"By the way, please don't divulge the news that our new regiment is here, and don't tell anyone!" Staff Officer Zhong urged.

He was worried that if the fact that the Xinyi regiment came to the devil's rear was leaked, they would be surrounded by troops sent by the devil, and the consequences would be disastrous.

"I understand!" Zhao Chengxu nodded solemnly.

He knew very well that once the news of Xinyituan's arrival was known to his superiors, the devils might be able to know the news of Xinyituan.

The Xinyi Regiment took down Guyuan County, and the devils had lost all face. If they found out that the Xinyi Regiment had come here and ran behind them to do things, they would never sit idly by.

"Old Zhong." Li Yunlong also came over at this time.

"Hello, Captain Li!" Zhao Chengxu saluted Li Yunlong directly.

"Hello!" Li Yunlong saluted in return. Seeing this person's military rank, he knew that this person was the commander of Wu County.

"Thanks to the support of Captain Li this time, otherwise, Wu County would be difficult to defend." Zhao Chengxu expressed his gratitude again.

"It should be, we are all Chinese soldiers, so we should help each other!" Li Yunlong said, although the two have different positions, but at the moment everyone is fighting devils together.

"Head Li's subordinates are all elites, no wonder they were able to take down Guyuan County." Zhao Chengxu said.

He had just seen the soldiers of the new regiment fight against the devils, and he could tell that every soldier of the new regiment was well-trained.

"Oh!? You've heard that too? Actually, it's nothing. It's just a coincidence and luck to take down Guyuan County." Li Yunlong immediately laughed when he heard this.

"No matter how good your luck is, it's useless if you don't have a strong foundation. Captain Li doesn't have to be humble." Zhao Chengxu continued.

I heard that the Xinyi Regiment took down Guyuan County and sacrificed half of its people. Now it seems that the Xinyi Regiment is hiding its strength.

However, he will not speak out about this matter, nor will he let his subordinates speak out.

After all, he still knows the four words of knowing kindness and repaying.

Li Yunlong said this, not to mention how happy he was, it was rare for someone to praise him, and he was still a member of the hostile camp.

"Leader Li, drive the devils out in the future. If I am still alive, as long as you ask, I, Zhao Chengxu, will go through fire and water, and I will do whatever I want!" Zhao Chengxu said seriously.

As soon as these words came out, Li Yunlong and Staff Officer Zhong couldn't help but look at each other. They both understood what Zhao Chengxu meant.

If the devils are driven out in the future, Zhao Chengxu will probably join the Eighth Route Army because of Li Yunlong.

Of course, although the two of them didn't pay much attention to these words, they took them to heart.

What you say at this time is only useful at this time. Who knows whether Zhao Chengxu will fulfill his promise in the future.

"Brigade Commander Zhao's words, I remember." Li Yunlong said.

Zhao Chengxu also understood that although Li Yunlong took his words to heart, he didn't pay much attention to them.

He didn't blame Li Yunlong, after all, the two had different positions at the moment, but after driving out the devils, he was still alive and would fulfill his promise instead of going back on his word.

On the side of the national army, after this incident, he has been disheartened.


Li Jin joined the battlefield with soldiers from the special warfare company.

As soon as they joined, the devils were not opponents at all, and they were not opponents at this moment. In less than 5 minutes, all the devils in the woods were directly wiped out.

Many Sichuan Army soldiers and Eighth Route soldiers couldn't help being stunned when they saw it.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Army never thought that there would be such a powerful person, one person is so powerful, hundreds of them are so powerful.

"Did no other devil break out?" Li Jin asked a soldier.

"Captain Li, the devils here are basically lying down here." The soldier replied.

"That's fine." Li Jin nodded, then looked around, and saw Li Yunlong and Staff Officer Zhong not far away were chatting with a brigade commander, so he also walked over.

"Regimental Commander, Chief of Staff." Li Jin saluted the two of them.

"Have all the devils been dealt with?" Li Yunlong asked, just seeing Li Jin join the battlefield, he knew that the hand-to-hand combat was coming to an end.

"Well, if there are no breakouts, they are basically here." Li Jin nodded and said.

"This is Commander of Wu County, Brigadier Zhao." Li Yunlong introduced to Li Jin.

"Hello, Brigadier Zhao!" Li Jin saluted Zhao Chengxu. He still admired this general of the Sichuan Army.

Lead a group of people and fight against the devils with weapons like firesticks. If the new regiment does not come, there will be only one defender in Wu County, and the city will be destroyed and people will die.

"Hello!" Zhao Chengxu also greeted Li Jin.

"His name is Li Jin. He is a fierce general of our new regiment. Although he is only a company commander now, he has unlimited potential." Li Yunlong praised Li Jin without hesitation.

Hearing Li Yunlong's praise, Zhao Chengxu also took another look at Li Jin. If he hadn't had real materials, Li Yunlong would not have introduced a company commander to him like this.

At this moment, all the devils in the woods have been wiped out. It has only been more than half an hour since the devils were bombarded.

"Commander Li, the west gate is probably still under fire, why don't we go and have a look together?" Brigadier Zhao said, although the Eighth Route Army was also helping at the west gate, he still wanted to go and have a look in person.

"Okay! Li Jin, let's go, follow us to the west gate." Li Yunlong immediately took Li Jin and the soldiers of the special warfare company through the west gate. As for the commander of the third battalion, let him clean the battlefield here.


At this time, the battle here at the West City Gate has also been calmed down, and all the devils have been wiped out.

Song Qian and Zhang Dabiao also came to the first and second heads of the Wuxian regiment.

"I don't know which unit my brother is from the Eighth Route Army?" the first regiment leader said to Song Qian.

"I am the fourth battalion commander of the new regiment, Song Qian."

"I am Zhang Dabiao, commander of the first battalion."

Song Qian and Zhang Dabiao introduced themselves one after another.

"I am the head of the first regiment in Wu County."

"I am the head of the Second Regiment of Wu County."

The two heads also introduced themselves.

"Xinyituan? Hiss... I seem to have a memory, but I can't remember where I heard it." The head of the first regiment frowned. He felt that the name Xinyituan sounded familiar.

"Some time ago, the defeat of Guyuan County was reported by major newspapers, isn't it the Xinyi Regiment?!" The second regiment leader also said at this time.

"That's right? It's the new regiment that took down Guyuan County, is that you?" The regiment leader nodded repeatedly.

Hearing what the two said, Song Qian and Zhang Dabiao looked at each other and smiled. They didn't expect that the news that they captured Guyuan County would spread so far.

"It's just a fluke to take down Guyuan County." Song Qian said modestly.

"What a fluke, it's clearly strength." The leader of the first regiment said, he was not blind, he could see that each soldier of the new regiment was very strong, although they were not as strong as the devils, but the gap was not that big.

Especially in terms of marksmanship, it is almost the same as that of a devil. It is a little bit different from a devil in close combat, but the two of them can easily deal with a devil when they work together.

This is enough to explain the problem. Although the soldiers of the Sichuan Army fought fiercely, there was still a big gap between them and the devils. At least four or even five people could fight to the death of a devil.

At this time, Zhao Chengxu and Li Yunlong also rushed over.

"Have all the devils been dealt with?" Zhao Chengxu asked after glancing at the battlefield.

"Well, it's all solved. More than a dozen devils escaped, but the soldiers of the new regiment have already chased them, so they shouldn't be able to escape." The first regiment leader said.

The escaped devils were killed from the Sichuan army. There is no way, the devils are very powerful. If the soldiers from the new regiment did not come to fill the gap, more people might have escaped.

"Head, deputy head, chief of staff!" Song Qian and the others hurriedly saluted Li Yunlong and them.

"Good job." Li Yunlong said with a smile, this attack caught the devil by surprise, and it can be said that he won a complete victory.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Li Yunlong, the head of the Xinyi Regiment, this is Deputy Head Qian, and this is Chief of Staff Zhong,
These two are the head of the first group and the head of the second group. "Zhao Chengxu introduced Li Yunlong to the two, and then introduced his subordinates.

"Commander Li, Deputy Commander Qian, Chief of Staff Zhong!" The two regiment leaders saluted Li Yunlong and the others.

"Hello!" Li Yunlong saluted back.

"How about Captain Li guarding Wu County with us? With your help, I believe Wu County will not be lost if the devils don't send a brigade over." Chu Xu said at this time.

If there is a new regiment guarding Wu county with them, it will not be a problem to defend Wu county for a month. After all, the fighters of the new regiment are very powerful, and their weapons and equipment are no worse than devils.

"What are you talking about! It's already a great favor for Xinyituan to help us exterminate this group of devils. Don't mention this kind of kindness in retribution!" Zhao Chengxu said coldly.

The Xinyi Regiment had other missions, and it was impossible to stay in Wu County all the time. This time they came to support, probably because they didn't want to see Wu County being attacked so quickly by the devils, which would affect the frontal battlefield.

Although he also wanted Xinyituan to stay, but letting Xinyituan stay would be revenge. If the devils sent a large force over, Xinyituan would not be able to escape.

It is impossible for him, Zhao Chengxu, to do such a thing of revenge!

"That's right, Old Chu, you're going too far."

"Well, that's right."

The two heads also accused Chu Xu one after another.

"No, although we won't stay in Wu County, we will also reduce your pressure from the side, and won't let Wu County be beaten down by devils." Li Yunlong said.

Li Yunlong is not that stupid to stay in Wu County and cause heavy casualties to the troops. They came here to make trouble behind the devils.

"Then thank you, Commander Li!" Zhao Chengxu said, it is already very good that Xinyituan can put pressure on the devils from the side.

With the new regiment, Wu County will not be easily lost. As long as Wu County is defended, there will be a lot less pressure on the frontal battlefield here.

At that time, the devils will choose to take a detour to transport supplies if they cannot attack for a long time, and the detour means that it will be delayed for a long time.

"You're welcome." Li Yunlong nodded. It's no big deal. The Sichuan army is in the front and the Xinyi regiment is helping. It will be more effective.

"By the way, the Xinyi Regiment will get [-]% of the materials seized this time, and we only need [-]% of it." Zhao Chengxu said.

The Xinyi regiment contributed the most. In terms of supplies, naturally the Xinyi regiment took the most, and they took less.

Although the three team leaders really wanted to say yes, they couldn't say it.

"No, you can take all the rifles. As for the light and heavy machine guns and mortar grenades, we will take [-]% and give you the remaining [-]%.
Of course, these things are equivalent to being lent to you. When the war here is over, they must be returned to us.
There is no need to pay back much, just pay back [-]%. "Officer Zhong said.

"Ah? This, what an embarrassment!" Zhao Chengxu and several team leaders were stunned.

Originally, the new regiment had made great efforts, but they gave up most of their weapons, which made them a little flattered.

"I know that it's quite difficult for you Eight Routes. It took a lot for the Eight Routes to train a new regiment of such elite troops. We can't take that much," Chu Xu said.

The new regiment is estimated to be the most elite unit in the eighth road, and the training of this army must have consumed a lot of resources in the eighth road.

Even bringing so many devil's weapons this time, it is very likely that they took part of the eighth road's family fortune.

Therefore, if they took these weapons, it would be unreasonable.

As for Staff Officer Zhong, if the rifle is still [-]% by then, wouldn't that mean giving the remaining [-]% to the Sichuan Army?

"It doesn't matter, everyone is fighting devils, and with these weapons, it will be easier for you to defend Wu County,

You won't be beaten by the devils. Besides, the weapons are lent to you, but they are not given to you. "Li Yunlong also said that they had discussed it before.

Most of the seized weapons were distributed to the Sichuan army.

"No matter what, in the future, anyone who is useful to us will go through fire and water, and will not hesitate!" Zhao Chengxu said with his fists clasped, and the other three team leaders also nodded.

Compared with the Eighth Route Army, what the National Army has done is indeed too much. Look at the Eighth Route Army, which has made great efforts, but instead gave them so many weapons. It is too righteous.

These are not weapons, these are the lives of the soldiers of the Sichuan Army. With these good weapons, the devils will continue to send people over. Even if a regiment comes, Zhao Chengxu is sure to guard it for half a month.

Besides, there is also a new regiment to assist them, and it is wishful thinking for an alliance to defeat them.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong didn't say much, he just hoped that the devils would be driven out in the future so that the two sides would not become enemies.

On the battlefield, the soldiers of the Sichuan Army and the soldiers of the Xinyi Regiment were all making up for the devils.

In this battle, nearly 800 devils were annihilated, and 32 [-] guns, [-] light machine guns, [-] heavy machine guns, [-] mortars, [-] grenades, and [-] pistols were seized. .

There are also other medical kits and medicines, and there are not a few of them. The 2000 people sent by the devils this time brought almost a regiment of heavy weapons.

It even captured 45 devil medical personnel, including two doctors.

According to the agreement, the Xinyi regiment took away 28 light machine guns, [-] heavy machine guns, [-] mortars, [-] grenade launchers, and left the remaining [-] large covers and medical kits to the Sichuan army.

In fact, it's not that Li Yunlong doesn't want it, but that it's inconvenient to carry so many rifles, so it's better to give it to the Sichuan Army, and it's still considered a loan to the Sichuan Army.

Although Li Yunlong is not sure how much he can get back, the problem is not too big, and the Sichuan Army owes a big favor.

In this battle, the Xinyi regiment sacrificed 130 people, 53 people were slightly injured, and 18 people were seriously injured.

If it wasn't for the sneak attack, and the devils were bombarded for a while, the casualties of the new regiment might have been even greater.

If it weren't for pulling in the distance and directly relying on the superiority of numbers to fight the bayonet with the devils, the new regiment would have sacrificed more than 300 people at least.

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