Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 125 Solve it with a gun

Chapter 125 Solve it with a gun
Zhao Ming also immediately came back to his senses. From a distance, he saw the devils running in a hurry. These devils ran very fast, and they must have wanted to help.

"Get ready, shoot immediately when the mines sound!" Zhao Ming ordered, and all 25 soldiers stood in line, just waiting for the devil soldiers to come.

There were 25 soldiers lying in ambush on the opposite mountain. Zhao Ming had only ambushed four or five mines on the road. There was no other way. The company commander and Jiang Yuanming took away more.

Ten seconds later, the devil team ran to the place where the mine was buried.

"Boom!" There was a loud explosion, and the devil who stepped on the mine was smashed into pieces, and the two devils who were close were also blown away, dying on the spot, and several devils were also blown away by the blast. Zhen Fei.

This group of devils was so frightened that they threw themselves to the ground.

Before the devil could react, another explosion came from both sides of the road.

Boom boom boom!
Four explosions sounded, killing and injuring more than a dozen devils again. For a while, all the devils were almost deaf, and their heads felt numb. After all, the explosion was too close to them.

"Ah! Help! Help me!" A ghost soldier fell to the ground, holding his blown thigh and shouting desolately, screaming from time to time.

When his leg was blown off just now, he didn't feel it at all. He just accidentally fell to the ground. When he looked at his thigh, he realized that his leg had been blown off.

The wound was dripping with blood, and the bleeding could not be stopped at all, and the ground was already stained red.

"Fight!" Zhao Ming immediately gave the order to shoot. He raised the [-] cover, aimed at a devil sergeant, and pulled the trigger.

boom!The Devil Sergeant was shot in the head directly.

Bang bang bang!
Da da da!
The soldiers on the mountains on both sides fired one after another, shooting at the devils down the mountain.

Two light machine guns also fired at the devils below. The devil soldiers who were stunned could not react at all, and all fell into a pool of blood.

In less than 2 minutes, all the devils were killed.

"Quick, clean up the battlefield." Zhao Ming immediately led the team down the mountain.


Scattered gunshots sounded, and the soldiers quickly seized the spoils while replenishing the devil's guns.

When Zhao Ming led the team to rush down the mountain, there was a devil sergeant lying on his stomach in a recess by the side of the road. When the enemies on the mountain attacked, he immediately climbed here.

He didn't expect that not only the captain of the regiment was ambushed, but they were also ambushed on the way to support them. What kind of army is this lying on the ground? !

Listening to the gunshots coming from his ears, the Devil Sergeant knew that the enemy was refilling the corpse.

He didn't want to die for no apparent reason, and was beaten to death without even seeing the enemy's face. It's too embarrassing to say it!
Thinking of this, the devil soldier got up.

"Don't move!" Immediately, a soldier spotted the Devil's Sergeant, and he raised his gun to aim at the Devil's Sergeant. At the same time, other soldiers also turned their guns to aim at the Devil's Sergeant.

As long as the Devil Sergeant makes other moves, he will be shot to death immediately!
"His grandma's, there is still one alive." Zhao Ming also walked over, he felt that the devil's army was really dead.

"You guys, are you from the National Army or the Eighth Route Army?!" Jun Cao, the devil, asked in non-standard Chinese.

"We are the Eighth Route Army." Zhao Ming said.

"Eighth Route Army?! Impossible, the Eighth Route Army can't have such firepower! It doesn't even have such a strong body!" Said the Devil Army Cao, and these people were similar to those he led.

But they have two light machine guns. In his knowledge, it is impossible for the Eighth Route Army to have such a strong firepower.

In the Eighth Route Army he met, let alone a platoon, even a company might not have a light machine gun, and this machine gun was clearly the machine gun that captured the Empire.

If such a small team had machine guns, then wouldn't the enemy that the captain encountered would have more machine guns.

It is impossible for the Eighth Route Army to have such firepower, and the Eighth Route Army is so poor, how could it have such strong soldiers.

These soldiers looked stronger than the soldiers he brought, and they felt very oppressive just by looking at them.

"Believe it or not." Zhao Ming said directly, "I said you want to surrender, little devil."

"Hmph, how could I surrender to you, let's have a duel between soldiers!" The devil army snorted coldly, and pulled out the command knife with a black handle.

"Oh, okay, let's play with you." Zhao Ming pulled out the machete he was carrying,

Guizi Juncao smiled when he saw this. Although the opponent was stronger than him, he was a first-class stabbing expert, and he didn't think the opponent could beat him.

As long as you can kill the other party, even if you die, you will die with dignity.

Just when the two were planning to compare each other.

"Platoon leader, the battlefield is cleaned up, and basically everything that can be taken is taken." A soldier reported.

Hearing this, Zhao Ming picked up the sword again.

Seeing this scene, Juncao of the devil was stunned, what's going on.

Immediately, Zhao Ming took the rifle from the soldier next to him. Seeing the astonished eyes of the Devil Sergeant Cao, he was shot in the head by Zhao Ming, and the white brains flew out.

The devil's army stared wide-eyed, and his body fell backward unwillingly.

"Retreat immediately!" Zhao Ming immediately ordered to retreat. If the soldiers hadn't finished cleaning the battlefield, he could play with this devil soldier.

But after the battlefield is cleaned up, there is no need to play. This devil's sergeant, he can feel that the opponent still has something. If there is a real fight, he may not be able to win in a short time.

"Platoon leader, why did you kill the devil?! Didn't you say that there will be a duel between soldiers?" A soldier asked while running. Just go back on your word?

Is this bad?Don't talk about him, other fighters think the same way.

"You idiot, if we don't have other dangers, it's okay to spend time fighting with the Devil Sergeant,
But don't forget, we are still in danger now, if we waste a minute, we will be more dangerous,
You kid seems to have forgotten what the company commander said, right?
Just wait, I will tell the company commander when I get back, and let the company commander drill you well. " Zhao Ming said.

The company commander has repeatedly emphasized that if you are not out of danger, don't even think about confronting devils, and don't use knives to solve problems that can be solved with guns.

"Don't platoon leader, I just forgot for a while, don't tell the company commander!" The soldier panicked when he heard it, and let the company commander know that he must not be punished for copying the internal regulations a hundred times.

"Hmph, that's not okay, I can't protect my subordinates." Zhao Ming said while running.

"I have half a pack of cigarettes in my possession, I'll give it to you when I get back!" the soldier gritted his teeth and said.

"Haha, it's a deal. You guys still have cigarettes in your possession. I don't even have one." Zhao Ming laughed loudly.

The group of people ran very fast. After all, Li Jin said that after cleaning the battlefield, they hurriedly marched and retreated according to the designated location.

(End of this chapter)

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