Chapter 106 The [-]th Chief of Staff Is Here

Hearing this, Village Chief Wu stood up, came to Li Jin, and stretched out his withered and bone-like hand to touch Li Jin's head.

"I don't have a fever, why are you still talking nonsense?" Village Chief Wu said.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Li Jin was speechless. He even said that the yield of potatoes per mu was lower. How come Village Chief Wu still doesn't believe it.

"The old man is quite old, and he has never seen potatoes with a yield of more than 5000 or even [-] catties per mu, unless he was confused." Village head Wu said.

He has lived for more than 70 years, and he has never seen any potatoes and sweet potatoes that can produce five to six thousand catties per mu, let alone drought-resistant ones that can even be planted on sandy land.

"Village chief, I really didn't lie to you. No matter how free I am, I won't be joking with you with food, right? Do I look like that kind of person?" Li Jin said seriously.

Village head Wu was silent for a long while. Indeed, Li Jin didn't seem like someone who would joke about such things, but why does the yield of five or six thousand catties per mu sound so absurd? !

Could it be that he is getting old and hallucinating? !

"Grandpa Village Chief, what's wrong with the five or six thousand catties per mu?!" Luoluo ran to Village Chief Wu and looked up.

Looking at Luo Luo's clear eyes, Village Chief Wu finally felt that he was not hallucinating.

"Village chief, you'd better show me the list. As for whether it is true that you let the villagers grow a species, you will know. Anyway, you won't suffer a loss, right?" Li Jin said.

The old village chief couldn't accept it because he didn't see it with his own eyes. When he saw it with his own eyes, he wouldn't say so.

"That's right." Village Chief Wu nodded. Anyway, he won't lose money, so what's the problem with growing one species? If what Li Jin said is true, then the villagers won't have to starve every day in the future.

He turned around and entered the room, and not long after, he came out with a thick list.

"This is a list of all the people in Wujia Village. Those with crosses after their names are dead, and those with circles are those who have not returned for many years.

Those with a tick are still alive, and those with a little tick are enlisted in the army. "The village head Wu said, he has no culture, so he can only use this simple symbol instead.

"Well, okay, I understand." Li Jin took the list, and then carefully counted the villagers who were still alive, and soon he counted them out.

There are currently 350 villagers in Wujia Village, excluding those who joined the army.

"Okay, I already know the exact number of people, and I will ask the village chief to call for the village chiefs of the other two villages later.

Ask them to bring the list from the village to the barracks to find me. After counting the number of people, I will send the things over tonight. "Li Jin said.

"Yes, I see." Village Chief Wu nodded.

"Village Chief, then I'll go first." Li Jin said and returned the list to Village Chief Wu, and then left.


At this time, Chief of Staff Zhong also came outside the barracks with two guards, none of them wearing military uniforms.

"Chief of Staff, according to the villagers, this is Li Jinjian's barracks." A guard said.

"Well, it looks like the barracks are well built." Chief of Staff Zhong nodded, and he walked towards the gate of the barracks.

"Stop, who are you? This is a barracks, you are not allowed to enter without authorization!" The soldiers at the door immediately stopped Chief of Staff Zhong, he didn't go to the regiment headquarters, so he didn't know the Chief of Staff.

"Chief of Staff, why are you here?!" Before Chief of Staff Zhong could speak, Li Jin's voice came from behind.

"Li Jin." Chief of Staff Zhong looked over.

"Chief of Staff, please come in quickly." Li Jin hurriedly invited Chief of Staff Zhong to enter the barracks.

"Remember this man. He is the chief of staff of our regiment. In the future, he will not be stopped when he comes to the barracks. Do you hear me?" Li Jin reminded the soldiers at the door by the way.

"Yes!" said the soldier, standing up straight.

After Staff Officer Zhong entered the barracks, he looked around.

The barracks are very tidy, there is no rubbish in sight, and the dormitories are all one by one.

There is also a flagpole on the open space, with a red flag printed with the party constitution hanging on it. When the wind blows, the red flag flutters in the wind.

"Why didn't you see other soldiers? Are you training?!" Staff Officer Zhong asked.

"Yes, they are all training at the training ground." Li Jin nodded.

"Training ground? Did you set up a whole training ground?" Staff Officer Zhong said.

"It's convenient for training. Moreover, in order to avoid leakage of some training props, it's better not to be seen by outsiders." Li Jin explained.

Staff Officer Zhong nodded, and asked again: "Then why didn't you go to urge the soldiers to train?! What did you do just now?!"

"Deputy Platoon Leader Xu is watching the training, so there will be no problem. As for me just now, I went to Village Chief Wu's house..." Li Jin briefly explained the matter to Staff Officer Zhong.

"Should we distribute potatoes and sweet potatoes to the villagers for planting? That's the right thing to do." Staff Officer Zhong nodded. The villagers have sent their children to join the army, so it's okay to give them some potatoes and sweet potatoes to grow.

"However, how do you plan to distribute them? According to household registration or per head." Staff Officer Zhong asked.

"Naturally, it is divided by head. If it is based on household registration, it seems unfair. After all, some household registrations have fewer people, and some household registrations have more people.

Therefore, it is the most fair to divide according to the head, and, if someone in the account joins the army, he will get ten catties more. "Li Jin said.

"That's the way it should be. You are very considerate, kid." Staff Officer Zhong boasted that if it was an ordinary person, he might not think of giving more distribution to the family members of the army, but Li Jin thought of it.

It shows that Li Jin still has a good understanding of this aspect.

"Hehe, the chief of staff was joking." Li Jin laughed.

"Take me to the dormitory, and I'll see how your internal affairs are doing." Staff Officer Zhong said.

"Okay." Li Jin quickly took Staff Officer Zhong to the soldiers' dormitory to check.

After entering the dormitory, Staff Officer Zhong took a closer look.

The dormitory is neat and smell-free, there is no rubbish, the bean curd cubes in the quilt are also well folded, and the toiletries are also neatly placed without any mess. This is obviously a sign of strict discipline.

"Not bad, very good. Not only did you train well, but you also managed well." Staff Officer Zhong praised him.

Afterwards, several people checked several dormitories one after another, and they were all very neat and tidy, and they were very comfortable at first glance.

"Chief of Staff, what are you doing here?!" Li Jin couldn't help asking.

He wanted to ask just now, but he never had a chance to ask, why did the chief of staff suddenly come to Wujia Village.

"There's something I want to tell you. Another thing is, I'm going to stay here for two days to see how you trained such a good soldier." Staff Officer Zhong said.

"What's the matter?!" Li Jin asked.

"You three platoons will not be under the control of the first battalion in the future, but will be under the control of the regimental commander." Staff Officer Zhong said.

"Ah? What do you mean?!" Li Jin didn't understand for a while. Wasn't he under the control of the regiment leader, let alone the first battalion, the entire regiment was under the control of the regiment leader.

ps: The seventh update is now, there are two more updates before twelve o'clock, and one more update around twelve o'clock, a total of ten updates.

(End of this chapter)

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