor overbearing, and said to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin turned around when he heard the sound.

He looked at Shen Lian with an inexplicable charm in his eyes.

After a moment.

His eyes are soft and his mouth is smiling.

He smiled and said: "Hahaha, I have long heard that Commander Shen is young and promising, handsome and handsome, and he bought one of my son Li Kuan's subordinates. When I saw him today, it really is as rumored."

The voice fell.

With Li Shimin's evaluation, Shen Lian didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Be flat, no need to be too polite." Li Shimin continued.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After all,

Shen Lian felt a little uncomfortable in the face of Li Shimin, how can I put it... It's also the discomfort of a small person after seeing a big person.

He cut to the chase and asked directly: "Ahem, Your Majesty summoned his subordinates, but what happened?"

When it came to business, Li Shimin's face became stern, and he nodded slightly, but he didn't hide it.

After all, he called Shen Lian over because it was really urgent, so he found Shen Lian who had never been in contact with him.

"I called you here, I have something to tell you."

Li Shimin's eyes suddenly became serious. He looked at Shen Lian and said, "It's Wan Nation who wants to come to court..."

Inside the Tai Chi Palace.

"All nations come to court?"

When Shen Lian heard Li Shimin's words, she couldn't help being surprised.

He came from the Ming Dynasty, so he knows the history of Datang at this time.

The Tang Dynasty at this time is far from reaching the most prosperous period in history.

Tuyuhun is still alive.

Tubo is still bouncing around, constantly threatening the north of Datang.

The Tang Dynasty in this period has never reached the point where it can frighten the countries and make them bow their heads and become ministers, so... At this time, how could it be possible for all countries to come to court?
Shen Lian looked at Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty, what's going on?"

Li Shimin didn't hesitate either, after all, this was the most important thing he called Shen Lian to.

He said: "In the past few days, I have received letters from many countries. Nanzhao, Dashi, Tiele, Persia, Bolu, Tubo and other countries have all sent letters, hoping to send envoys to my Tang Dynasty. Let me be in the Tang Dynasty to discuss the world's major affairs."

"As for the time they requested to go, I have also checked. If there is no delay on the way, the envoys from these countries will arrive in Chang'an almost at the same time within three days."

"This matter is a bit too coincidental. If there are only one or two countries, it will be fine, but dozens of countries send letters almost at the same time and arrive almost at the same time. There are some problems."

Li Shimin looked at Shen Lian and said, "Commander Shen, originally I wanted to ask Kuan'er about this matter, so I went to Chu Palace yesterday and asked the old gentleman to bring a letter to Kuan'er."

"Today, Kuan'er replied to the letter, and he said that you will preside over the coming of all nations! Although I am puzzled, Kuan'er has always been impeccable in his work, and he has saved my Tang Dynasty from crisis several times."

"So I asked you to come here to hear what Kuan'er said, and to ask for your suggestion. Do you think these countries are a coincidence, or do you have a conspiracy? Should we agree to their mission?"

Shen Lian narrowed his eyes slightly.

He understood what His Majesty meant. What His Majesty said was different from the coming dynasty of all nations that he had imagined.

Your Majesty just meant it literally, not what I imagined, the meaning that Datang was honored as Heavenly Khan.

And this matter, Your Highness asked me to do it, is it... there is the figure of the Big Dipper?

He thought for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty, I never believe in coincidences. From my point of view, the so-called coincidence is just that someone is making some efforts in places we don't know. Not many, so it feels like a coincidence."

"Not to mention this time, there are dozens of countries by coincidence."

Li Shimin's eyes moved, and he said, "Commander Shen, what do you mean...are there any connections or collusion between them?"

"Some of these countries have always been in a state of hostility, just like the Turks and us before the Tang Dynasty. They cannot cooperate closely, so I think..."

Shen Lian paused, and continued to calmly say: "Some countries definitely have plots, but some countries may just know something, don't want to miss this opportunity, and just want to join in the fun, so they come along .”

What Shen Lian said was a little forgiving, but Li Shimin quickly understood.

Shen Lian made it very clear that among these countries, there must be some countries that are secretly united, but they don't know what they want to do.

And there are also some countries, who don’t know through what channels, know that those countries want to do something, so they join in the fun and come together. They may not be with those countries, but there is no doubt that if they have the opportunity to get They will never let go of some interests.

Li Shimin frowned, he thought for a while, then looked at Shen Lian, and said: "In this case, it means that no matter who it is, everyone has ulterior motives for my Tang Dynasty. Do you agree to let them come here?"

Because it was arranged by the king of Chu to let Shen Lian host, so Li Shimin valued Shen Lian very much.

The corner of Shen Lian's mouth curled up, and he smiled deeply and said, "Why don't you let them come over?"

(End of this chapter)

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