Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 407 Encirclement and suppression

"There are so many people in Wu County, no matter how powerful the devils are, it is impossible to take down Wu County in one day." Li Yunlong said.

There are more than 5000 people in Wu County, how could they be beaten down by [-] devils in less than two days.

No matter how powerful the devils are, the garrison of Wu County still has a geographical advantage after all, and they are not simply fighting the devils.

It's really a battle against the devils, let alone the Sichuan army, even if they come, they won't be able to resist for long.


Around one o'clock in the afternoon, halfway up the mountain.

Zhao Ming and Jiang He found Chu Feng. The two of them had better physical strength, and they rushed over without resting along the way.

The two of them were sent by Li Jin to join Li Yunlong before.

"Company commander, we are here." Zhao Ming and Jiang He said to Li Jin in unison.

"Head, are they here?" Li Jin nodded to them, and then asked about Li Yunlong's whereabouts.

"Well, here we come. The team leader and the others are about three miles away from here. We came sooner." Zhao Ming said.

They are advancing much faster than the head and the others. According to calculations, the current position of the head and the others is not far from here.

"Have all the soldiers from the new regiment come?" Li Jin asked,
"No, there are more than 100 soldiers still staying in the camp to rest because of acclimatization." Zhao Ming said.

"More than 100 people?! Is the situation serious?" Li Jin asked quickly.

He had already expected that there would be some people who were not acclimatized, but hundreds of people were beyond his expectations.

"The recovery is not bad, and you can fight in two days at most. The regiment leader didn't plan to come to support so soon.
As a result, I saw a telegram saying that there were heavy casualties in Wu County. I was worried that if I waited for two days, the gate of Wu County would be lost, so I hurried over to support. " Zhao Ming said.

If it weren't for the fear of the city gate of Wu County being lost, Li Yunlong would not have come so fast, at least he would have waited for the unaccustomed soldiers to recover before coming.

Hearing Zhao Ming's words, Li Jin nodded. The defenders of Wu County were indeed suffering heavy casualties. If two more days passed, the gate of Wu County might fall.

"Company commander, what's the situation now?!" Zhao Ming asked, he still didn't know the current situation.

"The defenders in Wu County have suffered at least 2000 casualties so far. If the regiment leader doesn't go there, Wu County may change hands." Li Jin said.

Fortunately, Li Yunlong came quickly, otherwise Wu County would not be able to hold it in two days.

"Why are there so many casualties? Isn't the Wu County garrison occupying the upper hand in the city?" Zhao Ming asked in surprise.

The devils are very powerful, but the garrison of Wu County has a geographical advantage after all. No matter what, it won't take so much casualties in less than a day!

"The gap in weapons and equipment is too large. Except for light and heavy machine guns, there is not even a mortar. When you meet a devil with powerful equipment, you don't have to break through the city gate in a day. It's already very good.

The defenders in Wu County have very few light and heavy machine guns. On the east gate side, there are only two heavy machine guns and nine light machine guns.

This is not an ordinary gap compared with our new regiment, let alone devils. " Li Jin explained.

The Xinyi Regiment now has several times as many light and heavy machine guns as Wuxian, and their mortars are similar to those of these devils, and the guns in their hands are almost all the devils' big guns.

It can be said that with the same number of people, the equipment of the new regiment is not much different from that of the devils, especially when they came to support this time, the brigade commander and the others also supported a lot of weapons and mortars.

"Especially the weapons in their hands are all made in old Hanyang, and the rifling is nearly worn out, almost like a fire stick, so there are so many casualties." Li Jin continued.

Zhao Ming's eyes were full of disbelief.

"No, isn't there a whole brigade in Wu County? Why is the equipment so poor?" Zhao Ming asked puzzled.

The army of the national army is too miserable. There is not as much equipment as the Eighth Army and the regiment. It is not possible. Look at Tang Zizheng's troops. Compared with the two sides, there is a huge difference.

"You don't understand, the Sichuan army is very unwelcome in the national army, because they are not direct descendants, so the equipment they receive is extremely poor,

It's not bad that those Sichuan soldiers were not allowed to fight the devils with their bare hands. "Li Jin said.

There is a big gap between the weapons of the direct troops in the national army and the weapons of the collateral troops, and the weapons of the Sichuan army in the collateral troops can be said to be the worst.

"Tsk, I don't understand these things. They are all from Huaxia. Why are there direct lineages and collateral lines? They are all fighting devils. Give them the weapons that should be given." Zhao Ming couldn't figure it out.

We all fight devils together, why should we treat them differently?Unless that army is not brave enough to fight devils, the weapons they get are poor.

But the Sichuan army is so fierce, and the weapons they got are still so bad, which makes him puzzled.

Li Jin didn't continue to explain to Zhao Ming. The things inside are very complicated, and it will take a long time to explain.

It's nothing more than a matter of interests. The word "interests" is easy to say, but it involves too many things.


At this time, there were still about two miles away from Li Jin's side. Li Yunlong asked the troops to wait in place, and then took Staff Zhong and several battalion commanders to find Li Jin.

Ten minutes later, Li Yunlong and the others came to the foot of the mountain where Li Jin was.

The third row of soldiers on guard at the foot of the mountain saw Li Yunlong and hurried forward to salute.

"Where's your company commander?" Li Yunlong nodded to several people and asked.

"The company commander is on the mountain, I'll call him down." The soldier said and wanted to turn around and go up the mountain.

"No need, let's go up, you continue to be vigilant!" Li Yunlong asked the soldier to stay on guard, and then led him up the mountain.

Not long after, they saw Li Jin, Xu Qingfeng and several platoon leaders halfway up the mountain.

When Li Jin and the others saw Li Yunlong approaching, they hurried over to salute them.

"What's the situation in Wu County now?" Li Yunlong picked up the binoculars and looked towards Wu County.

On the ground outside the city gate, there were still several places of gunpowder smoke. The soldiers in the trenches were recharging their batteries, and many of them could be seen wearing bandages.

Li Jin told Li Yunlong about the situation one by one.

Hearing Li Jin's report, Li Yunlong frowned. He didn't expect Wu County to suffer so many casualties, and even more unexpected that Wu County's garrison equipment was so poor.

There are more than 5000 people in the entire brigade, with only a dozen light machine guns and less than ten heavy machine guns, and the weapons in their hands are still so old.

"Although the Sichuan army is not welcome, but Wu County is so important, and they are given such rotten equipment,

What do the national army think, no matter how prejudiced it is, it won't go to this point! "Li Yunlong said, his tone was full of dissatisfaction.

They asked the Sichuan Army to guard such an important city with such rotten weapons. What do they mean?
Originally, the Sichuan Army was sent to guard Wu County, and the purpose was to let the Sichuan Army fight with the devils and die, but in the end, even the equipment was so bad.

To put it bluntly, the Jinniushan bandits have better guns than the Sichuan Army.

"Anyway, it wasn't sent to us. We can't control that much. At most, we will wipe out the devils later and distribute more weapons to those Sichuan troops." Staff Officer Zhong said.

Annihilate this group of devils, and then distribute more than half of the weapons to the Sichuan Army, so that they can continue to guard Wu County with good weapons.

"That's the only way to go, Wu County can't be lost so quickly." Li Yunlong nodded, and this is also making friends with the Sichuan Army.

If there is a real fight in the future, there may be a chance for them to come to the Eighth Route.

"The artillery positions at the east and west gates of the devil are about two miles away from the county seat. If we want to take action, we can start now." Li Jin said.

He had already figured out the location of the devil's artillery position.

The devils in the two positions add up to 120 people.

"About 55:5, roundabout outflank the rear of the devils. As for the devils' artillery, they launched an attack at [-]:[-] and settled the battle in [-] minutes.
Then adjust the muzzle, as soon as two o'clock arrives, directly bombard the devils for me, stop the bombing after three rounds of bombing, and we launch an attack! "Li Yunlong said.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

"Check the watch!" Li Yunlong said, and everyone began to check the watch time. When the watches were adjusted to be almost the same, Li Yunlong decisively ordered several battalion commanders to go back and lead people into action.

And Li Jin took people to the artillery position at Duandong City Gate, and Xu Qingfeng and Liu Changshun took people to the artillery position at Duanxi City Gate.


At 150:[-], Li Jin led a hundred soldiers to hide in the woods about [-] meters away from the Devils artillery position.

The location chosen for the artillery position of the devils is very empty. There are only 60 devils here, and they are all on standby in front of the mortars. It seems that they are planning to fire at the county.

Li Jin glanced at his watch, it was almost 55 minutes.

"Get ready to fight." Li Jin ordered, and soon, it was 55:[-].

"Fight!" Li Jin fired immediately, and he killed an artilleryman with one shot.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

All of a sudden, other soldiers also fired one after another. On the artillery position, the devils directly suffered heavy casualties. There was no way, the place was very empty, and the devils didn't even have a bunker.

Many devil soldiers reacted and wanted to fight back, but Li Jin's firepower was too fierce, and the soldiers' marksmanship was also very accurate. Within 150 meters, their marksmanship was almost the same as that of devils.

Not to mention that Li Jin and the others still had more than a dozen light machine guns firing, especially in the case of a sneak attack, all sixty devils were killed in less than a minute.

"Quickly, clean up the battlefield, and the others will follow me to adjust the muzzle." Li Jin hurriedly ordered, and he took 25 people to adjust the muzzle in front of the mortar.

Not long after, Li Jin adjusted the muzzle of the gun, facing the woods where the devils were preparing for battle.

After Li Jin's side wiped out the devils, Xu Qingfeng and his side also successfully wiped out all the devils in the artillery position, and at the same time adjusted the muzzle of the mortar.

Li Yunlong and the others have also circled behind the devils.

There were still many wounded devils in the devil camp. Li Yunlong sent 40 people to stare at the devil camp. Once the wounded in the devil camp took out their guns, they would be wiped out immediately.

Li Yunlong lay on the grass, raised his hand and glanced at his watch, it was 55:[-].

"Pass down the order and prepare to attack!"

Li Yunlong ordered that Li Jin's side should quickly release the devils in the artillery position. As long as Li Jin's side bombarded the devils, their mortars would also bombard them, and the others were ready to charge at any time.

At this moment, Li Yunlong and the others were less than 200 meters away from the devils.

Like the devils in the artillery position, this group of devils had no defense against the rear at all.

After all, it is impossible for the defenders of Wu County to run to the rear, and it is impossible for Wu County to have reinforcements to support them, otherwise the higher-ups would not be able to send them to attack Wu County.


In the woods, the ghost lieutenant was still using a telescope to check the situation in Wu County. Now they can attack again when the artillery bombards Wu County.

At the artillery position, Li Jin looked at the time, and there were more than ten seconds before two o'clock.

"Get ready... to fire!" Li Jin directly ordered the fire from one to two o'clock.

bang bang bang...


One after another, the shells flew into the air and went straight to the ghosts in the woods.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, there were constant explosions in the woods, and the devils were directly blown away. They had already gathered together. At this moment, the shells fell into the crowd, directly killing a bunch of devils.

"Baga! What's going on! What are the artillery positions doing?! Why are you bombing us?!" The devil Lieutenant directly yelled.

What happened to the artillery positions?Is the muzzle adjusted wrong?

"Hurry up and hide!" the devil's lieutenant yelled, and he quickly hid himself.

At this time, the Sichuan army on the other side of the county was also stunned. They thought that the devils were going to blow them up, but who knew that the devils were actually blowing themselves up? !
"What's going on?!" On the aisle of the city wall, Zhao Chengxu was also stunned, watching the devils fleeing from the bombs, the dead and wounded, he was also a little puzzled.

"Traveler, could it be that the devil's artillery adjusted the wrong muzzle and blew up the devil?!" Some soldiers guessed.

"Impossible! The devil's artillery muzzle has been adjusted long ago. Even if the muzzle needs to be adjusted, it is to adjust the bombing position of our position.
No matter how outrageous it is, it is impossible to blow up his own people! " Zhao Chengxu said.

The devil's artillery has undergone rigorous training, and it is impossible to make such a stupid move.

"If not, then why was the devil blown up by his own artillery?!" The soldier wondered, the firing direction of these shells was indeed from the devil's artillery position.

Zhao Chengxu frowned, and for a moment, he thought of a possibility, that is, reinforcements are coming!But he quickly denied that if there were reinforcements, they would have arrived long ago, and it was impossible to wait until now.

And if there were reinforcements, the devils would not be unprepared. Compared with the devils' intelligence personnel, the national army's intelligence personnel were still much worse.

If the higher ups send someone over, they will definitely be detected by the devils.

But the current situation made him confused. Could it be that the devil's artillery had drunk too much and adjusted the muzzle wrongly? !

The explosions continued. After one round of bombing, the second round of bombing followed, followed by the third round.

boom boom boom......

The devils in the woods were bombed and ran around. There is really no place to hide in this ghost place. I don’t want the trenches in the county town to avoid shells. In a short time, after three rounds of bombing, the devils were directly killed and more than 200 people were bombed.

"Fight!" At this moment, Li Yunlong ordered directly, and before the devil could react, the soldiers rushed towards the devil.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

All of a sudden, gunshots rang out in the woods, and the devils fell one by one.

Although he was attacked, the devils in the woods reacted quickly and quickly shot back.

"Damn it! There are reinforcements in Wu County! They even circled behind us!" The devil Zhongzuo hid behind a tree, his head was disheveled, and at this moment he finally understood why the artillery positions bombed them.

It must be because the artillery position was occupied by the enemy, so the muzzle was adjusted to bomb them!

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