Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 472 Quickly transfer people!

"Nani?! Impossible!!!" Kazuo Fujiki exclaimed. How long has it been since all the frontier positions in four directions fell, and the forced soldiers retreated to the alley? !
"Brigade Commander, the facts are already in front of us. This group of enemies seems to be coming for us. We have to defend Liangzhen and dispatch Kancheng, as well as soldiers from the airport to come to support!" Said.

The only soldiers who can quickly support them now are the airport and Kancheng. As for other directions, they can't catch up.

He didn't expect that the enemy was so strong, with guns and cannons, and he wasn't sure if there were more enemies outside Liangzhen.

If you break through, you will probably fall into the enemy's trap. Therefore, the best way at present is to stick to the good town and rely on the terrain to fight the enemy in the street, so as to delay time!

"Call Kancheng and the airport right away, and ask them to send people over to support! At the same time, divide the squadron below into four teams,
Support four directions respectively!And to occupy the house as a counterattack, we must delay the time! Kazuo Fujiki ordered immediately.

As long as you use the terrain to fight against the enemy, you can definitely delay the time.

"Hi!" The Oshima United captain nodded, and immediately asked someone to call.

"Brigade commander, why don't we retreat to the center of the town, so that our people are resisting the enemy in all directions, which is safer." The captain of the Oshima United suggested.

He felt that it would be safer to evacuate to the center of the town.

"Idiot, lean towards the center, isn't that giving the enemy a chance, let the soldiers in the four directions retreat to my side while fighting, and take my side as the center." Fujiki Kazuo said, he was worried that some enemies had already gone to the center of the town Lurking passed.

Going to the town center at this time, isn't that going to the enemy's mouth?

"Hi!" The captain of the Oshima United nodded his head.

"Brigade Commander, the group of enemies attacking the town are extremely precise in marksmanship, and their combat effectiveness may be comparable to ours, or even stronger." The captain of the Oshima United continued.

The enemy's battle was beyond imagination. Since coming to China, he has never encountered an enemy that can be compared with the imperial soldiers. Even the so-called ace army of the national army is not comparable to the imperial soldiers.

"The point is, this army is the one that attacked Tongcheng." Kazuo Fujiki guessed.

"Nine times out of ten, it's them. Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought that there would be any other troops here. I didn't expect that after the opponent attacked Tongcheng, instead of fleeing, they would go around and attack us. They are really brave!" Said the Captain of the Oshima United.

To be honest, no one thought that the target of the enemy would be them.

"No, they may have been here a long time ago, just waiting for me to send people to support Tongcheng. They are waiting for the support to go into the mountains and encircle and suppress the enemies who attack Tongcheng, and then they are taking the opportunity to sneak attack!" Kazuo Fujiki looked serious.

If this is the case, the enemy's attack on Tongcheng is just a cover, the purpose is to provoke him, so that he will transfer the soldiers sent to Tongcheng to the mountains to encircle and suppress.

In this way, Tongcheng, which was the fastest to support Liangzhen, had already entered the city. If they wanted to find support, they could only transfer troops from other places. Once Liangzhen was empty, the enemy immediately seized the opportunity.

The enemy's commander was playing tricks on him, and he felt that his IQ was almost crushed.

"If this is the case, isn't the opponent's goal from the beginning?!" The captain of the Oshima United felt a cold sweat behind his back.

I thought it would be safer to stay behind, but now it seems that this place is the most dangerous!
"In a short period of time, we smashed two brigade leaders one after another, which almost pushed the face of the empire to the ground.

If even I was killed by the enemy, it would be less than a month, and the three brigade leaders in Yusha,

Since entering China, this has never happened before! Kazuo Fujiki said seriously.

They fought for more than a year, but in this month, they had two brigade commanders in succession. If Liangzhen's defenders couldn't stop the enemy, he might be the third.

"Brigade Commander, no, our soldiers are very tenacious and will definitely protect you!" the captain of the Oshima United said quickly.

He believed that his soldiers could hold off these enemies until reinforcements came.

"I hope so." Kazuo Fujiki frowned suddenly, and then remembered something: "I remember that the head of the Morishigami Brigade in Fengling once sent a telegram to the headquarters,
It was said that it was attacked by a Northeast Army stronger than the soldiers of the Empire, but the commander at the time felt that this was an excuse for Mori Shang-kun's command error. "

In fact, not to mention the commander at the time, even after other people found out, they all felt that Morishami was making excuses, so they made up a Huaxia army that was stronger than the imperial soldiers.

Now it seems that that is not an excuse at all, but that Morishami Shuichi really encountered such a force.

"Brigade Commander, what do you mean, the enemy who attacked the warships, Tongcheng, and now is the Northeast Army?! But isn't that army an excuse for the defeat of the Brigade Commander Morigami?" Da Dao The captain immediately figured it out.

"Well, it's not an excuse, this army really exists!" Kazuo Fujiki nodded, he understood the mood of Juichi Morishami at that time.

What was clearly said was the truth, but it was used as an excuse by the commander. In the end, Morishami Shuichi's 102nd Brigade was wiped out.

"But Fengling is two to three hundred miles away from here. How could they come here?" The captain of the Dadao United still couldn't believe it. It was so far away, and running on two legs alone would not be exhausting.

"Otherwise, you said that apart from them, there will be that army?! Mori Shangshu mentioned this army, and in his telegram, he also said that the commander of the Northeast Army is an extremely cunning with treacherous people,

It's almost exactly the same as what we have now. Kazuo Fujiki continued to analyze that the defenders of Tongcheng were wiped out, and until now, everything proved that the enemy commander who attacked them was the same as the one in Fengling.

Some people's fighting style is like this, especially when the opponent is in the dark. When they are in the open, it is difficult to resist this kind of enemy.

"You send a telegram to the headquarters immediately and tell the commander the situation. This force, in the rear, has already posed an extremely serious threat to us.
If we don't destroy it, the other party may cause us even greater losses. " Kazuo Fujiki ordered.

"Hi!" Captain Oshima quickly went to the communication room to send a telegram. After sending the telegram, he came to Kazuo Fujiki again.

"Brigade Commander, the telegram has been sent."

"Well, no matter what, I hope that the headquarters can pay attention to this unit. If the other party finds the location of the headquarters, I even doubt that the other party can take over the headquarters!" Kazuo Fujiki said, feeling a little cold sweat.

If the headquarters is taken down, the senior commanders are equivalent to all the pieces of jade. At that time, no one has the ability to command so many troops at the same time. Once the national army counterattacks, their battle may end in failure.

"No, it can't be. The other party doesn't seem to have that many people, but the headquarters is protected by a lot of troops." The captain of the Oshima Alliance swallowed.

He felt that the head of the brigade seemed to be too serious in what he said. The headquarters was tightly guarded, so how could the sneak attack be successful.

"Nothing is impossible. Now we are advancing forward with the advantage. The soldiers in the rear are more or less relaxed.

It can be seen from Zhongzuo Tianxia that if the soldiers of the headquarters are not cautious, once the opponent finds an opportunity, it will be difficult not to do it. Kazuo Fujiki shook his head.

It was the first time that he felt so afraid of a troop, and it was a Huaxia troop.


At this time, on Li Jin's side, after seeing the soldiers in the southeast direction being transferred away, he led an attack decisively.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

In just one face-to-face encounter, more than 20 devils in the position were all killed.

"Quick! Occupy the position! Old Xu, you lead 50 people to block the devils in the east for support!" After occupying the position, Li Jin immediately gave Xu Qingfeng an order.

"Understood!" Xu Qingfeng immediately led 50 people in an ambush in the direction where the devils came to support them.

Li Jin led people straight to the compound less than 40 meters away, where there were less than [-] devils guarding them, and they were waiting behind the bunker at the entrance of the compound.

Less than seven or eighty meters away from the compound, Li Jin stopped.

"Fire flares, grenades, and bomb me in the direction of the compound. The three rounds of bombing will stop immediately! The third squad leader, you take 15 people around the back door, block the devils, and don't let them run away!" Li Jin ordered, and he The soldiers are divided into two groups.

A flare was fired into the sky, and the blazing white light directly illuminated the entire town.

There were constant gunshots in several directions of the town, but it was clear from the gunshots that there were fewer and fewer devils.

Twenty artillerymen immediately set up the grenades, aimed at the direction of the compound, and then fired shells.

bang bang bang...

boom boom boom......

Explosions kept coming from the yard. Many of the devil soldiers guarding the yard were killed on the spot, while others were frightened.

Hide in the house.

bang bang bang...

Da da da………

Li Jin also led people to kill the flank of the compound at this time, and the machine gunner directly suppressed the devil at the door, not giving the opponent a chance to raise his head.The others took out their grenades and threw them all behind the bunker.

boom boom boom......

The grenade bombs exploded one after another, and many devils behind the bunkers were blown out of the bunkers.

Da da da………

Holding a submachine gun, Li Jin rushed to the front, quickly wiped out all the devils at the door, and then cautiously entered the yard, almost killing the devils as soon as they showed their heads.


While Fujiki Kazuo was still thinking about how to survive, there was a sudden fierce gunshot outside.

"Brigade Commander, it looks like the enemy is coming towards us!" the captain of the Oshima Alliance said hastily.

"How can it be repaired!! How can this group of enemies be so disgusting, they insist on attacking after I send people out to support!" Kazuo Fujiki gritted his teeth angrily.

"Brigade commander, don't worry about that for now, let's evacuate to the center of the town as soon as possible. If we stay here, the enemy will kill us!" the captain of the Oshima United persuaded.

"Don't worry, the soldiers from the east will come to support them. It is unwise to retreat to the center of the town. This may be another enemy's plan to force me to the center of the town." Fujiki Kazuo always believed that the center of the town must have ambush.

His position is not far from the eastern position. It only takes a few minutes for the soldiers over there to support them. At that time, attacking the enemies here will temporarily solve the problem.

As soon as the voice fell, the gunfire outside stopped.

"Look, let me just say, this must be the enemy's strategy, they create the illusion that they want to attack from here." Kazuo Fujiki smiled, as if he felt that everything was under control.

"Brigade commander, is there a possibility that the soldiers in the frontier positions were annihilated by the enemy?!" The captain of the Oshima United hesitated for a moment, but he still spoke.

Kazuo Fujiki's expression froze. If this was the case, then he had to retreat to the center of the town.

After ten seconds of silence, the yard was directly bombarded.

"Brigade Commander, be careful!" Captain Oshima hurriedly threw Kazuo Fujiki to the ground.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of violent explosions kept coming, and the ground seemed to be trembling slightly.

After the three rounds of bombing, there was another explosion of grenade bombs at the gate of the compound, followed by gunshots.

"Brigade Commander, the enemy has already reached the gate, let's retreat through the back door!" Captain Oshima helped Fujiki Kazuo up from the ground, and a dozen soldiers escorted them to the back door.

The flares in the sky are like a small sun, emitting light to illuminate the yard.

At this time, the open space in the yard was full of potholes, and many soldiers were lying in disorder, and they had been killed by the bombing.

When the soldiers in front just came out of the back door, the third squad leader ordered someone to shoot and killed all the devils who came out.

"Brigade commander, be careful!" Captain Oshima dragged Kazuo Fujiki to hide behind the wall. A soldier poked his head out to fight back, but he didn't fire his gun and was killed directly.

Soon, there were only captain Oshima, Kazuo Fujiki and two soldiers left.

At this time, Kazuo Fujiki's face was already pale. He never thought that his soldiers would be so vulnerable. Dozens of soldiers were killed in just one or two minutes.

"Brigade leader, there is no way!" The captain of the Oshima United couldn't help but said, if the brigade leader listened to him at first, they might still be able to leave.

"Stay in the courtyard and wait until the reinforcements arrive!" Kazuo Fujiki said, now he can only hold back and see if he can hold out until the reinforcements arrive.

The captain of the Oshima United didn't know what to say for a while, so there were only four of them, what should they do to guard the courtyard.

At this time, Li Jin also rushed over.

Da da da………

Li Jin directly killed the two devil soldiers, and he deliberately left Kazuo Fujiki and the captain of the Oshima United.

"Don't move! Raise your hands!" The soldiers following Li Jin pointed their guns at Kazuo Fujiki and Captain Oshima.

"You are the captain of the Oshima United Team, right?" Li Jin looked at the devil with the rank of Major Commander and said.

"That's right, it's me! Let your commanders come and talk to us!" The captain of the Oshima Alliance had a haughty expression on his face.

"I am the commander! The order to slaughter the city of Tongcheng must have been given by you!" Li Jin said with cold eyes.

"So what!" The Oshima United captain admitted directly.

"Yes, that's fine!" Li Jin raised his gun, and the captain of the Oshima United closed his eyes.

With a gunshot, the captain of the Oshima United was taken aback, but when he opened his eyes, Kazuo Fujiki fell to the ground, his eyebrows were shot in the face, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He seemed to be thinking, he didn't do the massacre of the city, why did he kill him? !
"Brigade Commander!!!" the captain of the Oshima Alliance exclaimed!

(End of this chapter)

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