Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 540 is good! It is indeed here!

Chapter 540 is good! It is indeed here!

Qin Wenyuan and Wang Xiaohua climbed up the stairs and walked towards the fifth floor.

Wang Xiaohua said as she walked: "Master, I have never been to the fifth floor of Beidou Temple before, because those fifth floors are locked and believers are not allowed to enter."

"Has the young master ever gone in?"

Qin Wenyuan nodded slightly and said: "Having been in, the fifth floor of Beidou Temple is completely different from the other four floors. It is very special there."


Wang Xiaohua asked curiously: "What kind of special method?"

Qin Wenyuan smiled and said: "Different Beidou Towers have different five floors."

"I've been to the fifth floor of three Beidou Towers, and each one is different."

"There is a courtyard on the fifth floor."

Qin Wenyuan walked in with doubts in his heart.

The world behind the door quickly came into view.

Wang Xiaohua, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment and then exclaimed: "It's really the same as what the young master said, it's different from the previous one!"

Qin Wenyuan nodded slightly.

"But I can't guess what these five floors are exactly like."

"Therefore, the fifth floor of the Beidou Tower in other cities is special. There is no reason why this original one cannot be special."

Wang Xiaohua beamed with joy: "This is a good thing, otherwise wouldn't the young master's visit be in vain?"

Qin Wenyuan took the initiative and said, "Hello, Taoist Master."

Wang Xiaohua stopped, looked at the closed door in front of her, and smiled: "No need to guess, it's close before your eyes."

"But after knowing the reason, you will understand better."

So Wang Xiaohua just smiled, changed the subject, and said: "Then, young master, do you think the fifth floor of the Beidou Tower will be special?"

That's right!

This is very similar to the fifth floor of Taihe City.

Therefore, seeing that Qin Wenyuan was unwilling to continue talking, he understood that there might be some secrets involved that the young master could not tell.

"Then what's going on in this courtyard?"

"This is actually a courtyard."

"It feels weird when you don't know why."

She couldn't help but shudder and said: "The Beidou Society in Longkou City is really evil. Why are there prisons everywhere?"

Regardless of the size of the yard, the location of the rooms, and the furnishings, they are all very different.

"There is one that is a toppled idol, the ruins of the original Beidou Temple."

Qin Wenyuan narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing the world behind the door.

"The Beidou Towers in other cities are obviously imitations of this Beidou Tower."

Wang Xiaohua is a very smart woman, she is very smart.

Then the closed door was suddenly opened.

It's all a courtyard.

Qin Wenyuan narrowed his eyes: "It seems that Beichen lived in the courtyard of Taihe City."

Qin Wenyuan smiled and said: "These five levels should have some specific reasons."

At this time, he discovered that in the courtyard, there was an elderly man sweeping the floor and cleaning.

As soon as Wang Xiaohua heard about the prison in Longkou City, she couldn't help but recall her sad years.

But he didn't explain those reasons.

He glanced at the door in front of him and said with a smile: "It seems that we and the Beidou Tower are really destined. The door on the fifth floor is not locked."

Qin Wenyuan thought for a while and said, "It should be special too."

As he spoke, Qin Wenyuan pressed his hands on the door, and then pushed hard...

But these two courtyards are completely different.

"Fortunately, I didn't go up to the fifth floor of the Beidou Tower there, otherwise I felt like I was hallucinating. I can see the prison from the Beidou Tower."

Qin Wenyuan smiled and said: "Let's go and take a look at the fifth floor of the Beidou Tower. Is it really extraordinary?"

Qin Wenyuan chuckled and nodded.

Come to think of it, this person is the guardian of this layer.

Wang Xiaohua blinked, then looked at Qin Wenyuan curiously, and asked, "Does the young master know the reason?"

It’s the courtyard!

"There is another one, the Beidou Tower in Longkou City. Its five floors have a warm courtyard and a cold prison."

When the Taoist heard the sound, he looked up and seemed a little surprised when he saw Qin Wenyuan and the two of them.

He said: "In the past month, Pindao has only come here to clean twice a day, for two quarters of an hour each time, and then leaves after cleaning."

"So for a month, I haven't met anyone who is destined to be with me."

"Unexpectedly, I met two destined people today."

When Qin Wenyuan and Wang Xiaohua heard the Taoist's words, they felt that they were really destined.

Wang Xiaohua asked: "Taoist Master, don't you come to clean at this time every day?"

The Taoist shook his head and said: "Beidou Tower is about fate, so we don't have a set time. As long as I want to come, I will come."

"Although I will definitely clean twice a day, when I will come to clean is completely uncertain."

"Therefore, there are many believers who have no chance to enter the fifth level, and few can enter."

When Wang Xiaohua heard this, she couldn't help but said: "Then it seems that we are really destined."

"We have come all the way up from the first floor and haven't encountered any obstacles yet."

The Taoist smiled and said: "It seems that the two believers are really destined to the Beidou Tower. Now that you have arrived at the fifth floor, you can move around as you like, but be careful not to touch anything here. You can look at it, but you can't. bump."

This is the rule.

After all, no one would touch the statues of gods when they go to a temple.

Wang Xiaohua nodded quickly.

Qin Wenyuan looked at the Taoist who was cleaning the dust and said, "I dare to ask, Master, why is there a courtyard on these five floors?"

Wang Xiaohua also looked at the Taoist curiously.

Qin Wenyuan was on the fifth floor of other Beidou Towers before, because when he went there, no one was there.

So no one could give him an answer.

It was the time when he met Xin Yuheng that Xin Yuheng told him something.

However, Xin Yuheng deliberately concealed something, so what he said was unclear.

Therefore, all Qin Wenyuan's previous knowledge of the fifth floor of the Beidou Tower was speculation based on some clues.

But whether that speculation is completely correct, Qin Wenyuan is not 100% sure.

After all, no one can verify their judgment.

But here, it is different from the other five floors of Beidou Tower.

There are Taoists here.

Therefore, Qin Wenyuan also has the opportunity to ask clearly.

When the Taoist heard Qin Wenyuan's inquiry, he did not hide it. He said: "This courtyard is the residence of Beidou Empress before she became a god and left."

"We want to preserve this residence."

"We hope that if Beidou Niangniang comes back one day, she can find her home and feel our gratitude to her, which has never changed from the beginning to the end."

"So, we moved the courtyard where Lady Beidou lives here. We hope that one day, when this door here opens, Lady Beidou will appear inside."

When Qin Wenyuan and Wang Xiaohua heard this, they both felt a little complicated.

Only then did they understand.

In fact, the Taoists of Beidou Temple have never stopped looking for Beidou Empress.

Even if they built such a place.

Even though they have so many devout believers.

But they are still looking for Empress Beidou.

I still hope that Lady Beidou will return.

Wang Xiaohua said: "I believe that Empress Beidou will definitely feel your thoughts. One day, she will definitely come back."

Qin Wenyuan also nodded and said, "I believe it too."

When the older Taoist heard this, he immediately smiled kindly.

He said: "All of us at Beidou Temple believe it."

"Pindao has to clean up the house of Madam Beidou. You two believers, please watch it by yourself. If you have any questions, you can ask Pindao at any time."

Both of them were busy expressing their gratitude to the Taoist. After that, they stopped delaying and started watching one after another.

Qin Wenyuan walked into the courtyard.

I saw that this courtyard was very simple.

On the east side of the yard, there is a well.

Of course, this well is fake at this moment and there is no water in it.

Next to the well, there is a clothesline.

At this time, some clothes were hanging on the clothesline.

And these clothes, without exception, are children's clothes.

Because they have been hanging here for a long time, these clothes have turned yellow and white.

Qin Wenyuan looked at the clothes on the clothesline and sighed in his heart.

It is certain that Empress Beidou’s departure was definitely not of her own free will.

Otherwise, she would have at least taken the clothes with her.

After all, she doted on her child so much, how could she leave behind her child's clothes?

"These clothes are all made by Lady Beidou herself."

Wang Xiaohua also saw some clothes.

She walked over, not daring to touch it with her hands, but looked at it carefully.

The Taoist said with a smile: "Yes, Empress Beidou dotes on her children very much. All the clothes and shoes are made by Empress Beidou herself bit by bit."

Wang Xiaohua looked at the clothes of these children and couldn't help but said: "These clothes are so beautiful. Empress Beidou is really ingenious."


She wondered: "Isn't Empress Beidou a heroine? Isn't she good at punishing evil and eradicating evil? Why is she so clever?"

The Taoist smiled kindly and said: "Empress Beidou cares deeply about her children, so in order to give her children the best, Empress Beidou picked up needlework again and learned bit by bit from Empress Embroidery. "

"She really gave her all her heart and soul for her children."

When Wang Xiaohua heard this, she couldn't help but sigh: "If I were the child of Empress Beidou, how happy I would be to have such a mother!"

The Taoist smiled and nodded: "We all say that being the child of Empress Beidou is the happiest thing in the world."

Qin Wenyuan listened to the two people in silence.

The more he knew about Empress Beidou, the more complicated Qin Wenyuan's heart became.

Ever since he could remember, he had no concept of his mother.

Later, my father faked his death.

He became an orphan.

Fortunately, he is a time traveler and has a strong heart, so he survived even though he became an orphan.

But Qin Wenyuan, who has been an orphan in both lives, actually still misses his father's love and mother's love occasionally.

He was thinking about what kind of person he would become if his mother and father were still by his side and grew up with him.

But there are no ifs in this world.

Qin Wenyuan is a person who only pays attention to clues and evidence.

In other words, he is not a fanciful person.

He is a materialist!
Therefore, Qin Wenyuan could not imagine what it would be like if he had parents.

I can’t even imagine what maternal love is like!

But now.

After seeing these clothes and hearing the Taoist's words, Qin Wenyuan had such a picture in his mind.

In front of the dim candlelight.

A woman whose appearance was unclear was sewing clothes for her child with her own hands.

Beside her, there was a wooden cradle.

A little baby is lying in a cradle.

Suddenly, the baby started crying for no apparent reason.

The woman quickly put down her needlework, picked up the baby, and coaxed the baby very gently.

Gradually, the baby's crying stopped.

The woman gently put the baby back into the cradle.

Then he picked up the needle and thread again and continued to sew clothes for the baby.

The candlelight reflected the woman's figure on the window.

Very warm.

Qin Wenyuan slowly closed his eyes and soothed his heart.

At this moment, he actually felt some empathy.

"Is this what motherhood feels like?"

Qin Wenyuan asked himself in his heart.

However, no one can answer himself.

He slowly opened his eyes and walked towards the room in the yard.

The first thing he entered was the kitchen.

I saw that the kitchen in this house was not big.

It can be seen that even though Empress Beidou has a high status, she is highly respected.

But she didn't have any privileges because of it.

On the contrary, she lives very simply like everyone else.

There is nothing special about this kitchen.

Very simple.

A stove and a pot.

Two cylinders.

A rice vat and a water vat.

And this tank is full of rice and water at this time.

Opposite the stove is a neat pile of wood.

These pieces of wood have all been split and are very straight.

The entire kitchen is dust-free.

It can be seen that it is carefully cleaned every day.

Otherwise, it would never be so clean.

It seems that this Taoist is not lying.

They are really waiting for Empress Beidou's return day after day, year after year.

They hope that Empress Beidou will live in a clean home when she returns.

They have never stopped waiting for Empress Beidou's return.

Qin Wenyuan took a closer look at the kitchen.

However, no clues were found in the kitchen.

If this kitchen disappears from Beidou Empress, no one will come in again, no one will clean it, and no one will touch anything here.

Then Qin Wenyuan might be able to discover something from it.

But now, the entire house has been moved here from the ground.

And there are Taoists cleaning every day for Empress Beidou.

This means that even if there are clues, they may have been destroyed.

So Qin Wenyuan looked around, finally shook his head and left the kitchen.

After leaving the kitchen, Qin Wenyuan walked towards the house.

I saw a total of two rooms in this courtyard.

One is the master's room, and the other is a wing room for guests to live in.

Apart from this, there are no other rooms in the entire courtyard.

Qin Wenyuan thought for a while and walked to the side room first.

Entering the wing, you can see that the furnishings in the wing are very simple.

There was only one couch, a small cabinet, a table, and two chairs in the entire wing.

Other than that, there are no other big items.

At this moment, there was a teapot and several teacups on the table.

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