Chapter 157
Now the soldiers in the logistics department can eat a little meat every day, which is all thanks to Li Yunlong.

"What kind of thing is Dayang? I killed a leader of the Devils Alliance, so I came here to ask for credit." Li Yunlong said arrogantly.

"Blow it and you go." Minister Zhang didn't believe Li Yunlong's words at all.

"Hey, what are you bragging about? The captain of the Devils Alliance keeps the knife and gun at the brigade commander's place. If you don't believe me, you can ask the brigade commander. If I brag, you can take this head." Li Yunlong refused to accept it.

Looking at Li Yunlong's appearance, he didn't seem to be lying, so Minister Zhang said, "Did you really kill the captain of the devil alliance?!"

"Of course!" Li Yunlong said.

"Good guy, you can, you have done a great job this time!" Minister Zhang gasped.

"It's so-so, just a regiment leader is nothing, and I will kill the devil's brigade and division commander in the future." Li Yunlong said directly.

"Blow it up, I still believe the regiment leader, as for the brigade commander? Unless the devil is a fool, he didn't bring many soldiers out and was bumped into by you." Minister Zhang curled his lips, not believing that Li Yunlong could kill the devil's brigade commander.

There are 8000 to 3 people in a brigade of devils, not to mention [-] to [-] in the division.

"Don't believe it, I'll let you see it when the time comes." Li Yunlong refused to accept it, and said.

"All right, all right, I believe it." Minister Zhang didn't bother to argue.

"Well, Lao Zhang, let me discuss something with you. You are approving me for [-] bullets. Tell me what you want, and I, Li Yunlong, will definitely get it for you." Li Yunlong said, not arguing on this topic.

"Fuck off! Fifty thousand rounds of ammunition are returned. I'll give you all the beauty you want. What about the other regiments?!" Minister Zhang refused decisively.

"Tsk, Lao Zhang, why are you so stingy! Isn't it just [-] rounds of bullets, and it looks like it can kill you!" Li Yunlong stared and said angrily.

"Hey, don't tell me, I'm really stingy, I have to count every bullet myself!" Minister Zhang said.

When it comes to bullets, he is careful and careful. Every bullet must be allocated well, otherwise how would he send ammunition to those regiments.

"Old Zhang, with our friendship, can't you let me share more bullets?" Li Yunlong's tone softened, and he played the emotional card.

"Don't do this with me, I won't take it!" Minister Zhang said, if everyone plays the emotional card with him, then how can we manage the logistics.

Seeing that Minister Zhang refused to enter, Li Yunlong had no other choice.

"Old Zhang, let me tell you, if you don't give me the bullets today, I won't leave. You still have to take care of the food. Have you seen the soldiers outside? You also have to take care of their food.
One hundred people, one person can eat as much as five of you, and I will eat you poorly! " Li Yunlong said and sat down on the chair.

"Damn it! Aren't you playing a rogue! You are still the head of the regiment, how shameless!" Minister Zhang scolded.

But Li Yunlong didn't talk to him at all, he crossed his legs and looked at the sky, as if he wouldn't leave if you didn't give me.

"I'm really scared of you! I don't have [-] rounds of ammunition, so I'll give you [-] at most!" Minister Zhang said helplessly.

"Haha, Lao Zhang, you are such a good person, I told you that you wouldn't be so stingy!" Li Yunlong got up immediately, with a smile on his face, which changed faster than turning the pages of a book.

"You can turn your face faster than you can turn a book." Minister Zhang was speechless, and said, "But I can say that there is something wrong with the 100 rounds of ammunition, and the gunpowder is a little short. It can hit about [-] meters at most."

Due to some mistakes, the gunpowder of this batch of bullets was reloaded less, and the power was insufficient, so the range of the bullets was not far enough. After discovering the problem, he just planned to have the gunpowder reloaded, but there was no time.

"That's okay, it's good if you have it." Li Yunlong said, being able to hit 100 meters is enough, anyway, it's not for killing the enemy, but for training.

"Also, you can't take this bullet for nothing. If you capture Dayang again next time, you should pay less when handing it in, so that I can eat two more pieces of meat." Minister Zhang said, eating two more pieces of meat with a small bite Wine, this is life.

"It's easy to talk about." Li Yunlong laughed.

"It's done." Minister Zhang said.

"No problem." Li Yunlong replied.

Minister Zhang went out to order people again. Not long after, the ammunition, grenades and so on were all carried by the soldiers of the special warfare company.

"Old Zhang, then I'll go first." Li Yunlong said and left with the soldiers of the special warfare company.

"This Li Yunlong." Minister Zhang looked at Li Yunlong's leaving back and shook his head, then looked around and entered the room.

"Sneak a sip of wine, no one should notice." Minister Zhang muttered and walked towards the table. As soon as he squatted down, his face changed instantly.

"Where's my wine?! Where's my big bottle of sake?!" Seeing that the place where the wine was originally placed was empty, Minister Zhang's eyes widened.

He lay down on the ground and looked carefully, but there was still nothing.

"No, I clearly remember that it was put here?!" Minister Zhang searched around but couldn't find it, and then he remembered Li Yunlong's appearance.

Just now Li Yunlong kept holding his hands, even when he sat down, he didn't let go of his hands, he guessed it immediately.

"You damn Li Yunlong! Give me back my wine! Give me back my bullets!"

After a while, Minister Zhang's roar came from the courtyard. This time, Minister Zhang lost his wife and lost his army.

At this time, Li Yunlong was also urging the soldiers of the special warfare company to hurry up.

"Head, what's the matter?!" Xu Qingfeng wondered.

"Don't ask and run quickly!" Li Yunlong looked behind from time to time, and was ready to run quickly if Minister Zhang caught up with him.

"Regimental Commander, wait for us." Staff Officer Zhong also saw Li Yunlong, and quickly chased after him with a few soldiers from the Special Warfare Company carrying big sacks.

"Commander, what are you doing so fast?!" Staff Officer Zhong asked.

"Now is not the time to talk, go out first, and Lao Zhang will catch up after a while." Li Yunlong walked quickly, and Staff Officer Zhong was confused.

Not long after, they left the mountains.

"Commander, what's going on?!" Staff Officer Zhong said.

"I'll show you something nice." Li Yunlong chuckled, and took out half a bottle of sake from his arms.

"Good guy, where did you come from?!" Staff Officer Zhong couldn't help asking after seeing it.

"What do you think?" Li Yunlong said.

"Old Zhang's?"

"Who else can there be but him? This old boy is not a good person. There is a bottle of good wine in the working place. It seems that he secretly drank while working." Li Yunlong said.

Staff Officer Zhong gave Li Yunlong a weird look, who is not a good person?

"Look at what I'm doing. I'm helping Lao Zhang. It's a violation of discipline. I'll take his wine as a thank you gift. By the way, I also asked for [-] more bullets from Lao Zhang. That's great, isn't it?" .” Li Yunlong said.

Seeing Li Yunlong's righteous and awe-inspiring look, Staff Officer Zhong didn't know what to say for a while, it was the first time he was so confident in taking other people's things.

(End of this chapter)

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