Chapter 438

"Brigade Commander, I can't blame you for this matter. After all, no one knows that there will suddenly be an unknown army here." The captain of the Judao United said.

Originally, their attack here was very smooth, but the development of things was somewhat beyond their expectations.

First of all, Wu County was not defeated as expected, even the supplies at the dock were burned, and the brigade leader Changshou Jingchuan jade was broken.

And now that the artillery position was taken away by the enemy's surprise attack, no one could have expected this.

If the original plan was followed, as long as Wu County was defeated and the logistics supplies could keep up, they would soon be able to break through the Fengling defense line and proceed to the next step.

"No matter what, the matter is out of my control. Next, I'll wait for the reinforcements to arrive and make plans." Mori Kami said helplessly.

"How long will it take for them to get here?!" the Captain of the Kojima Alliance asked.

"One week, this week, we just need to defend the position well,

Send an order to let the soldiers increase the number of patrols to avoid being attacked again. "Said Mori Kami, he was sure that the opponent would attack again.

Without knowing how many people the opponent had, he decided it was better to defend the position.

"Hi!" The two nodded quickly.


When the time came to [-]:[-] pm, the sun was setting, and the burning clouds covered half of the sky, even the green hills and trees could not help but blush.

During this period, the devils did not attack Fengling, and the whole area fell silent, which was somewhat disturbingly quiet.

Liang Gu held the binoculars and looked at the devil's position not far away. Many devil soldiers were actually digging the ground to continue to consolidate the position.

"Master, what's the situation with the devil?! Don't you plan to attack us?!" said a brigade commander.

It's been a long time, and there is no movement from the devil's side, and people are still reinforcing the fortifications, as if the devil is the one being attacked.

"The devil's artillery, if there is no accident, should be completely taken away, and the threat of this army in secret makes the devil dare not act rashly." Liang Gu said.

If he was a devil, he would never dare to attack again because the attacking troops in the rear hadn't figured out what was going on, because the risk was too great.

"That is to say, the devil is a little scared?!" said the second brigade commander.

"It can be said that the purpose of strengthening the fortifications is to prevent them from being bombarded again. Devils know the power of their own guns best. If they don't reinforce the fortifications, if they are being bombarded again, how many people will die." Liang Gu said, with the corner of his mouth Can't help but rise up.

"Master, what are you laughing at?!" The first brigade commander felt a little baffled.

"I'm laughing at the devils. Before the devils bombarded us, we suffered heavy casualties. Now it's okay. It's the devils' turn to be bombarded.
And it's the devil's cannon to bomb the devil, you say it's funny, isn't it funny? "Liang Gu said.

He was a little shadowed by the devil's artillery before, and now it was the devil's turn to be bombarded, and it was the devil's own artillery that bombarded them.

This is really so depressing.

"Indeed, damn it, let the devils bombard us every day before!" The first brigade commander also laughed.

"The devil should be able to feel the enthusiasm of the artillery fire." The second brigade commander said, feeling inexplicably happy in his heart, and relieved his anger.

"I am more and more curious about who is leading this army." Liang Gu said, he felt that the commander leading this army was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Master, why don't we send someone to meet them tonight?!" A brigade commander said, since the teacher is also curious, it's better to meet them earlier.

"Don't worry, wait and see what they will do in the next two days." Liang Gu said, he is more cautious about going to meet people in person, so as not to lose his life.

The two nodded.

"Master, what if they have already retreated?! Maybe they just came to harass the devils, so that the devils can't take down Fengling smoothly." The second brigade commander said suddenly.

If the purpose of this army was to help them break out of the siege, that's why they took away the artillery positions of the devils.

Now that the devils have no guns, it is almost impossible to take down Fengling in a short time.

Devils don't have guns, but they do. Although there are not many shells, they are enough to last for several days.

Of course, even if the devils don't have guns, they can't resist them. The quality of the devil's individual soldiers is indeed much better than their soldiers.

Without artillery support, the devil's marksmanship would still make people feel a lot of pressure.

"Shouldn't it?! Fengling won't be lost for a short time, but once this troop is gone, we'll have to last a little longer at most." Liang Gu said in a daze.

Now because of the existence of this army, the devils dare not continue to attack, but once this army is withdrawn, Fengling will also continue to be attacked.

"So, Master, how about we send someone to contact the people in this unit earlier?!" said the second brigade commander.

Hearing this, Liang Gu fell into deep thought. To be honest, although he had already confirmed that the other party was not a devil, he was still a little worried when he really wanted to meet someone.

"Let's take a look. Maybe the other party also wants to contact us, but they haven't made a decision yet." Liang Gu said, instead of going to see the other party, it is better to let the other party come to see him.

"Then we wait for them to contact?!" A brigade commander asked.

"Yeah!" Liang Gu nodded, in short, it's still a word, for safety.


At the same time, Li Jin was watching the devil's position with a telescope on the mountain.

"It seems that the devil is planning to defend, which also shows that the devil has already asked for help, and people are still on their way here.
That's why the devils planned to stick to their positions and wait for reinforcements to arrive before continuing to attack Fengling. "Xu Qingfeng said.

The reinforcement of the position was obviously frightened by the artillery shells of the special warfare company. When the devils built their positions before, I am afraid that not many anti-explosion holes in the trenches were dug.

Compared with the devils, the national army's cannons are not many at all, and they don't pose a big threat to the devils.

"Well, I guess the devil's reinforcements may arrive within a week. We have to hurry up and eat up the 102nd Brigade as much as possible." Li Jin said.

If they really waited for the reinforcements from the devils to arrive and they wanted to eat up the 102nd brigade, that would be impossible. Therefore, they had to annihilate the 102nd brigade before the reinforcements from the devils arrived.

Xu Qingfeng nodded, agreed, and said, "So, on the third day, we must join forces with the 215th Division. On that night, we must attack with all our strength and eat the devils!"

They don't have that much time to spend with the devils, and the longer the delay, the greater the danger. Who knows how many reinforcements the devils will come.

"That's right, if the people from Division 215 don't come, we'll have to go there," Li Jin said.

If the division commander is really an idiot and refuses to cooperate with him, then he can only do his best to kill more devils and retreat before the devils' reinforcements arrive.

"Attack the devil's camp again tonight, and let the commandos carry submachine guns." Li Jin said.

The exchanged German submachine guns are now useless for special warfare companies. They were originally intended to be used when attacking the docks, but Li Yunlong brought a new regiment of soldiers over.

Therefore, the submachine gun is temporarily useless, and it is time to use it now, so that the devils can taste the submachine guns of their allies.

"Understood!" Xu Qingfeng nodded.

"Let's go, tell them to go to a meeting." Li Jin trotted down towards the foot of the mountain.

Soon, the two went down the mountain, and Li Jin directly asked the four platoon leaders to come over for a meeting.

Everyone sat on the ground, and Li Jin took out a map, which was the defensive map of the devil's position, which he spent some time drawing.

"Tonight, I plan to lead troops to raid the devils, you see, the devils' position in the southwest,
The devils in this position are about two squadrons, and the number is quite large. I decided to eat the devils in this position first. "Li Jin pointed to the southwest location on the map and said.

They don't have much time, so since they want to fight, they have to pick the hard nuts and kill a bunch of devils at once, and try to kill more than 1000 or even [-] devils within three or four days.

As long as so many devils can be killed within a few days, the commander of the 215th Division will definitely not let this opportunity pass.

"Company commander, the devil must have been prepared for the sneak attack last night. Is it a little risky to go tonight for a sneak attack?!" Zhao Ming said with a frown.

After what happened last night and today, the devils would probably cheer up to patrol, and no one wanted to be killed by the enemy in their sleep.

"That's right, the devils are already prepared, and there are still a lot of people. Even with a lot of artillery support, we probably won't be able to take them down in a short time." Tang Zizheng also hesitated.

There are more than 300 or almost 400 devils in the two squadrons, and the other troops of the devils are not far away.

Once a fight breaks out, at least the battle must be resolved within 3 minutes, otherwise the devils will definitely surround them, and they will become dumplings by then.

"Old Tang, have you forgotten that we still have a submachine gun, which has been captured for so long, so it's time to use it," Li Jin said.

During the night attack, fifty German submachine guns were present, and with the artillery fire covering the area, it was a breeze to wipe out three or four hundred devils.

If there is no submachine gun, Li Jin may not choose the devils in that position, because it is a bit risky.

"That's right, why did I forget about this?" Tang Zizheng slapped his head. Didn't they seize fifty submachine guns before? The firepower is not ordinary.

Their Northeast Army didn't have much equipment before, and even their regiment only had a dozen of them, and they were all taken away by him. Especially when they were chased by devils, these dozen submachine guns really played a great role, delaying the attack. The time for the devil's attack was delayed.

Now they use and cooperate with this submachine gun better than before.

"So, do you have any opinions on killing the devils in this position?!" Li Jin said.

He is seldom arbitrarily authoritarian, and if his subordinates have problems, they will solve them.

"No!" Several people shook their heads one after another. What's the point? Even if the devils were prepared, they couldn't stop their firepower.

"Then arrange the battle plan, Liu Changshun, you lead the first row and half of the second row of soldiers, the devils who are in charge of shelling this position, have been hit with too many shells, three rounds of bombing will do, and the rest will be left to me." Li Jin He looked at Liu Changshun and said.

"Understood!" Liu Changshun nodded.

"Zhao Ming, take the remaining soldiers of the second row to this position to ambush.
Avoid that if the devils in that position cannot be wiped out at that time, and other devils come to support them, you are responsible for holding them back for 2 minutes. "Li Jin gave an order to Zhao Ming.

This is for the sake of safety. Some devils who are closer to that position may arrive earlier than expected, so people must be prepared to delay time.

Of course, there were not enough people in the nearby devil positions.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task." Zhao Ming said.

"Liu Changshun, after the bombardment, you immediately have someone turn the cannons around and bombard them in the direction of the devil's reinforcements. Five rounds of bombardment are enough." Li Jin continued to say to Liu Changshun.

With artillery support, Zhao Ming and the others can delay for a longer time.

"Yes!" Liu Changshun nodded.

"The rest of you, follow me. Once the three rounds of shelling are over, the battle must be resolved within 3 minutes, understand!" Li Jin said.

"Understood!" The third platoon leader and Tang Zizheng nodded in response.

"Okay, let's act at three o'clock in the morning and check the watches." Li Jin asked several people to check the watches again to avoid the time difference.


At around [-]:[-] in the morning, Zhao Ming took the lead to lead people to the designated place to ambush.

And Li Jin also led people to ambush at a position less than 200 meters away from the devil's position. He divided the people into three groups, forming a situation of encircling the devils in this position.

The moon hangs round in the western sky, and there are fewer and fewer stars to be seen in the sky. By the moonlight, Li Jin looks at the devil's camp not far away.

The devils in this position patrol very closely, almost every 10 minutes there are more than a dozen devil soldiers patrolling, and there are more than a dozen soldiers standing guard in the position, the defense is very tight.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and when three o'clock came, Liu Changshun gave the order to fire.

All of a sudden, hundreds of mortars fired at the devils in the southwest position.

bang bang bang...


Hundreds of shells flew into the air, and then quickly fell into the position.

boom boom boom......

The sound of bombing continued one after another, and the devils who were resting in the trenches were directly bombarded by shells, and many devils were blown to pieces on the spot.

Many sleeping devils were frightened awake at this moment, and hurriedly evaded.

"Enemy attack! Come on, go into the bomb hole and hide!" A devil major ordered loudly, and he was the first to go into the nearest bomb hole.

Then other devil soldiers got into the anti-blasting hole where he was.

For a while, the devil, Shao Zuo, was directly squeezed out of breath, and they didn't dig many artillery holes in their trenches.

A shell just fell into the opening of the anti-battery hole.

With the sound of an explosion, several devils outside the anti-blasting hole were directly blown into pieces, the hole collapsed, and the devils inside were directly buried.

During the second round of bombardment, Li Jin directly fired a flare, and for a while, a radius of one kilometer was illuminated by blazing white light

When the third round of shelling was over, Li Jin and the others rushed into the trench as quickly as possible.

Da da da………

Li Jin held a submachine gun and directly massacred the devils in the trenches.

The other soldiers with submachine guns were almost the same, harvesting the devil's life at the fastest speed.

With the cooperation of each other, the devil was beaten to death without even the strength to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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