Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 131 No one is reliable

Chapter 131 No One Is Reliable
"It's his grandma's. Fortunately, you reminded me, otherwise I almost fell into the pit! You still have to tell the brigade commander first!" Li Yunlong said.

He must personally order the killing of the leader of the devils, and then report to the brigade commander, and then the brigade commander agrees before the troops can be mobilized, otherwise Li Yunlong will be in big trouble.

Even though the brigade commander didn't know what he said, but if something happened to Li Yunlong, the brigade commander must know, and the responsibility for mobilizing troops without authorization is great.

"However, Li Jin still deserves the most credit for this matter," Staff Officer Zhong said.

Although it was Li Yunlong who gave the order, and he deserved some credit, the brigade commander must know that Li Jin deserved the most credit, but he did this to silence the others.

To avoid chaos, otherwise everyone has to develop independently, disobeying orders from superiors and mobilizing troops at will, then there will be no chaos.

"I don't care if I get credit or not, but when the time comes, my name won't be published in the newspaper.

Although I am not worried about the devils sending people to assassinate me, but after all, if there is less trouble, it will be less trouble. "Li Jin said.

Once the devils know about his troops, they might send someone over to make trouble. After all, they don't want to be fooled when they went out to inspect that day.

"This is a great opportunity to become famous, are you sure you don't want it?!" Deputy Head Qian said.

To be published in the newspaper is to be famous. No matter how many people want to report, they will not have this opportunity, but Li Jin does not want to do this.

"I don't really care about these things. If possible, I don't even want the devils to know about our company's situation." Li Jin said.

As soon as the words came out, the few people fell silent. The devil really couldn't let this matter know.

Therefore, the newspaper reported cannot just say that Li Jin only dispatched 300 people to wipe out so many devils.

At that time, not only the devils will be afraid, but even the national army may be afraid.

After all, if such a powerful force takes the opportunity to go around and attack the headquarters, the national army will not be able to stand it.

"Then this credit must be distributed to other people. The first battalion, the second battalion, and the third battalion all have to have a share." Staff Officer Zhong said.

Annihilating 200 devils, dispatching three battalions, nearly a thousand people, and then more than half of the casualties can barely be justified. After all, it was an ambush, and half of the casualties can be explained in the past.

Like the 15 people reported by Li Jin who were slightly injured, absolutely not, as long as the internal high-level people know about it, it is better to keep it secret for others.

In particular, the national army should not be allowed to know that there is a unit like Li Jin in the Eighth Route Army.

Although the two parties are now in a cooperative relationship, they are still afraid of each other.

Of course, it's also possible that the other party doesn't care. After all, a troop of two to 300 people can make waves.

"That's the best way, share the credit equally, and try not to let our company appear in the sight of others." Li Jin said.

However, even if it is reported, the other party probably won't believe it. They won't think that the Eighth Route Army is capable of training a force stronger than devils.

But just to be on the safe side, even if the other party doesn't believe it, they can't let this company be known by the other party.

"Then it's settled like this. I'll write a new battle plan." Li Yunlong made a decision directly. He was writing a battle plan and went to the brigade headquarters to hand it over to the brigade commander.

"Commander, then I'll ask the soldiers to move the spoils to the warehouse." Li Jin said.

"Go, go." Li Yunlong waved his hand.

Li Jingang was about to leave, but remembered that his combat report hadn't been given to Li Yunlong yet.

"Head, this is the combat report I wrote." Li Jin took out a few pieces of paper from his arms and handed them to Li Yunlong before leaving the yard.

Li Yunlong and the others looked at the combat report, and it was almost exactly the same as what Li Jin said, and it was written in great detail.

"Li Jin, this boy, is really reassuring in his work, and he is not greedy for credit." Deputy head Qian boasted.

If it was someone else, he would have been overjoyed to have killed a joint captain, but Li Jin didn't, he thought more about it.

This is something no one else can do.

"Well, yes, if I were him, I might not be able to give up my credit." Deputy head Qian also said.

"By the way, what good things did Li Jin send again?!" Staff Officer Zhong asked.

"Hey, it will scare you to death if you say it. Li Jin sent three heavy machine guns, four light machine guns, and three mortars, 170 six [-] big caps." Li Yunlong laughed.

With these heavy machine guns, their Xinyi regiment is now the real main force of the Eighth Route Army, and its firepower is even comparable to that of the main force of the National Army.

"There are so many things?!!" Deputy Head Qian and Staff Officer Zhong gasped.

"In other words, our regiment now has five heavy machine guns and more than 20 light machine guns. In the entire Eighth Route Army, only our new regiment can have this kind of firepower!" Staff Officer Zhong said.

The other main regiments are good enough to have two or three heavy machine guns. The Xinyi regiment has more than them, and more light machine guns than them.

"I used to think that the devil's firepower is strong, but now our firepower is not too bad. Although there is still a gap between us and the devil, the gap is not too big!" Li Yunlong laughed.

He is happy from the bottom of his heart. In the past, he was very jealous of the devil's [-] style, crooked handle, crooked handle, and mortar, and now Xinyituan has them all.

To be honest, before he thought it would take him at least a whole year to achieve this level, but he didn't expect that he could do it in just a few months after coming to Xinyituan.

"It's all thanks to Li Jin. Although they spent a lot of money, it's nothing compared to the weapons they handed over to Dayang." Deputy Head Qian said.

When he knew that hundreds of Li Jin had to spend so much money for training, he still felt distressed, but now it seems that Li Jin is worth the money no matter how much he spends.

"This kid is really a lucky general. Not only can he make money and guns, but he is still a good fighter, and he can train soldiers. He is almost omnipotent.
"It's a good thing that such a person is from our Eighth Route Army. If it's from the National Army, we must always be on guard for the safety of the rear." Staff Officer Zhong laughed.

"If this is the case, just being on guard may not be effective. This kid has a lot of tricks in fighting. He takes one step and counts three steps, and he is also very courageous." Deputy head Qian also laughed.

Among other things, just saying that Li Jin dared to ambush the devil's regiment leader so close to the county seat is not something ordinary people would dare to do.

If it were someone else, I probably wouldn't even dare to think about it. Don't be ambushed by the time, and I would be made dumplings by the devil instead.

"No matter how powerful it is, it's still Lao Tzu's soldier." Li Yunlong said cheerfully, he liked Li Jin more and more as a soldier.

"Leader, you should hurry up and write the battle report, don't have fun." Deputy head Qian said, the most important thing for Li Yunlong now is to write the battle report.

Otherwise, wait for the news to be verified before writing and delay the time.

"Okay, okay, don't rush, I'll just write it." Li Yunlong was helpless, it was just a combat report.

"Why don't you write this battle report, my handwriting is too ugly." Li Yunlong said, although he can read, his handwriting is ugly.

Among the cadres of the Eighth Route Army, many are literate. It can be said that few of the cadres of the Eighth Route Army are illiterate.

Not to mention cadres, many soldiers are also taught to read and write. This is to prepare them for promotion in the future. After all, cadres below the regiment level sacrifice the most during wars.

If an illiterate who doesn't understand anything, who dares to reuse it, literacy means that he can use his brain to some extent, not a mere scripture. Of course, there are also people who can fight without literacy, but they are not many.

If you let a person digging in the ground every day command even a platoon of people to fight, you don't know how to arrange people to fight.

I don't even know which soldier should defend at that position, how to arrange escorts for logistics ammunition, and how to fight.

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army attaches great importance to the cultural cultivation of soldiers.

"Let's go, you are the regiment leader, and I am not the regiment leader." Staff Officer Zhong said directly, he still needs to write the writing war plan, what do you want the regiment leader Li Yunlong to do.

"Although I have the word head, I am only a deputy after all, don't count on me." Deputy head Qian also said.

"Damn it, neither of you two guys is reliable!" Li Yunlong cursed into the room to write a war plan.

(End of this chapter)

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