Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 178 Underestimation

Chapter 178 Underestimation
"Yes!" Li Jin turned his head and said to Xu Qingfeng: "Old Xu, you take ten people to plant the explosives, and another 20 people to support Liu Changshun and the others.

Remember, after the explosives are placed, don't rush to detonate them, wait for Liu Changshun and the others to detonate after they have crossed the bridge!Complete the task and retreat directly. "

Liu Changshun's ambush point is only two miles away from the bridge, and there should be a fight on their side.

The devils had been gathering for at least a minute after receiving the call, and it took at least six or seven minutes to drive here. Now less than 7 minutes have passed, and the devils still have a long way to go to reach Liu Changshun's ambush point.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the devil himself to shoot the flares and expose his position, the soldiers of the special warfare company on the mountain would not be able to lock the target so quickly, and they would not be able to knock down the defensive station within 5 minutes.

"Understood!" Xu Qingfeng nodded, Dang even took people to plant the explosives, and at the same time sent [-] people to support Liu Changshun and the others.

"Give me the devil's grenade mortar, light and heavy machine guns!" Li Jin ordered the soldiers, and then called [-] soldiers to enter the defense station.

When they came to the shed, there were four Devils military vehicles and a dozen motorcycles.

"Company commander, we just simulated driving a car, and now we will start directly, nothing will happen." A soldier said looking at the devil's military vehicle.

They have never seriously driven a car until now, and they are all simulated driving with the company commander setting up the steering wheel, accelerator and brakes. Now let them drive directly, I am a little nervous, but more excited.

"Damn it, just drive it if you tell me, I'll go to the devil's ammunition depot to find flares first." Li Jin said looking for the devil's ammunition depot.

They don't have any flares now, and they will need flares to illuminate when they attack the transfer station later.

Soon, Li Jin found it. The ammunition depot was an iron door with a lock on it. He took off the [-] cover he was carrying, smashed the iron lock with the butt of his gun, pushed the door open and walked in.

There were five or six boxes in the ammunition depot. After prying open several boxes, Li Jin found the flares. He took some flares and walked out of the ammunition depot.

"All ten of you come over and move the ammunition to the car!" Li Jin immediately asked ten soldiers to move all the supplies in the ammunition depot to the car.

At this time, four Devils military vehicles and a dozen motorcycles drove out.

After Li Yunlong and the others saw it, they were stunned. They didn't expect that the soldiers of the special warfare company could even drive the devil's military vehicle.

The soldiers got into the vehicles one after another. Li Yunlong, Deputy Commander Qian and Staff Officer Zhong got into the third military vehicle, and Li Jin got into the first military vehicle's co-driver.

"Damn it, this little devil just knows how to enjoy it. Sitting in the car, the wind won't blow and the rain won't catch me. I can get a car and drive it anytime." Li Yunlong said.

This is the first time that Li Yunlong has taken a car seriously. He usually rides a horse, so there is no such thing as a car.

There are not many vehicles in the entire military region, let alone a small regiment leader like him.

"Hahaha, there will be such a day." Deputy head Qian said with a smile, Li Yunlong has taken a fancy to the devil's military vehicle, but it's a pity that he can't drive back to the base area, and the road in the village can't go in.

All of a sudden, four Devils military vehicles and a dozen motorcycles drove out of the defense station and headed for the transfer station in the north.


At one o'clock in the morning, Liu Changshun and Zhang Dabiao all heard gunshots from Yuanhe Bridge, after all, it was only two miles away.

"The company commander and the others have taken action. I estimate that the Yuanhe bridge can be brought down in at most 8 minutes," Liu Changshun said.

According to his budget, the soldiers by the railway should be able to kill or injure 30 to [-] people. After all, there are many bunkers at the entrance of the defense station to block the view, and the entrance is not too wide, and there are not enough devils to rush out at once.

It should be possible to kill or injure 30 or 30 people, and then there are the soldiers on the mountain. They are far away, and it is night, so the line of sight is blocked, but at least [-] people can be killed and upwards.

Then the company commander led the team, coupled with artillery bombing and hand-to-hand combat, 8 minutes should be enough to lay down the defensive station.

"8 minutes?! Not so fast?!" Zhang Dabiao said, although the fighters of the special warfare company are very powerful, but no matter how powerful the devils are, they can last for 10 minutes.
"Company commander, if you don't believe me, let's make a bet on whether we can take down Yuanheqiao in 8 minutes. If it exceeds 8 minutes, I will lose you a pack of cigarettes. Otherwise, you will lose a pack of cigarettes to me." Liu Changshun said.

Looking at Liu Changshun's appearance, Zhang Dabiao was stunned. Li Jin and the others couldn't really knock down the defense in 8 minutes, could they? !

"What a gamble." Zhang Dabiao resolutely refused. He didn't want to lose a pack of cigarettes just because Li Jin and the others could fight within 8 minutes. It was meaningless.

Liu Changshun sighed, he thought Zhang Dabiao would not believe in evil, but unexpectedly... It's a pity that he didn't earn a pack of cigarettes.

The gunshots were one after another on the Yuanhe bridge, and the fighting was very intense. At first, it was fierce on the right side, and soon it was fierce on the left side.

At this moment, a flare was fired into the air, and it could be seen even here. Many soldiers of the new regiment looked over subconsciously.

"Why did they fire the flares so quickly?!" Liu Changshun was stunned, shouldn't the flares be carried out in hand-to-hand combat later!
Let's fight now, is it possible that the company commander and the others have almost taken down the flares?

Liu Changshun quickly looked at his watch, it was only over two minutes, it's not too late.

Although he knew best that the Special Warfare Company was very powerful, even he didn't believe it when he took down a defensive station guarded by a squadron of devils in 2 minutes.

"I don't think it was Li Jin and the others who fought, but the devils." Zhang Dabiao said, that direction was more towards the defensive side.

"The devils?! Hehe, they are looking for death by firing this flare." Liu Changshun sneered.

When the devil fired the flare, he was exposing his position.

Although the soldiers of the special warfare company ambushing on the mountain are more than 200 meters away from the devils, among the targets that can be seen clearly, let alone 200 meters, even 300 meters can hit with a single shot.

It was estimated that it would take 8 minutes to take down the transfer station, but the devils can take it in less than 5 minutes.

Boom boom boom...

In the third minute, there was a huge explosion, and Liu Changshun knew that the defense station was about to be knocked down.

With the end of the four rounds of bombing, the flares in the sky dimmed, but a new flare was fired into the sky.

At this moment, there was no gunshots at all, and there was no gunshots until the flares in the sky dimmed.

"After more than four minutes, the defensive station was down." Liu Changshun said.

Zhang Dabiao swallowed his saliva, is he too strong? !
There are more than 150 people, and a squadron of 180 people is defended in more than four minutes. No one will believe it.

Fortunately, I didn't gamble with Liu Changshun just now, otherwise he would have lost a pack of cigarettes.

"Well, let me say that it will definitely take 8 minutes." Liu Changshun said with a smile. If it weren't for the flares fired by the devils, so many people would not have died in front of the devils, and they could last for a few more minutes.

However, the devils cannot be blamed for this. After all, the devils did not know that there would be enemies on the mountain more than 200 meters away from them. Of course, they had no chance to regret it, and they all went to see their Amaterasu.

"It's just that I underestimated you all." Zhang Dabiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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