Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 465 Someone Sieges the City!

Chapter 465 Someone Sieges the City!

"So, our goal this time is to wipe out the devils who stayed in Tongcheng and avenge the dead people!" Li Jin said slowly.

"Yes!!!" Several people responded loudly, determined in their hearts to avenge those who were killed by the devil.

"Chang Gong, you have figured out the situation of the guards in Tongcheng, right?!" Li Jin looked at Lu Changgong and asked.

"Well, the devils have deployed two teams at the north and south city gates. At eight o'clock in the evening, a team of 12 people began to patrol the city walls every half hour.
And their commander lived in the barracks in the center of the city, guarded by nearly a squadron of devils. " Lu Changgong took out a map of Tongcheng and started talking.

This map was drawn by him, and it marked the distribution of devils in the copper city. He almost knew the situation of the guards in the copper city.

After hearing this, Li Jin frowned. It seemed a bit difficult for the two teams to attack the city gate directly.

"By the way, there is a big gap on the side of the south gate, which is here. It was probably blown up when the devils attacked the city. I suggest that we can enter the city from here." Lu Changgong pointed to the map and said.

He had sneaked into Copper City from this gap before to investigate the situation.

After the devils occupied the Copper City, the gap was not blocked again by the devils, probably because they thought it was unnecessary.

"Okay, then it's decided, enter the city through this gap, old Xu, you take three platoons to deal with the devils at the south gate, is there any problem?!" Li Jin ordered Xu Qingfeng.

"Promise to complete the task!" Xu Qingfeng nodded seriously.

"Liu Changshun, Zhao Ming, the two of you lead people to ambush on the roof of the street where the devils came to support, and you must wipe out each other!" Li Jin ordered the two of them.

Once there was a fight at the south gate, the devils in the barracks in the center of the city would definitely send people to support them. Therefore, Liu Changshun and the others were arranged to lie in ambush along the way.

"Old Tang, the four platoons are in charge of following me to attack the devils in the central barracks." Li Jin looked at Tang Zizheng again and said.

The devils in the central military camp will not send out all the soldiers, so he will lead people to destroy the devils in the military camp.

"Understood!" Tang Zizheng said.

"Liu Changshun, after you kill the supporting devils, come to me as quickly as possible. The devils at the North City Gate know that the central barracks is under attack and will definitely come to support them. Let's destroy them together!" Li Jin told Liu Changshun Said.

He couldn't guarantee that before the devils from the north city gate came to help them, they would wipe out the devils from the central barracks. Therefore, in order to avoid any accidents, Liu Changshun and the others were still needed to help.

"Yes!" Liu Changshun nodded.

"Old Xu, after killing the devils at the south gate, you immediately go to the bell tower in the city and get the film back." Li Jin continued.

The devils who wiped out Tongcheng are only part of it. The most important thing is the film, which captured the evidence of the devils' atrocities.

"Okay." Xu Qingfeng nodded.

"The time for this mission should not exceed 10 minutes. Once the time is up, retreat immediately!" Li Jin said.

In order to protect the airport, the devils at the airport will not go to Tongcheng to support them, but the devils in Liangzhen will definitely come over. They will come from Liangzhen, and they will meet for at least half an hour. Therefore, after they kill the devils in the city, they must Retreat immediately.

"At 12:30 tonight, we will sneak into the city. As soon as you arrive at one o'clock, Lao Xu, attack immediately!" Li Jin said, in order to save time, let all the platoons go to the ambush location in advance.

"Understood!" Xu Qingfeng said.

"Blow the assembly whistle, all gather." Li Jin put away the map and stood up.

Then Xu Qingfeng blew the assembly whistle, and when the whistle sounded, all the soldiers walking around ran towards this side.


And Lafuji also heard the call for assembly. He was at a loss and was about to ask what was going on, but the next second he was carried directly onto his shoulders by the soldiers next to him.

"Mr. Rafki, this is the assembly whistle. When the whistle blows, all soldiers must assemble, so I'm offended." The soldier explained while running.

After running for half a minute, the soldier came to the assembly position. After he put Rafki down, he hurried into the line and stood up.

After Lafuji was put down, he knelt on the ground and vomited. The soldier ran too fast, which made his stomach hurt.

Seeing this, Li Jin hurried over.

"Hey, are you okay?" Li Jin patted Rafki on the back.

"You soldier, you ran so fast that you hit my stomach." Rafki said with a pale face, feeling very uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, because there is going to be an operation tonight, so we have to assemble the troops now." Li Jin apologized, just now he forgot about Rafki.

"What are you going to do tonight?!" Rafki couldn't help asking.

"Annihilate the devils in Tongcheng, and bring back the film by the way." Li Jin didn't hide anything, and directly told Rafki about his actions.

"Ah?! You want to attack the city?! There are still devils not far from the Copper City, which is too dangerous." Rafki said.

He didn't doubt that Li Jin's troops had the ability to take down Tongcheng, but the premise was that the devils couldn't come in other places.

But this is obviously impossible, unless Li Jin and the others can wipe out the devils in Tongcheng in a short time.

"Don't worry, I never fight uncertain battles. Even if I can't kill those devils, I can definitely do it with the film, so you don't have to worry." Li Jin comforted.

"Then if something goes wrong, you have to retreat as soon as possible." Lafuji said, he didn't want Li Jin to have an accident.

"Yeah." Li Jin nodded, then called two soldiers from the reconnaissance squad, got a stretcher, and carried Lafuji away.

Just asking the soldiers to stay here for protection, Li Jin was worried about any accidents, so he still brought Rafki there.

Besides, he had no intention of letting Rafki enter the city.

At 10:30 in the evening, in a forest about 500 meters away from the south gate of Tongcheng, Li Jin and the others temporarily stopped here to rest.

"Li, I feel that Tongcheng is not so easy to attack. Although you are very strong, this is a siege after all, and you have no advantage." Lafuji came to Li Jin and said.

He felt that the risk was still very high, so he persuaded him again, hoping that Li Jin would change his mind.

"I know that you attacked the city to avenge those dead people, but the current situation is still too dangerous, and it's the same when you find an opportunity to take revenge in the future.
Isn't there an old saying in China that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years. ' Rafki continued.

"Hey, what I have decided will not be changed easily, so don't try to persuade me. Besides, I can take down Tongcheng in a short time. Don't underestimate your friend." Li Jin said .

Rafki opened his mouth but did not continue, but said that he couldn't understand Li Jin's mood. If he didn't know this, Li Jin might not choose to attack the city, after all, there are many variables involved.

But Li Jin knew that, not to mention that there were only two squadrons in Tongcheng, even a brigade of devils, Li Jin might choose to attack the city.

Li Jin couldn't do that while watching the devils who killed the common people continue to be unrestrained.

At the same time, the devil's central barracks in Tongcheng.

In the command room, a ghost lieutenant looked at the sand table in front of him. This was a terrain sand table with a radius of hundreds of miles in Tongcheng, and military flags were planted in many places.

"Tsk, you shouldn't kill all the people in Tongcheng, you should keep some people to help the soldiers wash their clothes and leave some for the soldiers to have fun." The devil Zhongzuo murmured.

The same is true for the captain of the alliance. After breaking through the copper city, he directly ordered people to slaughter all the people in the copper city. The reason for all this was that the captain of the alliance could not take the copper city at the scheduled time because of a wrong command.

Therefore, after taking down Tongcheng, the angry captain ordered the massacre of the city.

Now in the city, except for the soldiers of the empire, there is not even a Chinese person to be seen.

At [-]:[-] in the evening, Li Jin took people to lie down in the grass less than [-] meters away from the gap.

The gap was huge, three or four meters wide, and two meters high from the ground. There was a large wooden plank connecting it above, which should have been erected by the devils for the convenience of patrolling.

Li Jin took a telescope, looked at the gap, and then looked at the city gate four to five hundred meters away.

On the city wall, there was a searchlight, and fourteen devils stood guard one meter apart on the aisle of the city wall.

Xu Qingfeng has sent twenty soldiers to ambush at a position about 200 meters away from the South City entrance.

At around 12:30, when a devil patrol team passed by, Li Jin immediately had people sneak in through the gap.

For the sake of safety, Li Jin also asked people to pass by to check the situation. After confirming that it was safe, other people entered the city through the gap one after another.

Li Jin led people directly into the nearest house, and now the people in the city were all killed by devils, so Li Jin didn't have too many worries.

There is just endless anger.

"Old Xu, follow the plan. Let's go to the scheduled location first." After Li Jin gave an order, he took the lead to leave and rushed to the central barracks.

Liu Changshun and Zhao Ming also took people away, and for a while, only Xu Qingfeng and the third row of soldiers were left here.

"Third platoon leader, you lead 20 people around to the right wing of the barracks to ambush, as soon as the devils in the barracks come out, attack immediately." Xu Qingfeng said to the third platoon leader.

As soon as the soldiers outside the city killed the devils on the city wall, the devils in the nearest barracks would immediately go to the city wall to support them, and when the enemy left the barracks, they would be caught off guard.

"Yes!" The third platoon leader nodded and left with twenty people.

"Second squad leader, you lead five soldiers with light machine guns around the back of the barracks to ambush. Once we fight, you immediately lead people over the wall and roof to attack the devils." Xu Qingfeng ordered the squad leader of the third row.

"Understood!" The squad leader nodded, and then left with five soldiers.

Xu Qingfeng glanced at his watch, it was less than 15 minutes before the attack time.

On the other hand, Li Jin's actions went smoothly, because there were no people in the city, and the devils didn't even let anyone patrol the city.

The city was so quiet that it was frightening.

Outside the south city gate, 200 soldiers from the special warfare company were lying about [-] meters away from the city gate.

At this distance, they can kill the devil with one blow.

The first squad leader who led the team looked at his watch from time to time, apparently missing the time and delaying the fighter.

Time passed minute by minute, very quickly, less than half a minute before one o'clock.

"Get ready for battle!" The first squad leader ordered, making all the soldiers below get ready.

When the hour hand pointed to one point, the first squad leader immediately ordered to shoot.

"Fight!" The first squad leader pulled the trigger, directly killing a devil, and at the same time, other soldiers also fired.

The dozen or so devils standing guard on the city wall were shot dead without even having time to react, and even their searchlights were blown up.

"Machine gun fire, others scattered and shoot!!!" The squad leader ordered that although the devils on the city wall had been killed, they had to create an appearance of attacking the city.

bang bang bang...

Da da da…………

Intensive gunshots sounded directly here, as if someone was attacking the city.

At the same time, the barracks at the South City Gate.

All the devils inside were awakened by the sudden gunshot.

"Assembly! Enemy attack!" The second lieutenant who led the team shouted in the open space of the barracks.

A number of soldiers came out of the dormitory. They didn't even have time to wear their clothes, so they came out with guns.

"Quickly, support the city wall!" The second lieutenant Guizi ordered, and at the same time asked the communications soldiers to call the central barracks for help, because judging from the gunshots, the enemy outside the city had more than a dozen machine guns. Quite a few, need support.

Dozens of devils went out from the barracks, about 50 meters away from the barracks, gunshots came from the left rear, and before the devils could react, gunshots also came from the right rear.

bang bang bang...

Da da da……

The careless devils immediately suffered heavy casualties, but there were still more than a dozen devils who, when they were attacked, immediately evaded and lay down.

"Damn it! Why did the enemy come in!" The second lieutenant Guizi lay on the ground, and he thought of the gap in the city wall, which was the only place where he could enter the city.

He reported before that he wanted to repair the gap, but the captain said that there were no enemies nearby, and there was no need to repair it, but now, a powerful enemy suddenly appeared.

In just a moment, nearly three-quarters of his soldiers were killed or injured, and the group of enemies who came in were also accurate with their marksmanship, and even had four or five machine guns.

If it wasn't for their rich combat experience and the ability to evade immediately, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out with just one encounter.

"Huh? These devils are quite powerful, they didn't wipe out the whole army immediately?!" Xu Qingfeng couldn't help being a little surprised after seeing this scene in the left rear.

You know, they attacked the devils in a sneak attack. If they were ordinary devils, they would have been wiped out long ago.

From the looks of it, this group of devils still have a strong fighting capacity and are very vigilant.

However, it didn't help.

Ten seconds later, the remaining devils were all wiped out. From the attack to the end, it took less than half a minute for a small group of devils to be wiped out directly.

"Clean the battlefield immediately, third platoon leader, you take ten people with me to the bell tower, and the rest, go to support the company commander!" Xu Qingfeng ordered, and immediately led people to the bell tower.


In the central barracks, the devil's lieutenant was sleeping soundly in his bedroom, but he was suddenly awakened by gunshots, and he sat up in a daze.

"Baga, what's going on?!" The ghost lieutenant heard the gunshots from the south gate, but before he understood what was going on, the fierce gunshots rang out from the south gate again!

Someone is attacking the city? !At that moment, the ghost Zhongzuo thought of this.

(End of this chapter)

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