Chapter 411 Impossible

If he didn't trust them, Li Yunlong would definitely not dare to divide his troops into action. After all, no one is willing to hand over the lives of his subordinates to other people.

But Li Yunlong dared, of course, he also knew that even if the Sichuan Army didn't come to help, the Xinyi Regiment would still be able to wipe out the devils, but the Xinyi Regiment would sacrifice more people at that time.

After that, Li Yunlong will not choose to help Wu County anymore. After all, my people are fighting the devils desperately, and you choose to turn a blind eye, so why continue to help!
"Fortunately, we were decisive enough to send troops. If it were the people above, maybe they would watch Balu fight the devils helplessly." The second regiment leader said.

If it were those who commanded the battle only for profit, they might watch Balu fight the devils, and then sit back and watch the tigers fight until the two sides are almost fighting and sending troops to help.

"So, it's right to take refuge in the Eighth Route in the future." The first regiment leader said at this time.

"It makes sense." The other two nodded.

"Fortunately, we were decisive enough to send troops. If it were the people above, maybe they would watch Balu fight the devils helplessly." The second regiment leader said.

If it were those who commanded the battle only for profit, they might watch Balu fight the devils, and then sit back and watch the tigers fight until the two sides are almost fighting and sending troops to help.

"So, it's right to take refuge in the Eighth Route in the future." The first regiment leader said at this time.

"It makes sense." The other two nodded.

"By the way, Xinyituan came to support us, let the subordinates also keep their mouths shut, don't say it,

At least you can't tell the common people before you finish the task and leave here,
If you can go back alive and say that you slipped your mouth, say that it is the Xinyituan from Balu who came to help us

It's just that when they helped us, most of the soldiers were sacrificed. Don't say that the soldiers of the new regiment are very powerful. "Zhao Chengxu exhorted.

Several people nodded to express their understanding.

The Xinyi Regiment was in the limelight, and the brigade commander was probably worried that the devils would know the news that the Xinyi Regiment had come here, and the devils would probably send more people to encircle and suppress the Xinyi Regiment.

And when they had the opportunity to go back, they said that the Xinyituan had sacrificed a lot of people when they helped them, and they were also helping the Xinyituan preserve their combat effectiveness in a disguised form.

Of course, not necessarily, even if the new regiment is said to be very powerful, it’s actually nothing, and the higher-ups probably won’t believe it, but they will also pay more attention to the Eight Routes.

Therefore, if he can help, Zhao Chengxu thinks he should help, after all, he is also more optimistic about the eight roads.


At the foot of a big mountain about 600 miles away from Wuxian County, a regiment of [-] devils was stationed.

In the command room, the captain of the Guizi Alliance was standing in front of the sand table, accompanied by several assistant officers.

On the sand table is a topographic map of Wu County.

"Captain, according to the information sent back earlier, we can take Wu County in a week at most, and the transportation team,

Now it has begun to deliver supplies to Wu County, and it can reach Wu County in a week at most.

At that time, we will be able to deliver supplies to the [-]nd Regiment from Wu County, thereby expanding the battle situation here. "A lieutenant officer said to the captain.

The location of Wu County was very important to them. If Wu County could not be captured, it would mean that supplies had to be delivered to the [-]nd Brigade from other places, which would delay a lot of time.

"Yo Xi, they did a good job!" The captain of the Evergreen Alliance nodded, and he contributed a lot to taking down Wu County.

"I heard that there are more than 5000 guards in Wu County, but we only sent 2000 people.

It can be considered a brilliant record even after one week of fighting. " A major also complimented, in his opinion, Wu county is already in his pocket.

"It was a good command of the regiment captain to let them bring a lot of heavy weapons. Otherwise, it would be a bit difficult to take down Wu County in a week."

"Yes, yes, it's all thanks to the captain."

Many people also started to tout it.

The captain of the devil's alliance couldn't help but smile on his face when he heard what they said.

"Needless to say, it's thanks to all of us." The captain of the Evergreen Alliance said modestly.

"However, after taking down Wu County, even if supplies are sent to the front line, the battlefield here may not end so soon! I heard that the resistance of the national army is still very tenacious." A lieutenant said.

Although the [-]nd brigade's attack was not very fierce, the national army's resistance here was very tenacious. It was impossible to end the battle here in a short time.

"Don't panic, the army of the empire is invincible, and the troops of the national army are just stubbornly resisting." Said the captain of the ghost alliance.

"The captain is right!" Several adjutant officers said one after another, and they couldn't help but look forward to when they were recorded in the history books.

"Okay, let's all go to lunch!" The captain of the Devils Alliance waved his hand to make everyone retreat.

At around [-]:[-], a correspondent hurried into the command room.

"Captain, it's not good! The attacking army from Wu County was ambushed by reinforcements from Wu County." The communications soldier said hastily.

"Nani?!" The devil's captain's face changed!
"Contact them quickly!" the captain of the Devils Alliance said hastily.

"Co-leader, I tried to contact, but it's been 10 minutes, and no one responded to the message." The communications soldier said.

"Baga! How could this happen?!" The leader of the Devils Alliance cursed.

Even if they were attacked by surprise, it is impossible to fail to reply to the message. Could it be that the correspondent over there has been killed by the enemy? !

But he calmed down very quickly. No matter what, even if he was attacked from behind by the enemy, with their strength, he still had the ability to break through!
"Quickly, have someone send a telegram to the transportation team, don't continue to Wu County!" The captain of the devils ordered immediately.

Regardless of the situation over there, the transport team could no longer continue to advance to Wu County.

"Let all the officers above the captain come to the meeting, and at the same time ask the intelligence department, there is a Chinese army supporting Wu County, why there is no information!" The captain of the Devils ordered again.

At this time, the transportation team was still ninety miles away from Wu County. When the transportation team leader received the telegram, he expressed his confusion. Isn't Wu County about to be defeated? Why did they stop moving forward?
But he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he could only stop the troops from advancing.

In the headquarters.

All officers above captain have arrived.

"The army that just attacked Wu County sent a telegram, saying that Wu County has other troops to support them. They have been attacked, and there is no news until now." The captain of the Guizi League said the information.

When the officers heard this, they were all taken aback.

"Captain, this is impossible. It is impossible for other troops to support Wu County.
The original defenders have already withdrawn, and those defenders have been retreating to the rear, and there is no sign of returning. "A lieutenant said.

The intelligence personnel have been monitoring the retreating group of defenders, and they sent troops to attack Wu County after confirming that the group of defenders would not return.

"But the problem is that the troops attacking Wu County were indeed attacked." The captain of the Guizi Alliance said.

"Could it be that there is another army hiding in the dark and not found by the intelligence personnel? So when our army attacked Wu County, we took the opportunity to attack from the rear?!" said a major.

Only this possibility can explain why the retreating defenders did not return, and the attacking troops were still attacked.

"It seems that it should be, and the army hiding in the dark must have at least 5000 people!" The captain of the devils nodded.

It would be impossible to annihilate the troops attacking Wu County without 5000 troops going around.

"I always feel that something is wrong. Although Wu County is also very important, most of us have already figured out the deployment of Huaxia.
If there is still a 5000-man army hiding in the dark, with so many people, intelligence personnel, it is impossible not to have any news! "You Zhongzuo said.

He felt that something was wrong. Almost every brigade of Huaxia's troops who came here probably knew about it.

And 5000 people are not a minority. It is not easy to come here secretly and hide them. No matter what, they will be traced.

"It turns out that the intelligence department is a bunch of idiots! There is still a hidden army in Wu County, but it has not been detected.
The troops who attacked Wu County were attacked. This responsibility, the intelligence department, must be responsible! "The captain of the ghost alliance said.

"Captain, so far, is there still no news from Wu County?" a devil asked, even if he was attacked, he wouldn't be wiped out so soon, so he can only send a news of the attack.

"No, apart from the previous news, there is no news up to now." The captain of the Guizi Alliance shook his head and said.

"Couldn't they have been wiped out?!" The lieutenant commander guessed, if they weren't wiped out, how could there be no news.

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but thump in their hearts. If it was really wiped out, everyone present would be responsible for it!

"Impossible. The troops attacking Wu County brought a lot of heavy weapons. Even if they were attacked, they would still be able to break through. Now they just need to wait quietly," said the leader of the Ghost Alliance.

With the current ratio of casualties, Huaxia's army wanted to keep them, and it might be possible. He believed that the army was fighting the enemy and had no time to reply.

Hearing this, everyone felt that they were thinking too much. Even if they were surrounded by Huaxia's 1 troops, it was not impossible for the troops there to break through. So, just wait quietly for news now.

However, they waited until five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still no news, which made them all have a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Captain, according to the news from the front line, there is no way that there will be hidden troops in Wu County." At this moment, the devils from the intelligence department came in to report.

"No?! Where did the troops that attacked Wu County come from?!" The leader of the Guizi Alliance didn't believe this statement at all.

"Captain, perhaps, that troop didn't come from the front line. If that troop came quietly from other directions, it's not impossible!" said the devil's lieutenant.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the captain of the Guizi Alliance also fell silent. Apart from this statement, there seemed to be no other explanation.

The key is that the person who attacked was the Huaxia army? !
"Report the matter to the head of the brigade, and let the head of the brigade make a decision. As for the troops that were attacked over there, part of them escaped, and the rest were wiped out by the Huaxia troops." Said the captain of the ghost alliance.

If the report is wiped out, his responsibility will be great.

Soon, a telegram came from the head of the brigade.

After reading the telegram, the captain of the Guizi United breathed a sigh of relief. The brigade commander didn't blame him. After all, no one expected that there would be a hidden army in Wu County, which caused heavy losses to the attacking soldiers.

"The head of the brigade asked us to set off for Wu County immediately tomorrow. Wu County must be brought down to atone for our sins. In addition, the head of the brigade sent a brigade to support us.
Let us wipe out the defenders of Wu County and that hidden army together! "The captain of the ghost alliance said.

"Hi!" Everyone nodded.

The head of the brigade did not pursue responsibility, obviously giving a chance. If nearly 5000 people go to attack Wu County this time, but they still cannot take down Wu County, then it is their problem!


At around [-]:[-] p.m., Li Jin returned to the Xinyi Regiment's camp with the soldiers of the Special Operations Company.

"Company Commander Li! You are back." An old squad leader came to Li Jin. He was staying here to protect the unaccustomed soldiers.

"How is the situation of the soldiers? Is it better?" Li Jin asked.

"I can already walk normally, but I'm still a little weak. If there is a war, I guess I will have to rest for two days." The old squad leader said.

The unaccustomed soldiers can now walk normally. Although they can fight, their physical strength has not yet fully recovered. It is okay to fight the devils with guns. If they fight the devils with bayonets, they are no match at all.

"By the way, have all the devils in Wu County been wiped out?" the old squad leader asked. Company Commander Li has returned, so there should be no problem in Wu County.

The special warfare company is the most powerful company in the new regiment. If the devils are not wiped out, the regiment leader will not let Company Commander Li come back.

"Well, they're all wiped out. The political commissar asked me to come back to pick you up and go to Wu County to rest for two days, so you can recover quickly in the city." Li Jin nodded and said.

If the unaccustomed fighters can rest in Wu County, they can quickly recover their combat effectiveness. In the following battles, there must be fewer people.

"Okay, I'll gather people and go to Wu County with you." The old squad leader said and gathered everyone.

In the early morning, Li Jin brought people to Wu County.

Zhao Chengxu personally arranged a residence for Li Jin and the others.


At 800 o'clock the next morning, the captain of the Guizi United had already assembled the troops, and all [-] people were heading for Wu County. The brigade leader said that a brigade of support would arrive in a day.

And Li Yunlong and the others had already woken up early to inspect the wounded soldiers' rooms.

Under the treatment of Doctor Guizi, most of the seriously wounded were out of danger, and the lightly wounded were also treated.

"Commander, deputy commander, chief of staff!" When the wounded saw Li Yunlong and the others coming in, they wanted to stand up and salute Li Yunlong.

"Don't move around! Take a good rest!" Li Yunlong quickly stopped, he was afraid that the wounded person would tear the wound, and if the thread broke, he would have to suture it again.

"Just take a good rest and leave the rest to us." Staff Officer Zhong urged.

"Regimental Commander, you guys, don't you want us? We can still fight! These are minor injuries and won't affect the battle!" said a wounded man, who had dozens of stitches in his abdomen, and his intestines were exposed at that time .

"What are you talking about! Who doesn't want you!" Li Yunlong said, this is his soldier, how could he not.

"Your task now is to heal your injuries, wait for your injuries to recover, and continue fighting when you come back!" Staff Officer Zhong said.

"We can continue to fight now. I know that you let us enter Wu County because you want us to recuperate here.
Then continue to fight the devils, but we can still fight, commander, you take us with you! "

"That's right, Commander, take us with you! We promise not to hold back!"

All the wounded said one after another that they wanted to continue fighting devils with the head of the regiment, instead of recuperating in bed.

(End of this chapter)

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