Chapter 188

Around one ten in the morning.

Li Jin's convoy is still seven or eight miles away from the transfer station.

In the third military vehicle, Li Yunlong was sitting in the middle of the rear seat, sandwiched between Staff Officer Zhong and Deputy Head Qian. He didn't say a word, and his expression looked very serious.

"Commander, what's wrong with you?! It's not like you that you haven't said a word since you got in the car," Staff Officer Zhong said.

With Li Yunlong's temperament, it is impossible to sit all the way without talking, he must be thinking about something.

Deputy head Qian also looked puzzled, Li Yunlong seemed to be thinking about something.

"I'm thinking, if we encounter a unit like Li Jin, how should we fight?! What should we fight with?!" Li Yunlong said slowly, he has been thinking about this question.

It was Li Jin's special warfare company that shocked him a lot. In less than 5 minutes, he wiped out a squadron of devils, and it was not an ambush, although there was also an element of sneak attack.

If Li Jin was ambushing devils, it would be understandable to wipe out so many devils in 5 minutes. After all, the strength of the special warfare company is indeed very strong.

But the devils who attacked Yuanheqiao were not in an ambush. Anyway, the devils had a geographical advantage, but they were almost powerless to fight back against the special warfare company.

If this were fought by the national army, it might not be possible to fight without 2000 people, let alone wipe out the devils in 5 minutes.

"Have you thought of a way, Commander?!" Staff Officer Zhong said.

"It's impossible to fight at all. It really happened. All I can think of is to lead the troops to retreat immediately, otherwise, they will be wiped out by the regiment!" Li Yunlong sighed.

Encountering an enemy like Li Jin, unless the strength is not too far behind them, otherwise, there is no ability to fight against him.

Even if it was the special warfare company he led to ambush Li Jin, he was not sure that he could win, and the probability of losing was extremely high.

"Tsk, it's true, if you really fight against the special warfare company, no one can win, unless everyone is equipped with submachine guns from country d, and then ambushes the special warfare company, which can win.
But Li Jin would not be ambushed so carelessly. If Li Jin came to ambush the enemy, I dare say that few troops could stop him. " Chief of Staff Zhong said.

He heard that the submachine gun of country d is very powerful, but it has a short range. In the case of an ambush, with the submachine gun of country d in his hand, the chance of winning the special warfare company is very high.

But Li Jin is not a fool. This guy takes every step and counts a few steps. Even if he knows that there is no danger ahead, he will still send the vanguard to find out all the surrounding environment.

Vigilance can be said to have reached the extreme, so it is almost impossible to ambush Li Jin's troops.

"It's a good thing that Li Jin is one of us, but I'm a little curious. Didn't Li Jin only study for a few years? Why is his military talent so high?!" Deputy head Qian wondered.

"Old Qian, what do you mean by that? I haven't read a lot, so I can be the commander of the regiment and lead the troops to fight." Li Yunlong said.

Li Jin had studied for a few years at least, and Li Yunlong had only studied in a private school for a year or two, and he ran to join the army before he could read all the words.

"Captain, I don't mean that. You have been through hundreds of battles and have rich experience, but Li Jin has been in the army for less than a year. He has participated in less than one-third of the battlefields you have participated in. His talent is too much." It's scary." Deputy Head Qian said hastily.

Although Li Yunlong is not well-educated, he has experienced many battles anyway, and it is normal to be able to lead troops to fight. Li Jin is different. He can do this in less than a year after joining the army. Without a certain foundation, he really does not believe that there are people can reach this level.

Therefore, he felt that Li Jin's book that he had only read for a few years was definitely a fake. Of course, he did not suspect that Li Jin had other identities.

I'm just curious about who Li Jin's family is, and who can teach a younger generation like Li Jin.

"According to what you said, some of Li Jin's family members are likely to be proficient in military affairs, so he has been influenced by his ears and eyes since he was a child, and he has also developed his own skills!" Staff Officer Zhong said.

That's not what Deputy Head Qian said.

"Well, I have this suspicion." Deputy head Qian nodded.

"Don't care about the status of his family, anyway, Li Jin is good for us, not bad!" Li Yunlong said directly.

Besides, for Li Jin's joining the party, he still needs to check his background. It is impossible for him to write fake information.

Li Jin has been in the army for so long, and it is impossible for him not to know about the difficulty of joining the party for unidentified people. Therefore, since Li Jin dared to write, it means that he has nothing to hide.

"That's right, old Qian, don't go after the root cause." Staff Officer Zhong said, he believed in Li Jin very much.

"I'm just curious, and I don't plan to delve into it." Deputy Head Qian shrugged. He just wanted to know whether Li Jin had this talent himself, or whether it was taught by his family.

If it was born, then Li Jin is indeed terrifying, but if it was taught by someone else, what level of ability will the person who taught him reach? !Maybe it will be at the same level as the brigade commander before.

The convoy continued on, and after two or three minutes, they stopped.

Li Jin jumped out of the car and saw the corpses of devils lying on both sides of the road.

"What's the situation?! Why did the car stop?!" Li Yunlong got up and bent over, poking his head into the cab and asked.

"There are dead bodies of devils on the side of the road. It seems that we have won, but we don't know how their casualties are." The driver replied.

Deputy Head Qian and Chief of Staff Zhong also poked their heads out of the window to see the situation outside.

Following the light of the headlights, they saw devil soldiers lying on the ground, except for the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

"Get out of the car and have a look." Li Yunlong urged them to get out of the car.

Soon, the three of them got out of the car. Soldiers from the special warfare company were already moving the corpses of the devils who were blocking the road to the side of the road and throwing them away.

"Head." Li Jin looked at Li Yunlong and the others.

"This road will be cleared later." Li Jin said.

"En." Li Yunlong nodded, and then went to check on the ghost soldier's body.

After looking at more than a dozen corpses in a row, almost all of them were stabbed in the back or hacked to death. He guessed that they should all be soldiers of the special warfare company.

Only they have the ability to sneak attack and kill the devil in an instant when they are fighting between the two. After watching, Li Yunlong came to Li Jin's side.

"Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander, and the others probably haven't gone too far. I estimate that they will be able to catch up with them in about 2 minutes." Li Jin said.

It's six or seven miles away from the transfer station. Song Qian and the others would have to run for more than ten minutes to meet Battalion Commander Qin and the others. Now they would leave the battlefield two or three miles away at most after cleaning the battlefield.

"Well, get in the car as soon as the corpses are cleaned up. We need to knock down the transfer station as soon as possible." Li Yunlong said, the sooner the transfer station is taken down, the sooner the peace of mind will be.

"Yes!" Li Jin nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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