Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 116 Be a Useful Person

Chapter 116 Be a Useful Person
The old Chinese doctor sat by the bed, first lifted Cui Ming's eyelids to look at his eyes, and then felt Cui Ming's pulse. The little boy who watched this series of actions couldn't help but raise his heart.

"Doctor, how is brother Ming?!" asked the little boy, his name was Chen Xiaotao.

Hearing this, the old Chinese doctor didn't speak, and took a while to remove his hand from Cui Ming's pulse.

"He's fine, but his bones are relatively weak." The old Chinese doctor said, judging from the pulse condition, there is nothing wrong with this young man.

"Then why is he still awake?" Chen Xiaotao asked again after heaving a sigh of relief.

"He just kowtowed to the head and passed out for a short time, and he will wake up in a short time.
Moreover, he has not eaten meat for a long time, and often cannot eat, and is weaker than others,

Next, I prescribed a few medicines for him to regulate his body, but this would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. If he could eat more food, his health would be better.
Not to mention eating three meals a day, at least two meals a day to fill your stomach,
He was obviously starving every two days, otherwise he wouldn't have fainted directly because of such a small impact. "The old Chinese doctor said slowly.

People with weak bones can't stand the toss, and their endurance is much weaker than ordinary people. If it were other people, they wouldn't just faint.

In the final analysis, people who eat one meal every three days are too empty, and it is very difficult to live.

"Yes, I see." The little boy nodded.

The old Chinese doctor looked at Li Jin and Zhao Xiaowu, and blamed: "Are you two relatives of this boy? Why don't you even give him a meal?! Even servants can't starve people like this, right?" !"

"They are not, they are kind people." Before Li Jin could speak, Chen Xiaotao said first.

"So that's the case. I thought you two were relatives of this young man. I'm sorry." The old Chinese doctor was a little apologetic.

He thought that Li Jin sent the man over in person, and he should be somewhat related to the young man, but he didn't expect it to be a good thing.

"It's okay." Li Jin smiled, but didn't care.

"There are not many good people these days." The old Chinese doctor sighed, stood up, and went to the Chinese medicine cabinet to grab the medicine.

"Brother, thank you very much this time, if it wasn't for you, I really don't know what to do, I'll give you one!" Chen Xiaotao said and was about to kneel down to Li Jin.

Li Jin quickly supported him.

"Stand up! Let me tell you, a man has gold under his knees, so don't kneel down casually. Besides, I'm just sending people over, it's just a matter of little effort." Li Jin said seriously.

Sending people over was just a matter of effort for Li Jin, besides, he was still a soldier, if he saw that the people were in trouble, if he didn't help, he was still a soldier.

"No matter what, you are my great benefactor, and I don't know how to repay you, but if I become prosperous in the future, I will definitely repay you!" Chen Xiaotao said, his eyes were very firm.

When he was most desperate, when no one else would help him, it was Li Jin who helped him, and he will remember this kindness for the rest of his life.

"You don't need to do anything in return. If you have the opportunity, save more money, go to school, and be a person who contributes to society in the future." Li Jin said.

"Do you want to read? I will definitely read if I have the chance!" Chen Xiaotao nodded seriously.

"Your two boxes are cigarettes, right?!" Li Jin asked.

"Yes, by the way, brother likes to smoke, I'll give you two packs." Chen Xiaotao reacted, and hurriedly wanted to open the box, but was stopped by Li Jin.

"No need, I bought these two boxes of cigarettes." Li Jin took out six oceans from his pocket and stuffed them directly into Chen Xiaotao's hands.

"No, I can't take it. You gave so much last time, and you helped me this time, so I can't take it anymore." Chen Xiaotao wanted to return the money to Li Jin as he said that.

Li Jin has helped him too much, he can no longer ask for Li Jin's money.

"This money is not given to you for free. You save it well and use it to study in the future. When you become famous, you have to pay me back!" Li Jin said.

If he didn't say that, Chen Xiaotao probably wouldn't want it.

"Yes!" Chen Xiaotao nodded. He tightly held the money in his hand. He borrowed the money, and he will return it to his elder brother in the future.

"Brother, can I ask what your name is?!"

"My name is Li Jin. When you get rich, I will come to ask you for a debt. Then don't hold back your debt! I will beat people up." Li Jin said.

"No, absolutely not. I will definitely listen to my elder brother and be a useful person to society!" Chen Xiaotao shook his head again and again and said firmly.

"That's fine. If you can do it, I'll help you." Li Jin took two boxes from the little boy and stuffed them to Zhao Xiaowu.

"What's the matter with him, why did he faint by the side of the road?" Li Jin asked.

"I heard people say that it seems that the devil took the cigarettes and didn't give him money, and then Brother Ming went after him, and he was beaten in the end." Chen Xiaotao said.

"His grandma, this devil is really not a good guy!" Zhao Xiaowu scolded directly.

"In the future, when you meet devils, walk around. You really can't avoid them. If devils take your cigarettes and don't give you money, don't ask for them. You can't bear to let devils kick you," Li Jin warned.

"Well, I see. By the way, big brother, my name is Chen Xiaotao, Chen from Erdong Chen, small in size, and the sound of the waves." Chen Xiaotao said, he was afraid that Li Jin would not know his specific name, so he said it Very detailed.

"Chen Xiaotao, I remember you." Li Jin said.

At this time, Cui Ming woke up. He looked at himself in an unfamiliar environment, and was a little puzzled for a while.

"Where am I?!" Cui Ming said.

"Brother Ming, you're awake!" Chen Xiaotao ran to the bed in surprise after finding out.

"Xiaotao? Where is...?" Cui Ming asked.

"This is a pharmacy." Chen Xiaotao said.

"Did you send me here? Thank you," Cui Ming said.

"It's not me, it's this elder brother." Chen Xiaotao turned to look to the side, but found that Li Jin was no longer in the room.

"Brother!" Chen Xiaotao chased him out, but he didn't see Li Jin's figure when he looked at the street full of people coming and going.

"I don't know if I will have a chance to meet my elder brother!" Chen Xiaotao sighed. All he knew was that he owed his elder brother a lot of favors, so he must keep in mind what his elder brother said, and be a person who contributes to society!
Chen Xiaotao turned around and went into the pharmacy, and came to Cui Ming's side.

"Why did you run out suddenly?" Cui Ming had already sat up, he was clutching his chest, and there was a burst of pain from time to time.

"Just now a kind brother sent you to the pharmacy, the brother who spent three oceans to buy my cigarettes,

Not only did he send you here for me, but he also spent money to buy our cigarettes. "Chen Xiaotao said and gave Cui Ming three oceans.

(End of this chapter)

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