Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 467 Something is wrong

Zhongzuo Tianxia was also puzzled, why did the other party think that all the people in Tongcheng had been killed? !Could it be that Rafki didn't die, and told the other party about it? !

"Still stubborn with me!" Li Jin directly took out the pistol from his waist and loaded it.

"What are you doing! I'm a prisoner now, you can't abuse me!" Nakazuo Tanashita's face changed, and he said in a trembling voice.

"Captive?!" Li Jin raised the corner of his mouth, pointed his pistol at Lieutenant Commander Tanashita's thigh and pulled the trigger.

But there was a gunshot, and the bullet pierced Nakazu Tanashita's thigh. At that moment, Nakazu Tanashita felt that his thigh lost consciousness, and his whole body couldn't stand stably, and he fell down directly.

Soon, a sharp pain came.

Zhongzuo Tianxia couldn't help screaming, covering the wound with his hands, dripping with blood, and sucked in a breath of cold air.

"You are violating the agreement!!!" Nakazuo Tanashita gritted his teeth and stared at Li Jin with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Fuck you! You deserve to negotiate a contract with me!" Li Jin cursed directly, and then shot Lieutenant Tian Xia in the other leg.

"I'll ask you again, did your regiment commander issue the order to slaughter the city!" Li Jin's face was full of murderous intent, and his eyes were extremely cold.

But Zhongzuo Tianxia gritted his teeth and did not speak, and even turned his head. He felt that the other party could not kill him, so he just had to endure it.

Moreover, the number of opponents is so small, and with such strength, they must find an opportunity to tell the captain to be careful about this army.

"Then you go to die!" Li Jin raised his gun and aimed at Lieutenant Commander Tian Xia's head.

After Tianxia Zhongzuo heard it, he turned his head and saw the black gun pointing at him. For a while, he forgot the pain in his thigh, and he was sweating profusely behind his back.

Li Jin's eyes didn't seem to be joking, the other party really dared to shoot, especially when the other party's finger was slowly pulling the trigger, which put a lot of pressure on people.

"I said, I said! The order to massacre the city was indeed issued by the captain! Don't kill me, don't kill me!!!" Zhongzuo Tianxia hurriedly begged for mercy, he was afraid to death.

"Your captain, where are you now!" Li Jin asked.

Zhongzuo Tianshita fell silent again, do you want to tell the other party the position of the captain? !
"It seems that you still haven't made up your mind!" Li Jin shot Zhongzuo Tianxia in the shoulder again.

"Ah..." Nakazuo Tianxia screamed, and then said: "Liangzhen, he is in Liangzhen!"

"You're too late!" Li Jin pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot into Lieutenant Commander Tianshita's forehead.

At that moment, Tanaka Nakazuo had a wound between his eyebrows. Blood flowed from the wound, and he fell to the ground. Before he died, his eyes were still wide open. He never expected that the other party would still shoot.

As far as Li Jin was concerned, whether Zhongzuo Tianxia said it or not, he would die.

"Liangzhen, it seems that the other party must be destroyed!!!" Li Jin muttered in his heart, Da Dao, this little devil, must be captured alive and tortured to death!
At this moment, fierce gunshots were also heard from the north of Tongcheng. However, the gunfire stopped within half a minute, indicating that the devils had been wiped out!

One minute later, the soldiers in the third row also came.

Soon, Xu Qingfeng brought people over.


"Did you get the things?!" Li Jin asked.

"Yes, I got it." Xu Qingfeng took out a film and said.

"That's fine, we'll retreat after the northern side finishes cleaning the battlefield!" Li Jin nodded and glanced at his watch.

From entering the city to the present, the time is only twelve or three minutes.

At this moment, a phone call came from the barracks.

"Accept or not?!" Xu Qingfeng looked at Li Jin.

"Don't answer, lest the other party have any precautions." Li Jin shook his head. If he answered the phone now, the devils would know that they had captured Tongcheng in a short period of time and would become even more fearful.

Of course, the follow-up devils will also let the captain of the devils know that they are not easy to mess with, but it doesn't mean that they don't even dare to send people over.

"Company Commander, we've taken care of everything." Liu Changshun and the others walked over after cleaning the battlefield.

"Retreat!" Li Jin ordered the retreat without hesitation, and the group quickly left Tongcheng to join Rafji.


In the woods, Lafuji listened to the gunshots in the city, and looked at Tongcheng from time to time. He was very worried, fearing that something would happen to Li Jin and the others.

"Mr. Lafuji, you don't have to worry. The company commander and the others will be fine." The soldier on the side saw Lafuji's worry, so he said that he was left by Li Jin to protect Lafuji.

"Is there really nothing wrong?!" Rafki asked.

"No, our company commander led us to kill a brigade of devils, let alone hundreds of devils in the city.

Just keep your heart in your stomach and wait for the company commander to come back. "The soldier laughed.

Compared to Lafki's worries, he felt that there was nothing to worry about. There were only a few hundred devils, and they did not pose any danger to them at all, not to mention it was night, and this was the home field of their special warfare company.

"300 of you wiped out a brigade?! Don't lie to me." Rafki looked surprised. The other party couldn't be joking.

That is a brigade of devils, 300 people want to destroy each other, how could it be possible, [-] are such strong fighters, it is still possible.

"Why lie to you? When the company commander comes back, you can ask him yourself." The soldier replied, and he knew that the other party didn't believe it.

Seeing this, Lafuji looked at the soldier suspiciously. The other party didn't seem to be lying, but the record was too amazing, which made him very suspicious.

"Mr. Rafki, you'd better sit down and rest, don't wait for the company commander to be fine, you are fine." The soldier continued, the other party still had wounds on his body, and his skin looked tender. Lord of suffering.

"Okay." Lafuji sat down obediently. Since Li Jin's soldiers were not worried, he didn't have to worry so much.

At this moment, the gunfire in the city completely stopped.

"The company commander and the others should have ended the battle, and I believe they will come out soon." The soldier smiled.

"Really, they entered the city in less than 10 minutes." Rafki couldn't believe it.

Given the geographical advantage, the devils wouldn't be wiped out so quickly.

"Just wait, within 5 minutes, the company commander and the others will come out to join us." The soldier smiled. He was sure that the battle in the city was definitely over.

Soon, in less than 5 minutes, Li Jin brought people to join Rafki.

"Let's retreat first, and the devil's reinforcements will arrive soon." Li Jin said.

They immediately withdrew to the mountains.


At the same time, in Liangzhen, in the communication room, the captain of the Dadao United made several calls to Tongcheng, but no one answered.

"I'm afraid the people attacking Tongcheng will be very difficult. There should be a lot of people." Captain Oshima put down the phone. He knew that the enemy attacking Tongcheng would put a lot of pressure on Zhongzuo Tianxia.

Otherwise, it wouldn't even be possible to send out communications soldiers to fight, which meant that the enemy was so powerful that he had no choice but to send them.

Thinking of this, the captain of the Oshima United went to find Kazuo Fujiki.

"Brigade Commander, there is no response from Copper City. The enemy seems to have caused them a lot of trouble. Even the communication soldiers have gone to the battlefield." The captain of the Dadao United reported the situation.

"Nani?! So serious?!" Kazuo Fujiki's expression also changed. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the communication soldiers will not be sent to fight. After all, it is necessary to keep in touch to facilitate command.

Can't get in touch now, which means that the communications soldiers are already fighting the enemy.

"Are there many enemies?!" Kazuo Fujiki said.

"I don't know. It's probably several times the size of the Tongcheng guards. Their strength is probably much stronger than the ace troops of the national army. Of course, there is still a big gap compared with the soldiers of the empire." The captain of the Oshima United said. .

He guessed that the enemy's strength is also very strong, but they are definitely not as good as them. They just have an advantage in numbers, so they put a lot of pressure on Tanashita Zhongzuo and the others.

"Well, look at it this way, when the reinforcements arrive, they will be able to kill the opponent!" Kazuo Fujiki nodded in satisfaction, as long as he wiped out the opponent, he would get back the face he lost.

"It's all within the expectation of the brigade leader." Xiao Xiaoxiao, the captain of the Oshima Alliance, flattered him.

Kazuo Fujiki also showed a smile on his face, looking very useful.


Ten minutes later, the devils sent by Liangzhen to Tongcheng were less than three miles away from Tongcheng.

In the military vehicle, the devil Zhongzuo who led the team frowned.

"Lieutenant, what's wrong with you?!" Seeing this, the devil Shao Zuo couldn't help asking.

"At this distance, you should be able to hear gunshots. How come there is no movement at all?!" Devil Zhong Zuo looked at Shao Zuo and said.

"It's not surprising that you can't hear gunshots. Maybe the enemy has already been wiped out by the defenders of Tongcheng." The devil Shao Zuo didn't think so. In his opinion, if the enemy dared to attack the city, it must be looking for death.

Even if the enemy breaks through the city gate, the defenders there can still fight the enemy in the city. It is impossible for the opponent to wipe out the defenders in such a short time.

"That's right." Guizi Zhongzuo nodded, and then he stopped frowning and looked out of the car window. The sky was full of stars, and the bright moonlight swayed the earth.

A few minutes later, the ghost Zhongzuo came to the south gate.

The city gate was wide open, and there was no movement in the city, and there were no soldiers standing guard on the aisle of the city wall.

"It's strange, why is there no one?!" Major Guizi got out of the car as he said that. He was confused and wiped out the enemy. He was not so happy that he didn't send people to guard the city gate, and the city gate was still wide open.

"There's something wrong with the situation." The devil's lieutenant also got out of the car, and the city was too quiet.

"Send a small team into the city to check the situation." The devil's lieutenant ordered.

Soon, a small team of 13 people entered the city. After they entered the city, they were divided into three groups immediately. One group went up the city wall, one group went to the barracks at the south gate, and the other group also went to the central barracks in the city.

The group of devils on the city wall immediately saw a dozen corpses on the aisle.

The three devils inspected the body, then picked up the rifle, opened it and loaded it, only to find that a single bullet hadn't been fired.

"Lieutenant Commander, all fourteen soldiers on the city wall were shattered. It seems that they were killed almost at the same time!" The ghost soldier shouted on the city wall.

"Nani?! Killed at the same time?! How is that possible?!" Major Devil's face changed, and more than a dozen soldiers were killed at the same time, which is impossible!
When the devil Shao Zuo heard about it, he also brought people into the city.

The group of devils who went to the Nanchengmen barracks had already seen corpses all over the ground before they even arrived at the barracks.

This made the faces of the devils change drastically. Looking at the wounds on the corpses lying on the ground, most of them had a big gash in their chests. Obviously, the bullets were shot from behind, which is why this happened.

If the bullet entered from the front, there should be a big hole in the back.

There are also a small number of large wounds on the back.

It shows that when these soldiers were supporting the city gate, they were suddenly attacked by the enemy from behind, and then a small number of soldiers reacted and fought back.

"Quick, report to the lieutenant!"

Several soldiers were about to go out of the city to report, when they saw the Zhongzuo entering the city, they rushed over to report.

"Zhong Zuo, the soldiers in the Nanchengmen Barracks are all broken. It seems that when they supported the city gate, they were attacked from behind by the enemy!" said one of the ghost soldiers.

Hearing this, the devil Zhongzuo didn't even go up the city wall, so he went directly to see the situation in the barracks. Soon, he saw corpses all over the ground.

"Lieutenant Commander, judging from the gunshot wounds, they were indeed attacked from behind, and the soldiers who reacted were all killed by the enemy with just one shot.

It shows that the enemy's marksmanship is still very accurate, and many wounds on the corpses were caused by machine gun shooting. "The devil, Shao Zuo, picked up a rifle, opened the chamber, ejected the bullet, and found that the gun only fired one shot.

"How could this happen?! How did the enemy enter the city?!" The ghost Zhongzuo looked puzzled, the city wall is not short, it is impossible for someone to turn it over casually.

Moreover, the soldiers on the city wall were shot to death without firing a single shot. It is impossible for the enemy to directly break through the city gate, unless the soldiers in the barracks sleep like pigs and wait until the enemy enters the city and lays an ambush before going to support the city wall. possible.

"It may have come in from other places." Major Guizi said.

"Send someone along the city wall to check the situation." The devil's lieutenant ordered.

Soon, some soldiers came back to report.

"Commander, about 500 meters away from the city gate, there is a gap in the city wall, which was blown out during our siege! There are many messy footprints on the ground over there." The soldier said.

"Sure enough! The enemy entered the city wall through the gap, and ambushed on both sides of the barracks, and let the people outside the city shoot and kill the soldiers on the wall. When the soldiers in the barracks go out to support, they will take the opportunity to attack!" Said the devil lieutenant .

In this way, everything makes sense.

"That city wall, didn't the captain ask Tian Xia Zhongzuo to repair it?! Didn't he let someone repair it?!" Devil Shao Zuo said.

"Tanashita Zhongzuo probably felt that there would be no more enemy attacks, so he didn't ask anyone to repair the city wall!" Devil Zhongzuo said.

He knew what Zhongzuo Tianxia was thinking, but he didn't expect that it would be a catastrophe. The strength of the enemy attacking the city should not be underestimated. Looking at it this way, the soldiers in the city might be destroyed.

If the enemy can set up the first line of ambushes, he can set up the second line, such as ambushing the soldiers in the central barracks to support the city gate.

At this moment, one of the devil soldiers who went to the central barracks came back.

"Lieutenant Commander, before we reached the barracks, we saw the corpses of soldiers lying on the street. They seemed to have been attacked suddenly, causing heavy casualties!" the ghost soldier reported.

(End of this chapter)

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