"By the way, tell all the soldiers that once you enter the street to fight, you must never run out of the range of 200 meters. That way, the devils will accidentally injure the common people.
Even if you die, you have to die within 200 meters from the city gate!Did you hear that! " Zhao Chengxu said loudly.

At any time, he doesn't want the common people to be harmed, let alone let the common people die because of soldiers!

"Yes!" Everyone responded loudly.

"Have the trenches outside the city been dug?" Zhao Chengxu then asked.

The trenches outside the city are the first line of defense against the enemy.

"It's all been dug." The first regiment leader said, the trenches outside the east and west gates have been dug, and the soldiers can go down the trenches at any time.

"That's fine." Zhao Chengxu nodded. The battle plan has been arranged, and the people have been settled. Now, we just wait for the devils to come.


In the afternoon, Liu Changshun returned to the temporary camp and told Xu Qingfeng about the situation, and Xu Qingfeng immediately sent someone to send a telegram to the head of the regiment.

The devils and the others also started to move, the sky was dark, it started to rain lightly, the road became more muddy, and their forward speed became extremely slow.

"Baga! This damn weather, if you say it's raining, it will rain!" The ghost Zhongzuo sat in the car, watching the light rain outside, and couldn't help cursing.

This rain undoubtedly delayed their advance route, preventing them from arriving and capturing Wu County earlier.


"It's not too late for the rain to delay the devil's attack speed." In the woods, Li Jin stretched out his hand, feeling the raindrops falling on his palm.

The rain came in a timely manner, which greatly delayed the progress of the devils.


Wu County, East Gate.

On the aisle of the city wall, Zhao Chengxu looked at the light rain from the sky, feeling heavy.

He is very clear that there will be no support for this battle. He knows the internal situation of the national army better than anyone else. He is fighting openly and secretly. He said that there is support, but it only gives him a glimmer of hope.

If the people above don't engage in prejudice, give them normal equipment, and hold Wu County for a month, he can still guarantee it. As long as the devils don't send a brigade over, he is confident that he can hold it.

However, their equipment was really poor, so they could only defend with their lives. When Wu County fell completely, none of the 5000 or [-] Sichuan troops might survive.

"Alas... I'm sorry for you guys. How long have you been out? I still want to take you back to Sichuan." Zhao Chengxu sighed softly, and it seemed that the promise he made would not be fulfilled.

It was raining lightly in the dark sky, and many soldiers of the Sichuan army guarding the city were also very heavy in their hearts. They all knew the battle they would encounter next.

Although they knew that it would be very tragic and the brothers who had been with them day and night would die in front of them, they were not afraid.

Death, some are lighter than a feather, some are heavier than Mount Tai, and they definitely belong to the latter!
It's worth dying to defend your home and country!


Around four in the afternoon.

A correspondent rushed to the temporary command post all wet.

In the headquarters, Li Yunlong, deputy head Qian, and three battalion commanders are all here.

On the ground, they also made a miniature version of the sand table with a radius of ten miles in Wu County.

"Regimental Commander, the special warfare team has sent a telegram!" In the temporary tent, the correspondent took out a telegram from his arms.

"What's the situation with Li Jin? Have you found any traces of the devil?" Li Yunlong asked.

"Reporting to the head, the devil is about eighty miles away from Wu County, and it is estimated that he will arrive in Wu County the day after tomorrow!" The correspondent said and handed the telegram to Li Yunlong.

"It seems that we guessed correctly, the devil's goal is really Wu County." Deputy Head Qian said with a serious face.

"Should we rush over to support now?" Song Qian said.

"Don't worry, let them fight first, and we will take the opportunity to sneak around and attack." Li Yunlong said.

His purpose was to annihilate this group of devils, not to enter Wu county to fight against the devils with the defenders. That way, the devils would be scared away.

When the devils attacked Wu County, they took the opportunity to run behind the devils and wipe out the devils.

"Devils attack the city, they will not attack at the same place, the east and west gates will definitely be attacked, and this is our chance,
And to fight this group of devils, the most important thing is to get rid of the artillery positions of the devils first,

As long as the artillery positions of the devils are removed, the pressure on Wu County can be relieved, so that they will not suffer heavy casualties.
The devil's position is likely to be set up two or three miles away from the city gate for safety.
When the devils attack the city, we first send 200 people to destroy the position, and bombard the devils with the devil's cannon.

At that time, as long as the defenders are not stupid, they should understand that there are reinforcements to support them,
As long as they attack the devils, we will also attack, attacking the devils back and forth! "Li Yunlong said.

No matter how stupid the commander is, seeing the devils being killed by shells, he should also understand that reinforcements attacked the devils from behind, and immediately sent people out to chase the devils and encircle the devils.

"When the time comes, we will divide our forces into two groups and attack the devils from the rear. Zhang Dabiao and Song Qian, you two will bring 1000 people to the rear of the devils at the west gate! 100 of them will attack the devils' artillery position!" Li Yunlong said to two people.

"Yes!" Song Qian and Zhang Dabiao agreed with one voice.

"Second Battalion Commander, you take 900 people to the rear of the devils at the Dongcheng Gate, and also send 100 people to attack the devils' artillery positions." Li Yunlong said.

"Understood!" The second battalion commander nodded.

"Remember, we must attack almost simultaneously, and try to eliminate the devils in the shortest possible time. Don't give the devils time to react, and don't let the devils escape!" Li Yunlong urged.

As for him, Lao Qian and Lao Zhong, they commanded the battle from the rear to avoid other accidents.

"Yes!" Several people nodded at the same time.

"Leave the day after tomorrow! As for the unaccustomed fighters, leave some people to take care of them." Li Yunlong said, although the rain will delay the devil's attack time, but it will not delay for too long.

"Yes." Everyone nodded.


At noon on the third day, the devil's troops had divided into two groups and came to rest in the woods about 600 meters from the east and west gates of Wu County.

As for the artillery, they set up positions in the open space two miles away from the city gate.

"Let the soldiers eat and drink enough, and launch the first round of tentative attacks at two o'clock in the afternoon!" In the tent, the devil's lieutenant commanded.


At this time, the east gate of Wu County.

In the command room, Zhao Chengxu and Chu Xu, the leader of the third regiment, were eating.

Suddenly, a soldier ran in.

"Brigade seat, regiment seat, in the woods about 600 meters away from the city gate, traces of devils were found. There are probably thousands of people." The soldier said.

"What?! The devil has arrived?!" Chu Xu stood up.

"What are you panicking? We'll be there when we arrive. They should still be resting. They won't launch an attack until two o'clock at the earliest.

Let the soldiers eat and drink enough to prepare for the fierce battle to come. "Zhao Chengxu said calmly while eating.

"Yes!" Chu Xu nodded.

Soon, the phone on the table rang.

Zhao Chengxu answered the phone.

"Traveler, we found traces of devils at the West Gate. There are about a thousand people. Is there anything going on at the East Gate?" the group leader said on the phone.

"Well, there are devils on my side, it seems that they plan to attack the two city gates together, please tell the soldiers not to be too nervous,

The devils won't attack so quickly, let the soldiers eat and drink in the trenches first, so that they have the strength to deal with the devils! " Zhao Chengxu ordered.


"Then let's do it." Zhao Chengxu hung up the phone, and not long after, he finished eating, and then walked to the aisle of the city wall with the binoculars.

He looked at the woods in the distance, and he could indeed see devils, and there were quite a few of them.

He looked down at the soldiers in the trenches below the city.

The soldiers were eating dry food at the moment, and many of them were still chatting. Although they already knew that the devils were coming, they didn't have the slightest fear, and they were still chatting about their parents.

"Brother, my brother has a younger sister who is as beautiful as a flower. I think you are a nice person. When I go back later, I will introduce my sister to you. What do you think?"

"It's like this, that's a good feeling, brother-in-law, I'll be worshiped by my brother-in-law!"

"Hahaha, it's easy to say, brother-in-law!"


The time passed by one minute and one second, around one fifty.

About 300 meters away from the city gate, a group of devil soldiers had already arrived here, as if they were ready to attack.

"Let the soldiers prepare for defense, the devil is going to bombard the position!" On the aisle of the city wall, Zhao Chengxu took a telescope and saw that the devil was not far away, and immediately ordered.

He knew very well that the devils were about to bombard the position, and after the bombardment was over, the devils not far away would launch an attack.

Ten minutes later, everything was as Zhao Chengxu expected, and shells hit the position directly.

Boom boom boom!
More than 20 artillery shells all exploded in the position, and the sound was deafening. For a while, many soldiers of the Sichuan Army were directly killed by the devil's shells, and the soil was splashed by the explosion.

At the same time, there were also explosions from the west gate.

After three rounds of bombing, more than 300 devil soldiers directly attacked the Dongchengmen position.

"Pfft...Damn it! The devil is coming! Get ready, don't rush to shoot! Shoot when you get closer!" In the trench, Chu Xu spit out a mouthful of sand and quickly ordered.

The soldiers' equipment was too poor, so they could only shoot the devils closer, otherwise, they would not be able to hit them at all.

Bang bang bang!
Da da da!
The devils fired violently at the front line, suppressing them with firepower. After advancing a hundred meters, many devil soldiers carrying grenadiers began to bomb the front line again to cover the advance of the infantry.

Boom boom boom!
A round of artillery shells fell on the position again, and the soldiers of the Sichuan Army were bombed so hard that they couldn't find the north. Many soldiers were killed, and some were seriously injured and unconscious.

"Damn it! Goofy devils! How dare you attack with so many weapons!" Zhao Chengxu's face turned green. Seeing his subordinates being bombed by devils, he felt very uncomfortable.

If their equipment can be like other troops, this time, they can also use mortars to blow up devils!
When the devil soldiers rushed forward 50 meters, the grenadier stopped bombing.

After several rounds of bombing, the Sichuan soldiers on the ground also suffered heavy casualties.

A group of devil soldiers were still running towards the position, 150 meters, 120 meters, 90 meters, 80 meters.

"Hit!" Chu Xu yelled, and he took out his pistol and killed a devil directly.

At his order, other Sichuan soldiers also fired.

Soldiers in the aisle of the city wall also fired.

Bang bang bang!
Da da da!
The two sides were exchanging fire fiercely, but it was obvious that even if they were closer, the bullets of the soldiers of the Sichuan army could not hit the devils much, because the guns in their hands were really too bad.

At such a short distance, even if you hit it, you can't hit the devil.

On the contrary, the devil's marksmanship was very accurate, and almost hit with the gun, causing heavy casualties to the soldiers of the Sichuan Army.

"You little devil, I'll fuck you!" A machine gunner yelled, holding a machine gun and kept shooting at the devils who rushed over.

Puff puff!
Four or five devil soldiers were directly killed on the spot, and several devil soldiers were injured and fell to the ground.

The Sichuan soldier hadn't finished firing a round of bullets when he was shot in the head by a devil soldier.

The bullet passed through his head and splashed blood, his eyes widened, full of unwillingness, he couldn't kill more devils.

"Old Liu!" The soldier not far away shouted sadly when he saw this scene, and he rushed towards Old Liu.

He didn't have time to check on Lao Liu's injuries, let alone grieve, because the devil's attack was fierce, and if there was no machine gun fire, the devil would have rushed to the position very quickly.

Da da da……

He picked up the machine gun and aimed it at the devils not far away. After firing a round of bullets, he quickly squatted down to change the magazines.

Then he ran to another location with the machine gun in his hand, because the location just now had been targeted by the devils, and he would die if he showed his head.

The devil's attack was extremely violent. A few minutes ago, it was still 80 meters away, but a few minutes later, it was almost within 50 meters.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

All the Sichuan soldiers were shooting in an attempt to block the devil's attack, but the devil's marksmanship was too accurate.

In the distance, the ghost lieutenant held a binoculars and stared at the situation on the battlefield.

Seeing the heavy casualties of the soldiers of the Sichuan Army, he smiled.

"Their weapons are indeed very poor. They can hardly hit anyone from a distance of [-] meters. Even their machine guns are very poor." The devil's lieutenant said with a smile.

In this wave of tentative attacks, he has already seen the level of firepower of these Sichuan troops. It is indeed too bad. Compared with the firepower of the imperial soldiers, it is not a star and a half.

Until now, at least 200 soldiers of the Sichuan Army were killed or injured, while the soldiers of the Empire also suffered 30 casualties.

"Lieutenant Commander, it doesn't look like a week, we can take down Wu County in three days." Said the Major Commander at the side.

In his opinion, the soldiers of the Sichuan Army were vulnerable, and they were so beaten up by the soldiers of the Empire that they had no power to fight back!

In at most three days they will be able to bring down Wu County.

On the battlefield, the gunfire continued.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

Boom boom boom!
The sound of gunfire, the sound of exploding grenades, and the wailing of soldiers filled the entire battlefield!

"Master! The weapons and equipment are too poor!" In the trench, Chu Xu was changing bullets for the pistol. The equipment was so poor that the soldiers couldn't hit the devils at all.

There are very few devils who can hit the devils when they get close. If there are no machine guns to suppress the devils who are rushing towards them, these devils will rush to them within ten minutes.

Chu Xu felt very uncomfortable, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. They are all troops defending China, so why should the national army treat them differently!

What time is it, is it interesting to still engage in these open and secret fights? It's fun to send his soldiers to death, isn't it!

It's fine to die, those ghosts, at least send some good guns, what's the difference between these broken guns and fucking fire sticks!

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