Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 481 1 Everything is expected

"Captain, is that you?!" Major Guizi cautiously walked towards the grass where the voice came from.

"It's me, come and save me!" the captain of the Oshima United shouted.

When the devil Shao Zuo heard it, he ran over directly, but saw a scary scene.

I saw a person lying on the ground with blood on his face, no nose, no mouth, no ears, not even a face with only teeth showing.

"You, you are the captain?!" Major Guizi was a little unsure. After all, the current captain was so frightening that he couldn't tell them apart. If it wasn't for the military uniform on his body, he would have suspected it was some kind of ghost.

The captain couldn't move his limbs, especially his two arms, which were even more swollen to prop up his clothes, ten fingers and toes were gone, and the blood from the wound had dried up.

"It's me, don't talk nonsense, save me quickly!" Captain Oshima was furious, he was about to die, how could this subordinate be so stupid.

"Okay, you two, get a stretcher over here." The Devil Major hurriedly ordered.

Seeing the miserable situation of the captain of the Oshima Alliance, the other devil soldiers couldn't help but shudder, wondering what kind of abuse the captain of the alliance had suffered.

"Captain, where's the enemy?!" Devil Major asked.

"They ran to the west, or to the north, and report to the brigade commander immediately." The captain of the Oshima Alliance said the direction in which Li Jin and the others left.

"Okay, I will report to the head of the brigade." Major Guizi nodded, looked at the appearance of the captain, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Captain, why did the other party let you go?!"

"What do you mean?!" The captain of the Oshima Regiment was angry. Did this subordinate hope that he would be killed by the Northeast Army?

"Captain, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean that. This group of enemies is very brutal. Almost all the soldiers in the town were smashed into pieces." The Devil Shao Zuo quickly explained.

He just wanted to know why the enemy didn't kill the captain.

"They want me to fend for myself here, let wild beasts eat me, and poison me, and you will immediately send me to the hospital for detoxification." The captain of the Oshima Alliance still told his story.

The other party wanted him to die, but they didn't expect that their soldiers would find him so quickly. When he recovered, they would have to smash the other party's body into thousands of pieces to relieve their hatred!
"So that's how it is. Don't worry, the commander. The commander has sent a brigade to encircle and suppress this army, and has also mobilized troops from surrounding counties.
There are at least nearly ten thousand people in total, and the other party will definitely not be able to escape! "Said the devil Shao Zuo.

"Very well, although the strength of this group of enemies looks strong, in fact, they all carried out sneak attacks, and they killed so many of us by relying on powerful weapons.

Without a sneak attack, their strength is not much stronger than ours. "The captain of the Oshima United said.

The number of this army is indeed small, but its firepower far exceeds that of the imperial army with the same number. In addition, they are indeed a bit powerful, so they can win more with less in the case of sneak attacks.

"If that's the case, then they have nothing to be afraid of!" Said Shaozuo Guizi, he thought the opponent's combat power was several times stronger than theirs, but now it seems that they are just a little bit stronger.

"Don't underestimate them. The opponent can kill six or seven hundred of our soldiers in one night. It's still very powerful." The captain of the Oshima United reminded.

Although the opponent's strength is not much stronger than them, but the commander is very smart, and the tricks he uses almost turn them around.

"Hi! I will pay attention!" Major Guizi nodded.

At this time, two devil soldiers came over carrying a makeshift stretcher.

"Captain, you can rest assured to recuperate in the hospital. When the enemy is captured or destroyed, I will send someone to notify you immediately." Major Guizi comforted him.

"Thank you." The captain of the Oshima Alliance said, he was carefully lifted up by the devil and put on the stretcher, but he still accidentally touched his wound, which made him grin his teeth.

"You five, escort the regiment leader out of the mountain, and send the regiment leader to the county hospital for treatment." Devil Shao Zuo ordered four or five devil soldiers.

"Hi!" The five nodded, carrying the stretcher and walking towards the direction of the mountain.

"Send a telegram to the head of the brigade immediately and tell the head of the brigade the situation." Major Guizi gave another order to the communications soldiers.


At this time, in the direction of the east of the mountain range, in the headquarters.

Fujio Ichiro received a telegram from the Devil Major.

"Okay, I guessed right, those enemies did flee to the west!" Fujio Ichiro was overjoyed.

He just said, there are only two directions for the enemy to break through, and now it is finally determined, which greatly increases his confidence, everything is expected.

"Brigade Commander, what happened?! Where did you find any traces of the enemy?!" asked the ghost lieutenant beside him.

"Did they hand in their hands?" another devil asked.

"I didn't hand in the hand. The troops in the south met Oshima Jiro, and he told the news." Fujio Ichiro said the content of the telegram.

"Nani?! Is the captain of the Oshima United still dead?!" The devil's lieutenant was stunned. He thought that the other party had already died, but he didn't expect that he was still alive.

"Even if he didn't die, it's almost the same. Oshima Jiro was abused, and it is said that he was also fed poison.

We still have to send him to the hospital to see if he can be revived. However, he brought us useful news before he died, which is very good. "Tengqing Ichiro praised.

"Could this be intentional by the enemy? Judging from the fact that they killed all the soldiers at the airport, this group of people doesn't seem like good people. How could they not directly kill the captain of the Dadao United?" The devil's lieutenant asked doubts.

No matter how the other party looked at it, it didn't look like someone who would let the captain of the Oshima Alliance go, especially since the captain of the Oshima Alliance ordered the massacre of the city, it was even more impossible to let him go.

Therefore, he felt that there must be something wrong with it.

"Didn't you listen to me, Oshima Jiro was poisoned, the other party must want Oshima Jiro to be poisoned, die in pain, and then be eaten by wild beasts in the mountains,
But the other party didn't expect that our people would leave so quickly. " Fuji Qingichiro said.

He is sure that the other party definitely thinks so. It is not easy to escape with Jiro Oshima, and he does not want Jiro Oshima to die too easily, otherwise he will be arrested for nothing.

That's why the other party abused Oshima Jiro severely, and then fed poison to Oshima Jiro before leaving.

If their people didn't find Jiro Oshima, then the other party's purpose was indeed successful. Even if they found out, Jiro Oshima might have very little chance of surviving, and it would also make Jiro Oshima suffer.

"It makes sense, the enemy is really ruthless! If the captain of the Oshima United was not discovered and his body was eaten by the wild beasts in the mountain, then his soul would not be able to return to the empire by then," said the ghost lieutenant.

Although they are not afraid of death, they are also afraid that their souls will not return to the empire.

"Send a telegram to the troops in the north and west to let them advance gradually and prepare for interception." Fujio Ichiro ordered.


One day later, at six o'clock in the afternoon, Li Jin and the others had arrived at the northern position. At this moment, they were less than ten miles away from the defense arranged by the devils.

During this period, the devils also dispatched planes to bomb them. Of course, the devils' planes never found Li Jin and the others, and they couldn't do them any harm.

The devil's plane almost dropped bombs in the dense forest. Fortunately, the climate here is relatively humid, otherwise, it might cause a wildfire.

"Damn it, the little devil really spent all his money, and even dispatched the planes." In the woods, Liu Changshun couldn't help cursing as he watched the dozen or so planes that the devil had gone away.

"Naturally, we bombed the devil's plane, and they also sent planes to us." Zhao Ming said at the side, they caused so much damage to the devil, it's nothing to send a dozen planes over.

"Those planes flew very close to the mountain. I looked for an opportunity to set up dozens of machine guns. When the devils come again, I'll just shoot them down!" Liu Changshun said.

He could see that those devils who flew the planes didn't take them seriously at all, flying so low.

It just so happens that the range of the machine guns is quite far, so if you set up dozens of machine guns and wait for the devils to get close to the mountain, they will immediately fire at full power, and you will definitely be able to shoot down a few.

"Don't be stupid, the company commander won't agree. If you can fight, do you think the company commander won't take action? We still need to hide our tracks and not expose them." Zhao Ming said.

If he could fight, the company commander would definitely fight instead of letting Liu Changshun complain here.

"Speaking of which, aren't we going to break out from the east? Why go all the way north?!" Liu Changshun suddenly realized.

The direction they were heading was always the north, but the company commander had clearly stated before that they were heading east to break out.

"I don't know." Zhao Ming shook his head. Naturally, the company commander had a reason for doing so.

"I'll ask the company commander." Liu Changshun went straight to Li Jin, and Zhao Ming followed after seeing this.

At this time, Li Jin was eating canned food in Xu Qingfeng to replenish his strength.

"Company commander." Liu Changshun walked over.

"What's wrong?!" Li Jin spoke while eating.

"Company commander, aren't we going to break out to the east?! Why are we going all the way north?! Could it be that we are going in the wrong direction?!" Liu Changshun said, and Zhao Ming just happened to come over.

"I have my own plan. I can't break out directly to the east. I have to let the devils form an encirclement circle in an area, so that they think we are in this encirclement circle.
Then break out from the east, and then the devils will be able to withdraw all their troops from the Changming Mountains, and we will be able to break out from the west smoothly. " Li Jin explained.

Tonight, he will attack the devils in the north, making the devils think that he is going to break out from the north, and then mobilize the troops from the west and the south to encircle them.

As for the devil troops in the east, they are still dozens of miles away, and they can't cover them.

When the devils formed an encirclement circle around that area, most of the troops would be equivalent to hitting that area, and then they would advance layer by layer.

At this time, the devils from the east will definitely come to this side, and they took the opportunity to ambush the devils from the east and stand out.

After protruding from the east, go straight north to give an illusion that they are going around. At that time, all the devils in the Changming Mountains will also deploy troops to the north to outflank.

At that time, they had already jumped out of the encirclement, and the devil would think that he would come to such a trick if he wanted to break his head.

"So that's how it is." Liu Changshun wasn't an idiot either, once Li Jin said that, he understood.

In short, I was worried about protruding from the east. When going north, there were still devils in the Changming Mountains, so I did this to let the devils gather their troops in a short time, so that the devils could transfer their troops away at the first time, and then go north. .

"Okay, call the other platoon leaders over later and discuss what to do tonight." Li Jin said, speeding up his eating.

"Yes!" Liu Changshun turned and left.

A few minutes later, several platoon leaders came to Li Jin.

"Tonight's operation is to launch an attack on the devils in the north. The purpose is very simple. It is to make the devils think that we are going to break out from the north, understand." Li Jin said.

His purpose is not to wipe out the devils in the north, of course, he can't wipe out, there are still quite a lot of devils over there, and they also occupy a favorable terrain.

Even if they can be wiped out, I am afraid that the devils from other directions will surround them immediately, and then they will really become dumplings.

"Understood." Everyone nodded.

"Of course, we can't all go, Liu Changshun, I'll leave it to you to attack the devils in the north, but if you take 100 people to attack them,
It doesn't take long for you to fight with them, 10 minutes is enough, once the 10 minutes are up, just retreat, remember, don't get too close to the devils. "Li Jin said.

Their task is not to wipe out the devils in the north, if they are too close, it is easy for the devils to cause casualties to them.

"Yes!" Liu Changshun nodded.

"As for us, we will meet you in the west direction, and pretend to run east when you retreat after fighting.
Then lay mines on the road to block the enemy's pursuit speed, detour from the south, and join us! "Li Jin continued.

Doing this is to make the devils feel that they have retreated to the west, and thus mobilize soldiers in several directions to outflank that direction.

At that time, Li Jin and the others were no longer in that area.

"Understood!" Liu Changshun said, he was quite good at this kind of task, after all, the company commander often taught him to know how to fight, so that the enemy can't figure out his own way.

"Be careful, don't fight with the devils for too long." Li Jin reminded again, if you fight for too long, Liu Changshun and the others will really be easily taken over by the devils.

"Company commander, don't worry, I will never fight the devil for too long, and I will retreat when the time is up." Liu Changshun said, he also knew that fighting for too long would be dangerous.


At the same time, on the east side of the mountain range, at the foot of a big mountain, Fujisei Ichiro and the others had already entered the mountain for more than 30 miles.

in the temporary headquarters.

Fujio Ichiro looked at the sand table map of the mountains in front of him.

"Brigade commander, the pilot has never found any trace of the enemy. Are you sure the enemy is still in the mountains?! They have escaped already?!" The devil's lieutenant couldn't help but said.

More than a dozen planes flew towards the mountains several times a day, turning around in several directions, but no enemy was found. He wondered if there were any enemies in the mountains.

"They must still be there. With so many people besieged and suppressed, if the other party ran away, we would really be a joke." Fujio Ichiro said.

Nearly [-] troops were mobilized in this encirclement and suppression campaign just to annihilate a small army of a few hundred people. It can be said that this is the first time.

Such a big fight, and let the other party run away, and he didn't see anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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