Chapter 135
After allocating weapons, Li Yunlong looked at Li Jin and said, "Tell me about your company's weapon configuration."

Hearing this, Song Qian and the others also looked at Li Jin, they also wanted to know this.

Li Jin killed a lot of ghosts and bandits, so the weapons and equipment should be good.

"Currently, there are three heavy machine guns, eleven light machine guns, and three hundred and six rifles, all of which are new guns. Next, there are three mortars and ten grenades," Li Jin said slowly.

"What?! The firepower of your fucking company is stronger than that of our battalion!" Sun Hai said in shock.

Although they guessed that Li Jin's firepower would not be weak, they did not expect it to be so strong. When they did not form a company, they were able to recruit more than 300 people, more than their company.

Even if there are too many people, the firepower is so strong.

"With ten grenadiers and three mortars, it's easy for me to form an artillery squad," Qin Sheng said.

Li Jin's company not only has a lot of machine guns, but also a lot of cannons. Damn it, the firepower is comparable to that of two squadrons of devils.

Li Yunlong and deputy head Qian were also taken aback. They didn't expect Li Jin's company to be so strong. Although they had expected it, they were still a little shocked when they heard it.

"Actually, it's far worse than the devils. What I want is to crush the devils with the same number of people and firepower." Li Jin said.

The same number of devils are equipped with ten light machine guns and five heavy machine guns. He is now comparable to the devils in light machine guns, but not as good as heavy machine guns.

Of course, if he hadn't surrendered his weapon, his firepower would have surpassed that of the devil.

"You boy is quite ambitious!" Li Yunlong said, Li Jin's current firepower is not far behind that of devils with the same number of equipment.

Song Qian swallowed his saliva, he was really envious of Li Jin's firepower, and wanted to get some machine guns from Li Jin.

But Li Jin's army is very strong, worthy of using so many machine guns, and a master with a good knife, this is called a master.

If they were used instead, they would not be able to achieve the same effect as Li Jin, and the military quality of the soldiers would be too far apart, and the use of weapons would also vary greatly.

"How can you be the commander's soldier if you don't have any ambitions? This is taught by the commander." Li Jin smiled. Compared with Li Yunlong's daring to fight in the county, he is a ball.

"Haha, I like to hear that." Li Yunlong laughed loudly.

The others also smiled, Li Jin is a pretty good flatterer.

"Li Jin, if you are so good at flattering, you would definitely be a high-ranking official in ancient times." Sun Hai said.

"Of course, I am like this, no matter what, I have to be a general of the imperial forest." Li Jin replied unceremoniously.

"Fart, you kid was the head of the palace in ancient times." Qin Sheng laughed.


The crowd laughed.

Li Jin: "..."

"Okay, okay, no kidding, you should get the equipment, Li Jin, I will send someone to arrange a place for you." Li Yunlong said.


Soon, only Li Yunlong, deputy head Qian and staff officer Zhong were left in the conference room.

"Captain, isn't Li Jin's firepower too strong? How about asking him to hand over a few grenadiers?" Deputy Chief Qian said.

"I think so too. In Li Jin's troops, machine guns are enough, grenadiers and mortars, don't need too many." Staff Officer Zhong also agreed with Deputy Commander Qian.

Li Yunlong was silent for a while. Li Jin's firepower was indeed very strong. In the entire Huaxia army, with the same number of people, no single army's firepower could compare with Li Jin's company.

But there is a saying that is good, you need to be strong to strike iron, and Li Jin's troops are equipped with such firepower.

"No, Li Jin will hand over the mortars and grenade shells he seized in the future. I believe that he is just forming an artillery squad.

With his ability, grenadier mortars are nothing, he might be able to capture infantry artillery in the future,
Take a ten thousand step back and say that I let them develop independently. Li Jin clearly does not need to hand over these weapons, but he also considered other troops and took the initiative to hand them over.
If he didn't turn it in, who would have known that he would make such a big noise and seize so many weapons.

It can even be said that without Li Jin handing in so many weapons, many soldiers in the Xinyi Regiment would not have been given guns, let alone heavy machine guns and light machine guns and mortars. "Li Yunlong said.

He still denied the matter of asking Li Jin to turn in the grenades and mortars. If it weren't for Li Jin, many soldiers in the new regiment would still be holding machetes.

Besides, it's also what he said about independent development. It can't be said that Li Jin is capable and developed, so he just squeezed so much wool from Li Jin.

Moreover, Li Jin also considered other troops. Although he kept a lot of weapons, it was nothing compared to what was handed in.

The weapons that Li Jin handed in directly transformed the Xinyi regiment from a non-entry regiment into a main force regiment. Isn't that enough?

"That's true, so be it, but you still have to make it clear to Li Jin about the surrender of weapons. What they seized before is fine.
Most of the seizures in the future will be confiscated, and a small part can be kept. "Officer Zhong said.

That is to say, in the new regiment, if Li Jin changed to a formally organized regiment, basically 90.00% of the weapons seized by Li Jin would be handed over, which would allow him to keep so many weapons for himself.

Of course, the new regiment just has a number, and the number of weapons is all developed independently.

In fact, there are many regiments that only give the number and let the regiment leader develop the troops. How many people you can recruit is up to you.

Of course, even if you recruit 1 people, you have to call it a regiment, not a brigade or a division.

While several people were talking, Li Jin also came in. When he just left, he also realized that there was something wrong with his approach.

Patronizing himself, although he said that he turned in a lot of weapons, but he also kept a lot of them, so he can't do this in the future.

"Regimental Commander, I'm here to say that most of the weapons I seized will be handed over to the regiment headquarters.
Of course, the current weapons and equipment cannot be handed over, and the current weapons and equipment are barely regarded as the standard equipment of the special warfare company. If they are handed in, it will greatly affect the combat effectiveness. "Li Jin said.

In his eyes, the current firepower of the company is barely considered standard equipment. If he seizes more heavy machine guns and light machine guns later, he can hand over most of them and keep a small part for himself.

He hoped that the special warfare company would have at least ten heavy machine guns and twenty light machine guns to be regarded as the real standard equipment, but now it can only be regarded as barely achieved.

Moreover, the seized weapons also have to consider the other troops of the Xinyi regiment. They can't eat their own face full of oil, but let others be hungry and skinny.

"We also just wanted to talk to you about this issue. I didn't expect you to realize this issue yourself. It's very good." Staff Officer Zhong said.

"To tell you the truth, if it weren't for you, Xinyituan would not have developed so fast. You are really a lucky general." Vice-head Qian said.

"Hey, no matter where they are, they are all in the same family, so what are they talking about?" Li Jin touched his head with a smile, a little embarrassed by the compliment.

"It's all a small problem, you can keep your weapons according to your own standards, it's okay if you don't turn them in,

Since it is a special warfare company, it should look like a special warfare company. It doesn't matter if it has enough firepower. "Li Yunlong said grandly.

"Okay, thank you, Commander, I won't turn in the weapons from now on, I'll keep them for myself,

You see, when the time comes, I will discharge the entire artillery, and then form a machine gun platoon with dozens of machine guns. "Li Jin said.

"Hey, hey, let me be polite to you. You still have to hand in what should be handed in. Otherwise, if you don't hand in, you will be in violation of discipline!" Li Yunlong became anxious immediately.

He didn't think Li Jin's words were a joke, Li Jin could really capture so many machine guns.

Judging from the situation these days, if Li Jin didn't turn in his weapons, Dayang would have more than 1000 people in his platoon.

A row of thousands of people, maybe even more, his grandma's, just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

"I'm just kidding, Captain, don't worry." Li Jin laughed.

"Damn it, you are so brave, you dare to make fun of me." Li Yunlong stared, he was really anxious just now.

Artillery platoon, machine gun platoon, he really didn't doubt that Li Jin could do it.

"Captain, I still have to take a step ahead." Seeing that the situation was not going well, Li Jin ran away.

Staff Officer Zhong and Deputy Head Qian also smiled, Li Jin is really a talent.

(End of this chapter)

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