Liang Jian: Commander, save some for me

Chapter 493 Joint Operations

Devil Command, communication room.

When several devil messengers translated Li Jin's clear-coded telegram, all of them were full of anger.

"Baga! This Chinese man humiliated us so much!"

"Sooner or later, we will destroy them!"


Several devil communication soldiers couldn't help but cursed.

At this time, a ghost brigade leader walked in.

"Brigade Commander!" Several devil communication soldiers hurriedly stood up and said hello.

"Have any other troops sent a telegram to the headquarters?!" asked the head of the devil brigade.

"No, but we received a clear telegram, which seems to be sent by the Huaxia troops who escaped from Fengling a few days ago." The ghost squad leader said.

"Plain code telegram?! Show it to me." The head of the devil brigade became interested as soon as he heard it, and he wanted to see what the army said.

"Brigade Commander, I'm afraid you will be angry if you read the contents of the telegram." The ghost squad leader hesitated and said, let alone the brigade commander, the commander would probably be so angry after reading it.

"Bring it here." The head of the devil brigade frowned and took the telegram directly.

"Respected Devil Commander..." Seeing the previous sentence, the head of the Devil Brigade still nodded. This army still knows how to be polite.

However, when he looked back, his face suddenly became gloomy.

All of the above content is exalting oneself, and then belittling the soldiers of the empire. Although the things are true, it still makes people feel angry to be exposed so naked by the other party.

It is a great shame that the opponent escaped the encirclement of nearly ten thousand people.

What's even more exasperating is that the other party also scolded the commander as inferior to a pig and a dog.

"It can't be repaired! It's too much to deceive people!" The head of the devil brigade scolded directly.

When, their soldiers and commanders were ridiculed like this by a Chinese army.

The point is that they don't know where the other party has gone, and they have nowhere to vent their anger.

The ghost squad leader was also expected to see this, and any imperial soldier would probably be angry when he saw this telegram.

"You immediately invented the code telegraph, and said, this time it was just our carelessness that made you run away,
Don't be arrogant, next time I meet you, I will definitely annihilate you all! "The head of the devil brigade couldn't bear it, and directly asked the communication soldiers to invent code telegrams.

"Hi!" The ghost squad leader nodded, and immediately sent someone to send a telegram.

The head of the devil brigade took the telegram to the command room to find the devil commander.

"Report to the commander, we have received a clear telegram, which is the army that escaped from the Changming Mountain Range." Said the head of the devil brigade.

"Oh, they still dare to invent code telegrams, let me see." Commander Devil sneered, took the telegram and read it, his face suddenly became gloomy.

His breathing became heavy, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Commander Devil was very angry.

"Commander, the commander of this unit is extremely arrogant!" said the head of the devil brigade.

The Devil Commander took a deep breath, tore up the telegram, and said, "You don't need to worry about them, and you don't need to reply. There is a chance to wipe them out."

Hearing this, the head of the devil brigade's face changed, and he had already asked someone to reply.

Seeing the brigade commander like this, the devil commander frowned, thinking of a possibility.

"Baga, you won't reply to him!" Devil Commander's tone was full of anger.

The head of the devil brigade didn't dare to speak at all, he stood up straight and could only lower his head.

"Baga! You idiot, what are you doing answering him?!" The devil commander was furious, kicking the head of the devil brigade on the chest and knocking him to the ground.

The head of the devil brigade quickly got up and stood up straight again.

"Commander, I'm just too angry, he dared to scold you, so I couldn't hold back, so I replied." The head of the ghost brigade said.

He couldn't bear to see this insulting telegram to the commander.

Hearing this, the devil commander also sighed, and said: "The other party is simply sending a telegram, and replying to him at this time, doesn't it mean that the content above is true?
You, you still need to practice your mind, don't be easily provoked by the enemy,
As a commander, no matter how angry you are, you must keep calm and keep yourself from losing your mind.
That way, you can make the right decision, understand. "

Speaking of the latter, the commander of the devil became more serious. This brigade commander is also one he is more optimistic about. He has made a lot of contributions, but he is a little too arrogant.

"Hey! Commander, I made a mistake, please punish me!" The head of the devil brigade decisively admitted his mistake.

"Forget it, since you are also acting impulsively, I won't punish you this time.
When Guangzhou is taken down and the Guangdong-Han Railway is cut off, the geographical location of Wuhan becomes less important.
At that time, as long as they are smarter, they will choose to give up and stick to it. Wuhan is already at your fingertips.
Don't get angry over such small things, take the long view. "The ghost commander said.

No matter what Mu Jin said, Wuhan will eventually fall into the hands of the empire, and the other side can only be arrogant in the telegram, so what's the use of that.

At most, it is to add some reputation to the national army. The strong will not pay attention to the provocation of the weak, because it will make them lose their value.

Although Li Jin made them suffer a lot, in his eyes, Li Jin is a weak person after all, unable to turn the tide.

In the face of a powerful empire, it is impossible to do much with just a small army.

"Hi!" The head of the devil brigade nodded.

"Okay, you go down first." The devil commander waved his hand to let the brigade head back.

The head of the devil brigade turned around and retreated.

"Mu are really good, but unfortunately, you are the one who is good, not all the troops." The ghost commander murmured.

If Huaxia's troops were as strong as Mu Jin's, it wouldn't be the empire's invasion of Huaxia.


National Army Command.

Commander Bai was still thinking about how Mu Jin commanded.

At this time, a communications soldier hurried in.

"Commander, we have received another clear-coded telegram, which seems to be a reply from a devil." The communications soldier said.

"Huh?! The devil actually replied?!" Commander Bai was a little surprised. Logically speaking, it was impossible for the devil commander to reply to this telegram. Why did he reply all of a sudden? !
Could it be that the devil commander was irritated by a small telegram? !If the opponent could be provoked so easily, it would not be so difficult to fight.

A commander who is easily dominated by anger, if he can't stop it, it's really a joke.

Commander Bai took the telegram and read it. The devil's plain-coded telegram was to say harsh words to Mu Jin, which didn't seem like something the devil commander would do.

It is estimated that the people below couldn't bear it after seeing it, so they posted it, and Commander Bai figured out the key point in a moment.

If the devil commander really wouldn't reply, but the people under him couldn't stand it.

"However, this reply confirms that the contents of Mu Jin's telegram are true." Commander Bai murmured, except for the fact that the number of people was false, all other estimates were true.

"You go down first." Commander Bai said to the signal soldier.


After the communications soldiers left, Commander Bai felt that something could be done, as it was impossible to continue to hold on behind Wuhan.

There is no point other than increasing casualties, retreat is inevitable, but you can use Mu Jin's telegram to make a fuss and add some reputation to the national army.

"Go and see the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief." Commander Bai left the command room.


At this time, when Li Jin saw the devil's reply, he was also happy for a while.

"Company commander, didn't you say that the devil can't reply? He replied now, and he slapped him in the face." Liu Changshun smiled.

"I'm afraid it wasn't Commander Devil's reply. If I guess correctly, it should be his subordinates who replied." Li Jin said, Commander Devil would be too stupid if he could be provoked so easily.

The only possibility is that the devil commander's subordinates couldn't bear it, so they spoke harshly to him.

"Anyway, the devil's reply confirms what we have done." Xu Qingfeng said.

"Well, although it doesn't have much benefit, at least the devil is embarrassing." Li Jin nodded in agreement, but he didn't know if the devil who sent the telegram without authorization was punished.

It is estimated that the probability of being punished is not high, forget it.


At six o'clock in the morning, the brigade commander had already washed up in the yard, and he had a good night's sleep last night.

"Brigade Commander, the boss called you." Qin Yuanxin came in to report.

"What?! The boss called?!" The brigade commander ran out of the yard without hesitation, and soon came to the communication room.

"Hello, boss." The brigade commander said as he picked up the phone.

"Old Chen, Commander Yan is going to send someone to join forces with the 386 brigade. They are probably already on their way. You can make arrangements." The voice of the boss came from the phone.

"Why do they suddenly want to cooperate with us?!" The brigade commander frowned, and suddenly wanted to cooperate at this juncture, no matter how you look at it, it looks wrong.

"Well, the weasel has no good intentions in wishing the chicken a new year. You should pay attention to it. When fighting together, let the troops below be more cautious."

"Understood!" the brigade commander replied.

"By the way, boss, where are you going to fight in a joint operation?!" The brigade commander asked, and he had to ask clearly.

"They sent a division commander over to talk, saying that they want a regiment from the 386th Brigade to cooperate with their brigade and attack the devil's Sanhua Station." The boss replied.

"It seems that the station is only more than 100 miles away from Zhongtiao Mountain." The brigade commander thought for a while and said.

After the devils occupied Taiyuan, they kept staring at Zhongtiao Mountain. After all, this geographical location was very important, and the devils definitely wanted to take it.

"Well, so, to some extent, it is a good thing to engage the devils at the station, so I agree. It happens that the [-]nd Regiment has no major missions recently, so let's send them there.

It doesn't matter if you train recruits a little bit, if you don't fight, recruits will always be recruits. "The boss said.

The combat boss who is beneficial to the confrontation still agrees.

"Send the [-]nd Regiment? I think it's better to send the Independent Regiment or the New First Regiment." The brigade commander said, since it is to fight devils, it is more stable to send the New First Regiment and the Independent Regiment.

"No, the Xinyi Regiment just came back from Wuhan and sacrificed a lot of people. It's not appropriate to send them there.
As for the independent regiment, they also have the task of protecting the flanks of the headquarters, which is not suitable, so it is better to send the [-]nd regiment. "The boss said.

Although the Xinyi Regiment was strong in combat, after all, they had just returned from Wuhan and had sacrificed a lot of people. To a certain extent, the Xinyi Regiment had suffered heavy losses.

The independent regiment is responsible for protecting the flanks of the headquarters. If it is transferred away, the [-]nd or [-]st regiments will have to be sent to guard, which is not safe.

"The problem is that they are coming here now, probably for the new regiment or the independent regiment," said the brigade commander.

The Xinyi Regiment and the Independent Regiment have recently gained a lot of fame in the Jinsui Army, and I am afraid they have been targeted. When the other party comes, it is most likely that they are targeting the Xinyi Regiment or the Independent Regiment.

"I know, so, you have to figure out a way to transfer the [-]nd regiment over. It's better not to expose the strength of the new [-]st regiment and the independent regiment now." The boss warned.

The Xinyi Regiment and the Independent Regiment are the two regiments with the strongest combat effectiveness in the Eighth Route Army, so it's better not to let the people over there stare at them.

"Understood!" The Brigadier nodded.

"By the way, is that kid Li Jin ready to come back?!" The boss asked about Li Jin.

"He sent me a telegram last night saying he was on his way back."

"That's fine. Although the clear-coded telegram sent by this kid last night was relieved, he was still too young after all. If you find a chance, teach him more.
Although he may also understand some political affairs, he is still too far behind and not thoughtful enough. "The boss exhorted.

Li Jin really had no problems in fighting and commanding, but in terms of politics, he was far behind.

Of course, compared with his peers, Li Jin still has an advantage. After all, this kid is very familiar with the world and is very tactful.

It's just that he hasn't touched a higher level and doesn't understand so much.

"Boss, don't worry, I will." The brigade commander said, he had already had this idea, and now the boss also thinks so, and he probably intends to train Li Jin to be one of the core people in the future.

"Hurry up and eat, I know you haven't eaten as soon as I guess."


beep beep...

The boss hung up the phone.

But the brigade commander didn't have time to eat breakfast, so he went to find the political commissar immediately.

"Go, go to the conference room, I have something to tell you." The brigade commander said.

"Okay." The political commissar nodded and followed the brigade commander to the meeting room.

"What happened?!" The political commissar asked as soon as he entered the meeting room.

"The boss called just now, saying that the Jinsui Army is going to fight with us..." The brigade commander told the political commissar everything the boss said.

"What?! Come to the joint battle at this time, Yan Laoxi feels that he has no good intentions. They are here for the Xinyi Regiment and the Independent Regiment." The political commissar immediately thought of this.

"Well, I'm afraid the new regiment and the independent regiment are developing too fast." The brigade commander nodded.

After all, the Jinsui army has achieved some impressive results. In contrast, the Xinyi Regiment killed the leader of the Devils Alliance and captured the county seat, and the Independent Regiment was also the first to capture the county seat.

In addition, the Xinyi regiment recently went to Wuhan, not only helping to defend the county seat, but also relieving the pressure on Fengling, and killing a brigade leader of the devils. These achievements are dazzling wherever they are placed.

"Damn it, these people are so disgusting. As soon as they developed, they wanted to restrict us!" The political commissar had a gloomy face.

Is it easy for their Eighth Route Army to develop, and those people are so afraid? !

He is the only one who is more powerful than the two regiments, and he is really convinced that he can be targeted.

(End of this chapter)

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