Chapter 422 Poor

"The devil's ambition will not stop at the battlefield in China. If he can't win the situation in China for a long time, he will definitely choose to invade other countries." Li Jin explained.

He almost slipped the tongue, the devils have not yet invaded the country in the southeast.

"Indeed." Xu Qingfeng nodded. Devils are ambitious. If they can't get enough resources in China in a short period of time, it is expected that they will invade other countries.

However, why does it feel that something is wrong, how could the devil provoke country m, isn't this courting death?


After eating briefly, the devil continued to set off until twelve o'clock in the morning before arriving at a pier.

This pier was built by the devils, specially used to store supplies, and this is also the rear headquarters of the devils here.

"Sure enough, this should be the devil's headquarters." On a big mountain, Li Jin looked at the pier with a binoculars.

"Send a telegram to the leader." Xu Qingfeng said.

"Yeah." Li Jin nodded.

Xu Qingfeng immediately went down the mountain and asked someone to send a telegram to the head of the group.


On the pier, inside a wooden house.

The head of the devil brigade stood in front of the sand table, analyzing the situation on the battlefield.

The offensive on the front line is currently going smoothly. If the supplies can be delivered in time, I believe that the battlefield here will be resolved soon.

But the problem is that Wu County was not defeated, which delayed the transportation of materials and affected the frontline battlefield.

Just then, a ghost soldier ran in.

"Brigade Commander, Captain Fujiigawa is back, and he's just outside," said the ghost soldier.

"Let him get out!" Hearing this, the head of the devil brigade said with a livid face. It was obvious that he was very angry.

Wuxian County was clearly guarded by a group of Sichuan troops with extremely poor equipment, but they were unable to take it down for a long time, and smashed so many imperial soldiers, it is unbelievable!

And all of this was caused by Fujiigawa's stupid command.

"Hi!" The ghost soldier withdrew, and not long after, Captain Fujiigawa walked in.

"I've met the head of the brigade!" Fujiigawa saluted the head of the devil's brigade.

"What face do you have to come to see me?! Ah?!" The head of the devil brigade angrily stepped forward and kicked Fujiikawa on the chest, kicking him to the ground.

Ignoring the pain, Fujiigawa stood up immediately. He lowered his head and didn't dare to speak at all. The brigade leader is still angry. If he refuted, he might be shot dead by the brigade leader.

"Do you know how good an opportunity was wasted because Wu County was not captured in the shortest time?!" The head of the devil brigade said angrily.

If Wu County is defeated, the materials can be transported to the front line quickly, and the frontline troops can attack more violently, and the battlefield here can be quickly ended, and people can be transferred to other battlefields to fight.

"Hi! I'm incompetent!" Fujiikawa lowered his head, admitting his mistake.

Seeing that Fujiikawa admitted his mistakes with a good attitude, the head of the devil brigade also calmed down a little.

"Tell me, what's going on specifically, what's the name of that hidden Huaxia army?! How many people are there?" asked the head of the ghost brigade.

If it weren't for this hidden army, Wu County would have been defeated long ago.

"No, I don't know." Fujiigawa said.

"Nani?! What are you talking about? I don't know?! Yu smashed so many imperial soldiers, you tell me I don't know who they are?!" The head of the ghost brigade widened his eyes, full of disbelief.

They smashed so many soldiers, but they didn't even know who their opponent was or what their troop number was? !What a battle!

"I really don't know..." Fujiigawa told the whole story.

The more the head of the devil brigade listened, the more serious his expression became. Why did he have a bad feeling? Did Huaxia concentrate resources to train a group of troops that were not much weaker than the imperial soldiers? !
"Although this army does not know how many people there are, it is certain that they are very powerful, far stronger than the average Chinese army.

Moreover, their weapons are not much worse than ours, and may even be comparable to ours for the same number of people. "Fujiigawa said.

Although he hadn't seen that army with his own eyes, judging from their ability to annihilate so many imperial soldiers in a short period of time, the strength of this army was not too weak.

"It seems that you can't blame you for this incident, but you also wasted the opportunity to take down Wu County because of your wrong command.
If you concentrate your forces to attack Wu County from the beginning, and send people to defend the rear, Wu County will not be lost. "The head of the devil brigade said.

If Fujiigawa paid attention to this army, he wouldn't have wiped out so many soldiers and hadn't defeated Wu County yet.

"Hi! It's my problem! I'm too arrogant!" Fujiigawa said, if he didn't think he could set a trap for this army, nothing would happen later.

Concentrate forces to take down Wu County, the hidden army would not dare to confront them head-on, at most it would be side harassment.

"I'll let you go this time, and remember a big mistake. If you make a mistake, you can wait to go to the military court." The head of the ghost brigade said slowly.

"Hi! Thank you brigade leader for giving me another chance!" Fujiigawa became excited. He thought that the brigade leader would really send him to a court-martial when he came back this time, and he was ready to commit seppuku.

Unexpectedly, the head of the brigade let him go.

"The matter this time is indeed a bit serious. Huaxia has quietly trained such an army. It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no other troops.
I have to send a telegram to the head of the division, and let the head of the division use the senior undercover in the national army to check and see if there are other troops in China. "The head of the devil brigade said.

If there are many such troops, he is worried that the empire's attack on Wuhan will not be smooth, so he still has to ask clearly, hoping that there will be only one such troops.

"Brigade commander, you must find out. I feel that this army is very strong. If it really develops, it may be against us." Fujiikawa said, he had never encountered this kind of Huaxia army, and he didn't know How did you train it?
"Well, you go down and rest first. As for the delivery of materials on the front line, we can only continue to use the previous route." The head of the ghost brigade said.

Wu County was not captured, so it could only be transported by the previous route. Although it was a bit difficult to walk, it was better than safety.

"Brigade commander, then I will go down first." Fujiikawa said.

"Go." The head of the devil brigade waved his hand to let him go down, and then he immediately asked the correspondent to send a telegram to the head of the division, telling the head of the division everything.


At the same time, Li Yunlong and the others had already set up camp in a forest.

Along the way, they all followed the devil's direction.

In the temporary command room, Li Yunlong stood in front of the map and looked at the map. Deputy regiment commander Qian, staff officer Zhong and three battalion commanders were all here.

"Head, is there no news from the special warfare company?!" Zhang Dabiao asked. It had been a day and a night, and there was still no news from the special warfare company, which made him a little worried.

"Don't worry, just wait, they'll be fine." Li Yunlong said, it's very difficult, almost impossible for the devils to pose a threat to the special warfare company in the mountains.

Just as they were talking about the special operations company, a correspondent ran in.

"Regimental Commander, the special warfare company has received a telegram." The correspondent handed the telegram to Li Yunlong.

After Li Yunlong took a look, he was immediately happy.

"Haha, it's exactly as I expected." Li Yunlong laughed.

"Head, what's the matter?! What did the telegram say?!" Song Qian asked, and the others also looked at Li Yunlong, wanting to know the answer.

"They have already found the devil's headquarters, which is at a pier dozens of miles away from here." Li Yunlong said.

Everyone was also happy, and they really found the devil's headquarters here.

"However, it seems that we can't pose any threat to the headquarters after we are found." Zhang Dabiao said.

As soon as the words came out, everyone fell silent. There are more than 4000 devils at the pier, what are they going to fight? !

They also have a geographical advantage, they can't even fight a sneak attack, their numbers are not as good as theirs, and their soldiers are not as good as theirs except Gray Wolves and Special Warfare Company.

"You guys, think about it, this is a pier, what is this pier for, it must be storing front-line materials, and it is specially used to deliver materials to the front line here,

Directly stare at the devil's transport troops to fight, start from this aspect, rob them of the supplies they transport, and force them to send people out to encircle us. By then, how many people will there be at the dock? ! "Li Yunlong said.

He wanted to make sure before that the devil's headquarters was in the material storage place, and now it seemed that it was indeed the case.

Therefore, they stared at the devil's transport troops and asked the devil to send many people to escort the supplies. In this way, there would not be many devils at the pier.

At that time, they will attack in front and let the special warfare company go to sneak attack on the pier. As long as they can kill the devil's commander, it will be a great achievement.

Everyone nodded, thinking that this plan is feasible.

"Good idea! Commander, you didn't plan it long ago, did you?" Zhang Dabiao said.

"That's natural. Although your culture is higher than mine, but in terms of war, you have to learn from me." Li Yunlong said with a proud face.

What's wrong with the low culture, war is not just talking on paper, it is to sum up experience in actual combat again and again, and then learn from it.

If you only talk about war on paper, you don't know how many people will die.

Seeing Li Yunlong's smug face, Deputy Head Qian and Staff Officer Zhong couldn't help but roll their eyes, but they really had to say that Li Yunlong was indeed good at fighting.

"Okay, let's start tomorrow morning and go directly to Hedao Ridge. From the map, the devil's transportation line, if you want to reach the front line as soon as possible, you will definitely pass there.
Let's lay an ambush over there in advance to catch the devils off guard. "Li Yunlong said.

From the day he planned to attack the devil's headquarters, he had been looking at the map here and analyzing the devil's transportation route. After confirming the location where the devil stored supplies, he immediately determined the transportation route.

"Understood!" Everyone nodded.

"By the way, tell Gray Wolf to join Li Jin and tell Captain Gray Wolf that all actions are fully under Li Jin's command, and don't act without authorization!" Li Yunlong ordered again.

Although the gray wolf team is not as powerful as the special warfare company, it is not bad. When attacking the pier here, the two teams act together, and the odds of winning are better.

"By the way, regiment commander, we haven't sent a telegram to the brigade commander to tell him about our situation." Staff Officer Zhong said.

To solve the crisis in Wu County, they haven't sent a telegram to the brigade headquarters immediately.

"Almost forgot, you should send a telegram to the brigade commander and tell us the situation here." Li Yunlong immediately said to the correspondent.

To be honest, since he came here, no one has taken care of Li Yunlong, which made him a little bit drifting. He was still under the supervision of the regiment headquarters. When he came here, Li Yunlong had full authority to execute all commands, not to mention how comfortable he was.

There is no need to worry about being scolded by the brigade commander.


At this time, the brigade headquarters of the [-]th Brigade.

The brigade commander and political commissar are also looking at the map of Wuhan, focusing on the map of Wu County
"From the telegram sent by Li Yunlong a few days ago, they have helped Wu County resolve the first crisis, and distributed most of the seized weapons to the Sichuan Army in Wu County, so that they can better defend the county.
But it is obviously impossible for the devils to just let Wu County go, and they will definitely send people to attack again. "The political commissar said.

Wu County is still very important to the devils. Taking Wu County can transport supplies to the front line faster, and the strategic purpose is very important.

"Well, indeed, but with the Xinyi regiment, it is still impossible for the devils to take down Wu County. As long as they harass the devils from the side, the devils will not dare to attack with all their strength.
Then, the longer it can be delayed, the devils can only choose to give up Wu County after being unable to attack for a long time. said the Brigadier.

The new regiment doesn't need to fight the devils head-on. Although they are very strong, they are still not as good as the devils.

"It's a pity that we are not there, so we can only remind you, and you can't give Li Yunlong any order, after all, you don't know the battle situation." The political commissar said.

Now everything can only be judged by Li Yunlong, which is actually a challenge for Li Yunlong.

The Xinyi Regiment could be said to be isolated and helpless. Once Li Yunlong made a wrong command, the entire Xinyi Regiment would be in crisis, and rescue would be impossible.

"Don't worry, Li Yunlong is quite capable, besides, with that kid Li Jin around, nothing big will happen," said the brigade commander.

If only Li Yunlong was there, he would still be a little worried, but Li Jin would go with him. Relatively speaking, Li Jin was relatively safe. will do.

"That's right." The political commissar nodded, and then said: "However, the situation seems to be very unfavorable for the national army. The position of Wu County is still very important.
As a result, they withdrew the original defenders in Wu County and replaced them with the Sichuan Army, and they did not provide support. "

"Some people are still thinking about preserving their strength and are unwilling to contribute." After hearing this, the brigade commander shook his head.

In his opinion, Wu County was replaced by the Sichuan Army, which was just an officer from the National Army. He didn't want his own people to suffer heavy casualties, so he replaced it with the Sichuan Army.

As for not giving support, that's also expected, Wu County can't hold it in the first place, is the support going to seek death? !
If the new regiment hadn't passed, all the Sichuan Army over there would probably have died in Wu County. The poor Sichuan army was dedicated to serving the country, but they couldn't get the treatment they deserved in the national army.

(End of this chapter)

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