Chapter 199 Crisis
"Tell me the specific situation." The brigade commander said, he would like to know how the special warfare company knocked down the Yuanhe Bridge.

"Yes!" Xiao Zhan walked into the yard, picked up a small stick, squatted on the ground and began to draw a simple map, after all, he couldn't explain it clearly.

Soon, the simple map was drawn, and Xiao Zhan began to tell the whole process of the special warfare company's attack on the Yuanheqiao defense station, drawing a schematic diagram while talking.

"Brigade Commander, the process of attacking Yuanhe Bridge is almost like this. By the way, Dashan is about 230 meters away from the defense station.

They were on the mountain and wiped out nearly half of the devils in the defense station at once. "Xiao Zhan put down the stick and said.

The brigade commander nodded, first let the soldiers ambushing by the railway attract the firepower, and then let the soldiers on the mountain determine the target, so as to kill the enemy as much as possible.

In order to prevent the enemy from retreating to the defense station, they immediately sent people to climb up to the roof from behind to block the devils and prevent them from retreating. This method of combat is indeed not a problem.

However, this method can only be done by a special warfare company. It is not something ordinary soldiers can do if they are more than 230 meters away from the defense station on the mountain and can kill the enemy with one shot.

Not to mention more than 200 meters, even within 150 meters, there are not many fighters who can achieve this level. After all, most sharpshooters are fed with bullets.

"How long did it take them to lay down the defensive station?!" The brigade commander asked, there was no problem with the combat method, but how long did it take to take it down? !

"You may not believe it, the brigade commander. It will take less than 5 minutes to lay down the defense station." Xiao Zhan said, not to mention the brigade commander's disbelief, even if he saw it with his own eyes, he found it incredible.

Who can knock down the defensive station guarded by a squadron of devils within 5 minutes? !For other troops, 1000 people will definitely not be able to do it.

"What?! Less than 5 minutes?! How many casualties are there in the special warfare company?!" The brigade commander was shocked for a rare moment, and the defense station was laid down in less than 5 minutes, which is too fast.

And it's not an ambush battle, it's an offensive and defensive battle, and the devils are coming to defend, the special warfare company is too powerful!Is this really a unit of their Eighth Route Army? !

"There were no casualties in the defense of Yuanhe Bridge. That is to say, when the battle was transferred, the special warfare company only suffered a few minor injuries in the hand-to-hand combat with the devils. As for the sacrifice or serious injury, none of them were injured." Xiao Zhan said.

In the operation to attack Yuanhe Bridge, among all the troops, only the special warfare company suffered minor injuries. The other troops lost many people, and many were seriously injured. As for the lightly wounded, there were even more.

"Hiss..." The brigade commander gasped, because he was experienced in hundreds of battles, and he was shocked by the record of the special warfare company.

Taking down a defensive post held by a squadron with zero casualties was simply horrific.

When he led people to ambush the devils of the two teams, although they wiped out the devils, they also caused nearly [-] casualties, of which hundreds of people were sacrificed, which is close to a one-to-one death ratio, which is already very good.

But the special warfare company was so powerful that he was a little scared. If such a force raided the headquarters, who would be able to stop them.

Whether it is weapons or combat power, they are far superior to ordinary fighters, and fighters who are not of the same level cannot fight against them!

If the devils also had such a unit, the consequences would be unimaginable. Fortunately, their Eighth Route Army has such a unit.

"Brigade Commander, this special warfare company is really terrifying. It's so powerful that it makes people feel scared. Fortunately, this is our own unit of the Eighth Route Army.

Otherwise, I absolutely don't want to face such a terrifying enemy. "Xiao Zhan said, even the devils were beaten by special warfare, let alone them.

Maybe the special warfare company wiped them out and estimated that they still had zero casualties. How to fight this is not at the same level at all.

The brigade commander was silent. This army cannot stay in the Xinyi regiment for too long. It should have a better place to play its best role.

Moreover, the Eighth Route Army should also train a group of such troops, so that they will not be unable to fight against this kind of enemy in the future.

Before, he never thought that the enemy might have such a powerful army. After all, no matter how powerful it is, how powerful it can be.

After seeing the special warfare company now, he realized that he still underestimated their combat effectiveness too much. He felt that the devils might have this kind of troops.

The Eighth Route Army must be trained to train a group of such troops, not to ask for more, but to be able to fight against this kind of enemy.

Moreover, this newly trained unit can only be commanded by the boss, and no one else can touch it.

He now has a strong sense of crisis. Although a small group of very powerful enemies cannot affect the big battlefield, they can go around to the rear to perform beheading operations.

With their combat power, how many can stop them from going around the weak rear to carry out the decapitation operation? !
At that time, all the senior commanders will be dead, which means that the army will have no leader. How can this battle be fought without the whole line collapsing.

"Brigade Commander, the hospital has been notified. The doctors and nurses have also prepared medicines." At this time, the guard Xiao Mo came back and said.

"Well, that's fine." The brigade commander nodded.

At three o'clock in the morning, nearly two hundred soldiers from the Xinyi Regiment came to the brigade headquarters. As soon as they arrived here, they rushed to the hospital immediately.

At this time, in the hospital behind, several doctors and dozens of nurses were waiting at the door.

A middle-aged man in white clothes stood in front of them. This was the hospital director Chen.

"Listen to me, all of you, first rescue the soldiers who are life-threatening, and treat the wounds of the other wounded, and then carry out the treatment." Dean Chen said, looking at the nurses and doctors.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Not long after, soldiers from the new regiment sent the seriously wounded to the hospital.

"Hurry up, hurry up, send the most seriously injured soldier to the emergency room first!" All the doctors and nurses in the hospital became busy.

The most seriously injured wounded were immediately sent to the emergency room for treatment. Although the others were also seriously injured, they were not life-threatening.

The soldiers of the new regiment were all waiting in the yard. They were all worried, especially the seriously wounded who pushed into the emergency room, which might really be life-threatening.

This battle has already sacrificed many comrades-in-arms they knew, and those who they did not want to come back also died due to serious injuries.

The brigade commander and political commissar also came to the hospital. They were still very concerned about the condition of the wounded. After these wounded survived, they were considered veterans, and their role would be even greater in the future.

After seeing the brigade commander, many soldiers wanted to salute the brigade commander, but was interrupted by the brigade commander. At this time, what kind of etiquette should be given.

Not long after, a nurse ran out in a hurry.

"Which one of you has blood type A, the wounded need blood transfusion urgently!" The nurse looked at these soldiers and said.

"What type A blood?"

"Pick mine, nurse!"

The soldiers of the Xinyi Regiment immediately started to chatter, they didn't know the blood type, they only knew that their comrades were in urgent need of blood transfusion.

"What are you arguing about! Shut up!" The brigade commander yelled, and all the soldiers shut up for a while and didn't dare to say anything more.

"Let's come with me to the blood collection room, and I'll test your blood types." The nurse said.

"What else is there to test, hurry up and smoke, it's important to save lives!" a soldier said urgently.

"What do you draw? If the blood type is wrong, you will die. Do you think your comrades will die?" The nurse scolded. The patient lost a lot of blood and was in a hurry for a blood transfusion. She was also in a hurry, but she couldn't just transfuse blood casually.

"Draw me, I have type A blood." At this time, the political commissar said, his blood type is type A blood, just right.

"Ah? Political commissar, this...isn't it appropriate." The nurse said in a daze. This is the political commissar. Is it appropriate to transfuse the soldier's blood?

"Whether it is suitable or not, hurry up, it is important to save people first." The political commissar said directly.

"Okay, political commissar, come with me." The nurse hurriedly brought the political commissar to the blood collection room, and not long after, the nurse came out with a bag of blood and left in a hurry.

After the nurse left, the political commissar came out with a cotton swab in his left hand and pressed it against the blood draw site on his right hand.

"Didn't drain you," said the brigade commander.

"Go, go, why don't you be drained." The political commissar said angrily.

"Thank you political commissar!" The soldiers of the new regiment collectively bowed to the political commissar.

"Get up, we are all a family, thank you." The political commissar was not happy. In his view, everyone was his own. When these soldiers thanked him, it was not treating him as an outsider.

But the soldiers of the new regiment are still very grateful to the political commissar. If blood tests are being drawn one by one, it will waste a lot of time.

The political commissar is the savior of their comrades in arms! ! !
"By the way, what the hell is going on with Li Yunlong? Why are there so many seriously injured people suddenly?!" The political commissar asked, he was pulled up by the brigade commander in his sleep, and he didn't know what happened.

"Just last night, no, it was the night before, Li Yunlong attacked Yuanhe Bridge, successfully blew up Yuanhe Bridge, and took down the material transfer station of the devils,
Ten [-]-type infantry guns were seized, as well as many mortars and grenades. As for light and heavy machine guns, there are probably not a few. "The brigade commander said slowly.

"What?! Ten [-]-type infantry artillery?!" The political commissar stared. Does that mean that the Eighth Route Army will have heavy weapons in the future, and the national army doesn't even have such things.

Moreover, the Yuanhe Bridge was successfully blown up, which has even greater strategic significance.

"That's not it. I heard that there are five howitzers, but unfortunately they are too heavy to take away, so they can only be blown up." When the brigade commander said this, he still felt a little regretful.

Compared with the Type [-] infantry artillery, the howitzer is the real killer. It is a pity that it was not brought back.

"It doesn't matter, it's pretty good to be able to bring back ten infantry cannons. By the way, Li Yunlong and the others, how many casualties?!" said the political commissar.

It's a pity that the howitzer was blown up, but the infantry gun is also very good. In comparison, the infantry gun is much easier to carry than the howitzer. Although the power is not as good as the howitzer, it is much stronger than the ordinary mortar.

"87 people were sacrificed and 52 were seriously injured," said the brigade commander.

"The casualties are not that big. I guess the special warfare company played a big role," said the political commissar.

If there is no special warfare company, it would be really good to be able to blow up the Yuanhe bridge with this casualty. As for laying down the transfer station, basically forget it.

"Well, Li Yunlong and the others wiped out nearly 700 enemies this time." The brigade commander nodded.

"700 people?! How many casualties in the special warfare company?!" The political commissar wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"A few people were slightly injured, and none were seriously injured or sacrificed..." The brigade commander then told the political commissar all the combat operations he had heard from Xiao Zhan.

"I always thought that I had overestimated the combat effectiveness of the special warfare company, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated them. This special warfare company is a bit scary." The political commissar frowned.

With fewer people than the devils, the devils can't fight back. Only the special warfare company of the entire Huaxia army can do it.

"Yeah, so I plan to tell the boss that I will train a group of soldiers whose combat effectiveness is similar to that of a special warfare company.

Moreover, it is only under the command of the boss, and other people need to get the consent of the boss if they want to transfer, otherwise, no one can move. said the Brigadier.

"Well, that should be the case. Didn't we ask Li Jin to transfer some soldiers from the special warfare company to protect the boss? At that time, let them protect the boss and at the same time train a group of such soldiers.

In order to train quickly, I suggest selecting fighters with strong combat effectiveness from the entire army for training. "The political commissar said.

In this way, they don't need to spend a lot of materials to get a force as strong as a special warfare company.

"I also have this idea. Li Jin's army is in the open, and the newly trained army will be in the dark. There must be fewer people who know about it!" said the brigade commander.

The newly trained troops should not be known to too many people. After all, the national army has a lot of eyeliners, so they should not be known.

"However, there are still some difficulties in terms of resources. After all, we can't provide a lot of money like the special warfare company." The political commissar said that although the new regiment turned over a lot of oceans, there was not much when it was distributed to the troops below.

To train a unit as strong as a special warfare company would consume too much material. Weapons and ammunition can be given priority, but meat requires a lot of money.

In addition, there are also Chinese medicines to replenish qi and blood to make soup, and Chinese medicines to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis to take a bath. Just thinking about it, I feel that it costs a lot of money.

"Or, just transfer the special warfare company to the boss to command." The political commissar said, isn't the special warfare company ready-made, and it needs to consume materials to train new ones.

"It's too early for the boss to command the special warfare company. The special warfare company can play a greater role outside, so it's better to train a new batch." The brigade commander said.

The current Eighth Route Army still focuses on development, so there are still very few special operations companies that need to be mobilized.

Besides, the Special Warfare Company is very capable of making guns and making money, so it is inappropriate to be transferred suddenly. A large part of the current development is related to the Special Warfare Company.

"Then we can only let the troops below take less money. After all, when we had no money before, didn't we develop as usual?
When the new special warfare company is trained, it will be fine. Besides, I believe that kid Li Jin will get more money later, and then he will have the capital to train the new special warfare company. "The political commissar said.

I don't know why, although he hasn't met Li Jin yet, he trusts Li Jin inexplicably.

"Okay, that's it," said the brigade commander.

"But having said that, Li Yunlong, the boy, commanded the battle to blow up the Yuanhe Bridge, which is considered a great achievement." The political commissar changed the subject.

"Believe it or not, when Li Yunlong comes over tomorrow, his tail will be up to the sky," said the brigade commander.

"Haha, this looks a lot like him." The political commissar said with a smile, it's no wonder Li Yunlong's tail is not up for such a great achievement.

(End of this chapter)

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