Chapter 186

Since Huang Shaojie knows how to adapt, there is no need for the latter situation. After Jiang Yuanming thought about it, he found the platoon leader Jin He who was leading the second battalion.

"Platoon leader Jin, when the devils come over, your side will take the lead in attacking, directly hit the devils in the car, and hide immediately after firing a shot." Jiang Yuanming said.

The devils were attacked once on the first fault, so they must be cautious. If they were attacking the devils filling the soil, then the devils in other vehicles would be able to attack the mountain immediately, causing certain casualties.

Therefore, directly let Jin He and the others attack the devils in the car, so that those devils cannot attack immediately.

"Understood." Jin He nodded.

Seeing Jin He nodding, Jiang Yuanming went to order the soldiers of the special warfare company.

"Later, ten of you will give me the tires specially used to shoot devils, and the others will shoot those devils who fill the soil, and shoot one round. Regardless of whether they hit or miss, they will retreat immediately." Jiang Yuanming ordered.

Blowing the devil's tires, the devils also spent a lot of time changing the tires, especially after they finished changing the tires, Huang Shaojie's side, nine times out of ten, would also blow up the tires on the other side.

In this way, the devils have to spend more time changing the tires, unless they don't want the car, which is basically impossible, and they will go slower without the car.

"Yes!" The soldiers of the special warfare company responded in a low voice.


On the main road, the devil's convoy was still advancing, and they were still more than 200 meters away from the second fault.

At this time, there was an explosion in the mountains not far to the left behind, followed by gunshots and grenade explosions.

The devils on the road immediately looked at the mountain at the rear left. They raised their guns to guard, and the convoy stopped.

Major Yoshigi sat on the left side near the car window and stuck his head out to look behind.

"Major, Second Lieutenant Hengzhong and the others have already fought against that group of enemies, should we send people to surround them and annihilate them!" Captain Tanaka said.

"No, they must have run away as soon as we entered the mountain. Let Hengzhong keep an eye on them. There is no need to waste too many people to encircle and suppress them." Shao Zuo Liangmu said.

The task of those enemies is to stop them, and they dare not fight them to the death, otherwise, they will not have to use the tactics of laying mines on the road and digging up the road. Since they have been discovered by Second Lieutenant Hengzhong, they must retreat.

"I'm worried... something will happen to them in Hengzhong." Captain Tanaka hesitated and said, the explosion just now was very strange, at least [-] grenades exploded, and the gunshots were also a bit strange, all coming from one side.

The other side didn't seem to fight back at all. He felt that something was wrong. No matter what, there should be sporadic gunshots to fight back. He didn't think that the other side was too timid to fight back.

"Lieutenant Tanaka, what are you thinking, there are 120 imperial soldiers, and the Chinese must have at least [-] to be able to fight.
Don't worry about that, the most important thing is that we rush to support Yuanhe Bridge, hurry up, don't waste time! "Shao Zuo Liangmu said.

He didn't think that the people who sneaked up on them before could pose any threat to Lieutenant Hengzhong and the others. Those enemies killed and wounded more than 20 soldiers with machine guns during the sneak attack, which showed that their overall strength was average.

If they were replaced by imperial soldiers to ambush, they would all die.

Soon, the convoy continued on, and not long after, the convoy stopped.

"Major, there is another fault ahead." Captain Tanaka ran to Major Yoshiaki's car to report.

"Let people fill in the road. At the same time, all the soldiers in the car guard the two sides, especially the mountain on the right." Shao Zuo Liangmu immediately became alert.

Although he felt that the enemy on the left had been forced away by Second Lieutenant Hengzhong, there might still be enemies on the mountain on the right, so he had to guard against them.

Dozens of devils came to both sides of the fault with shovels and began to dig and fill the fault.

After Jin He saw it, he decisively attacked the devil's military vehicle.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

Almost all the devils in more than a dozen military vehicles were shot. The bullets hit the vehicles and made a tinkling sound. Many devil soldiers in the vehicles hurriedly avoided, and then immediately counterattacked when the gunshots stopped on the mountain.

The devils who were filling the soil also put down their shovels one after another, took off the [-] caps they were carrying and shot towards the mountain.

For a while, there were loud gunshots on the road, and the muzzles of the guns were blazing, which was particularly conspicuous at night.

But after Jin He attacked in the first round, he immediately made people hide.

When Jiang Yuan saw that all the devil's firepower was attracted by Jin He and the others, he immediately had people shoot. Ten of them shot at the tires of the devil's military vehicle, and the others shot at the devil soldiers filling the soil.

bang bang bang...

Puff puff………

The right front tires of ten military vehicles were directly blown out. As for the devils who filled the soil, 11 people were also directly beaten to death.

After a round of attack, Jiang Yuanming led his men to retreat immediately, and then handed over to Huang Shaojie and the others.


"I knew it would not be that easy. Sure enough, they set up an ambush on the second line of defense!" Shao Zuo Liangmu in the car murmured when encountering the attack.

The number of enemies attacked this time was relatively small, only 70 to [-] people, and some of them were specially asked to shoot first to attract firepower, and then the rest of them attacked. The commander still has a bit of brains.

At this time, he suddenly felt a muffled sound from the right front wheel, and then the vehicle tilted a little to the right.

"Baga! What's going on?!" Shao Zuo Liangmu scolded.

"Major, the tire of the car was blown out by the enemy." Said the devil soldier who was driving.

At this time, Lieutenant Tanaka came to the car to report the situation.

"Major, we smashed 17 soldiers and slightly injured [-] this time. In addition, the right front wheels of ten military vehicles were all blown off. We need to get people out of the vehicles to change the tires immediately," Captain Tanaka said.

The number of soldiers who attacked Yu Sui this time was not as many as before, but their tires were all blown out, so it was necessary for the people in the car to get out of the car and replace them with the spare tires.

"How can it be repaired! Immediately let 30 people advance along the mountain road. I don't want to encounter a situation where the enemy sneaks up and delays us!" Liang Mu Shaozuo gritted his teeth angrily. He was really shocked by these blocking people. Here it is, it's disgusting!

"Hi!" Captain Tanaka nodded, and immediately asked a sergeant to lead thirty soldiers to the mountain.

Afterwards, all the Japanese soldiers on more than a dozen military vehicles got off the vehicles, and the more than 20 Japanese soldiers were divided into ten pairs and began to replace the vehicles with spare tires.

The devil who filled the soil began to fill the soil again at this moment.

Shao Zuo Liangmu had a gloomy face. He glanced at his watch. He had been delayed for nearly 10 minutes, and it was estimated that it would be more than half an hour before he arrived at Yuanhe Bridge.

Simply, there should be no more enemy attacks on the mountains on both sides.


Jiang Yuanming and Jin He ran very fast and retreated directly towards the deep mountain.

"Platoon Leader Jiang, are we leaving now?! The devil has been delayed for less than half an hour, right?!" Jin He asked while running.

They have only held the devil for less than 10 minutes now, more than ten minutes away from the scheduled half hour.

(End of this chapter)

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