Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 184 They Can't Live

Chapter 184 They Can't Live

"Puff puff……"


More than 20 people were killed or injured on the spot by the devils who were filling the road near the mountain. Only the devils filling the road on the opposite side reacted quickly and took cover immediately.

"The enemy attack is on the left halfway up the mountain!" A devil second lieutenant yelled, and the devil soldiers in the car shot toward the halfway up the mountain one after another.

However, when they shot, Sun Hai and the others had already squatted in the trenches.

"Let's retreat! Leave the machine guns to the special warfare company!" Sun Hai gave an order, leading dozens of soldiers from the Second Battalion to retreat along the trenches to the predetermined position.

In the car, Shao Zuo Liangmu was taken aback. He thought the enemy was just laying mines and digging the road, but he didn't expect the enemy to ambush them.

Listening to the gunshots, the number of opponents was about 90 to [-]. The firepower was not strong, and there were only two light machine guns.

The devils in the car kept shooting towards the left halfway up the mountain.

Da da da……

bang bang bang...

All the machine guns and rifles were firing towards that side. Some trees were hit by bullets, and the leaves fell. The devil soldiers fought for half a minute, but there was no movement on the mountain.

"Stop hitting! Fire flares!" Major Goodwood ordered immediately.

Soon, a devil soldier fired a flare into the air, emitting a blazing white light, illuminating a radius of one kilometer.

Liangmu Shaozuo picked up the binoculars and looked over, and found that there was no one on the mountain at all.

At this time, a second lieutenant of the devils ran towards the mountain with 1 devil soldiers. After [-] minute, they came to the middle of the mountain and saw only an empty trench.

"Baga! They've already run away!" The second lieutenant Guizi cursed, and then led the people back to the main road.

"Major, there is no one up there. They retreated immediately after attacking for one round. I don't know where they retreated. Do you want to pursue them?!" Guizi Second Lieutenant Hui reported.

"They just want to delay our time on purpose, don't worry about them..." Shao Zuo Liangmu said, then fell silent for a while.

"Forget it, you lead two small teams to advance along the mountain road to prevent those enemies from attacking us again." Major Zuo Liangmu ordered.

If the enemy keeps attacking them, but ignores them, the road will not be filled. If this continues, I don't know how long it will take.

Therefore, sending 30 people to advance along the mountain road can prevent the enemy from continuing to attack them. Even if they make a sneak attack, a team of 30 people is enough to fight against the opponent's No. 90 people.

"Hi!" The second lieutenant Guizi nodded, and then ran towards the mountain with thirty Guizi soldiers. They went straight up the mountainside, holding flashlights from time to time to shine on the road ahead.

"Major, in the enemy's sneak attack just now, we killed [-] soldiers, seriously injured eight, and Second Lieutenant Yokoki was also killed." A ghost captain came to Shao Zuo Liangmu's car and said.

"How can it be repaired!" Shao Zuo Liangmu gritted his teeth angrily, and killed eighteen soldiers before reaching Yuanhe Bridge.

"Major Commander, the seriously wounded are seriously injured. We need to send a car back to the county hospital for treatment, otherwise, even they will be crushed!" Captain Guizi said.

Liangmu Shaozuo was silent for a while, and sent the seriously wounded back to the county, which meant that each seriously wounded person had to send at least two soldiers to guard him.

Moreover, since the enemy dared to attack the Yuanhe Bridge, and sent people to stop it, it meant that the enemy had a high degree of confidence in taking down the Yuanhe Bridge.

The most important thing is that the support from the railway supply station and transfer station is estimated to be delayed, so the current situation of Yuanhe Bridge is extremely not optimistic.

Now one more person is more strength, so it is impossible to send the seriously injured back.

Seeing Shao Zuo Liangmu's silence, Captain Guizi's heart trembled, he had a bad guess.

"Give them a simple bandage, and send them back to the county hospital for treatment when we come back!" Shao Zuo Liangmu said.

"Major, they won't be able to survive this way! These people are not bad for support, Major!" Captain Guizi said hastily, the wounded were so badly wounded that when they came back, their bodies would be cold.

"Obey orders!" Shao Zuo Liangmu said slowly with cold eyes.

"Hi!" Captain Guizi shuddered, not daring to persuade him anymore, he was afraid that he would be killed by Shao Zuo Liangmu if he continued speaking.

When the seriously wounded were informed that they had to wait for the Major to return for treatment, they immediately understood that they had been abandoned.

"Lieutenant Tian Mu, you are talking to the major, send us back for treatment, we don't want to die yet!" A ghost soldier said in a trembling voice, his lips were white, and his whole body was trembling as if he was very cold. Excessive blood loss.

As soon as the devil soldier spoke, he was slapped by a devil veteran who was also seriously injured next to him.

"Baga! As a soldier of the empire, how can you be afraid of death? In the current situation, keeping the Yuanhe bridge is to keep the great cause of the empire here.

Compared with the great cause of the empire, your and my lives are nothing, understand! "The devil veteran scolded.

If he were Shao Zuo Liangmu, he would also choose to give up these seriously wounded people, after all, more than a dozen people would have to be assigned to take care of them.

"Hi!" The devil soldier who was beaten could only nod, but he couldn't help it. Although he didn't want to die, the major had given the order, so no one would choose to disobey the order to save them!
At this moment, the flares in mid-air gradually dimmed, just like their lives.

No one stopped, and it took four to five minutes for the devil soldiers to finally fill in all the faults.

When the convoy was about to start again, Shao Zuo Liangmu let the five of them run fast in front again, because he was worried that there might be landmines on the road.

At the same time, Huang Shaojie and the others began to plant landmines in the open space between the two mountains. He was sure that the devils would send people to advance along the mountain road, so he set up an ambush here in advance.

"Captain, the devils are really here. There are about 30 people, and they are less than 300 meters away from us!" A soldier from the special warfare company bypassed the mine-burying position and came to report to Huang Shaojie.

"Understood, you guys go up the mountain to ambush first, and I'll be there right away." Huang Shaojie said, he hadn't set up the mine yet.

"Yes." Nine soldiers from the special warfare company went up the mountain one after another.

Not long after, Huang Shaojie buried the mines and spread a layer of fine sand to cover up the traces. After doing this, he went up the mountain to join the soldiers of the special warfare company.

"Take out all the grenades, after a while the mines will explode, throw all the grenades down in one go, and then shoot at the same time, make sure to wipe out the devils coming!" Huang Shaojie ordered.

Although there were 30 devils, but if they had no intentions and intentions, the devils would not have thought that not only did they not leave, but they dared to continue to ambush them.

After all, in the cognition of the devils, Huaxia's troops, a mere 90 people, have an advantage over their [-] well-equipped imperial soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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