Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 443 is too outrageous

Chapter 443 is too outrageous
Seeing that Xu Qingfeng didn't want to talk about it, Han Mingyuan had no choice but to give up.

A few minutes later, Han Mingyuan followed Xu Qingfeng to the camp.

There are nearly 200 people here, they are wearing civilian clothes, each of them is very strong, it is obvious that the combat effectiveness of this Northeast Army is very balanced, and the strength is not much different.

"Brigade Commander Han, please do as you please, as long as you don't leave here, I won't restrict your movement." Xu Qingfeng said.

If the other party dared to stay, he was considered a character. If someone else was asked to stay alone in a powerful army, he might not agree to anything.

"Okay." Han Mingyuan nodded, found a tree at random and sat down next to it, looking at these people from time to time.

The more I looked at him, the more frightened I became. How did this army train? !It's so powerful? !

There should be all the people here, plus the group that Li Jin took away, as expected, there were only a few hundred people.

There are hundreds of artillerymen with 300 people, which is really incredible.

"Could it be..." Han Mingyuan suddenly thought of a possibility, could these 300 people be counted as artillery? !

He was taken aback by his own thought. He was powerful in combat and proficient in various skills. These soldiers were too terrifying.

If this is the case, if one of these people is picked at random, there is a high probability that one of their companies will be wiped out? !
"If this army can't be used by us..." Han Mingyuan's eyes flashed brightly.


At 03:30 in the afternoon, under the leadership of the national army squad leader, Li Jin entered the Fengling position from the southwest after detouring a lot.

In the trenches, many national army soldiers felt a lot of pressure after seeing Li Jin and the others. The eyes of these people were terrifying.

They have never seen such a person, even in the face of devils, they are not under such great pressure.

"Squad leader, are they the secret army?!" A soldier stepped forward and whispered in the squad leader's ear.

"Well, don't ask so many questions." The squad leader didn't want to say too much, and hurriedly took Li Jin to the teacher's seat.

"Company Commander Mu, this way please." The squad leader led Li Jin in front.

"Okay." Li Jin nodded, looking at the soldiers of the national army in the trenches from time to time. Many soldiers had straps on their bodies, and their faces were a little dirty.

Moreover, all of them were sallow and thin, obviously because of the war, their food became worse. The food was not particularly good in the first place, and it was even more difficult to eat on time during the war.

If the follow-up supplies can't keep up, it won't be long before they don't need devils to fight, and they will collapse by themselves.

When Li Jin and the others left this position, the soldiers of the national army started talking about it.

"This army is the army that attacked the devil's position last night. It gives people a great sense of oppression."

"Indeed, I don't dare to look into their eyes, it's so frightening, I've never seen this kind of troops."

"That's right, they are stronger than devils. To be honest, when I saw them just now, I almost thought it was devils, but when I thought about it, devils are not tall at all."

"I heard from the battalion commander that they may be the Northeast Army who broke away from the army and fought devils on their own."

"What?! The Northeast Army?! Really, can there be such powerful troops in the Northeast Army?!"

The soldiers couldn't believe it. If the Northeast Army was so strong, how could the devils dare to be so arrogant.


Not long after, Li Jin was taken to a location less than 300 meters away from the headquarters.

"Company Commander Mu, please wait here for a while, I will report to the teacher first." The squad leader said, he had to tell the teacher first.

Li Jin nodded, turned around and came to the trench, then picked up the binoculars and looked at the devil's position in the distance.

It can be seen that many devil soldiers are digging in the trenches, obviously digging anti-gun holes. After several bombings, these devils are also afraid.

"Company Commander, this little devil seems to have gathered up his troops, probably because he is afraid that we will attack their positions again." Liu Changshun said.

"Well, as expected." Li Jin continued to look at the devil, and then his eyes fixed on the short mountain in the center of the devil's position.

The dwarf mountain has been dug by the devils for combat.


In the headquarters.

As soon as the squad leader came in, Liang Gu asked, "Why are you back?! Where's Brigadier Han?!"

"Master, Brigadier Han is staying with the Northeast Army," said the squad leader.

"What?! He stayed there?! What's going on." The second brigade commander asked quickly.

"It's like this..." The squad leader told what happened to Li Jin and the others one by one.

When Li Jin said that he wanted to watch them die more people, the second brigade commander and the third brigade commander were directly annoyed.

"Damn it, they're still human! Wouldn't it be good for them if we killed more people!" the third brigade commander cursed.

Shoufengling was already under a lot of pressure, but now that the Northeast Army actually made sarcastic remarks, it's no wonder they weren't angry.

"Shut up, keep talking." Liang Gu scolded, and asked the squad leader to continue talking.

"Brigade Commander Han said at the time that Company Commander Mu was not that kind of person. Otherwise, they would be able to retreat after removing the devil's artillery positions, and they would not take the risk of attacking the devil's position.
This is obviously because we are afraid that we will not be able to stop them, so we want to kill a few more devils,
What the other party said was actually just angry words, venting the unfair treatment he had received in the national army. "The squad leader said, the latter words were his own thoughts, not what Brigadier Han said.

But Brigadier Han probably thought so.

Hearing this, Liang Gu and the two brigade commanders fell silent.

The other party helped them a lot, what's wrong with complaining a few words, this is not what they should be, if they were the Northeast Army, I'm afraid they would have to beat Brigadier Han and the others while talking, otherwise I would be sorry for the hardship I suffered outside.

"Besides, we were able to find each other because the other party deliberately left traces. There are not many of them, and they are isolated and helpless when they come here, so they will act extremely cautiously, and it is impossible to make such mistakes..." The squad leader breathed out Said everything.

Hearing that the condition of Li Jin and the others coming to talk was to let Brigadier Han stay there, Liang Gu knew that Li Jin did not trust them.

"Although it's normal for them to do this, they still feel a little uncomfortable." The second brigade commander said, this feeling of not being trusted was very uncomfortable.

"Yes." The third brigade commander also nodded in agreement.

But Liang Gu felt that the other party should do this, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, which just showed that the other party really broke away from the original army.

"Master, their army is really strong, and it feels much stronger than the devils." The squad leader said, remembering the situation of being besieged at that time.

He had no doubt that if the opponent wanted to kill them, he might be wiped out if he couldn't even counterattack.

"Didn't they come, please come here." Liang Gu said, it's useless to listen, you have to see it with your own eyes.

"Master, why don't you let Company Commander Mu come here alone." The squad leader said, if the other party wants to harm the teacher, he feels that even if the opponent has no gun, he will pose a threat to the teacher. This is by no means a joke.

"It's okay, let them all come here." Liang Gu said, he is a teacher after all, if he is afraid of a few people without guns, he will still be a teacher.

"Yes!" The squad leader could only nod, turned and left to call Li Jin and the others.

Not long after, the squad leader brought Li Jin and the others to the entrance of the command department.

The squad leader had people search Li Jin and the others carefully, and confiscated Li Jin's guns before leading Li Jin and the others in.

"Master, Company Commander Mu is here." The squad leader said.

Liang Gu stared at Li Jin, looking very ordinary, but the soldiers following him made him feel terrified.

This Northeast Army is definitely more powerful than devils, each of them has at least dozens of lives on their hands, otherwise, it would be impossible to have such terrifying eyes.

Liang Gu subconsciously looked at the guard beside him, and he was relieved to see the guard carrying a gun.

The other two brigade commanders were also shocked by Li Jin and the others. For so long, they were not afraid even in the face of devils.

But when they saw the soldiers around Li Jin, they felt scared.

"I've met Mr. Liang." Li Jin saluted Liang Gu politely.

"Company Commander Mu, please sit down." Liang Gu bowed back and let Li Jin and the others take their seats.

But Liu Changshun and the others did not sit down, but stood behind Li Jin and acted as guards.

"Mr. Liang, I don't want to say so many polite words. I'm here to talk about cooperation." Li Jin said.

"Well, I want to ask, how many people are there in total under Company Commander Mu?!" Liang Gu asked, he had to know how many talents Li Jin had.

"Not many, only three hundred and six people." Li Jin said directly without hiding anything.

Hearing this, Liang Gu and the others looked at each other. This army really only has so few people.

"Then are they as strong as the fighters behind you?" Liang Gu continued.

"Yes, there is a class of soldiers who are much stronger than those behind me. Of course, there is still a big gap compared to me." Li Jin said, he was talking about the soldiers of the reconnaissance class.

Liang Gu and the two brigade commanders gasped. The 300 people were all of this level. No wonder they dared to attack the devils' positions at night. It turned out that they were not afraid of devils at all.

It doesn't matter if there are fewer people than the devils, they are much stronger than the devils.

As for what Li Jin said later, Liang Gu and the others only took it as a joke, after all, Li Jin looked much more kind than the soldiers behind him.

"Last night, how many people did you use to attack the devil's position?!" The second brigade commander couldn't help asking.

"All went up, 100 of them were left to fire, and I led the others to attack the devil's position." Li Jin replied truthfully.

"You have more than 300 people, but you have trained hundreds of artillerymen?! Did you lie to us?!" The third brigade commander said, this sounds a bit impossible.

"You can't say that. In fact, everyone can use artillery. In other words, more than 300 people, including me, can be artillery." Li Jin said slowly.

Everyone in a special warfare company can operate a mortar grenade launcher. Although it is not as good as a specially trained artillery squad, it is easy to use, and after guidance, the ability to shoot artillery is not much worse.

Now, Liang Gu and the others were not calm at all. Although it sounded like fantasy, but Li Jin and his team's record last night was in front of them, so they couldn't help but believe it.

"Moreover, not only artillery, but also sharpshooters, machine gunners, and bayonet fighters are all capable of crushing devils. Every soldier I pull out is omnipotent." Li Jin continued.

Liang Gu and the others were completely speechless in shock. There were more than 300 all-powerful soldiers, not just one or two.

If there are one or two, they can accept them. There are such people in the 215th division, but the number is small, but there are too many of them.

An all-powerful army of 300 men is too scary.

"No, Company Commander Mu, don't make such a joke." The third brigade commander said.

"Believe it or not, the next cooperation, those of you who stay with me, will see it with their own eyes." Li Jin said slowly.

He knew that the other party didn't believe it, but he would prove everything with his strength.

The third brigade commander was lost in thought for a while, could it be that what the other party said was true? !This is too outrageous.

Devils do not have such troops, but this Northeast Army did it.

"Can I ask how you train?!" Liang Gu said, the opponent must have a unique training method, otherwise, it would be impossible to train such soldiers.

"Simple, all the seized materials are used on the soldiers. The sharpshooter gunners use a lot of bullets to feed them out. For the guns, there are not so many shells.

So they can only barely learn how to determine the target distance and start firing. As for calculating the position of the enemy's artillery position through the shells fired by the enemy,

Only a few people have mastered this. I said that they are omnipotent, which is a bit exaggerated. "Li Jin looked a little embarrassed when he said that.

It made Liang Gu and the others not know what to say for a while, isn't that all-powerful? !There are nearly 215 soldiers in their 2th division. Soldiers with such abilities can count on one hand, while the other side has three hundred soldiers.

"If you fight with the bayonet, it's just like that. Increase the amount of training, keep up with the food, eat meat and drink soup, and build up your body. You are faster and stronger than devils, and you can lose ten times in one effort!" Li said. Jin continued.

"It seems that Company Commander Mu doesn't really trust us, and he didn't tell us the real way." Liang Gu said, although what Li Jin said was somewhat reasonable, but he felt that the other party must have a unique training method.

If he trains soldiers as Li Jin said, he will never be able to train soldiers like Li Jin.

"There's nothing you can do if you don't believe me." Li Jin spread his hands, how could he tell the real training method, you know, they will be enemies in the future.

If the national army also trains this kind of soldiers, it will pose a great threat to the rear commanders.

"Forget it, if you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it. Let's talk about the next cooperation first. Do you have any combat methods?" Liang Gu didn't get entangled in this issue, but talked about cooperation.

In contrast, the extermination of the devil's brigade is more important.

"I just took a look at the situation on the devil's side. They have gathered their troops and dug more anti-gun holes, which means,

I'm afraid the next bombardment won't kill many devils, and I can't sneak attack like before. "Li Jin said.

The devils had gathered their troops, and they were thinking of annihilating a position like last night, but it was no longer feasible. If he did this, the devils would dare to surround them.

"Well, indeed." Liang Gu nodded. He also felt that it was a little tricky. The devil directly gathered the troops and restrained Li Jin's fighting style.

It is obviously not feasible to consume devils like this.

(End of this chapter)

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