Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 456 Capture the Dwarf Mountain!

Chapter 456 Capture the Dwarf Mountain!

Although 300 soldiers were transferred from the north and the south, there are still more than [-] soldiers guarding the positions, and the soldiers in the west position can also quickly support the positions on both sides.

"Hi!!" The Judao United captain immediately ran away to order.

In less than 2 minutes, the devils from the northern and southern positions moved towards the eastern position to support them.

During this period, the troops led by the second brigade commander were almost suppressing the devils, and the troops were slowly advancing.

If it weren't for the fire support of the devils from Aoshan, I'm afraid the position here would be taken down by them within half an hour.

"Damn it, how does this devil feel that his combat power has dropped so much." Some soldiers muttered, and the operation tonight seemed to be going smoothly.

And the fighting power of the devils is completely different from what they fought before, especially when they rushed into the trenches to fight the bayonets with the devils, they could clearly feel that the devils' reactions were not as fast as before.

That's why they can quickly annihilate the devils in that position and take the position.

bang bang bang...

Da da da……

The battle is still going on. Although the second brigade commander is not fighting the devils at the forefront, he still shoots at the devils from time to time with a regular rifle.

It's just that his marksmanship only got two or three shots out of ten.

"Traveler, our advance is going smoothly, and we have already occupied half of the devil's position. According to the current situation, if the devil does not support us, we may be able to capture the entire eastern position within half an hour!" A regiment leader came to the second The brigade commander reported the battle situation.

"It's impossible for the devils not to support, let the soldiers prepare to meet the enemy, and we will be attacked by many devils next!" said the second brigade commander.

He knew very well that the reason why it went so smoothly was because Tang Zi was fighting them, keeping an eye on the machine gunners in the devil's position.

In contrast, although they were also attacked by the short mountain devils, their machine guns were able to fire, forming an effective firepower suppression against the devils, allowing other soldiers to advance.

"Understood!" The captain nodded.

The flares in the sky had been gradually extinguished, and soon, the people of the 215th Division fired another flare into the sky to ensure that they would not accidentally injure their comrades in the melee.

"Prepare the grenade!!" In the trench, a squad leader of the national army ordered loudly, and a dozen soldiers around him took out the grenade one after another, pulled out the fuse, and threw a dozen of them to the devils not far away.

Boom boom boom...

There was an explosion immediately.

"Machine gunners cover, others follow me!!" The squad leader gave an order and rushed towards the devil with other soldiers.

"Da da da……"

"Bang bang bang..."

They rushed into the position over there, followed by other national army soldiers.

Puff puff………

The squad leader of the national army took a machete and went straight to the devils, beheading a devil with a few knives, and then turned around to fight other devils, also a few knives.

Two or three of the other national army soldiers fought against a devil. Although they were not so skilled in cooperating, the fighting power of the devil soldiers was not as good as it was a few days ago, so two or three people could kill a devil.

However, many soldiers were still killed by the devils. Although the devils' combat effectiveness had declined, they were better than ordinary national army soldiers fighting alone. Except for the veterans who could fight against the devils, everyone else had the advantage of numbers to fight.

"What a fierce soldier, what's that kid's name?!" A battalion commander asked immediately after seeing the squad leader's brave performance.

"His name is Wu Ergou, he practiced martial arts since he was a child, and now he is a squad leader!" said a company commander next to him.

"Good! Promote him to be a platoon commander after the battle!" said the battalion commander.



At the same time, the devils from the northern and southern positions finally rushed to the eastern position and joined the battlefield.

When a thousand devils joined the battlefield here, the second brigade commander's advancing speed immediately stagnated, and they were even beaten back.

At this time, Tang Zizheng also let the soldiers enter the trenches to fight side by side with the soldiers of the national army.

Their marksmanship was so precise that they almost hit the target, and they suppressed the devil's machine gunner again in a short time.

"Prepare the grenade!!!" Tang Zizheng gave an order, and thirty soldiers with grenades on their waists lined up in front of them one by one.

Then, at the fastest speed, all the grenades were thrown to the front position.

The grenade drew an arc and fell into the devil's position more than 50 meters ahead.

boom boom boom......

Explosions sounded one after another, and the explosion of eighty or ninety grenades directly killed dozens of devils in that position.

The national army soldiers watching this scene were a little dumbfounded, his grandma, what kind of soldier is this, can he throw a grenade five or sixty meters.

"Hey, that battalion commander, tell your people to charge with my men and occupy that position!" Tang Zi was yelling at the battalion commander of the national army not far away.

"Okay!" The battalion commander ordered immediately, and then asked his men to follow Tang Zizheng and they rushed towards the position quickly.

In less than ten seconds, that position was already occupied.

"You rely on this position to fight against the devils, and I will help others!" Tang Zizheng did not talk nonsense, and led the soldiers of the special warfare company to help the national army soldiers in other positions advance.

"Understood!" The battalion commander nodded, and then he always felt that something was wrong. Why the hell did a battalion commander like me let the platoon leader command me.

With Tang Zizheng and the others joining, the stalemate between the two sides was broken almost immediately, and the soldiers of the national army slowly moved forward again.

The second brigade commander only felt his scalp tingle when he saw this. At first he thought he had a general understanding of the strength of the special warfare company, but he underestimated the opponent.

However, with a team of 30 people, against the same number of devils, those devils had no room to fight back, and the soldiers of the special warfare company pulled out their positions one by one.

"Lu Zuo, this Northeast Army is terrible. They only have dozens of people, but they have the effect of hundreds or thousands of people." The head of the regiment next to him was sweating coldly on his forehead.

You know, they were in a stalemate with the devils just now, and they even showed signs of retreat.

However, as soon as the opponent joined, the deadlock was directly broken, allowing them to advance again.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and get the troops to cooperate with them to advance, don't waste time!" The second brigade commander ordered immediately.


At the same time, Morishami Shuichi was also very nervous.

"Brigade Commander, our people have blocked the enemy's attack, and there is a stalemate, but it is only a short stalemate. We have moved forward and are ready to regain the position!" A major came to report.

"Well, very good." Morishami let out a sigh of relief, hitting this level is already pretty good, and it seems that it won't be long before he can take back the eastern position.

However, as soon as the words fell, a ghost captain rushed over in a hurry.

"Brigade Commander, the stalemate has been broken, please help!" Captain Guizi said.

"Nani?! What did you say?!" Mori Kami-ki didn't understand for a while, why did he need support to break the stalemate.

"Brigade Commander, the other party suddenly joined a very powerful force. It seems to be the Northeast Army. Our people can't stop the other party's attack at all.
Many positions are lost and the enemy is advancing! "The ghost captain said.

"Baga! Could it be that all the Northeast Army is there?!" Morishami Shuichi couldn't help cursing.

He thought that it was impossible for the Northeast Army to send many people to attack at the same time, but it seemed that he made a mistake in judgment.

"Maybe so!" Captain Guizi said, except for the Northeast Army, he didn't believe that the national army had such a powerful force.

"Are they advancing fast?!" Morishami asked.

"It's not very fast, it's just moving forward slowly." Captain Guizi said, although the opponent's advancing speed was not fast, they were somewhat unstoppable.

"Then there is no need for support. Now the soldiers haven't adapted to the opponent's attack. Wait a minute. As long as they adapt, they will be able to form a stalemate again." Morishami Shuichi said.

Although the opponent is powerful, he believes that the soldiers of the empire are just not used to the opponent's attack at present, as long as they adapt, they will definitely be able to fight back.

The most important thing now is to prevent the enemy from attacking in other directions. He is sure that the 215th Division will definitely attack positions in other directions.

"Hi!" Captain Guizi left here immediately.

"Brigade Commander, could it be that the other party didn't intend to attack in other directions at all, but just wanted to take down the eastern position?!" Devil Shao Zuo said.

He felt that the other party was sure that the head of the brigade would suspect that someone might attack from other directions, so he sent most of his people to attack the eastern position.

The others are probably still in Fengling's position.

"Impossible, the opponent will definitely attack other positions!" Morishami Shuichi said, he was sure that he might have been surrounded by the opponent now.

The people of the 215th Division are waiting, waiting for him to send a lot of people to support the eastern position, and then launching an attack.


On the other side, Li Jin was still waiting for the devils from the southern position to go to the eastern position for support.

"Mr. Liang, once I attack the southern position, the devils from the western position will immediately come to support us. Then, you will launch a full-scale attack!" Li Jin said.

"Ah?! Wouldn't it be very dangerous for you guys like this? Wasn't the previous plan for us to attack the western positions and hold back the devils?" Mr. Liang said.

If the devils in the western position were allowed to support them, Li Jin and the others would face more devils.

"Let you have fewer casualties. My people will bombard the supporting devils later, and I will take the short mountain smoothly." Li Jin said.

He just changed his mind. If he didn't do this, the 102th Division would lose a lot of people if he took down the 215nd Brigade. At that time, facing the follow-up devil reinforcements, Shoufengling would still be at risk.

"Okay!" Master Liang nodded in agreement without hesitation.

After waiting for a few minutes, Li Jin saw the devils in the southern position start to move, and went to the eastern position for support.

Li Jin immediately led people to touch the southern position. At this time, the devils in the southern position were basically attracted by the battle situation in the eastern position. They all wanted to support the past, but they had to stick to the position here.

Three minutes later, Li Jin led his men to a distance of less than 3 meters from the devil's position.

Holding a submachine gun, he led fifty soldiers who were also holding submachine guns, and got up immediately to wipe out the devils standing guard.

Immediately after that, he charged and fired at the devil's position, suppressing the devil and not giving the opponent a chance to raise his head and shoot.

The fifty soldiers following behind took out the grenades around their waists, and when they were less than 50 meters away from the position, they threw grenades towards the devils' position.

Boom boom boom!
Fifty grenades fell directly on the devil's position and exploded.

Li Jin and the others quickly rushed into the positions and fought with the devils. They cooperated closely, captured positions one by one, and wiped out the devils in those positions.

At this moment, a soldier of a special warfare company fired a lighting lamp into the sky, and for a while, a lighting bomb appeared on the east and south sides.

It's just that the flares on the east side are about to go out, while the flares on the south side are extremely bright, exuding a blazing light.

When Li Jin attacked the southern position, the devils in the western position immediately realized that they didn't need Morishami Juichi's order, and the devil's lieutenant who led the team immediately sent 400 people to the southern position.

And the devils on the short mountain also sent people to the direction of the southern position, intending to attack Li Jin and the others from a high position.


As soon as Morishamishu heard the dense gunshots and explosions from the southern position, his expression changed drastically.

The sound of submachine guns, the other party is not all in the east!

"Cunning Northeast Army!" Mori Kami gritted his teeth. Fortunately, he didn't let the soldiers in the western position go east to support. Now the soldiers in the west position should have gone to the south position to support.


At this moment, after Zhao Ming saw flares fired from the southern position, he immediately asked the artillerymen to get ready.

Half a minute later, he did give the order to fire.


A round of shells flew into the air and divided into two directions, one towards the low mountain and the other towards the west position.

boom boom boom......

A violent explosion occurred on the short mountain, and the devils on the mountain hurriedly drilled into the anti-blasting hole, and had no time to manage the southern position.

The devils who came to support from the west to the south were also bombed.

Those devils have to dodge.

Seeing this, Li Jin also ordered people to speed up.

Da da da………

bang bang bang...

The devils in the position didn't even have the power to fight back, and they were almost slaughtered by Li Jin and the others.

Two minutes later, Li Jin took over the southern position. At the same time, Zhao Ming also stopped shelling, and Liang Gu also sent the 2 regiment to take over the southern position, and let them fire signal flares.

After seeing the signal flares in the west and north, attack at the same time.

Li Jin continued to lead people to kill on the dwarf mountain, and they went up the mountain very fast.

At a distance of less than 40 meters from the devil's position halfway up the mountain, Li Jin crawled in the lush grass. He was holding a submachine gun and quickly changing the magazine, and the other soldiers with submachine guns did the same.

At this time, the devils on the short hill hadn't noticed Li Jin and the others, and they shot towards the southern position.

The national army soldiers of the 325 regiment were also exchanging fire with him, and Li Jin took the opportunity to attack.

Da da da………

bang bang bang...

With such a short distance, most of the devils on the mountain were killed or injured when they met each other. When Li Jin attacked, the 325th regiment at the foot of the mountain stopped shooting immediately to avoid hurting Li Jin and the others.

Then Li Jin rushed up the mountain with his men, and the soldiers behind him took out grenades and threw them towards the trenches on the mountain.

boom boom boom......

An explosion sounded in the trench, and Li Jin led his men into the trench, and quickly wiped out the devils on this side, but the devils on the mountain had not been completely wiped out, and there were devils from several other directions.

"Old Xu, you lead 30 people to guard this side, don't let the devils sneak attack on me, I'll go over from the other side!" Li Jin ordered, and then led people along the trench to kill on the east side of Aishan Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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