Chapter 197 Flexibility
"It seems that we not only blew up the Yuanhe Bridge this time, but also blew up the devil's howitzer. To some extent, it can be regarded as delaying the devil's attack speed." Qin Sheng said.

They blew up the devil's Yuanhe bridge, which was of great strategic significance, and they laid down a transfer station to obtain so many supplies. At the same time, to a certain extent, they delayed the devil's aggression here, which can be said to have done three good things.

"Should we inform the national army and let them prepare early?!" Sun Hai said, after all, it is the period of cooperation between the two sides.

"We really need to inform you about this." Staff Officer Zhong nodded, no matter what, the most important thing is to fight devils together.

"Let's put the notification later. Now let's talk about the distribution of weapons." Li Yunlong said, they had to hand over the materials as soon as possible after they seized so many materials, so they had to distribute the weapons first.

"I suggest that we keep 28 light machine guns, nine heavy machine guns, and six mortars.
In the case of grenades, 33 are left, and it is time for each battalion to form an artillery squad. "Deputy Head Qian said after thinking about it.

Six mortars plus the previous three mortars, that is nine, plus grenadiers, that is, each battalion is equipped with three mortars and eleven grenadiers.

At that time, the three battalions will each form an artillery squad, which will be of great significance to the new regiment, and the firepower will be very fierce.

"Damn, don't you plan to keep the [-]nd infantry artillery?!" Li Yunlong said, the power of this infantry artillery is much more powerful than the mortar.

"That's right, let's keep two [-]-type infantry guns. If there are too many, the higher-ups will not agree." Deputy head Qian said.

Keeping two is already the limit. If there are more, the brigade commander and the others will not agree. The current firepower of the new regiment is already very fierce.

Compared with other regiments, it can be said that the firepower of the Xinyi regiment is the strongest regiment in the Eighth Route Army, and even the ace regiment of the National Army is not as good as the current Xinyi regiment.

"Well, as for the mortars, keep two more, and keep five more grenade launchers. As for the [-] cover, let the soldiers of the whole regiment replace the official Hanyang made ones with the [-] cover. Eight hundred sticks." Li Yunlong said.

The devil's [-] cover has strong penetration and better performance. It would be better for the new group to equip more.

Besides, it's not bad that he didn't equip all the [-] Dagai to the new regiment, and the brigade commander probably wouldn't say much.

Moreover, the guns that were replaced were not very old, made in China and Hanyang. Although the rifling was worn out, the effective range was still about 200 meters, and they could be used by other soldiers as well.

Of course, if these guns are used by special warfare companies, they will not be able to exert the combat effectiveness of special warfare companies. After all, their marksmanship is very accurate, and they need good guns.

"Isn't [-] too many?!" Staff Officer Zhong hesitated and said, it is indeed good to equip the new regiment with a large number of [-] big caps to improve their strength, but it is a bit unreasonable to directly change to [-].

"At least [-] sticks! [-] sticks and [-] big caps, I just exchanged [-] sticks. It's not too much, it's not taking away, but changing." Li Yunlong laughed.

Taking and exchanging have two meanings. If you take it, let alone [-], the brigade commander probably won’t give you [-], but it’s different if you change it. The rifles used by the other regiments are almost worn out.

"This way, it should be fine." Deputy Head Qian said.

"For medicines, we keep one-twentieth of them, we keep [-] boxes of shells, and [-] boxes of grenades. In terms of bullets, how many are there?!" Li Yunlong asked later.

"The bullets of the 50th cover are about 10,000 rounds or more, the bullets of the light machine guns are about 20+ rounds, and the bullets of the heavy machine guns are [-] rounds." Deputy Head Qian said.

"We keep 15 rounds of ammunition for the March [-] cover, [-] rounds of ammunition for light machine guns, [-] rounds of ammunition for heavy machine guns, and turn in the rest," Li Yunlong said.

"Aren't there too many bullets for the 10,000 caps?!" Staff Officer Zhong said, even with the addition of the five hundred [-] caps, the new group of [-] caps would only have [-] bullets in total. [-]+ rounds of bullets, run out? !
"Not much, just right." Li Yunlong said.

"Well, commander, the weapons captured by the special warfare company haven't been put into storage yet," Li Jin said.

The weapons captured by their special warfare company have not yet been put into storage, and they are still in their hands.

"You special warfare company keep those weapons for yourself," Li Yunlong said.

The special warfare company seized three heavy machine guns, six light machine guns, three mortars, and seven or eight grenades in the defensive station of Yuanhe Bridge. Li Yunlong did not intend to let Li Jin turn in.

"Um, it's not appropriate." Li Jin said, he also said before that he would hand over most of the weapons he seized.

"Whether it is suitable or not, Xinyituan is not short of your weapons now. If you keep those weapons, you can better display your combat effectiveness." Li Yunlong said.

Naturally, a good gun should be used by a capable person, otherwise it would be a waste.

Several battalion commanders also nodded. After seeing the combat effectiveness of the special warfare company, they deeply understood that the soldiers of the special warfare company were not at the same level as their fighters, and they did not know how much they exceeded.

"Yes!" Li Jin nodded.

"The problem of weapon distribution has been resolved now. For light machine guns, each battalion is adding five more, and for heavy machine guns, each battalion has two." Li Yunlong said.

The three of them were stunned when they heard it. The amount seems wrong.

"Regimental Commander, didn't we leave 28 light machine guns behind? After conversion, each battalion should add at least nine more, and each battalion should add three heavy machine guns." Sun Hai said.

"I plan to give the remaining thirteen light machine guns and three heavy machine guns to the special warfare company," Li Yunlong said.

The stronger the firepower of the special warfare company, the stronger its combat effectiveness, and the more tough battles it will be able to fight in the future, the more fierce it will be to kill devils, and the greater its role on the battlefield. He has considered it for a long time.

Hearing this, several people fell silent for a moment, and it can indeed be played better if it is used in special warfare.

"Head, you don't have to give them all to me. I just need seven crutches." Li Jin said, he prefers crutches with better performance than crooked ones, and it is easier to change bombs.

"Okay, then I will give you seven crutches, but you must have a heavy machine gun." Li Yunlong said, the soldiers of the special warfare company have strong physical fitness, and they can run for a long time with a heavy machine gun weighing more than 100 kilograms. Not a burden.

"Okay!" Li Jin nodded, adding these three heavy machine guns, the special warfare company had nine heavy machine guns, and they also had 24 light machine guns.

Their firepower is much stronger than the devils with the same number, and their combat effectiveness has been rising steadily.

"As for the remaining six light machine guns, each battalion is adding two more, and then there are mortars and grenade launchers. Each battalion has three mortars and eleven grenade launchers. Remember, you have to Form an artillery squad as soon as possible!" Li Yunlong urged.

The artillery squad is very important, and it is also the existence of their barely capable of wrestling with the devils.

"Understood!" The three battalion commanders replied, and they were also very happy.

There is an artillery squad in a battalion, which can greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers.

"Let's give the remaining two mortars and five grenadiers to the special warfare company." Li Yunlong looked at Li Jin. The extra mortars and grenadiers he left were reserved for Li Jin.

"Yes!" Li Jin said.

"Song Qian, Qin Sheng, Sun Hai, you guys have the platoon commander below report the death list to you, and then make a summary and report it to me." Li Yunlong said, the death list should be handed over to the brigade commander for review.

"Okay." The three left the meeting room and went to find someone.

"Also, Li Jin, write out the combat report in detail and give it to me tomorrow morning. I can hand it over to the brigade commander when I bring the supplies back to the brigade headquarters tomorrow." Li Yunlong continued.

This operation was directed by Li Jin. Li Yunlong didn't intend to take all the credit for Li Jin's achievements. Moreover, he also wanted the brigade commander to see that Li Jin was indeed a rare talent.

"You don't need tomorrow, just wait for me for half an hour." Li Jin left the conference room after speaking. He went to find Liu Changshun, Jiang Yuanming and Zhao Ming.

He was very clear about Yuanheqiao's battle, but he didn't ask about other people's combat operations. He just gave them tasks. As for how to execute them, he could guess, but he still had to ask about the specific aspects.

After Li Jin and the others left, Staff Officer Zhong said, "For the blowing up of the Yuanhe Bridge this time, our Xinyi Regiment will definitely require the whole army to give a commendation."

Yuanhe Bridge is such an important transportation route that even the national army failed to blow it up, but their Eighth Route Army did.

"Unfortunately, we can't recognize this credit." Deputy Head Qian said. Once he admits it, the national army will also know about laying down the transfer station and obtaining a large amount of supplies.

Regardless of the current cooperation between the two parties, the National Army has always been very afraid of the Eighth Route Army. The Eighth Route Army suddenly laid down a transfer station and obtained so many supplies, which will definitely make the National Army vigilant.

On the side of the National Army, they usually don’t want to pay the Eighth Route Army military pay and supplies, because they are afraid that the Eighth Route Army will develop faster after receiving the military pay and supplies in advance, which is not what the National Army wants to see.

Now if the National Army knew that the Eighth Route Army had suddenly obtained so many weapons and ammunition, what would the National Army think? !

Therefore, although they blew up the Yuanhe Bridge, they cannot admit that they did it.

"Oh, there's no way. This matter can only be known to a few high-level officials." Deputy head Qian also sighed. After making such a great contribution, it stands to reason that it could be published in Yan'an newspapers.

But in order not to let the national army know that they have obtained a large amount of weapons and ammunition, only the high-level people will know about this matter.

As for going to the newspapers, it is basically impossible, and the national army has placed a lot of eyeliners.

As soon as it is published in the newspaper today, the National Army will get news that day. Generally speaking, the Eighth Route Army still needs to develop well.

"Anyway, we have obtained a large amount of materials, so it doesn't matter whether we report them or not." Li Yunlong said.

Although reporting is more face-saving, it is more important to improve the overall combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army.

"Speaking of which, after seeing the combat effectiveness of the special warfare company, I think the training method written by Li Jin is probably very useful. Do you want to promote it directly to the whole regiment?" Staff Officer Zhong said.

Li Jin's special warfare company has proved that the way he wrote to train the special warfare company is indeed very powerful, and its combat effectiveness is stronger than that of devils.

Therefore, he believes that another set of training methods specially written by Li Jin will also be useful.

"I have this idea." Li Yunlong said, if it is effective, early training means that the soldiers will have a strong combat effectiveness earlier, so that they will not suffer heavy casualties in the future.

"Then let's promote it immediately after dealing with these matters." Deputy head Qian said, since he has decided to do it, he should do it as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, Li Jin came back with a detailed combat report.

"Regimental Commander, this is the combat report I wrote, please read it." Li Jin handed a densely packed piece of paper to Li Yunlong.

After receiving the paper, Li Yunlong started to look at it immediately, and Staff Officer Zhong and Deputy Head Qian also looked around Li Yunlong.

Several people nodded. The combat report was written in great detail, and every detail was well written.

"Li Jin, the people under your command are very good at adapting to changes." Li Yunlong said.

When Xiang Xiang blocked the devils in Guyuan County, the soldiers of the special warfare company obviously exceeded their predetermined blocking plan when they saw the devils throwing their lives at mines.

If they were ordinary people, they would have panicked and didn't know what to do. In other words, they would choose to fight the devils in order to complete the task.

But Li Jin's subordinates thought of a better method. Not only did they successfully delay the devils, but they did not cause a single casualty, and at the same time killed many devils.

"It's okay, after all, I have been asking them to think more about problems, especially how to deal with them when the plan cannot keep up with the change, so as to complete the task with the least cost,
After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly. Even if you have a perfect plan, unexpected things may happen. At this time, it is especially important to know how to adapt. "Li Jin said.

It is also a course that Li Jin must teach to let the soldiers often simulate and deal with emergencies.

He didn't want the soldiers to just follow orders. Once the action plan was beyond their expectations, the methods they often thought of would be unsatisfactory, and many people would die that way.

Therefore, soldiers need to use their brains to think of the best solution as soon as something unexpected happens during the operation, so as to reduce unnecessary casualties.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong fell silent for a while. When he followed the brigade commander, the brigade commander said this most.

Never think that your preparations are sufficient. Even with adequate preparations, accidents may occur. You must know how to adapt to the situation. Otherwise, once you make a wrong decision, many people will die.

As a commander, you must always think more about what may happen on the battlefield, and when the situation happens, make the right choice at the first time!

"You boy, what a fucking genius." Li Yunlong couldn't help but said, if every soldier of the special warfare company could do this, it would be a bit scary indeed.

It's easy to say it by adapting to the situation, but when an accident really happens, it is really rare to make the right choice.

"Uh..." Li Jin didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hahaha..." Staff Officer Zhong and Deputy Head Qian couldn't help laughing.

"Li Jin, the Yuanhe Bridge was also blown up. Do you have any other major actions next?!" Staff Officer Zhong said.

Li Yunlong and deputy head Qian also looked at Li Jin, they also wanted to know.

"There is nothing else to do next. After all, I killed the captain of the Devils Alliance first, and then blew up the Yuanhe Bridge. Recently, I have calmed down and stopped making any big noises, so as not to push the devils into a hurry and send a large army to encircle and suppress me. .” Li Jin said.

He really didn't plan to do any big things. He still had to train the soldiers well. Of course, it was still necessary to let the soldiers take down the devil's stronghold, or checkpoint bunkers.

"You boy is being cowardly, hahaha..." Staff Officer Zhong laughed.

"That's right. When the wind dies down, the devils will be less vigilant." Li Jin said.

The devil first killed the regiment leader, and then bombed the Yuanhe bridge. Even the materials at the transfer station were robbed. In the next period of time, it is estimated that the devil's defense will be very strict. To provoke devils.

"Well, it's a good thing to know how to advance and retreat. I'm afraid that if you continue to make big troubles, something will happen sooner or later." Li Yunlong said.

If you take advantage of it, you will go to heaven, and if you are blindly arrogant, you will kill yourself. Li Jin's choice is very correct.

"No, I will never joke about the lives of soldiers," Li Jin said with a serious face.

For Li Jin, he had to plan every detail for every operation, because once a certain detail went wrong, many people would die as a result.

Although he is a commander, he cannot allow his subordinates to pay for his mistakes with their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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