Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 477 It's a big deal

Soon, the political commissar called Qin Yuanxin in, and the brigade commander ordered Dr. Miyagawa to be taken out. The next conversation must not be known to the other party.

"Brigade Commander, you are looking for me!" Qin Yuanxin said.

"Xiao Qin, did you see the ghost doctor who just went out?" said the brigade commander.

"Well, why, does the brigade commander want me to get rid of him?!" Qin Yuanxin nodded, already planning to attack that devil doctor.

"I didn't ask you to kill him." The brigade commander said angrily, why is everyone so murderous.

"That's it?!" Qin Yuanxin became puzzled. He didn't ask him to kill the devil doctor, so what did the brigade commander mean? !

"I want you to send two soldiers to protect him and prevent him from accidents." The brigade commander stated his purpose.

"What?! Let me send someone to protect that little devil?! Brigadier, please forgive me for refusing to carry out this order. Our mission is to protect the safety of the brigade commander, not to protect some little devil!" Qin Yuanxin said directly.

Before they came, the company commander had already said that the safety of the brigade commander must be absolutely guaranteed, so he did not carry out this order.

"Listen to me first. Protecting that devil is also at the brigade headquarters. If something happens to me, with your ability, can't you rush over here immediately?!" The brigade commander said.

"This..." Qin Yuanxin hesitated, saying so, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"Not all of you are in the brigade headquarters, there are also those on duty outside, their distance from me is farther, and you only need to send two people to perform tasks closer to me,
Although it's not to protect me, once something happens, you can come over in a shorter time,

So, the task of protecting me does not conflict with this task, or do you not believe that your soldiers can rush over? ! "The brigade commander asked later.

Some of the soldiers of the special warfare company were responsible for serving as secret sentries on the periphery, at least two or three miles away from the brigade headquarters, and the distance between the hospital and the brigade headquarters was even closer.

"Of course they can come here. If something happens here, they will definitely be able to come here in the shortest time!" Qin Yuanxin replied.

No matter what the enemy was, he trusted his soldiers enough to take the brigade commander away safely.

"That's fine. You have someone do this task, understand!" said the brigade commander. If it was a direct order, Qin Yuanxin would probably choose to carry out the protection task ordered by Li Jin.

Qin Yuanxin will not carry out forced orders, so another method must be used to get Qin Yuanxin to agree.

"It's the Brigadier!" Qin Yuanxin nodded.

"Let's do it." The brigade commander waved his hand and asked Qin Yuanxin to carry out the task.

"Brigade Commander, what you said is so clever, these two sentences directly sent Qin Yuanxin to send someone to carry out the mission." Li Yunlong said.

Although he is the head of the regiment, the people of the special warfare company absolutely obey Li Jin's orders.

Li Jin's order to them was to protect the brigade commander to the death, so Qin Yuanxin would unconditionally carry out the task of protecting the brigade commander, even if he sacrificed his life.

If the brigade commander wanted to transfer them away from his side, Qin Yuanxin would not leave even if he was shot.

"They are all good soldiers, but some..." the brigade commander said and did not continue.

The other soldiers who ordered the special operations company could do it, but they would not agree to the task of sending them away from their side.

"Brigade Commander, Dr. Miyagawa can speak Chinese naturally, why not let him speak Chinese in the future and hide his identity.

If his identity was revealed, it would be too easy for the soldiers to have conflicts in their hearts. "The political commissar said at this time.

You must know that some soldiers in the brigade and their family members have been persecuted by devils. If they know that there is a devil doctor in the brigade, they may do unpredictable things.

"Well, what you said is also reasonable, so let Dr. Miyagawa pay attention." The brigade commander said.

It would be great if this Dr. Miyagawa could treat the wounded in the hospital well.

"Yes!" The political commissar nodded, then turned and left, and went out to take Dr. Miyagawa to the hospital to see President Chen.

"Brigade Commander, what if this devil is restless?!" Li Yunlong asked.

"If you are restless, then do what you have to do." When he said this, the brigade commander's eyes became very cold.

As a commander, decisiveness is a must.

"By the way, did that boy Li Jin send you a telegram?!" The brigade commander asked Li Jin again.

"Not yet, he hasn't sent me a telegram these two days." Li Yunlong shook his head.

"I don't know how the boy bombed the airport, how he is doing." The brigade commander sighed.

Li Jin was too far away from them, and it could be said that they were beyond their reach. They couldn't help at all, and Li Jin had to decide everything by himself.

"Don't worry, Brigadier, this kid is very powerful and nothing will happen." Li Yunlong said that he still has great confidence in Li Jin. Although he didn't get along with Li Jin for a long time, he also knew that Li Jin was a man. Extremely cautious person.

Even if it was just a small battle, Li Jin would play it out repeatedly, and he could no longer be cautious.

However, at this moment, a correspondent ran in.

"Brigade commander, our comrades in Wuhan sent a telegram, saying that the devil suddenly dropped a brigade to go to the Changming Mountains. I don't know what they are going to do." The correspondent said.

"What?! Why would the devil send people over there?!" The brigade commander frowned, and there were no troops from the national army over there. Why did the devil send troops there? !

"Li Yunlong, take out the map I gave you earlier." The brigade commander said directly to Li Yunlong.

"Yes!" Li Yunlong took out a map of Wuhan from his arms, and then the brigade commander found the location of Tongcheng on the map.

"Damn it, the devil's airport isn't alive and well not far from Tongcheng!" The brigade commander thought of a possibility.

"If this is the case, Li Jin may have already blown up the airport and retreated into the Changming Mountains!" Li Yunlong also continued.

If you blow up the airport, the best way to evacuate is the Changming Mountain Range. In other directions, it is easy to be blocked by devils. Only the Changming Mountain Range has a chance of survival.

"That's right, that's absolutely the case. Li Jin's bombing of the airport has already angered the commander of the Devils, making them want to encircle and suppress Li Jin even at any cost!" The brigade commander said with a serious expression.

Losing dozens of planes at once, even if the devil's family has a big career, is enough to feel distressed, not to mention that Li Jin might have killed the other party's pilot, which made the devil even more loss.

It is expected that the devil commander will be angry.

"I know this will anger the devils, but I didn't expect the devils to send a brigade to encircle Li Jin, maybe even more!" Li Yunlong gasped after speaking.

The matter is really serious, I am afraid that more than one brigade of devils went to encircle and suppress Li Jin, can this kid still run? !It's because Li Yunlong was very confident in Li Jin before, but now he is not confident.

A brigade, including some devils from small counties, may have a total number of nearly 9000 to [-] people.

The key is that those devils are all experienced in combat. It can be said that with so many devils, it is easy for them to face a few aces of the national army.

Li Jin only had 300 troops, nearly [-] times the number of troops. It was not an ordinary difficulty to break out of such a heavy encirclement.

"The combat power of the special warfare company may have been exposed to the devils, otherwise they wouldn't go to war so aggressively,

The devils were afraid, afraid that Li Jin would threaten them when he developed, that's why the devils did this! "The brigade commander said seriously.

The devil's doing this just proves that the devil is afraid, so he desperately wants to destroy the special warfare company.

"The problem is that we can't help!" Li Yunlong frowned. If he had known this would happen, he shouldn't have brought a new group back.

"Tell Li Jin the news. I'm afraid he doesn't know yet. The rest is up to him." The brigade commander took out a cigarette and lit one.

Now I can only trust Li Jin.

"Brigade Commander, why don't I take someone there again." Li Yunlong said, he wanted to go to Wuhan to help.

"What's the use of going now, the devils will wait for you to rush to the siege, what are you thinking, just wait for Li Jin's news." The brigade commander replied.

By the time Li Yunlong arrived there, Li Jin might have already escaped.

"Then we can only wait like this." Li Yunlong stood up helplessly, the brigade commander was right, it was too late to go now.

"Besides, even if you arrive, I'm afraid you will only be able to kill them, which will only increase your own casualties." The brigade commander continued.

The special warfare company is strong in terms of personal combat effectiveness and cooperation. Li Yunlong brought people here. Facing so many devils, instead of being able to help, it would drag down the special warfare company and cause heavy casualties to the new regiment.

The current new regiment cannot take over such a big war, otherwise, the number will have to be changed.

Li Yunlong became silent. Although the fighting power of the new regiment was quite strong, there was still a big gap compared with the devils. At least in a frontal confrontation, they still couldn't defeat the same number of devils.

"Okay, I know you are worried about Li Jin, but I am more worried about him than you are, but I believe in him, and he will definitely escape!" said the brigade commander.

Although the devils sent many people to encircle and suppress Li Jin, the brigade commander believed that Li Jin would definitely be able to escape, and might even make the devils suffer!
At this time, the hospital.

The political commissar brought Dr. Miyagawa outside the room of the hospital director.

"Doctor Miyagawa, you wait here, I'll go in first." The political commissar ordered, then opened the door and walked in.

Dean Chen is looking at the reports of the soldiers' injuries.

"Old Chen, I brought you a doctor," said the political commissar.

"What?! Doctor?! Then!" Dean Chen stood up excitedly from his chair. The hospital is most short of doctors.

If it weren't for the shortage of doctors, there wouldn't be so many soldiers sacrificed. One more doctor would save the lives of many soldiers.

"Outside." The political commissar said.

"I'll go and have a look." Dean Chen wanted to go out as he said that.

"Wait a minute, I have to tell you that this doctor has a different identity." The political commissar stopped Dean Chen.

"What's not simple, it doesn't matter what his status is, he is a doctor." Dean Chen doesn't care, even if it is someone who returned from overseas, as long as he has medical skills.

"He's a devil." The political commissar didn't hide anything, he said it directly. Others can hide it, but Dean Chen has to know the truth.

"Uh... what did you say?! He's a devil?!" Dean Chen wondered for a moment if he had heard it wrong.

"That's right, it's a devil, and he's a devil who travels with the army. He was captured, and he is willing to come to us to help treat the wounded." The political commissar nodded, and then explained that he knew Dean Chen would be like this.

"No, political commissar, you didn't tease me, did you dare to ask a devil doctor to treat our wounded?!" Dean Chen said.

The ghost doctor who travels with the army is not a military doctor. The political commissar dares to let him treat the wounded with such a doctor? !

"I'm not joking, this is the brigade commander's decision." The political commissar said.

When Dean Chen heard this, he took a deep breath and said, "I admit that the doctor over there by the devil is indeed skilled in medicine, but he is a devil.
How many families of soldiers on our side have been ruined because of devils. You let them know, can this devil doctor still live? ! "

Don't care about the devil doctor's medical skills, just talking about the devil's identity is easy for the soldiers to crowd out.

"I know..." The political commissar then told about Dr. Miyagawa's ability to speak Chinese and the fact that Dean Chen had concealed Dr. Miyagawa's identity.

"If that's the case, how long can we keep it a secret?!" Dean Chen said hesitantly.

"Let's talk about it until we can't hide it. At the very least, during this period, let more soldiers survive, and then we will teach the soldiers well." The political commissar said.

As long as this devil doctor is doing his best to help and treat the wounded, he is one of his own people. Therefore, for the sake of his own people, he should give more lessons to the soldiers and tell them that not every devil likes war.

"Then you have to do this as soon as possible to let the soldiers know." Dean Chen urged.

"Naturally." The political commissar nodded, and then he let Dr. Miyagawa in.

Dean Chen also stared at Dr. Miyagawa who came in. He was a little short in stature, but he didn't have a beard. Therefore, it is not impossible to say that the other party came back from overseas.

As long as Dr. Miyagawa doesn't suddenly speak Japanese, it will still be difficult to be recognized.

"Doctor Miyagawa, let me introduce you. This is Dean Chen." The political commissar introduced Dean Chen.

"Hello, Dean Chen." After hearing this, Dr. Miyagawa reached out to Dean Chen, intending to shake hands with him as a gesture of friendship.

"Hello." Dean Chen hesitated and shook hands with Dr. Miyagawa.

"In the future, I will do my best to help you treat the wounded, please believe me!" Dr. Miyagawa said seriously.

He knew that the Eighth Route Army was still on guard against him, but he didn't care. If it was him, he might be on guard too.

Next, he will use actions to prove that he can be trusted.

"Then let's work together." Dean Chen said, he chose to trust this ghost doctor temporarily.

"Arigado!" Dr. Miyagawa subconsciously said thank you in Japanese.

But this made the political commissar's face change, and he hurried out to take a look, and he was relieved when he found that there was no one there.

"Doctor Miyagawa, I didn't remind you, don't speak Japanese." The political commissar said, but luckily no one was eavesdropping outside.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's my problem, I won't do it in the future!" Dr. Miyagawa quickly apologized.

"It's okay, just be careful in the future." The political commissar didn't intend to blame the other party either.

"Okay." Dr. Miyagawa nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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