Chapter 176
And the two machine guns kept shooting at the devils who came in at the door. At that moment, more than 30 devils who came in were killed one after another.

The devils behind hurriedly hid on both sides, because they never expected that there would be enemies in the defense station, so they were caught off guard!

At this time, Lieutenant Guizi's face was extremely pale. Now he was riding a tiger and couldn't get off. He knew that he shouldn't go out, and now he couldn't get in or out.

The enemy set up two machine guns on the roof, and the rifles of more than 20 people aimed at the door. It can be said that whoever dares to enter will die.

"Lieutenant, what should we do now?!" Second Lieutenant Guizi came to the side of Lieutenant Guizi and asked, holding his shoulders, he was beaten by the enemy on the mountain just now.

If he didn't hide quickly, he might have died. He has been in China for so long, and he has never encountered such an enemy!

These people's marksmanship is terrific, and their firepower is still strong. Now even the only place that can be defended is set up by the enemy. If they can't take it back and retreat, they will be wiped out soon.

"What should I do?! The defense station must be recaptured! Otherwise, our few people won't last long at all. The reinforcements at the railway supply station count the time.
It's only a few minutes away, as long as we can hold on, we can still fight!But the premise is that the defense station is still in our hands! " said the ghost lieutenant.

From the railway supply station to here, it takes five or six minutes at most. Two or three minutes have passed just now, and it will take a few minutes.

But the premise is that they have to take back the control of the defense station and cooperate with the outside to block the enemies outside.

Only in this way can the reinforcements from the transfer station arrive. After seven or eight minutes, the reinforcements from Guyuan County will arrive, and Yuanhe Bridge will not be lost!
"The problem is that the enemy has already occupied a favorable position, and the few people we have left now can't rush in at all!" Said the second lieutenant Guizi.

They now have less than 70 to [-] people capable of fighting, and it is really difficult to get them back.

"You take ten soldiers to prepare grenades and throw them on the roof. As long as those people hide, we will go in immediately, and then suppress them with firepower and let them roll off the roof!" Lieutenant Guizi immediately ordered.

"But those enemies on the mountain are still targeting us, we will probably be shot to death if we get together!" Second Lieutenant Guizi said immediately.

The enemies on the mountain were still aiming at them. It would be okay if the flares in mid-air lost their effect.

But the flare is still shining brightly at this moment, as long as they dare to get up, they will be shot dead by the enemy on the mountain immediately.

"As long as they throw grenades on the roof before they die, we can take back the defense station. At this moment, it's okay to sacrifice ten soldiers!" Lieutenant Devil said.

If the defense station is not brought back, more than ten people will die, and the reinforcements from the railway supply station will be wiped out. He still has a clear score.

"Hi!" Second Lieutenant Guizi nodded immediately, and then led ten soldiers to prepare the grenade. They unplugged the grenade, picked up the grenade, and knocked it on the helmet.


Li Jin on the roof immediately gave the order when he saw that the devils were afraid to come in.

"Ten people on the left, throw grenades at the positions on both sides of the entrance of the defense station."

As soon as the words fell, the ten soldiers on the roof immediately took out several grenade bombs. They pulled out the fuses of three grenades at the same time, and threw them towards the two sides of the entrance of the defense station.

With a distance of 40 meters, [-] grenades scattered in the air, formed a parabola, and fell to both sides of the gate of the defense station.


At this time, ten devil soldiers were squatting on the ground, about to throw grenades, when they were hit by something.

When they saw what it was, their frightened faces changed drastically.

"Grenade! Hide quickly!" The second lieutenant Guizi yelled, and flew to the side to avoid it.

boom boom boom......

Explosions came from both sides of the defense station.

More than 20 devils were killed and injured on the spot before they could escape.

Several devils had their arms and legs broken in the bombing, screaming in pain and dripping with blood.


On the mountain, Li Yunlong watched the flares fired by the devils, and then all the devils were exposed to white light, and the soldiers of the special warfare company opened fire immediately.

bang bang bang...

Da da da……

In just a split second, all four light machine guns and rifles opened fire, killing and injuring dozens of devils at the defense station.

To be honest, if the devils hadn't fired flares, it would have been a bit difficult for the soldiers of the special warfare company on the mountain to kill so many people.

After all, it was a bit far away. Although there were lights, it was still difficult to judge the position, otherwise it would not have been so long without shooting.

And the devil's flares completely exposed the devil's position to the soldiers of the special warfare company, which was equivalent to the devil killing himself.

Later, Li Yunlong saw Li Jin and the others climb up the wall and came to the roof facing the door, when the devils at the defense station entered the defense station and planned to retreat.

Li Jin and the others fired directly, blocking the devils outside, and did not give the devils a chance to come in at all.


In the artillery position of the special operations company, when the first shot was fired from the defensive station, Zheng Lai was always staring at his watch.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

Fierce gunshots were heard over there, and more than a minute later, a lighting projectile shot into the air, and the blazing white light shone on their side as well.

Immediately afterwards, intensive gunfire was heard from the mountain.

With 3 minute left before 1 minutes, there was another gunshot from the defensive station, and half a minute later, there was an explosion sound, and now there was half a minute before the [-]-pointer, Zheng Lai gave the order immediately.

"Prepare shells! Fire four rounds!"

After the words fell, the five soldiers immediately put the cannonballs into the muzzle, and there were three cannonballs next to each grenadier.

"Number one is ready."

"Number two is ready."


"No. [-] is ready!"

Five fighters returned one after another.

At this moment, with 3 seconds left before 15 minutes, Zheng Lai stared at the second hand of his watch.

Finally, 3 minutes have come.

"Fire!!!" Zheng Lai roared loudly.

bang bang bang...

Five muffled sounds came from the grenadier, and five shells were fired, forming a parabola in the air and heading towards the defense station.

"Fire!" After a round of firing, Zheng Lai ordered again.

bang bang bang...



Outside the defense station, many devils were lying on the ground.

"Bah!" Lieutenant Guizi spat out the sand, he got up and squatted down, and he planned to let the soldiers blow up the enemy on the roof, but he didn't expect the enemy to throw a grenade first!

His ears were buzzing at the moment, his head was a little dizzy, and he was temporarily deaf from the shock of the huge explosion.

However, before he could slow down, all the shells fell.

Boom boom boom...

There was a huge explosion, the ground was blown out of a deep pit, and the sand flew several meters high. Five shells killed more than ten devils on the spot.

Several of the devils were blown to pieces, and a bloody intestine fell on the shoulder of one devil, who was so frightened that he quickly pulled the intestines off with his hands.

Lieutenant Guizi was completely stunned.

"Baga! These people even have cannons?!" Lieutenant Devil murmured.

Even if the enemy's firepower has more than a dozen machine guns, there are still shells? !Before he could figure it out.

Less than two seconds after five shells exploded, another five shells fell.

Boom boom boom...

Then came the third round and the fourth round. For a while, the devils were bombed by twenty shells.

At this time, the mid-air flares lost their effect, and the area became dark again.

(End of this chapter)

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