Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 141 is too outrageous

Chapter 141 is too outrageous
You know, these three soldiers raised their guns and fired as soon as they were loaded, without even taking aim, but even so, they still hit the target!

The three soldiers then quickly pulled the bolt to load and fired again without aiming, which pierced the scarecrow's right palm.

Five bullets were fired in succession, all of which hit, and then the three soldiers quickly reloaded the gun, and fired again after loading.

After all ten rounds were fired, the brigade commander was speechless, and the other brigade soldiers who saw this scene were also dumbfounded.

"How, how is it possible?! Ten bullets, at a distance of 200 meters, all hit, and they still pointed at that."

"This marksmanship is really terrifying. It's terrifyingly accurate. From the beginning to the end, they fired as soon as they were loaded. They shot in one go. They didn't aim much. The key is to hit them all."

"If it were me, at a distance of 100 meters, I would have to aim for a few seconds to be sure to hit it. They are too outrageous."

"Yeah, the devil's marksmanship is already very accurate, but I don't think they can do this."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it was our unit."

The soldiers in the brigade were all talking, they were all overwhelmed by the marksmanship of the soldiers of the special warfare company, 200 meters away, ten out of ten, but the key is that they didn't aim at all.

It was as if those targets had been fixed in their hearts, and they didn't need to make too many movements. They could just load the gun and hit it. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Li Yunlong saw the soldiers in the brigade headquarters were shocked and said, he couldn't help smiling, he must have been stunned.

But to Li Yunlong's pity, the brigade commander didn't show any expression. He was shocked when he saw it.

"Li Yunlong, I randomly selected these people, that is to say, each of them has this level of marksmanship, right?" said the brigade commander.

If not, Li Yunlong would not dare to let him choose randomly, but would choose to pick out elite soldiers to fool him, but Li Yunlong did not do this.

Although he had thought these soldiers were very powerful before, when he actually saw them, it was beyond his imagination.

"Yes, if you don't believe me, you can pick a few at random, but if their marksmanship is bad, I'm bragging." Li Yunlong said directly.

He has great confidence in the soldiers of the special warfare company.

"You, you, you, you three come out!" The brigade commander picked out three more soldiers.

Then the three soldiers in front were replaced, and the three soldiers behind were watching.

Then, at the same distance, all ten bullets were hit, and the same shot hit the designated target without much aim.

The brigade commander took a deep breath. He was already shocked. He never thought that such a powerful unit would appear in his army.

"Brigade Commander, in fact, 200 meters is not a big deal. Their distance of 300 meters can also achieve this level." Staff Officer Zhong stepped forward and said.

"What? This is not the limit, can you still hit 300 meters?!" The brigade commander was stunned.

200 meters away is accurate enough, and now it can hit 300 meters. Not many of the devil's troops can do it.

"Yes." Staff Officer Zhong nodded.

He had seen it with his own eyes in Wujia Village, and under Li Jin's guidance, he had been trained to command soldiers, so he could say that he knew how powerful these soldiers were.

"Let me see." The brigade commander said, he already had expectations in his heart.

"Yes! You guys are retreating 100 meters!" Staff Officer Zhong nodded, and then asked the three soldiers to retreat to a distance of 300 meters and start shooting.

This time the distance was relatively far, so when the three soldiers fired, they did not shoot as fast as they did at 200 meters.

They took aim, but it didn't take long to aim. For each shot, it took less than three seconds from aiming to firing.

Still hit ten shots.

The brigade commander didn't know how to describe his mood anymore, these soldiers are too good, they are called elite soldiers.

The soldiers in the brigade looked at this scene and were even more shocked than before.

"Is he dazzled?! He hit all ten rounds in 300 meters?! Not even one shot!"

"Damn, it's outrageous, are they human?"

"It's too scary. I'd rather face devils than face such troops."

"If they were ambushed, they would have been beaten to death without seeing them clearly, what a ghost!"

The soldiers in the brigade discussed it with shock in their tone.

This is a distance of 300 meters, not ten meters or twenty meters. Although the opponent needs to aim to shoot, the speed from aiming to shooting is still very fast.

"Brigade Commander, what's the matter? I said that these soldiers are better than devils. Believe it now." Li Yunlong looked smug.

"Well, you're not bragging." The brigade commander nodded expressionlessly. Li Yunlong clearly wanted to see him show a shocked expression, but he refused to let Li Yunlong succeed.

Otherwise, this kid's tail will be up to the sky.

However, he had to admit that these soldiers were really more powerful than devils. If nearly 300 people were all of this level, it would not be impossible to ambush two small groups of devils and wipe them out in a short time.

It is acceptable to slightly injure 15 people, and he even feels that such a powerful soldier should not even have a dozen minor injuries in an ambush.

"Brigade Commander, in fact, shooting fixed targets can't reflect their true strength. It's better to shoot moving targets." Staff Officer Zhong said.

Hitting a fixed target is not a skill, only moving targets can barely reflect marksmanship.

Shooting a moving target can not only test marksmanship, but also test the reaction ability of soldiers, because moving targets test the gunner's ability more than stationary targets.

"Moving targets?! Okay, let me see." The brigade commander said, at present, in the Eighth Route Army, all targets are fixed targets, and few recruits can hit fixed targets.

At a distance of 20 meters, many recruits even missed the target, but they did not have too many bullets for training.

Therefore, the marksmanship accuracy of many recruits of the Eighth Route Army is basically within 50 meters, which means that veterans can hit the target within [-] meters, but they cannot hit the target with a gun.

A small number of talented soldiers can hit the 200-meter gun, but there are too few such soldiers.

"Yes!" Staff Officer Zhong looked at Xu Qingfeng, who immediately understood what it meant, and then got a 20-meter-long thick hemp rope, and several [-]-centimeter-long small hemp ropes.

Staff Officer Zhong found a few fist-sized stones, tied them up with smaller hemp ropes, and hung them on the hemp ropes.

Finally, with the cooperation of the two, the hemp rope was tied between the two trees, and the stone was hung under the hemp rope.

The brigade commander must have watched the two of them fiddle with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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