Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 416 Something is wrong

Around 06:30 in the morning, in the mountains about four or five miles southwest of Wu County.

The captain of the devil alliance woke up at the temporary headquarters, and a devil major came in to report.

"Captain, the troops in the southeast direction have already ambushed."

"Very well, inform the front troops to attack Wu County at eight o'clock, remember, don't attack as soon as they come up, give the secret troops some time to come over." The captain of the Devils said.

Even with a fierce attack, Wu County cannot be brought down within a few days. Their goal is the army in the dark, and they have to reserve their strength to deal with it.

If this secret army is not completely wiped out, even if Wu County is captured, the transportation routes here will not be able to safely transport supplies to the front line, so the annihilation of this army is the top priority.

"Hi!" Major Guizi turned and left to notify.

"Which army is it?!" The captain of the Guizi United touched his chin and thought. He had fought many battles with the Chinese national army, and he basically won.

But now that such a powerful force suddenly appeared, he felt something was wrong.


In Wu County, on the aisle of the east gate, Zhao Chengxu stared at the devil army not far away with a binoculars.

"What's going on?!" Zhao Chengxu couldn't figure it out, since this group of devils came to Wu County, they were full of weirdness everywhere.

There was still a lot of time yesterday, but the devil did not choose to attack.

Don't the devils want to bring down Wu County?In other words, are they confident that they will take Wu County down in a short time? !

Wu County should be very important to the devils. The sooner they break through, the sooner they can deliver supplies to the front line. This will have a great impact on the battlefield here, and the devils will not be unaware.

"Traveler, let's eat something first." Chu Xu brought a bowl of porridge and a plate of canned meat, which were seized from the devil.

"Okay, have the soldiers eaten yet?" Zhao Chengxu didn't show any pretense, picked up the bowl and started eating.

"They've all eaten, so don't worry." Chu Xu said, the soldiers' breakfast today all added devil's canned meat, which was the best meal they had eaten these days.

"Yeah." Zhao Chengxu nodded, and in a few minutes, he finished his food.

"How is the condition of the wounded?! Those two devil doctors and those nurses didn't do any tricks, did they?!" Zhao Chengxu asked.

"The condition of the wounded is much better, but some of the wounded were really seriously injured and died unfortunately. No wonder those two ghost doctors." Chu Xu said, the conditions on their side were simple, and many of the wounded who survived had already died. Very good.

"Well, keep an eye on those people, I'm worried that they will cause trouble, if those devils really dare to mess around, they will be shot and killed!" Zhao Chengxu said with cold eyes.

Now that the army of devils is just outside the county seat, there is no guarantee that the captured doctors and nurses will not have other crooked ideas.

He is not a good person, those devil doctors and nurses who surrendered, he will not be polite to anyone who dares to make trouble.

"Understood!" Chu Xu nodded with a serious face. In fact, he had been guarding against these devils, and never believed them from the beginning to the end. If it wasn't for treating the wounded, he would have shot them all.


Around eight o'clock, the devils at the east and west gates launched an attack.

A round of shells bombarded the position at the gate of the city.

boom boom boom......

The sound of explosions was endless. The devils shelled first, followed by the infantry, and then continued shelling.

At this time, the soldiers of the Sichuan Army were not afraid of these devils at all. They had a lot of light and heavy machine guns, and when the devils were about 300 meters away from the position, they directly fired to suppress them.

Da da da………

Puff puff………

For a while, the formation of the advancing devils was scattered, and many devils were directly killed, injured and fell to the ground.

"Baga! How could they have so many machine guns?! Could it be that the army gave all the captured weapons to the Sichuan army?!" Seeing this, the devil's lieutenant in the rear turned green.

This is different from what I thought. I thought that the secret army would take away most of the weapons, but now it seems that it is not the same thing at all.

But fortunately, the military quality of the soldiers of the empire is still much better than that of the Sichuan army. Although the advancing speed is not fast, the casualties are still much smaller than that of the Sichuan army.

"Grasher, quick, blow up those heavy machine guns for me!!!" a ghost captain ordered loudly.

The heavy machine guns held by the Sichuan army are theirs. If these heavy machine guns are not eliminated, the advance speed will be slower.


On the tower, Zhao Chengxu held a light machine gun and fired at the attacking devils.

"Traveler, why do these devils' attack feel weaker than the previous ones?!" At this time, Chu Xu came to Zhao Chengxu and said.

He felt that the offensive of these devils was not as strong as the devils who attacked Wu County in the first place, which was too strange.

After Zhao Chengxu heard the words, he squatted down and said, "Indeed, I really don't know what they are thinking?!"

The devil's attack on the city this time was similar to a tentative attack, as if the devil was not in a hurry to take down Wu County at all.

"Could it be...the devils really have follow-up troops?! And they are targeting the Eighth Route Army?!" Zhao Chengxu immediately thought of the Eighth Route Army.

The purpose of the devils is to use Wu County as a bait to lure the Xinyi regiment to support them. Once the Xinyi regiment comes over, the troops that the devils ambushed will definitely surround the Xinyi regiment immediately.

At that time, even if the Xinyi regiment can break through, they will probably suffer heavy casualties!

"But the intelligence personnel didn't find the devil's follow-up troops." Chu Xu said, their people didn't find this at all.

"I'm afraid, the devil's follow-up troops kept a long distance from the forward troops from the beginning, so the intelligence personnel didn't find out." Zhao Chengxu explained.

If this is the case, the intelligence personnel really would not have thought of it.

"This devil really took great pains." Chu Xu gasped. In order to annihilate the new group, the devil also paid for it.

"I estimate that the devil's follow-up force has at least two to three thousand people. Including the devils here, it is already more than a regiment." Zhao Chengxu said.

If the devils want to wipe out the new regiment, there will definitely be many ambushers in the follow-up, otherwise they won't be able to wipe out.

The devils who attacked the county did not attack with all their strength, obviously to preserve their strength, and when the new regiment came over, they turned their guns to deal with the new regiment.

"Isn't the new group in danger?! We don't know where they are now! There's no way to notify them." Chu Xu said urgently.

The devils have set up a big net, waiting for a new group to get inside.

"Don't worry, Captain Li is not that big of a deal, and Li Jin beside him is not a simple character, I'm afraid they already know the devil's purpose." Zhao Chengxu said.

Thinking of the special warfare company led by Li Jin, he felt a little apprehensive. It was a force stronger than devils. It was hard to imagine how Li Yunlong trained this force.

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