Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 546 is coming! There are already results!

Chapter 546 Come back! There are already results!

And this can only have two reasons.

Or, no one is following him.

Or...the person following him is very capable and can hide from his perception.

Although Qin Wenyuan is confident, he is not so arrogant that he thinks he is invincible.

Therefore, even if he felt that there was a high probability that no one would follow him, he did not relax at all.

He went to a small alley, quickly changed his face and clothes, and then left slowly on the other side of the small alley.

This time, he turned into an old man in his fifties.

He has white hair and a white beard, a stooped back, and is leaning on a walking stick.

Qin Wenyuan's ability to disguise is extremely strong.

At this time, he pretended to be a little old man, but he really looked like an old man.

He was walking forward slowly, leaning on a cane, his back was hunched, and he was not in a hurry.

Anyone who sees it will think that Qin Wenyuan is really an old man.

As Qin Wenyuan walked, he looked around with his peripheral vision.

He found that some people would look at him, but most of the looks were worried about him, an old man, falling, and there were no other surveillance looks that glanced at him and peeked at him secretly.

"Is it true that no one is following me?"

Qin Wenyuan waited for a while to ensure safety.

After finally confirming that no one was following him, he stopped delaying and walked slowly to the agreed-upon inn.

"Hey, old man, are you staying in a hotel or working in a hotel?"

When a waiter saw Qin Wenyuan approaching, he quickly came over and helped Qin Wenyuan.

Qin Wenyuan showed a kind smile and said: "I will stay in the hotel for a few days, please find me a quieter room."

"I'm too old to bear the noise."

The waiter said hurriedly, "Okay, old man, please walk slowly. I'll help you over."

With that said, the waiter supported Qin Wenyuan and led him to the second floor.

After arriving on the second floor, the waiter took Qin Wenyuan to the easternmost room.

The waiter said: "Old man, this room is the innermost one. It is quiet and comfortable. You can stay here and rest."

Qin Wenyuan nodded hurriedly: "Thank you young man."

The waiter helped Qin Wenyuan to sit at the table and said, "If you need any instructions, don't go downstairs. Just yell at the stairs and I will come over and take care of it for you."

Qin Wenyuan thanked him again.

The waiter didn't waste any more time and left quickly.

After the waiter left, Qin Wenyuan let out a breath.

He found that this city seemed to be particularly kind because of the existence of Beidou Temple.

Its comfortable feeling is comparable to that of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

Qin Wenyuan stood up, walked to the window, and looked out.

Then I saw that this place was facing an alley.

There were not many people in the alley, and it was indeed much quieter than the main street.

He looked at the room again. It was not big, with only normal furniture and nothing extra.

He came to the door, put his ear to the door, and listened.

There was no movement outside and no one in the corridor.

No one is watching him.

Qin Wenyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was now certain that no one was following him.

But in this case, how did the woman recognize him?
It's really strange.

Qin Wenyuan was thinking as he opened the door and looked out. Sure enough, there was no one in the corridor.

Without delay, he tore a small thread from the garment.


Then he hung it casually on the door handle.

Then he closed the door.

This was the code he had agreed upon with the others.

Here, they both pretend not to know each other.

But it is still necessary to know who is who and who lives where.

So with such a thin line, you can determine who is where.

And even if this thin line is discovered by others, it can be explained as being accidentally scratched and trouble can be avoided.


Just when he was supported by the waiter, Qin Wenyuan saw some thin lines on several doors.

He knew the location of Si She and others.

But now, it's not time to meet them.

Qin Wenyuan returned to the table, picked up the tea cup, and poured a cup of tea. He took a sip of tea first, and then took out the book he borrowed from the second floor of the Beidou Tower from his arms.

This book is almost entirely documentary.

It is written about Empress Beidou.

It just so happened that it was not dark yet, so he took advantage of this time to read this book.

Previously, in the murals on the third floor, I had already roughly learned about the life of Empress Beidou.

However, the content that murals can express is not as detailed as words.

Looking at it now, Qin Wenyuan realized what a chivalrous and righteous woman his mother was!
After looking through most of the books, Qin Wenyuan came up with eight words to describe his mother.

"Doing good deeds without asking for reward!"

Doing good deeds without asking for reward!
This is almost a portrayal of Empress Beidou!
Empress Beidou acts chivalrously, and she really only has a pure chivalrous heart.

She does things without asking for anything in return.

No matter how dangerous it is, as long as she doesn't like it, she will take action.

Suppress the bandits, promote good and eliminate evil!
What Empress Beidou did is truly a model of a female hero.

It is precisely because of this that so many working people admire and are grateful to Empress Beidou.

Beidou Empress's personality charm is all obtained by her chivalry without asking for anything in return.

Qin Wenyuan read half of the stories, and almost all of them talked about how Empress Beidou acted chivalrously and saved the people of Li.

When he turned to the next page, Qin Wenyuan discovered that the content of the story had changed.

The following content begins to tell the story of Beidou Empress joining an evil organization in order to save some evil people.

When he saw the words "evil organization", Qin Wenyuan couldn't help but think of a name - Beidou Society!
That's right, Lady Beidou, you have joined the Beidou Club!

It's just that Beidou Temple may have been afraid and didn't write the name of Beidou Society on it.

Replace it with the words "evil organization".

But the time and experience above matched perfectly with what his father told him.

It can be seen that Lady Beidou and Dad have officially joined the Beidou Club.

At the beginning, Lady Beidou's idea was still the same as before, to destroy this evil organization.

But gradually,. Beidou Empress saw many young children in Beidou Club, and she felt very sorry to see them go astray little by little.

So Empress Beidou's thoughts began to change.

She no longer simply wanted to destroy the Beidou Society.

Rather, I want to change these evil people and make these individuals good.

Qin Wenyuan looked at the deeds in the book and compared them one by one with his father and what he said.

thereby verifying each other.

Dad didn’t say much about what happened to Beidou Empress in the Beidou Club.

It just means that Lady Beidou has forgotten her original intention of joining the Beidou Club in the first place.

Now it seems that it is indeed what dad said.

From destruction to change and transformation.

Indeed the methods have changed.

But the goal has not actually changed. But Lady Beidou seems to be softer.

The methods are no longer so bloody.

Qin Wenyuan continued to look back.

He saw that Beidou Empress was converting more and more people in the Beidou Club with her charisma and hard work.

One, two...

One hundred, two hundred...

As a result, one thousand or two thousand...

And these people are very grateful to Beidou Empress, because Beidou Empress allowed them to stop the cliff in time. They are full of gratitude to Beidou Empress and have faith in her.

Seeing this, Qin Wenyuan's eyes suddenly flashed.

Suddenly he had an idea.

Could it be that Beichen imitated Beidou Temple... just to appease these members who were changed by Beidou Empress?

If that's the case, that would be really interesting.

It's not that Beichen doesn't want to create a new god.

But the Beidou Empress has too many followers in the Beidou Club.

In order to control these believers, Beichen had no choice but to hold his nose and build the Beidou Temple.

This explanation is somewhat reasonable.

This also solved some things that Qin Wenyuan couldn't figure out before.

After all, Beichen's love for Empress Beidou turned into hatred.

With Beichen's temperament, it is obviously unreasonable to build the Beidou Temple and imitate the Beidou Temple to let the people he hates have incense.

But now, if Beichen was forced, it would make sense.

Thinking of this, Qin Wenyuan couldn't help but sigh again.

My mother is really powerful.

In his opinion, this was far more difficult than destroying the Beidou Society.

Turn your enemies into loyal believers and force Beichen to build the Beidou Temple.

How awesome!

dong dong dong.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Wenyuan's eyes flashed, he closed the book and asked: "Who?"

Wang Xiaohua's voice came from outside: "It's us."

When Qin Wenyuan heard this, his eyes flashed suddenly.

Wang Xiaohua and the others are back.

That means...the investigation has yielded results!

Qin Wenyuan did not delay, quickly stood up and came to the door.

With a creak, the door opened.

Two people were standing outside the door.

One male and one female.

The woman is about fifty years old and an old woman.

The man, who looked like a teenager, was supporting the old woman, just like a grandson supporting his grandma.

Qin Wenyuan looked at it and laughed: "You and I have the same purpose."

Wang Xiaohua saw Qin Wenyuan disguised as an old man in his fifties.

And she is an old woman.

Looking at it this way, they are just an old couple.

Wang Xiaohua's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said: "Grandson, help grandma go to see your grandpa."

Hua Zhanchao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He said: "Wang Xiaohua, this is too much!"

"It's okay for you to take advantage of me outside, but you still take advantage of me in front of the young master."

Wang Xiaohua pretended to cough twice and said, "My grandson is unfilial. What sin have I committed?"

Hua Zhanchao: "..."

Hua Zhanchao was completely speechless.

He directly let go of Wang Xiaohua, entered the room directly, and said, "Just pretend, I'll see how long you can pretend."

Wang Xiaohua rolled her eyes and said: "Since you are pretending, you must pretend to the end. If you are half-hearted, if others find out, they will blame you."

Qin Wenyuan smiled and smoothed things over and said, "Okay, I've observed it and no one is following."

He asked Wang Xiaohua to enter the room, and then closed the door.

Then he asked directly: "How was it?"

Wang Xiaohua didn't want to whet her appetite. She said directly: "I followed the address given by the old woman and went to investigate with Hua Zhanchao."

"We visited every house on that street, but we couldn't find the house the old woman was talking about."

"Later I was worried that I might have misunderstood, so the flower picker and I went door to door to investigate. I visited every house."

"But in the end, I didn't find the old woman."

Qin Wenyuan's eyes flashed and he said: "So, in other words, this old woman is really lying?"

Wang Xiaohua nodded heavily.

"Yes, unless she told the wrong address, she is definitely lying."

"There was no house as she was talking about."

Qin Wenyuan shook his head and said, "It's impossible for her to give the wrong address."

"No matter how good your home is, you can't say it's wrong."

Wang Xiaohua looked at Qin Wenyuan solemnly and said, "So, there is really something wrong with this old woman. She deliberately approached you, young master."

Qin Wenyuan pondered for a moment and said, "When you went there to investigate, did you find anyone else wandering there? Or were there guards from the Nanzhao court nearby?"

Hua Zhanchao and Wang Xiaohua both shook their heads.

Hua Zhanchao asked: "Sir, do you want to know if there is someone watching over there or ambushing there?"

Qin Wenyuan nodded.

Hua Zhanchao said: "I've also paid attention, and I didn't find anyone monitoring or ambush."

Qin Wenyuan said: "In this case, we can tell that although this old woman is lying, she has no ill intentions towards us."

"Otherwise, if she deliberately left a false address to lead us to investigate, we should send someone to guard there or lay an ambush."

"In this case, he went to see me three times in a row and asked me to go to his address more than once. It seems...she was deliberately reminding me to let me know that there was danger here."

"So, her real purpose is to get me to leave Yangju City as soon as possible."

Wang Xiaohua asked: "Then what should we do?"

Qin Wenyuan tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Tonight I want to go to the Beidou Temple again. I will personally explore the last few floors of the Beidou Tower." "

"After I finish my investigation, we will leave here tomorrow."

"Whether I gain anything tonight or not, we can't stay long."

"If this old woman is not an enemy, then we should listen to her words."

Wang Xiaohua suddenly looked at Qin Wenyuan and asked: "Master, do you think... is it possible that this old woman is from Lao Tianquan?"

"Is she ordered by God to remind us to leave?"

When Qin Wenyuan heard Wang Xiaohua's words, he shook his head and said, "It's probably not dad's person."

Wang Xiaohua asked in confusion: "Why?"

Qin Wenyuan said: "Dad knew that I came here, and even the fact that I came to Yangju City was what he wanted."

"So, Dad said that he found out that I was in crisis. He could have asked this old woman to tell her directly. There is no need to beat around the bush like this."

Qin Wenyuan came to Yangju City because of Lao Tianquan's suggestion.

Therefore, there was no need for Lao Tianquan to hide Qin Wenyuan's information.

(End of this chapter)

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