Chapter 595 Next! Fight!

Wang Xiaohua rolled her eyes and threw the purse back to Hua Zhanchao, saying, "Do you think I'm so idle that I'm willing to hit you so hard?"

"It was Master Qin who asked me to teach you a lesson, to let you know that Chang'an City is not a perfect place. You still need to be careful. Otherwise, if the boat capsizes, no one will be able to save you."

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

They immediately understood what Qin Wenyuan meant.

Indeed, when they first entered Chang'an City, they felt that everything about Chang'an City was good.

The vigilance in my heart was relaxed to the minimum.

If Wang Xiaohua hadn't taught them a lesson, they might still have lost their basic vigilance.

Wang Xiaohua said: "Okay, the class is over, let's go in."

"Master Qin has something to do recently, and he needs you."

When everyone heard this, they all became serious.

This was the first task Qin Wenyuan gave them in the true sense.

They don't want to mess it up!

A crunch.

Wang Xiaohua pushed open the door.

Everyone entered the private room.

There was a table in the private room, which was already filled with food and wine.

Right in front, Qin Wenyuan was sitting there.

Seeing everyone coming, Qin Wenyuan smiled and said, "You have worked hard on the journey. I am here to welcome you."

He smiled and said, "Welcome to Chang'an."

"This will be your future battlefield."

When Hua Zhanchao and others heard Qin Wenyuan's words, their blood boiled uncontrollably in their hearts.

They thought that with their abilities, they could only do menial things in this life.

But now, they can use their skills openly.

And it's for justice!
For them, this is truly a complete transformation from the inside out!
Qin Wenyuan smiled and said, "Okay, stop standing there and sit down."

"We will welcome you first."

Huazhanchao and others are not the kind of people who waste time.

After hearing Qin Wenyuan's words, they all sat down.

Qin Wenyuan said: "I will not take care of you, pour the wine for yourselves."

Hua Zhanchao picked up the wine pot and said, "I just arrived today and I made a mistake. Let me be the waiter again to make up for my mistake."

As he spoke, he filled everyone's glasses with wine.

Qin Wenyuan looked at Hua Zhanchao and said with a smile, "Since you can recognize your mistake, it's worth Xiaohua's effort. Sit down, this is not a big deal."

Hua Zhanchao sat back down only after he heard Qin Wenyuan forgive him.

Qin Wenyuan raised his glass and said, "This glass of wine is for you all... to be reborn."

Everyone quickly followed suit and raised their glasses.

Then he tilted his head back and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After finishing the wine in the glass, Huazhan was unusually well-behaved and took the initiative to fill up everyone's glasses.

Qin Wenyuan raised his glass again.

He said: "This second glass of wine is for our future work together. Cheers. I hope you all can have a happy time in the Dali Temple."

“I can find the meaning of life in Dali Temple.”

Everyone was overwhelmed with emotion when they heard this.

They drank up the wine in their glasses again.

Hua Zhanchao refilled everyone's glasses again.

Qin Wenyuan looked at Hua Zhanchao and said, "No need to pour wine for us from now on. Whoever wants to drink can pour it themselves. Three glasses of wine are enough."

Huazhanchao nodded repeatedly.

Qin Wenyuan raised his glass and said, "The third glass of wine is for ourselves."

"I am grateful to myself for not completely sinking into darkness, not wantonly harming the lives of others, and still maintaining the perseverance and principles in my heart even in the darkest period of my life!"

"It is because of the principles you uphold that we have today's future!"

"Otherwise, I would have put you to death long ago!"

"So, toast to yourselves, and at the same time remind yourself that you should not forget your principles in the past. Now that you have the power, I hope you can still stick to your original intentions."

No one expected that Qin Wenyuan would actually ask them to pay tribute to their former selves.

But think about it, they do need to thank their past selves.

Any of them have done many wrong things.

But among these wrong things, the only thing that happened was not the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, and the only thing that happened was not the oppression of ordinary people.

Because they are all forced to do those things for a living.

So they always have a principle in their hearts.

No matter what, we will never oppress ordinary people, because no one knows the suffering of ordinary people better than them.

They followed Qin Wenyuan and toasted themselves.

Reached a reconciliation with my former self.

After three cups of wine, everyone felt a burning sensation in their hearts.

Qin Wenyuan put down his wine glass with a smile and said, "Okay, now you can do whatever you want. Say whatever you want and eat whatever you want."

"I don't have any rules."

"As long as you can do your job well when it's time to do it, I have no requirements for you at other times."

This is not the first day that everyone has known Qin Wenyuan.

They have also experienced many dangerous things together and have long been comrades in life and death.

Hearing Qin Wenyuan's words, they were no longer restrained.

Hua Zhanchao looked at Wang Xiaohua and said, "How does it feel to work in Dali Temple?"

The others also looked at Wang Xiaohua, their eyes full of curiosity.

Wang Xiaohua smiled and said, "Of course. We don't need to resort to those shady means to achieve justice."

“We are the guardians of justice.”

“Moreover, no one in the Dali Temple discriminated against us because of our previous identities.

"Outside, as long as I wear Dali Temple clothes, the people will show respect to me."

"To be honest, I almost got addicted to this feeling."

After hearing this, everyone looked forward even more to the day when they would actually join the Dali Temple.

They have always been chased as thieves.

Therefore, they really want to experience what it feels like to be respected by the people.

Qin Dao looked at Qin Wenyuan at this time and said, "Master Qin, Xiaohua said you have a task for us, what is it?"

After hearing this, everyone fell silent and looked at Qin Wenyuan quietly.

Qin Wenyuan faced everyone's gaze and did not hide anything.

He said: "I got a map in my hand, and the map points to a place. I need to go there to investigate!"

"And this place is likely related to the Beidou Society, and there may be some danger, so I need your help."

When everyone heard that this matter was related to Beidou Society and there was danger.

Everyone was startled.

However, they all escaped from the Beidou Society's lair and experienced many things along the way.

This made them no longer as frightened as before when they heard about the Beidou Society again.

Zhang Meng said: "Lord Qin, just tell us what you need us to do. If I blink, I will not be Zhang Meng!" The others didn't say anything, but their expressions reflected their determination.

Qin Wenyuan nodded slightly.

He looked at everyone and said, "In that case, I won't say any more nonsense."

Qin Wenyuan took out a map from his arms.

Wang Xiaohua quickly tidied up the table and moved the food and wine to one side.

Then Qin Wenyuan spread the map on the table.

This map was not drawn by Qin Wenyuan, but an overall map of Cuihua Mountain that he obtained from the Ministry of Revenue.

The map drawn by Qin Wenyuan was only a part, not the whole.

If we only refer to that map, there will be many blind spots regarding the situation of Cuihua Mountain.

Therefore, he specifically borrowed this map from the Ministry of Revenue.

The maps of the Ministry of Revenue were drawn in great detail, with the topography of mountains and rivers, the direction of rivers, and the locations of villages all clearly marked.

When people look at this map, even if they have never been to Cuihua Mountain, they will know what it is like.

Qin Wenyuan said: "This is a map of Cuihua Mountain."

"Cuihua Mountain is not far from Chang'an, only twenty miles away."

"The height of Cuihua Mountain is of medium level, neither too high nor too low, and the top is more than 80 feet high."

"It covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres, which is considered very large."

“And our goal is here.”

Qin Wenyuan pointed to a place on the map.

He said: "This is the back mountain area of ​​Cuihua Mountain."

"Compared to the front mountain area, the terrain here is more dangerous, and you can occasionally see wild animals, so there are very few people walking here, only some people who come to collect herbs or hunters come in and out."

Everyone looked in the direction Qin Wenyuan pointed.

Zhang Meng took a look and said, "Based on my experience, if there are bandits in Cuihua Mountain, setting up camp here would be a good choice."

Zhang Meng used to be a notorious bandit who specialized in robbing caravans of wealthy families.

So, he has a say.

The tomb robber Fatty Zhang also looked at it for a while and said, "This address is somewhat magical. If I knew Feng Shui, I would definitely find a way to be buried here after I die. This is definitely an excellent place."

Qin Wenyuan's eyes moved.

He looked at Fatty Zhang and asked, "Do you think there is a tomb here?"

Fatty Zhang frowned and said, "It's hard to say."

"I haven't seen it in person, so it's hard to judge, but from the perspective of Feng Shui, it's possible."

Qin Wenyuan nodded slightly.

He said, "We'll know when the time comes."

He looked at everyone and said, "There should be something special here, but I don't know what it is. I also don't know if anyone else knows."


Although this is the gift left for him by the Goddess Beidou.

But after all, more than ten years have passed, and no one can be sure whether the secret there is still a secret or whether it has been mastered by others.

Not to mention that Beichen has been in action for so many years, he might not be completely unaware of it.

Therefore, Qin Wenyuan must be extra careful.

He said: "Therefore, we cannot go there rashly and must be very cautious."

"We have some preparations to do before we go."


He looked at the master of tricks and said, "Junyan, disguise yourself and go to the villages near Cuihua Mountain to ask if there are any hunters or people who have found anything unusual happening in the back of Cuihua Mountain, or have seen any strangers appear."

As a master of tricks, Wang Junyan is best at deceiving and cheating.

If he took action, he could easily get words out of the people.

Wang Junyan nodded and said, "Yes."

Qin Wenyuan looked at Zhang Meng and Fatty Zhang again and said, "You two are good at moving in the jungle. Zhang Meng, take Fatty Zhang with you and go over there one night to check out the situation. Let Fatty Zhang see if there is a tomb there."

Naturally, the two nodded in agreement.

"Qin Dao."

Qin Dao looked at Qin Wenyuan.

Qin Wenyuan said: "You follow them in secret to protect them. If they are in danger, give them an early warning or rescue them."

Qin Dao also nodded.

Wang Xiaohua and Hua Zhanchao were also looking at Qin Wenyuan with anticipation at this moment.

Then they heard Qin Wenyuan say: "You...walk around Chang'an City more often and attract the attention of people who may be there for me."

Wang Xiaohua and Hua Zhanchao were speechless when they heard Qin Wenyuan's words.

Everyone including Zhang Meng has an important mission.

And there are some dangers.

At first glance, you can tell that it is a very important matter.

But what about them?

Qin Wenyuan actually asked them to stroll on the street more often.

What kind of mission is this?
Although they knew that they could attract some attention, their task was indeed a bit simpler than Zhang Meng and his team's.

Qin Wenyuan knew countless people, so it was natural for him to easily see what the two were thinking.

He smiled and said, "Don't worry, all of this is just preliminary preparations."

"After we officially set off, you will have the opportunity to take action."

"Besides, there is no such thing as an important or unimportant mission. It is extremely important to divert some people's attention and reduce the obstacles to our actions."

"Not to mention that you two are the most alert among us. If you can detect someone following you and find that person, you may be able to make a great contribution!"

"So, don't think your mission is that simple. If it were really simple, I wouldn't let ordinary yamen runners do it. Why would I bother you?"

Wang Xiaohua and Hua Zhanchao felt much better after hearing this.

Since they can really help Lord Qin and relieve his pressure, they feel that what they do is meaningful.

Hua Zhanchao said, "Don't worry, Lord Qin. I have no other abilities, but I am extremely alert. I can detect any disturbance immediately. If someone is really watching us, I will definitely catch him."

Wang Xiaohua also nodded.

Hua Zhanchao is a flower thief and Wang Xiaohua is a chivalrous thief.

What the two of them did was not a rash thing.

And in order to ensure that they can escape as soon as possible after being discovered, their reaction abilities are extremely strong.

Therefore, this task is the most appropriate.

Qin Wenyuan smiled and nodded: "I'm entrusting the task to you, so I trust you."

He said, "After dinner, Xiaohua, take them to the dormitory of the Dali Temple, give them the key of the room that I gave them, and let them stay there first."

"Take a day off and make your own preparations tomorrow."

"In three days, we will head to Cuihua Mountain."

When everyone heard this, they all nodded seriously.

Half an hour later, they were full and satisfied.

Everyone left the restaurant.

Qin Wenyuan asked Wang Xiaohua and the others to settle down in the dormitory first.

And he went to the Dali Temple.


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