However, during the ten minutes or so that the captain of the Guizi Alliance led the team to the east, he still did not receive a reply from the commander guarding the east.

This made the captain of the Guizi Alliance secretly think that the enemy might have protruded from the east.

Before he could figure out where the enemy would run from, he received a telegram from the head of the brigade, Yu Sui.

"Baga! How could this happen!" The leader of the Devils Alliance couldn't help cursing, didn't the brigade leader bring a brigade of soldiers over, how could the jade be broken.


On the other side, the devil Shao Zuo, who escaped from the exit of the eastern mountain range, fled south for several miles before stopping.

"Major, the enemy didn't pursue us, they seem to be heading north," Captain Guizi said.

He was still a little scared, fortunately they withdrew in time, otherwise, he might have died somewhere, the fighting power of this group of enemies was simply too terrifying, and they had no strength to fight back.

"That's right, the enemy must want to completely jump out of the encirclement from the north." The devil said, because the opponent fleeing south is a dead end, and only going north can have a chance.

"Then what should we do now, should we follow?!" Captain Guizi said, he felt that they should follow each other to ensure the position of each other.

"Follow up?! Follow up and seek death?! Only a dozen or so of us, No. 20, are not enough to fill our teeth." Devil Major said.

More than 2 people were wiped out within 300 minutes without seeing each other. They are number 20, and I am afraid that they will all die in one encounter.

Although he already knew that the opponent was very strong, but when he actually fought against each other, he realized that the opponent was stronger than he thought.

The enemy's combat effectiveness and firepower are simply not something they can resist.

"Major, the captain sent a telegram, asking us to guard the east exit and wait for him to come." At this time, a devil messenger came to report.

"Keep guard, you can't guard how to defend." The devil can't help but say, he really wants to guard, but facing this group of enemies, they are like lambs meeting a pack of wolves, they have no power to resist, and it's pretty good to survive.

"Send a telegram to the regimental captain, saying that the enemy has already gone north, and the other party must break out from the north, and they must be surrounded as soon as possible, otherwise, the other party is likely to flee." Devil Shao Zuo immediately ordered.

The north is the enemy's only way of life, if it is not stopped in time, the enemy may escape successfully.

"Hi!" The devil's communicator immediately went to send a telegram.

"Why didn't you send a telegram to the head of the brigade?!" Captain Guizi wondered. The head of the brigade was very close to them.

"Brigade commander, the jade may have been broken." The devil said, he had guessed before and now he is sure.

"Nani?! The head of the brigade is broken?! How is this possible!" Captain Guizi shrank his pupils and his voice trembled.

"If the head of the brigade didn't have jade pieces, it wouldn't be the joint leader who sent us a telegram. Therefore, something must have happened to the head of the brigade." Shao Zuo, the devil, spoke out his guess.

Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that something will happen to the head of the brigade.


At the same time, after receiving the telegram, the leader of the Guizi Alliance was stunned.

He didn't expect the enemy to break through the defense line to the east so quickly, and went all the way north.

"The enemy wants to jump out from the north before we complete the siege!" the leader of the Devils Alliance murmured.

According to the current situation of the enemy, it is most correct for the opponent to break through to the north.

"Immediately send a telegram to the county town in the north, asking them to send troops to intercept this group of enemies, and must support them until we support them!" The captain of the Devils Alliance immediately ordered.

"Xiaomu Zhongzuo, you lead 3000 people all the way north from the east, while I lead people directly north from the mountains,

This time, we must surround the other party and destroy the other party, otherwise, you and I will both commit seppuku! "The captain of the devil's alliance gave orders to the lieutenant beside him with a fierce face.

Now the head of the brigade is broken, and the other captain is also broken. He is the supreme commander of the brigade.

Of course, if he couldn't destroy the enemy, he would have no face to live on, so he could only commit seppuku.

"Hi!" Xiaomu Zhongzuo nodded, and immediately led people out.

For a moment, the devil's marching route was almost in the shape of an L, in order to prevent Li Jin and the others from having a chance to escape.

Time passed by minute by minute.


On the mountain, Li Jin was holding a telescope, looking at the distant mountains from time to time, and he was also waiting anxiously.

Li Jin didn't know if the enemy had seen his plan. If he saw it, he could only use the second plan.

As a last resort, Li Jin really didn't want to use the second plan, because it would kill many people.

"Don't be too nervous, everything will go well." Xu Qingfeng saw Li Jin's nervousness, and comforted him.

Although Li Jin didn't show it, he knew that Li Jin was very nervous now. Hundreds of lives were on Li Jin's body. If he was not careful, he might all die here.

Under such circumstances, Li Jin can still make a good battle plan calmly. To be honest, he still admires it very much.

"Of course, the plan is based on my step-by-step, and it's impossible for the devil to see it." Li Jin said.

He lured the enemy step by step and acted according to his plan. It can be said that if someone else took the command, he might not be able to do what he did.

"Yes, yes, you are very good." Xu Qingfeng was also speechless. This guy was obviously very nervous, but he still wanted to give Li Jin a stick.

Li Jin walked down the mountain. He wanted to light a cigarette, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. At this moment, it was the key point. If the plan went bankrupt because of a cigarette, he would die of anger.

As for the soldiers of the special warfare company, no one dared to smoke. They also knew that when the plan reached a critical moment, no one would lose the chain at this time.

Even if people smoking here won't be discovered by outsiders, they don't dare to bet, because once they are discovered, it will kill many people.

Around four in the morning.

Li Jin finally saw a group of devils coming out of the mountains. Looking at the group, there were at least several thousand people.

That team of devils is heading north.

"Damn it, it's finally here!" Li Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ordered the soldiers to prepare to enter the mountain in 10 minutes.


To the north, Tun County.

There are more than 500 devils guarding here.

"Shao Zuo, something serious has happened. The captain of the regiment sent a telegram, saying that the enemies in the Changming Mountain Range have fled to our side.
The captain asked us to immediately send troops to buy various intersections to intercept, and planted mines on the road, trying to stop the enemy as much as possible! "A ghost soldier broke into the commander's bedroom and reported.

"Nani?! The enemy from the Changming Mountains has escaped?!" Major Guizi's eyes were filled with shock. You know, it's unbelievable that even tens of thousands of soldiers were besieging him.

"Yes, they ran towards us, it seems that I broke through from our side and escaped,
With the enemy's combat power, we may not be able to stop the opponent. We can only guard the intersections and plant mines to delay the opponent's progress and wait for the support of the regiment leader! " said the ghost soldier.

"Then what are you waiting for, do it quickly and send out all the soldiers in the city." The devil said, if the other party ran away, it would be a joke for everyone.

"Send them all out?! Who will guard the county seat?!" The ghost soldier was taken aback.

"Let the imperial association army guard, don't worry about it so much, hurry up and give orders." The devil said, now he can only let the imperial association army in the city guard the county, and it is impossible to expect them to stop the enemy.

Besides, the imperial association army in the city didn't dare to occupy the county seat, that would be courting death.


"Let's go, go into the mountain!" Li Jin seized the time and immediately led people into the mountain.

Before entering the mountain, Li Jin also asked people to explore the road first to avoid ghosts before collecting the corpses.

However, he thought too much, the devil didn't care about the soldiers' corpses at all in order to stop him.

In order to quickly break through, the soldiers of the special warfare company were almost all marching forward without stopping at all.

Because once the devils went north and didn't find them, they would probably turn back to the mountains and plan to encircle and suppress them again. What Li Jin and the others had to do was to escape successfully before the devils could react.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Jin and the others were less than thirty miles away from the western mountains.

At this time, the soldiers of the special warfare company were a little tired from running.

The rapid march of more than 100 miles overnight made them a little overwhelmed.

You know, since they entered the mountain, their spirits have been in a state of tension, and their physical strength has been exhausted.

Under such circumstances, it is beyond the limit to be able to march more than 100 miles in a hurry on the mountain road.

"Rest in place for 10 minutes, and continue to set off after 10 minutes!" Li Jin ordered everyone to take a short rest.

Without a break, the soldiers will run away.

Fortunately, the previous training was beyond the limit, otherwise, few people could persevere in this situation.

"The devils may have reacted and turned back to the mountains." Xu Qingfeng said, it had been a long time, and the devils must know that they did not run north.

"Well, it's useless. When they reacted and wanted to block them, we would have already gone out." Li Jin nodded.

They are now less than thirty miles away, and even if the devils react, it is impossible to re-enclose the mountains in such a short time.

"It's really risky this time, but fortunately, everything went well." Xu Qingfeng said.

Being blocked by devils in the mountains this time can be said to be the biggest crisis that the special warfare company has encountered. Nearly ten thousand devils have encircled and suppressed them.

"That's right, I'd rather not do such a dangerous thing next time." Li Jin also agreed.

Who would have thought that the devil commander would actually send nearly 300 people to encircle and suppress an army of less than [-] people. Isn't this using cannons to kill flies?

The troops mobilized by the devils can completely fight against the national army, but this kind of troops is only for the purpose of encircling and suppressing troops of several hundred people.

After Xu Qingfeng heard this, he didn't believe Li Jin's words at all. This kid is very courageous, and he knew that he would be blocked by devils if he did this.

It's just that Li Jin didn't expect the devils to send so many people over.

Not to mention that Li Jin didn't expect it, neither did he.


At this time, the captain of the Guizi Alliance also felt that something was wrong.

In Tun County, there has been no movement at all since last night.

The troops surrounded from the east to the north also had no trace of the enemy.

"Could it be that they have already run away?!" The captain of the Devils Alliance frowned.

Could it be that the other party bypassed Tun County and ran away from another location? !However, several counties after Tunxian County also blocked the attack, and no trace of the enemy was found.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, it is impossible to fly away with wings.

The captain of the Guizi Alliance began to sort out what happened in the past few days.

First, the enemy attacked the troops in the north, and then made the illusion of running to the west, and let their soldiers start to encircle them. The opponent escaped from the encirclement before the encirclement.

Then, the enemy attacked the head of the brigade who came over, and killed all the people led by the head of the brigade, and escaped from the east.

In other words, from the very beginning, the enemy's purpose was to break through from the east, and then go north to escape.

But if this is the case, then why did the enemy make the illusion of raiding the northern troops? What is the enemy's purpose? !

With the fighting strength of the opponent, it would be enough to ambush the brigade commander from the east from the beginning, why bother to give a false impression to let them gather the troops.

The enemy commander is a smart man, he can't do useless things, what is his purpose? !

"Captain, we still haven't found any trace of the enemy." At this moment, a devil soldier came to report and interrupted the leader of the devil's train of thought.

"So that's it, that's it!!!! They didn't run to the north at all. From the beginning to the end, the opponent's escape route has always been to the west!" The captain of the Guizi Alliance finally figured it out.

"Lieutenant Captain, what do you mean by that?! What do you mean the enemy's escape route is always to the west?!" The Devil Major beside him couldn't help but say.

Why can't he understand what the captain said?

"The reason why the enemy attacked the northern troops was to give the illusion of running to the west, and the purpose was to gather us together.

Then the enemy broke through from the east, and then went north to give the illusion,
At this time, after we get the news, we will definitely go north and withdraw from the mountains. The enemy took this opportunity to return to the mountains and run west! "The captain of the ghost alliance said.

Even the survival of the soldiers in the eastern mountain range was part of the enemy's plan. I am afraid that when the enemy left the eastern mountain range, they found a place to hide.

The purpose is to let the surviving soldiers report to him, making him think that the other party has run to the north.

When he led his troops northward, the enemy returned to the mountains.

"Nani?! So, the enemy is still in the mountains?!" Major Devil was stunned.

"That's right, they must have returned to the mountain range. Immediately send a telegram to the others to tell them to turn around and surround the mountain range again!" the leader of the Guizi Alliance ordered.

He felt that the other party should not escape so quickly, as long as he hastened the time, he would definitely be able to block the other party in the mountains again!

"Hi!" Major Guizi nodded.

"It's really good, you played us all up and down! Commander of this unit, you are really good!" The captain of the devils only felt his face being slapped.

From the beginning, they were led by the nose by the enemy, and every step they took was planned by the enemy.

The opponent's calculations were extremely cautious, stepping them into the trap step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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