Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 280 Incredible!What the hell is going on!

He raised his finger and pointed at A Bao, just like an abandoned woman accusing a scumbag, full of grief.

" are talking nonsense!"

His face was flushed, as if he had been wronged so much.

He shouted: "I, I don't know who you are at all, I have never seen you at all, how could I kill my master?"

"Moreover, I just greeted the distinguished guests invited by my master at the door, and they can all testify that I didn't come here at all, are just talking nonsense and framing!"

As the housekeeper spoke, he pointed to the few people who had just followed him in from outside the door.

These people were all wearing official uniforms. Shen Lian glanced at them. Some of them looked familiar. They were all court officials.

And these people are also in the list that Li Kuiqing mentioned before.

Therefore, they are all members of Wang Wenru's clique.

He is also a member of His Royal Highness.

At this moment, these people were all stunned.

When they saw Wang Wenru's corpse, they felt as if they had been hit with a heavy hammer, and their bodies couldn't help shaking.

Their faction is based on Wang Wenru.

It can be said that Wang Wenru is the leader of their faction and their IQ.

But now that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not here, and Wang Wenru is dead, to them, it is tantamount to thunder on the ground.

So much so that they were stunned for a long time before they realized that the person whom the housekeeper yelled at as the murderer was tonight's guest, Shen Lian.

This made them stunned again.

But soon, someone couldn't help but said: "Shen Lian,, why are you so cruel?"

"You killed Lu Xie because Lu Xie had bad intentions for you and said something you shouldn't have said. You killed him... We have nothing to say! But Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang is not like this!"

"Old Wang has already decided that he wants to make amends to you and make friends with you. He asked us to come here today so that we can apologize to you together and hope to ask for your forgiveness..."

"But, but I really didn't expect that you would be so ruthless that you would kill Mr. Wang directly before we came!"

The others were shocked when they heard this person's words.

They also looked at Shen Lian with anger.

They felt that Shen Lian was too bullying, too vicious!

Hearing what they said, Ah Bao looked at their misunderstood gazes at Shen Lian, frowned and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? We adults, how could we kill people indiscriminately?"

"We didn't kill this person at all!"

"What we saw with our own eyes is still fake?" an official said.

"That's right, all of us have seen with our own eyes that there are only two of you here, and you even sneaked over here without telling the housekeeper the housekeeper, and you said you didn't have ulterior motives! Elder Wang must have been killed by you of!"

"I have long heard that Shen Lian is cruel and merciless, but today I have seen it!"

An official looked at the steward and said, "Steward, report to the officials immediately. With us here, the murderer Shen Lian will not escape! Go quickly, Mr. Wang must not die in vain! We will not let him die in vain of!"

Hearing this, the housekeeper reacted.

He nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, I'll report to the officials, masters, you must take care of them, don't let them escape, no matter what, you must avenge my master!"

After finishing speaking, the housekeeper ran out in a hurry.

And these officials blocked the door, staring at Shen Lianyuan and the others as if guarding against thieves, without blinking their eyes, as if they were afraid that if they blinked, Shen Lian would turn into a butterfly and fly away.

Ah Bao looked at them and was furious.

He looked at Shen Lian and said, "My lord, why don't you speak? Why don't you refute and scold them bloody? They are wronging you, my lord!"

Compared to Ah Bao's anger, Shen Lian was much calmer.

He just glanced at those people, then looked away to observe the situation at the scene of the crime.

Hearing what Ah Bao said, he said lightly, "What are you talking about?"

"Of course, we didn't kill people!"

"I, Shen Lian, say so, will they believe it?"

"This..." Ah Bao was speechless.

Shen Lian said calmly: "Since you don't know how to believe it, what's the use of talking about it? Besides, reporting to the officials is what I want to do. Since they have done it, I have nothing to say."

Ah Bao frowned and said, "But, that won't make you wronged, my lord!"

"Abao, haven't you noticed yet?"


"As soon as the steward brought us here, the person died! As soon as we heard the voice, the steward and these officials came and saw us standing in front of the dead body... Do you think there is such a coincidence in this world? "

A Bao was taken aback: "What does your lord mean?"

Shen Lian's eyes flashed, and he sneered, "It's really a well-planned murder case, and it's also a well-planned frame-up case!"

"Bei Chen's skill is not small. In order to frame me, Wang Wenru was asked to sacrifice to heaven. The cost is not small."

Hearing this, Ah Bao was startled: "This... Beichen and the others did this? The purpose is to frame your lord?"

"Then, my lord, you, you..."

Shen Lian interrupted Xugou with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, if Beichen troubles me in other ways, I might feel a headache."

"But with a case..."

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he said disdainfully: "Do you think, after going through so many things, there are cases in this world that my Chu Palace can't solve?"

After hearing Shen Lian's words, Ah Bao's eyes lit up when he saw Shen Lian's confident smile.

"Yes, when it comes to solving cases, the people from his Chu Palace are definitely the best in the world, so many difficult cases have been solved by the young master, so this case will definitely not have any problems."

"And as long as my lord can solve the case and find the real murderer, everything will naturally come to light. Even if they want to wrong you, they won't be able to do so."

Ah Leopard thought very simply.

Aren't they going to wrong adults?

But they are too stupid to use the case to wrong adults.

With the ability of an adult, it is not a matter of minutes to solve the case!

As long as the murderer is found, who dares to wrong the adults?Use this to attack His Royal Highness King Chu?
He felt that he had figured everything out, and suddenly felt that the whole world brightened up.

As for Shen Lian, he saw through A Bao's thoughts at a glance.

He shook his head slightly, but said nothing more.

With Beichen's ability, since he wanted to deal with them Chu Palace, how could it be so simple?
Not to mention, it was an important chess piece like Wang Wenru who was sacrificed.

Therefore, this case is definitely not easy to solve...and if the case is solved, this matter will definitely not stop here.

But... Beichen was scheming against him, so why was Shen Lian unprepared?
He knew that Wang Wenru didn't hold back his fart, but he still came, but with his ability and temperament, how could he really put himself in danger?

So, this time, it was another air-to-air game between him and Beichen.

Everyone here is their chess piece.

As for who the real winner will be, no one will know until the end, unless the final cards are shown.

Of course, there is no need to talk to Xugou about this.

Ah Bao is a simple-minded guy, it's better to make him happy, anyway, he doesn't understand if he talks too much.

Shen Lian was attracted by this case, and didn't bother to spend time explaining to Xugou, so let Xugou be silly and happy.

Just like that, those officials stared at Shen Lian like a prisoner, and Ah Bao stared angrily at them with his big copper bell-like eyes.

Shen Lian, on the other hand, was looking for clues at the scene, thinking about what happened to Wang Wenru's death.

Just like that, after an unknown amount of time passed, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Some voices sounded, and the officials blocking the door were all pushed away.

Then some yamen servants rushed into the hall.

Only then did Shen Lian raise his head to look. When he saw the clothes of these yamen servants and the guy who seemed to be stronger again, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Qin Shaoqing, what's wrong with you? What brought you here."

That's right, the government that the housekeeper found was none other than Dali Temple Shaoqing Qin Ziyi.

In fact, the housekeeper was also very helpless.

As the steward of the palace, he is also clear about some matters in the officialdom.

Shen Lian is a commander, and his status is not low. He is still the man of His Highness the King of Chu, and he is a big man with a head and a face.

In Chang'an City, looking around, only Dali Temple and Jing Zhaoyin were qualified to participate in the criminal investigation.

At present, Shen Lian often goes in and out of Dali Temple and is a frequent visitor of Dali Temple.

Then, Qin Ziyi, a confidant of His Royal Highness the Prince of Dali Temple, is the best candidate.

Qin Ziyi laughed when she heard Shen Lian's words, and said, "Commander Shen, isn't this... Recently, your reputation has spread far and wide, and crimes in Chang'an City have decreased a lot."

"So... I have to relax a bit from my duties as an official. Finally, there is a case, so I don't have to come and see it."

Qin Ziyi didn't give Shen Lian a chance to continue talking to her, and hurriedly said, "Commander Shen, what's going on? How did I hear that... Wang Wenru's death is related to you?"

During this period of time, Qin Ziyi had contact with Shen Lian. He knew Shen Lian quite well, and he knew that if Shen Lian really wanted to kill someone, no one would find any clues.

But now, the housekeeper told him that they saw it with their own eyes, so at that time, Qin Ziyi knew that there must be something wrong with this matter.

Shen Lian definitely didn't kill him!
If there is no evidence, it is not impossible to attribute the killer to Shen Lian.

It happened to take this opportunity to help His Royal Highness remove a large wing of the King of Chu.

Before Shen Lian could speak, Abao said, "Qin Shaoqing, we were wronged, and the commander didn't kill anyone at all!"

"You are talking nonsense, the master was killed by you!"

Seeing that Abao is still stubbornly saying that he didn't kill anyone, the housekeeper's eyes turned red.

He looked at Qin Ziyi and said, "Qin Shaoqing, you must not listen to their sophistry. They sneaked into our mansion and killed our master. We saw this with our own eyes!"

Those officials also nodded at this time.

"That's right, Shen Lian killed the person!"

"Shen Lian is really too lawless!"

Qin Ziyi frowned slightly when she heard what they said and saw how confident they were.

He has been the Shaoqing of Dali Temple for several years, and he can tell whether he is lying to a person or not.

The expressions and actions of these officials are obviously very confident, and they don't look like they are lying.

Was it really Shen Lian who killed him?
Can't you?
Shen Lian did have a motive for killing. Wang Wenru is in the camp of His Highness the Crown Prince, and he is in the camp of the King of Chu. They are naturally opposed to each other. Such a low-level murder method, could it be possible... a counter-routine?

Qin Ziyi's eyes flickered. He knew that Qin Ziyi had recently killed an imperial court official, and it might happen again.

He couldn't help looking at Qin Ziyi, and said, "Commander Shen, you didn't kill him, did you?"

What kind of question is this?
Both the steward and the officials were impatient.

And Shen Lian nodded lightly: "Of course not."

Qin Ziyi saw his gaze and tone, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Then Commander Shen, what do you think I should do?" Qin Ziyi asked strangely.

Shen Lian took a look at Qin Ziyi, smiled, and said, "Qin Shaoqing, you are my number one expert in solving crimes in Dali Temple. This is your case. I am a suspect now. You ask me what should I do? Qin Shaoqing, are you Mistaken?"

"Oh, that's what I said."

Qin Ziyi smiled, and with only a few words, she quickly understood what Shen Lian meant.

Shen Lian was asking him to go through the normal process, so as not to be criticized by others, and not to bend the law for personal gain, or the King of Chu would take action.

Qin Ziyi thought thoroughly, and the next moment, she said, "Come here, take them to make a statement and ask them what they have seen and heard."


Soon, these officials were taken away, and Bo, the master of Dali Temple, went to question one by one.

Afterwards, Qin Ziyi began to inquire.

Ask Shen Lian why he came here, who brought him here, and the whole process of discovering the dead.

His questions were very critical, and Shen Lian needed to answer them very seriously, otherwise he would not know when Qin Ziyi took him into the ditch.

After Qin Ziyi finished asking, it happened that other people's confessions were also sent.

Qin Ziyi compared their confession with Shen Lian's, and gradually frowned.

He looked at Shen Lian and said, "Commander Shen, your statements... are somewhat discrepant."

"What?" Abao was startled.

But Shen Lian, as if he had expected this long ago, said, "Where is the inconsistency?"

Seeing that Shen Lian was still very calm, Qin Ziyi knew that Shen Lian might have thought of this a long time ago, so he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he said, "First of all, it's time for you to come over."

He looked at Shen Lian and said, "You said that the time for you to come over on the invitation is You, but the housekeeper said that Wang Wenru invited you to come over at three quarters of You, so you came early."

Abao said directly: "Our invitation said Youshi, we were absolutely right, they were talking nonsense."

"What about your invitation? Is it still there?" Qin Ziyi asked.

Ah Bao frowned and said, "When we came in, we already gave it to the housekeeper, but the housekeeper didn't return it to us."

Qin Ziyi spread her hands: "So, Commander Shen can't prove whether your words are true or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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