Chapter 166
Li Jin also nodded when he heard it. If there is no suitable place to block, it is indeed the best way to fight the devils in this way.

The soldiers of the new regiment were much worse than the soldiers of the special warfare company, especially in terms of marksmanship, which was not even a star.

Within a hundred meters, if the soldiers of the new regiment were to stop the devils, there would be many casualties.

And relying on the advantage of numbers to pull in the distance with the devils to fight bayonets at the fastest speed, they can indeed annihilate the devils who came to support them, and the casualties are the least in this way.

"By the way, Old Xu, how many flares do we have seized?!" Li Jin looked at Xu Qingfeng.

They seized a lot of flares from the devils, and they used a lot of them when they marched to the designated point for training at night to shoot. I don't know how many more they still have.

"There are still five or six flares." Xu Qingfeng said.

They had seized dozens of flares before, but because they conducted night training from time to time, they used a lot of flares.

"Are there only five or six rounds?! Tsk, that's enough." Li Jin rubbed his chin, the attack was naturally a night attack, and if there were no flares in the bayonet fight, it would be easy to hurt his own people, so that would be bad. .

One flare can illuminate a 1000-meter radius for 2 minutes, and five flares means 10 minutes, which is enough for the soldiers of the new regiment to bayonet and kill those devils. Of course, this is the case with the addition of soldiers from the special warfare company.

With the close combat ability of the special warfare company, it is only possible for those devils who have the ability to parry one-on-one to be able to do it by those devils who have experienced many battles.

Of course, what they did was just parrying. After all, the special warfare company far surpassed the devils in terms of physical training.

Not to mention that the height, weight, strength, and stabbing skills of the soldiers of the special warfare company far surpassed the devils.

"If you want to intercept the devils from the railway station, you have to cross the river. We don't have boats or bamboo rafts to cross the river yet." Xu Qingfeng said.

The devil's bridge is guarded, and it is impossible for them to swagger across the bridge, and the bridge that can cross the river is far away from the bridge, which is tens of miles away, and it will take longer.

Moreover, the marching route is easy to be discovered by ordinary people. If devils find out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Of course, the soldiers of the special warfare company can swim, but once the ammunition enters the water, it is not clear whether the power can be exerted.

"Don't worry about this. I spent a lot of money to rent a small boat, which can take about 40 people at a time, and I also bought ten bamboo rafts, which can take about ten people at a time." Liu Changshun said.

He had already considered this when he knew that there was a devil at the railway station.

"You bought it? Where did you get the money?!" Xu Qingfeng looked at Liu Changshun.

"Eh... Before departure, the company commander approved me 15 yuan for intelligence investigation, but I used it for shopping except for food." Liu Changshun said quickly.

"Well, this money is well approved." Xu Qingfeng nodded, without this money, he would have to spend a lot of time finding a place to rent a boat, which would waste a lot of time.

Seeing that Xu Qingfeng didn't blame him, Liu Changshun continued to point to the map and said, "I already know the terrain over there very well.
From the railway station, about four miles away, there are several low hillsides connected together, where the devils can be ambushed. "

He has already figured out the terrain, which is suitable for an ambush, and he has already surveyed it, after all, this is the most basic.

"Well, yes, you didn't learn in vain." Li Jin nodded, Liu Changshun is still very good at this, which is why Li Jin didn't choose Liu Changshun to protect the boss.

Liu Changshun's strength is on the battlefield, not protecting people.

If Liu Changshun were to protect the boss, it is estimated that this kid would leave the boss behind and let other soldiers protect the boss, and he would rush to the front to fight, so he would still protect the boss.

"Over there at the transfer station, there are no suitable ambush spots. The only bunker is the raised railway." Liu Changshun said.

Outside the transfer station, if it can be said that it is suitable for attack, it can only rely on the slightly sloped railway.

About 200 meters from the transfer station, there is a relatively high gravel field, but the distance is too far, so it is suitable for soldiers from the special warfare company to attack.

"Then there is the devil at Yuanhe Bridge, there is a hillside more than 200 meters away from the devil at Yuanhe Bridge,
We can have 60 to [-] people wait on the hillside, while the others rely on the uplifted railway to attack first,
After the devils inside come out, they will think that we are all lying on our stomachs behind the railway, thus ignoring the hillside. At this time, the people on the hillside are aiming at the target to attack. " Liu Changshun said, pointing to the Yuanhe Bridge drawn on the map.

First, the soldiers of the special warfare company on the railway will attract the firepower, so that the soldiers of the special warfare company on the hillside will have the opportunity to target the devils and kill them to the maximum extent.

"Is there any more?!" Li Jin said.

"That's about all the attacks we can do." Liu Changshun thought about it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

It is no big problem for the soldiers on the railway to attract the attention of the devils, let the soldiers on the hillside attack, and let the soldiers on the railway counterattack to suppress the devils.

"If the devil returns to the station and chooses not to fight us outside, what will you do?" Li Jin asked.

Seeing that they couldn't fight outside, the devil would definitely choose to retreat to the station, relying on the station for defense and delaying time.

"This..." Liu Changshun frowned. How should the devil return to the station? !What they have to do is to lay down the station in the shortest time.

Once the devils return to the station, it will take longer for them, and if the time is too long, the special warfare company will suffer casualties.

Unless it can prevent the devils from retreating back to the post station and cut off the devils' escape, how can it be broken? !The post station is not an open place, but a solid defense.

"I will do as you said before." Li Jin said, and then added: "At that time, I will bring some people,
Go around to the back of the post station, and when the front starts to fight, I will lead people to attack from the rear on the roof, and give the devil a front and back attack! "

This is equivalent to breaking the devil's idea that he can't beat the post and wants to retreat to the station. Otherwise, once the devil retreats to the post, it will be very difficult to take down the station in a short time.

"Yeah, it's okay, why didn't I think of it!" Liu Changshun slapped his head, but he ignored it.

"So, think a little more, don't just think about attacking, the devil is not an idiot, he can't fight but he's still fighting us outside." Li Jin said.

Although Liu Changshun's brain is still good, it's all about attacking, but he never thought about what to do if the devils don't fight them.

(End of this chapter)

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