Chapter 50 Torturing Him

In the village, after hearing Li Jin's words, the living villagers were dubious, and it took a while for some people to start coming out of their homes.

When he saw the devil's body, he shouted: "Come out, all the devils are really dead."

As soon as the words fell, in the yard where Li Jin was before, the woman led the child out of the house, and other villagers also came out.

"You devil! Good death!" Many villagers spat at the corpses, and some directly picked up stones on the ground and threw them at the corpses.

"It's said that all the devils who entered the village are dead, so we don't have to leave!" said a villager.

He felt that all the devils who entered the village were dead, so they didn't need to leave the village.

"How do you know there won't be other devils coming from behind?" Some villagers retorted.

The devils only came this time with a dozen people, and even if they all died, there was no guarantee that they would be safe.

"For safety, let's go." The villagers left the village one after another. When they came to the end of the village and saw the corpses all over the ground, they all gasped.

"That's Uncle Liang. I didn't expect him to die too."

"This is... Xiao Chen..."

"There's also Aunt Han...she's also dead, she's such a good person, but she didn't end well, you nasty little devil!"

The villagers all recognized the dead person, and everyone was a little sad for a while, and they were chatting together before, but in the blink of an eye, life and death were separated!

This kind of sadness is difficult for people who have not experienced it.

"Okay, don't be sad, let's go." A middle-aged man said and took the lead to continue walking.

Others followed suit.

"There's a devil over there, he's still alive!" Suddenly, a villager pointed to the devil's sergeant lying in front of the woods not far away.

He's not dead yet, his chest heaves up and down.

Hearing the voices of the villagers, Jun Cao tilted his head and looked over.

"It's really not dead!" The villagers were frightened for a moment, thinking of the devils burning, killing and looting in the village, many people backed away in fright.

"What are you afraid of! He doesn't seem to be able to move." Someone said after observing.

"Kill him! Avenge the dead villagers!" said a middle-aged man.

As soon as the words came out, the other villagers also showed fierce expressions, and they walked towards the devil army.

However, when they really came in front of the Devil Sergeant Cao, they were afraid again, and they only dared to surround them, but no one dared to make a move.

"A group of cowards! This devil is clearly unable to move and is scared, I'll come!" A young man took a stick in his hand and walked towards the devil's army.

"I'll kill you!" the devil army yelled in Japanese, his eyes were wide open, and the blood on his face looked extremely hideous and terrifying at this moment.

In fact, the Devil Army Cao was very scared. He was afraid that the villagers would rush up and beat him to death!

The boy backed away frightened by the sound, and the other villagers also backed away a few steps unconsciously in fright, for fear that the devil would get up and kill them.

But seeing that the Devil Sergeant Cao didn't make any further moves, the boy took the stick again and stepped forward through gritted teeth.

"Kill you!" The devil army shouted again, but this time the boy was not afraid. He thought of the villagers who died tragically, and his eyes became firm.

"Go to hell!" The young man swung his stick, and hit the Devil Sergeant Cao on the forehead with one stick.

"Ah..." The ghost soldier screamed, his forehead was directly broken by the stick, and a stream of blood ran across the wound, between the eyebrows, and dripped down his face.

After the young man hit the first stick, the others also stepped forward to attack the Devil Sergeant Cao. They beat and kicked the Devil Sergeant Cao.

For a while, the devil army screamed again and again.

Everyone is afraid of devils because devils are brutal when they enter the village to kill people. Even if the devil's army can't move, they don't dare to do it. However, when the first person takes the lead, the others are no longer afraid.

"The little devil told you to come to Huaxia and beat you to death!"

"Dog, tell you to kill Aunt Han!"


Many villagers beat and scolded, as if they wanted to vent all their anger on the Devil Sergeant Cao!

In the end, Guizi Juncao was beaten to death by angry villagers!


the other side.

Liu Changshun kept running in the woods, and the devil soldiers behind him kept chasing him, shooting Liu Changshun who was running away from time to time.

Now there are only four devil soldiers left, and two of them were killed by Liu Changshun during the pursuit.

"Baga! Why is this Huaxia man so slippery like a fish!" He gritted his teeth angrily, and chased him for a long time, but let's forget if he didn't kill them, and two of them died.

"We must capture him alive, torture him to death, and avenge the dead!" Another devil ran to cover Sanba Da who had shot.

As soon as the words came out, the other devils agreed one after another. Just killing this Huaxia man like this is too cheap for him!
Liu Changshun was panting. He had to pay attention to avoiding bullets all the time, which consumed him a lot, and he was easily shot if he was not careful.

"Platoon leader! Are you alright?" Liu Changshun thought to himself.

The devil platoon leader in the village can definitely finish it, but he is in big trouble now.

If it wasn't for the fact that the trees in the forest were denser and he was running so fast, if the devils couldn't hit him, he would have died a long time ago, but if this continued, once his speed dropped, the devils would definitely hit him.

After running for another 2 minutes, Liu Changshun saw that there was an open space with tree stumps in front of him. All the trees there had been cut down, and there were no trees in the area of ​​50 meters.

"Damn it! Who cut down the tree so naked!" Liu Changshun cursed in his heart. If he ran directly to such an empty place, with the devil's marksmanship, he would definitely die!

At this time, he caught a glimpse of a large stone that was two meters long and nearly one meter high not far away.

Liu Changshun hurried over, propped one hand on the stone, then turned over and jumped behind the stone.

Bang bang bang!
The devil's bullet hit the boulder, directly punching holes one after another.

"Great, this Huaxia man has nowhere to run, so capture him alive, and the two of them will take turns to shoot and suppress him!" A ghost said after seeing it.

The other devils nodded one after another. They fired in groups of two, and when they were loaded, the other two continued to shoot and suppress.

Bullets kept hitting the rocks, and the devil was less than 50 meters away from Liu Changshun!
"Damn it! Are we going to confess here today!" Liu Changshun gritted his teeth. He has no chance to fight back now, as long as he dares to show his face, he will definitely die.

And if the devils surround him, he will also die!

Suddenly, Liu Changshun felt the grenade on his waist. This grenade was found from the devil on the slope before.

"There is a way!" Liu Changshun immediately took out the grenade on his waist, and then pulled out the latch. Hearing the devil's gunshot getting closer and closer, when the devil was more than [-] meters away from him, he resolutely took the grenade and threw it at the stone. hit.

For a while, white smoke came out of the grenade.

Liu Changshun waited for two seconds, the devil was less than 20 meters away from him, and then he threw the grenade back.

(End of this chapter)

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