Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 448 Cooperation Collapse?

Chapter 448 Cooperation Collapse?

"I'm afraid you've drunk too much. How afraid the other party is? That's an internal matter. If they dare to sit idly by,
As soon as the news got out, the 215th division couldn't even think about it. "The captain of Judao United said.

Although the two sides over there are not confrontational, they are still their own people. If outsiders come, it is impossible to stir up the relationship between them.

Just like two brothers, no matter how they fight, if they want to kill each other, it is absolutely impossible to watch outsiders kill their own.

"If you don't try, how will you know? Is it possible that you will be bombed by the opponent all the time?" said the captain of the Kojima Alliance.

He couldn't stand the other party's tricks anymore, and wished he could crush the other party to ashes.

"To be honest, it is impossible for the other party to cooperate with us, and our every move is probably in the sight of the Northeast Army.

Even if the 215th Division sits idly by, it is impossible for us to wipe out that Northeast Army. They are not fools. If the situation is wrong, I am afraid they will run away immediately. "The captain of Judao United said.

The other party is in the dark, they are in the open, what they want to do, the other party may notice it immediately, and then run away directly, they have nothing to do with the other party.

The captain of the Kojima Alliance was also lost in thought for a while, as if it was really the case.

"Besides, they may not only stare at us, but also stare at the 215th division. Although the two parties cooperate, they still don't trust them enough.
Once we send someone, the other party will know immediately, so cooperation is impossible. "Jujima United captain continued.

Hearing this, Mori Shangshuyi suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"I think I can give it a try." Morishami Shuichi said.

"Ah?! Brigade leader, this is simply impossible." The captain of the Judao United was stunned. He said so much, did the brigade leader not listen?

"The other party's cooperation is actually fragile, and they don't really trust each other. You also said that the Northeast Army is not only staring at us, but also at the 215th Division.
Under such circumstances, we suddenly sent people to contact the people from the 215th Division. What do you think the people from the Northeast Army will think when they see it? ! " Mori Shangshu said slowly.

"The other party must be thinking, has the people from Division 215 reached a cooperation with us?! Even if they don't believe it, I'm afraid they won't talk about cooperation with each other.

The Northeast Army was too small in number. Although they were relatively strong, their commanders did not dare to bet that if they made a mistake, they would suffer heavy casualties! "The captain of Judao United said directly.

The Northeast Army that attacked them was too small, and the commander would be more cautious in combat. Seeing this situation, with the prudence of the opponent, I am afraid that they will not cooperate with the 215th Division, and even choose to retreat immediately.

At that time, they will no longer be attacked by the Northeast Army every day.

"That's right, so, as long as our people go over, regardless of whether Division 215 agrees to cooperate or not, the trust between them will be torn apart!" Morishakami smiled at the corner of his mouth. He was really smart. I thought of such a good way for a while.

"The head of the brigade is brilliant!" The captain of the Judao United quickly flattered him.

"Then who do we send to contact the people from the 215th division?! The rank is too low, I'm afraid the other party won't even meet with them." Said the captain of the small island.

The level of the person sent to discuss cooperation should not be too low, otherwise the people in the Northeast Army will not pay attention to it, but it cannot be too high. In case the people from the 215th Division think this is a good opportunity to kill their senior officers, send What if they were killed.

"The other party has never seen us, just let a captain wear our clothes and carry the rank." Judao United Captain said.

"Good idea." Said the Captain of the Kojima Alliance.

"Then send a captain over there to talk, and the other party may not necessarily kill our people. There is an old saying in China that the two armies are at war, and they should not be beheaded." Morishami Shuichi said, his culture in China is still Know quite a lot.

Speaking of this, the captains of the Kikushima United and the Kojima United were both lost in thought.

The captain of the army is also a capable talent. If he falls there, it will be a great loss. I am afraid that the people under him are not capable enough in training.

For a while, neither of them really wanted to let the captain of their army pass by, the risk was too great.

"You guys don't talk, and you don't want to send anyone, are you afraid that your captain will die over there?!" Morishami Shuyi's face darkened, and the two of them guessed what they were thinking.

"Brigade commander, we dare not." The two said quickly.

"Now is the time when the empire needs them, why are you so hesitant! I remember that in Mr. Judao's army, there was a captain who was very good at speaking Chinese.
Then let him go, no haggling! "Mori Kami made a decision directly, and did not give the Kikushima United captain a chance to object.

"Hi!" The captain of the Judao United could only nod helplessly, and only hoped that the people of the 215th division would not kill their captain.

The captain of the small island alliance on the side laughed in his heart, but luckily it wasn't his people.

"Mr. Judao, don't worry, if his jade is broken, I will apply to the superiors and send you more capable people to take up the post.

Moreover, as long as you survive this crisis and conquer Fengling, I will give you a credit! " Mori Shangshu said with a serious face.

As soon as the words came out, the captain of the Kojima League was dumbfounded. If this trick fell on Judao, wouldn't the other party advance faster than himself in the future? !
"Thank you, brigade commander!" The captain of the Judao United hurriedly thanked him. If he was responsible for breaking through Fengling, he would be promoted in the future.

"No, brigade leader, my team leader can actually go too." Xiaodao United Captain said, if he had known that the brigade leader would do this, he should have contributed his team leader as soon as possible.

"Kojima-kun, this is the brigade leader's decision, and if a brigade leader dies, it will be difficult to train,

It is better to leave this task to us. "The Judao United captain said immediately.

Captain of the Kojima Alliance: "..."

Baga, Lu, why did this dog say all the good things.

"Okay, it's settled like this." The brigade leader said.

"Hi!" The captain of the Kojima Alliance nodded helplessly, he actually missed such a good opportunity.

As soon as the words fell, there was another intensive gunshot from the western position, which made the faces of the three of them change.

"Brigade Commander, I'm afraid the other party did this on purpose again," said the Captain of the Kojima Alliance.

"You can't say that. If the opponent really attacks and takes the position, it will not be a good thing for us." The captain of the Judao United said.

Although they already knew that the opponent's attack was fake, they had no choice but to let it go.

"Indeed, the position cannot be lost, otherwise it will be difficult to regain it." Morishami Shuichi said.

If the person who attacked them was the 215th Division, he would not worry about losing the position at all. The key is that nine out of ten the attacking position was the extremely powerful Northeast Army.

In case the position is captured by the opponent, and then the 215th Division sends people to besiege, even if they occupy a favorable terrain, it will be extremely disadvantageous to them.

"Hurry up and send people to support. Of course, don't go all the way to avoid the enemy's sudden attack. And pay attention, once the opponent retreats, they should disperse immediately, so as not to be bombarded by the opponent again." Morishami Shuichi said.

The routine of this Northeast Army likes to bombard their support troops, almost every time, causing them a lot of casualties.

"Understood!" The two nodded, and immediately led others into action.

As a result, before they arrived, the gunfire stopped, and the attacked position actually killed or injured more than a dozen or 20 people.

At night, and at such a distance, they were able to kill so many people with such precision. The strength of the opponent was very strong, especially good at night battles.

In contrast, the soldiers of the empire are not very good at it, so they suffer again and again.


At 07:30 in the morning, after a round of shelling ended, a little gunpowder smoke was ignited in the devil's position, and the air was filled with the unpleasant smell of gunpowder and blood.

Sen Shangshuyi had dark circles under his eyes, and his face was haggard. He couldn't stand it anymore. Last night, the Northeast Army sent people to attack the position at every turn.

As a result, soldiers in the army were mobilized from time to time, and many of them were exhausted.

"Brigade Commander, hurry up and send someone over there. If the Northeast Army continues to attack like this, they won't be able to wait for support, and the soldiers will be tortured terribly." The captain of the Judao United said quickly.

He was also very uncomfortable. The opponent's way of fighting was really disgusting and shameless.

"Well, let Ohme Ichiro go over to contact the people of Division 215 immediately, hurry up." Mori Kami nodded and said.

The Northeast Army must stop cooperating with the 215th Division, otherwise, it will really be overwhelmed.

The feeling of wanting to rest but not being able to rest, the mental tension is always tense, it is really uncomfortable.

"Hi!" The captain of the Judao United nodded, and immediately sent someone.


At this time, Fengling's national army position is over there.

The soldiers looked at the devil's tragic situation and all gloated.

"If I can survive this time, I must make this Northeast Army have a good drink."

"You're right, I've never felt so refreshed."

"If you want me to say, we used to look down on the Northeast Army, but we didn't expect the other party to make us angry. We have to find an opportunity to apologize to them."

"Yes, it is time to apologize."

The soldiers of the national army spoke one after another.

They were all convinced by Li Jin. It can be said that Li Jin was the only one who made the devils suffer so much. They were all chased and beaten by the devils before, but now they saw how comfortable the devils were being beaten by their troops.

The anger in my chest these days has finally come to an end.

"Hey, look, on the other side of the devil's position, it seems that some devils have left the position and are still walking towards us." Suddenly, a soldier saw three devils coming out of the devil's position from a distance, and they were walking towards their position. come over.

"What do the devils want to do?! Attack us?! But the number of people is too small, who do you look down on!"

"What the hell, the devils can't handle it, they're coming over to negotiate." An old squad leader said, although they were too far away to see each other's appearance, but among the three devils, one devil's clothes were the same color as The other two were different, obviously officers of the devil.

The successive attacks by the Northeast Army made the Devils overwhelmed, and it is very likely that they came to negotiate now.

"Negotiation?! Damn, you killed so many of us, and now you still want to negotiate!? Talk about fucking shit!"

"That's right, I killed them suddenly!" A machine gunner took up his light machine gun and aimed at the devils who were coming, and planned to shoot.

"Stop! Don't care if the other party is here to negotiate, but the other party is not carrying a weapon, and the two armies do not fight. This is the rule left by the ancestors, and it cannot be broken here!" The old squad leader hurriedly stopped.

"No, squad leader. What's the point of talking with the little devils? Just kill them!" The machine gunner looked dissatisfied. In his opinion, the devils were just a bunch of bastards, and he had nothing to talk to them about.

"Shut up, I'll ask the teacher for instructions, and see what the teacher says, you are not allowed to shoot without authorization!" The old squad leader said seriously, and he trotted away.

"Damn, what's the point of talking about this, just kill it, you have to fix so many rules!" The machine gunner muttered, but he didn't dare to shoot.


At the same time, Li Jin and Xu Qingfeng also saw a few devils coming out of the camp on a high mountain about two or three miles south of the devil's position. Looking through the binoculars, one of the devils was actually the rank of Dazuo.

"What is this little devil trying to do?! Negotiating with people from Division 215?!" Xu Qingfeng frowned, unable to understand the devil's intention for a while.

"I'm afraid it's not a negotiation, but maybe a cooperation." Li Jin said slowly.

"Cooperation?! You mean, the Devils plan to cooperate with Division 215?! Are they out of their minds?!" Xu Qingfeng said.

How could division 215 cooperate with devils.

"Not necessarily, we have shown too much strength these days, let alone devils, even the 215th Division is very afraid,
And it is impossible for us to join them. If we are not our own people but have such a strong army, if we are not friends, then we can only be enemies. "Li Jin said.

"And the 215th Division doesn't have to do anything, they just need not take the opportunity to attack the devil's position, and just watch the devils come to encircle and suppress the special warfare company. Even if it gets out, it won't have much impact on the 215th Division." Li Jin continued.

The torture these days is very uncomfortable for the devil, forcing the devil to use this method to break the situation.

And the devil just took a fancy to the lack of trust between the two parties.

"If that's the case, we'd better leave as soon as possible." Xu Qingfeng also had a sullen face. Although the devils couldn't siege them, there was still a risk after all.

"Haha, let me just say this, Master Liang will not agree. Compared with us, destroying a brigade is more beneficial to the 215th Division. Therefore, Master Liang is a smart person and will not do such a stupid thing. .” Li Jin laughed.

Sometimes, benefits are more desirable. Liang Gu is more inclined to destroy a brigade than a special warfare company.

This is an honor that no one can refuse, and it can make him a big name.

"Damn it, then what you said before is true." Xu Qingfeng couldn't help rolling his eyes, even he almost believed what Li Jin said before.

"The devils thought we didn't trust each other enough, and wanted to force us out of the game in this way. In fact, their brains were blown up and they made a wrong judgment. It seems that they are really anxious." Li Jin smiled. .

He thought that the devil could last two more days, but now it seems that he thinks highly of the devil.

"What if, Mr. Liang really chooses to sit idly by?!" Xu Qingfeng said, who can say for sure about this kind of thing, maybe Mr. Liang also made a wrong judgment!
(End of this chapter)

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