Chapter 155

"Xiao Chen, his name is Lu Changgong, and he will be your man from now on. Train him well," Li Jin said.

"Yes!" Chen Yong nodded. The company commander actually asked him to take such a good soldier, so he would naturally do his best to take care of it.

"Take him to the dormitory, and give him a military uniform and military boots tomorrow, and I will leave it to you to train the military posture. After the military posture training, let him join the training." Li Jin ordered.

Lu Changgong's innate advantages lie there, and he will definitely be able to keep up with the training. The most important thing now is to train his military posture.

Li Jin intends to entrust Lu Changgong with a heavy responsibility. Of course, the premise is that the ability must be outstanding, otherwise, he will not be able to convince the public.

"Understood! Lu Changgong, come with me." Chen Yong led Lu Changgong out of Li Jin's room.

Along the way, many soldiers stared at Lu Changgong. After all, Lu Changgong's height was too outstanding, and he was also very burly.

"This brother won't be a recruit?!"

"You're not talking nonsense, didn't you see that Squad Leader Chen is leading people?"

"Damn it, don't let me fight this guy, I don't want to be broken into eight pieces by him."

The soldiers were discussing, they didn't really want to practice against Lu Changgong, the pressure was too great, it was fine to be a head taller than them, and they were still so strong.

Moreover, looking at Lu Changgong's steady steps and his bulging muscles propped up by his clothes, he is obviously a trainer, and it would definitely be uncomfortable to be hit by him all at once.

Of course, the other party should have never killed anyone, there is no such evil spirit on his body, and his eyes are not sharp enough, so if it is really a life-and-death struggle, the probability that they can win and kill the other party is not small.

After all, in a life-and-death duel, they can make dirty tricks every minute. Fighting is another matter.

"Lu Changgong, how old are you?" Chen Yong said as he walked.

"Twenty." Lu Changgong replied.

"From then on, I will call you Xiao Lu." Chen Yong said, he was two years older than Lu Changgong.

"This sounds like a donkey, or you should call me Chang Gong." Lu Changgong said, Xiao Lu felt like a donkey, he didn't like it.

"Haha, I didn't pay attention." Chen Yong smiled, and soon, they came to a dormitory.

Many soldiers were shirtless, sitting on the bed, revealing their tendons.

"Come here and introduce a newcomer to you." Chen Yong clapped his hands.

Soon, more than a dozen soldiers got up and came to Chen Yong. They all looked at Lu Changgong standing behind Chen Yong. His head was so conspicuous that it was hard not to notice it.

"Brother Lu! Why are you here?!" One of the soldiers suddenly shouted, his voice full of joy, and he squeezed out of the crowd and walked out.

"Huh? Jiang Ming? Are you here too!" Lu Changgong's eyes showed joy, he didn't expect to meet a fellow villager here.

"Good guy, you guys still know each other. That's fine, then I won't introduce any more. Let me introduce you, Jiang Ming." Chen Yong smiled, turned and left the dormitory.

"This is Lu Changgong, who I often tell you, brother Lu who killed three hundred catties of wild boar with one punch at the age of 17!" Jiang Ming raised his fist and said loudly.

"Damn it, I thought you were bragging. I believe it when I see a real person!" A soldier said, before Jiang Ming mentioned things in the village, Lu Changgong was the one who mentioned the most.

But they didn't quite believe it at the time, but now after seeing Lu Changgong's physique, they believed it.

"I told you I'm not bragging, believe me now." Jiang Ming said.

"Hello everyone, I'm here, Lu Changgong, from Xiaohe Village!" Lu Changgong bowed to everyone with cupped fists.

Then they each introduced themselves, and soon they began to ask Lu Changgong about killing a three-hundred-pound wild boar with one punch.

"It's not that exaggerated. It took a lot of punches to kill the wild boar when I was riding on it, and a stone was thrown at the back to kill the wild boar." Lu Changgong looked helpless.

If he could really kill a three-hundred-jin wild boar with one punch, he wouldn't be beaten so badly by his grandfather.

"That's very powerful." A soldier said, wild boars are much more fierce than domestic pigs, and they are stronger than domestic pigs in terms of strength. It is really amazing to be able to kill a wild boar with your fists.

At least they certainly can't.

"Tell me the specific details." Another soldier asked.

Afterwards, Lu Changgong talked about the story, and the soldiers who listened were full of admiration.

Chen Yong, who was standing outside eavesdropping, was also smiling all over his face. This time he really found a treasure. He didn't expect that Lu Changgong would be able to become one with the soldiers so quickly.

Thinking of this, Chen Yong walked away.


At eight o'clock the next morning, in Wangjia Village, after Li Yunlong had breakfast, he took Staff Officer Zhong to the conference room to find the brigade commander.

"Brigadier, this is the battle plan I wrote." Li Yunlong took out a piece of paper and handed it to the brigade commander.

The brigade commander took the paper, glanced at it casually, and said: "You bastard, can you practice your handwriting well, this handwriting is like his chicken feet, every time I read your report, I have to read it for a long time! "

"Brigade Commander, you can enjoy yourself if I can read and write. Besides, I'm ugly, but I can recognize it, right?" Li Yunlong said.

Anyway, as long as he can write, what's wrong with ugly handwriting, ugly handwriting doesn't mean he can't fight.

"I still have to praise you for co-authoring," said the brigade commander.

"It's not impossible to praise a few words." Li Yunlong laughed.

The brigade commander stopped talking and stared at Li Yunlong.

"If I didn't say it, I will definitely practice calligraphy in the future!" Li Yunlong was startled and said seriously. Of course, that's what he said. As for practicing calligraphy?Practice ass!

"This is the approval slip from the quilt factory, and this is the medal from Li Jin and the others." The brigade commander took out a piece of paper and three medals.

This was the reward for Li Jin leading the team to wipe out dozens of devils. Li Jinrong won the second-class individual merit, Xu Qingfeng won the third-class individual merit, and the third row won the collective second-class merit. Now it is time for Li Yunlong to take it back.

Li Yunlong quickly put away the medal and approval slip.

"By the way, the current political commissar of the Xinyi Regiment hasn't been found yet, so we probably have to wait for a while." The brigade commander said.

It has been several months since Li Yunlong went to Xinyituan, but they haven't finalized the candidates for the current political commissar, mainly because they want to pick some people with high education and strong ability to do it.

"Brigade Commander, I'm not in a hurry. If you want me to say, don't send me a political commissar. I can be the head of the political commissar by myself, so I won't bother you." Li Yunlong said.

He doesn't want any political commissar to fix things for him. In his opinion, cultural people are very troublesome and they don't know how to fight.

"You think so beautifully. The head of the political commissar asked you to do it. You can't make a mess by yourself. Don't even think about it!" The brigade commander said directly.

Li Yunlong's temper was too jumpy, no one stopped him, he was really afraid that Li Yunlong would accidentally make something big happen.

(End of this chapter)

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