Chapter 182 Demining?

At 45:400 in the morning, in the woods about [-] meters away from the transfer station.

After Qin Sheng glanced at his watch, he immediately led his people towards the rubble pile about 200 meters away from the transfer station.

The rubble pile is not very high, like five or six meters, but it occupies an area of ​​more than 30 meters in radius.

The crowd bowed their waists and quickly arrived behind the pile of rubble.

More than a dozen artillerymen built positions here, and soon, six mortars and five grenade launchers were set up, and the artillerymen were adjusting the angle of the muzzle to avoid hitting it crookedly.

The heavy machine gunners also began to prepare to build a machine gun position on the rubble pile. There was no other way. After a while, the others had to crawl to the edge of the raised railway. The heavy machine gun weighed a hundred catties, and it was not easy to carry. They could only carry light machine guns.

Therefore, the heavy machine gun can only be placed here.

Qin Sheng watched the deployment of troops outside the transfer station.

The iron gate was closed at the moment, and a long bunker was built at the gate. There were four positions, four light machine guns were deployed, and a total of more than a dozen soldiers were standing guard.

On the aisle on the wall, there are also more than a dozen soldiers, and there are three heavy machine guns and two light machine guns, with fierce firepower.

However, Qin Sheng was not afraid. This time, the Xinyi Regiment brought almost all the heavy weapons. Except for Zhang Dabiao and Sun Hai who each brought three light machine guns, the rest of the machine guns were all on his side at the moment.

Eight heavy machine guns, ten light machine guns, plus mortar grenades, it can be said that the firepower of the whole regiment is here. In terms of the number of machine guns alone, it is enough to crush the firepower of a squadron of devils.

Not to mention that the devil's machine gun may not be able to fire.

"There should be a fight with Li Jin." Qin Sheng glanced at his watch again and said.

According to the scheduled attack time, Li Jin launched the attack at one o'clock in the morning, and it is already one o'clock in the morning.

After 1 minute, the gate of the transfer station opened, and several military vehicles and a dozen motorcycles drove out from it.

"Xiao Jinming, if the devils come out to support you later, the devils' machine gunners will be handed over to you." Qin Sheng immediately warned.

"Understood!" Xiao Jinming nodded.

After the devil convoy left, Qin Sheng led more than 200 soldiers to crawl forward and lie down on the side of the railway about [-] meters away from them.

As long as the devils inside planned to come out to support the devils at the transfer station who were ambushed, they would immediately fight and hold them back.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, several explosions were heard from the direction of Yuanhe Bridge, followed by flares glowing brightly in the air in the distance.

The ghosts outside the transfer station were immediately attracted and looked over.

At this time, on the open space in the transfer station, Captain Morishima was waving a command knife to practice sword skills.

Hearing the sound of the explosion, he stopped immediately, then climbed up the wall, and saw the flare in the air in the distance.

"Lieutenant Morishima, it seems that the soldiers who were going to support Yuanheqiao were ambushed, should we send troops to support them?!" a ghost soldier said.

"No, those people will probably stop it for a while, we can just stay at the transfer station." Captain Morishima said.

I don't know why, but at this moment, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Although he didn't take Fujikawa Ichiro's words to heart, he didn't dare to be careless at this moment.

If Yuanhe Bridge was bombed, he would not be able to escape responsibility and would probably be punished. If the transfer station was lost, then he would probably commit seppuku.

The materials in the transfer station have just been distributed, and they are going to be distributed to the county here tomorrow.

Among them, there are not a few heavy weapons, ammunition, and medicines, especially weapons, which must not be lost.

At this time, Qin Sheng poked his head out from time to time, looked at the situation at the transfer station, waited for a minute or two, and he was relieved to see that the devil had no plan to help.

Although their firepower crushed the devils, their marksmanship was still far behind that of the devils. Even if the devils' machine guns couldn't be fired, they probably would have sacrificed a lot of soldiers.


At the same time, on Sun Hai's side, they had been lying in ambush on the mountain for a long time.

"Battalion Commander, is this devil not planning to come?! Waited for a long time and no one is seen, or is there still no fight at Yuanhe Bridge?!" A soldier said.

Otherwise, why would the devil not see anyone coming to support him for so long.

"Probably not. There must be a fight. It may take some time for the devils to gather their troops." Sun Hai said.

Li Jin's plan was to attack at one o'clock in the morning, so there was no way the fight would fail. After all, Li Jin needed to take the lead in all of this. If he had problems, others would also easily have problems.

Not to mention there are regiment leaders around, as long as there is no accident, Li Jin will never attack at the appointed time.

As for Guyuan County, it took two or three minutes for the devil soldiers to assemble from the barracks to leave the city, and it took eight or nine minutes to arrive here.

"Waiting for a few minutes, the devil should have arrived." Sun Hai said.


Compared with other fighters, the ten soldiers of the special warfare company seemed calmer, because they all believed in the company commander, and even said that if they were asked to compare the regiment commander with the company commander, they would trust the company commander more.

One is a big leader who is not very familiar with, and the other is a company commander who gets along day and night like a big brother, and they trust the company commander more.

Soon, 3 minutes passed.

Sun Hai and the others finally saw the devil's motorbike and military vehicle convoy. More than 300 meters away, the lights of the vehicles shone from the road at the corner of the mountain in the distance.

"They are coming." The soldiers cheered up, and the soldiers of the special warfare company also looked over.

The convoy moved forward [-] meters later.

Boom boom boom...

Five landmines were detonated, and two or three motorcycles of the devil were blown away. The devil on board died on the spot, and the motorcycles and military vehicles following behind also slammed on the brakes.

After the vehicle stopped, the devils in the vehicle jumped out one after another, raising their guns to guard the surroundings, for fear that an enemy would appear suddenly.

"Baga! Get in the car, the enemy is just setting up mines to delay our support." Shaozuo Liangmu cursed, and let the soldiers get back into the car.

However, when the convoy was less than 50 meters ahead, they encountered landmines again.

A motorcycle was blown up on the spot, and all the devils on board were blown into pieces. The convoy stopped again without accident.

Liangmu Shaozuo's face turned green with anger, why are there still landmines!

"Major, there may be landmines ahead, let's let the engineers clear the mines and move forward!" A devil soldier ran to the side of Major Yoshiaki's car and suggested.

He felt that there must still be a lot of landmines ahead. If this continues, the soldiers will have to sacrifice a lot before they reach Yuanhe Bridge.

"Baga! What stupid things are you talking about! Do you know how much time it would take to clear the mines with engineers!" Shao Zuo Liangmu scolded.

It takes at least one or two minutes to remove a mine just for demining. The most important thing for them now is to support Yuanhe Bridge, so they can't waste time!
(End of this chapter)

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