Chapter 105 Czech Style Thirty Thousand Stands!

"It's just right, you can also ask carefully about the reimbursement."

Hearing that Boss Mo was coming soon, Zhao Gang thought about it.

Compared with Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, who was born in a major, is much more careful.

Boss Mo said that the ammunition consumption of the independent regiment could be reimbursed, but the reimbursement involved many details. Leader Li was immersed in joy at the time, and did not consider it comprehensively.

The independent regiment is a basic regiment with a certain independent command power. The current combat force size is 2000 people.

The basic regiment can recruit troops by itself, and the independent regiment can have a maximum of 2000 recruits.

Part of the independent command power, the independent regiment can borrow from the surrounding troops, that is, the new first regiment and the new second regiment, a first-level support force of no more than 2000 people.

The independent regiment also has superiors. In case of war, the superiors can take the initiative to support the independent regiment at the level of a single battalion, with no more than 2000 reinforcements.

The recruits have already made it clear that they can be reimbursed for combat consumption, and the support they actively seek from surrounding troops has also made it clear that they can be reimbursed for ammunition consumed in combat and worn-out weapons and equipment.

But can the troops supported by the superior be reimbursed?

as well as.

Expansion of independent regiments.

Although the backbone regiment generally recruits its own soldiers, the superiors can also transfer recruits from the teaching regiment.

As long as they want, the independent group can expand to five digits within three months, even five digits starting with three characters.

Wouldn't it be possible to reimburse the entire army for weapons and ammunition?

Although Boss Mo has this ability, it is even very easy, but Zhao Gang thinks, it shouldn't be that simple, right?

There must be some restrictions, right?
Just like that hospital will provide weapons and ammunition, military uniforms, and other living equipment for the wounded, but the number of beds is limited to the number of sets per day.

There will definitely be some restrictions on this reimbursement!
"Dano team?"

After three glasses of wine, Mo Fan began to feel a little dizzy.

He has never been able to handle alcohol.

It belongs to the kind of super weak chicken that can be dizzy for a long time with a bottle of beer.

So I don't like to drink.

But when he came to the independent group, he was fooled by Li Yunlong, and he uttered a series of good words, which made his whole body feel comfortable. Mo Fan couldn't hold it anymore, and drank the wine like a brother.

Fortunately, after system strengthening, the brain is still clear, and normal communication is not a problem.


Li Yunlong immediately put on a bitter face, aggrieved:
"Damn it, the little devils really think highly of me. They sent a whole regiment, more than 300 little devils, with ten small cannons to beat me."

"It's still the kind of old devil with rich combat experience."

"There are only 2000 members in the Labor-Management Independence Corps, and most of them are recruits who haven't been in the army for half a year."

"Damn it, the little devil is trying to kill me!"

Zhao Gang watched from the sidelines, silent.


Mo Fan nodded.

Most of these words are true.

Although the master of the system opened up and gave a lot of weapons and ammunition, they were all light weapons, not even a barrel gun.

Moreover, the foundation of the independent regiment is too poor, the soldiers lack formal training, and the time is too short. Li Yunlong has only been here for less than half a year. Today, there are 2000 combat troops and more than 700 recruits.

It has just adapted to new weapons and formed a combat system.

With this level of strength, it's really not good for the devils, a veteran full-staffed regiment with rich combat experience.

The little devil still has some strength.

"Although I called my brothers to help, Ding Wei transferred all three battalions of the Xinyi Regiment to help me, Kong Jie will also support my two battalions, and the superior also supported five infantry battalions, which have surpassed the devils in terms of strength. Quite a few."

Li Yunlong continued his bitter face:

"But brother Mo, you also know that my independent regiment can catch up with the devils in light firepower, and is even stronger than the devils at 01:30. It is thanks to your help, brother, but other troops are far behind the devils."

"With these support troops, it is not difficult to drive away the little devils, but we must avoid their edge, lure the little devils to go deep, attack their supply lines, and force the devils to withdraw."

"It's just that in this way, I have to give up the surrounding area of ​​Yangcun and move my position. The base area around Yangcun, which I managed with great difficulty, will be tossed about by the devils."

Thanks to the strength of the independent regiment, they broke through the Yangpo stronghold and wiped out more than 500 devils twice, deterring the devils from approaching, making the surrounding area of ​​Yangcun very stable, so the surrounding base areas are very safe this year.

The grassroots also took the opportunity to develop vigorously, open up wasteland and cultivate land. It is expected that there will be a good harvest this year, and the grain harvest will be [-]% more than last year.

Recently the population has started to increase.

But when the devils came, all this was in vain.

Even if there is a troop organization to transfer, it is difficult to transfer all of them, and the devils will inevitably rob a few livestock, destroy houses, and damage crops.

The results of half a year were in vain.


Mo Fan nodded again in agreement.

What Li Yunlong said was very reasonable, not even exaggerated. During the years of the Anti-Japanese War, the devils came again and again, killing, setting fire, and looting, trying to uproot the base area again and again.

But he is just a tool man.

So, he opened the panel, looked at the system master,

The protagonist encounters difficulties, and your system master won't come out to express it?
"Your Excellency, Captain, the troops have been assembled."

To the north of Yangquan, in Ping County, the Duoye United Team has assembled here.

Because it is a mobile unit, the multi-field unit is not stationed in scattered places, so the assembly can be completed quickly.

At this time, 2000 devils lined up neatly, and more than [-] [-] big guns with bayonets were covered in the sun, exuding a chill, and four [-]-style mountain cannons were neatly lined up at the front of the regiment.

Colonel Tano looked at his alliance, feeling invincible in his heart.

What is in front of you is the elite alliance of the empire!
Isn't the mere Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army easily captured?
Even if he moved this army to the core area of ​​the so-called base of the Eighth Route Army and was besieged by the entire Eighth Route Army, he would not be afraid at all.

"Set off."

Da Zuo Tano waved his hand, and [-] devils marched forward in a mighty manner.

The little devil also knew that he couldn't hide his actions from the Eighth Route Army, so he simply went out with great fanfare. The momentum was really strong and bluffing, and the people in Ping County were too frightened to speak out.

At the end of the Duano Alliance, there were more than 500 civilians who were forcibly recruited, as well as a convoy of transport vehicles.

Although Old Devil Duoye felt swollen in his heart and felt invincible, he was not an idiot. He knew that the Eighth Route Army liked to fight the transport convoy the most, and this was also his biggest weakness.

So just go with most of it.

Anyway, his task this time is to occupy the position of the independent regiment, destroy its base, and induce the main force of the independent regiment to fight him.

Because of the serious shortage of troops, in order to avoid heavy losses, Yoshio Shinozuka specifically told Colonel Tadano that the first two are the core tasks, and the latter depends on the situation.

"I heard it was to deal with the Eighth Route Army!"

After the devils left, the people of Ping County dared to speak out.

"More than 3000 devils, four cannons, can the Eighth Route Army survive?" Although it is in an enemy-occupied area, it is still the devil's core control area around the Zhengtai Line, but the common people here also know the name of the Eighth Route Army, and they can't help worrying stand up.


It is now the middle of the [-]s, the peak period of devils, and in enemy-occupied areas, there are very few people who are confident:

"This group of devils has more than four cannons, and there are three cannons inside!"

The speaker saw three Type [-] infantry guns carried by mules.

In this era, in the hearts of ordinary people, cannons are invincible.


The common people sighed one after another.

"Ha ha···"

The common people were frowning, but the puppet army in Ping County was very happy.

Fu Liu, the head of the puppet army in Ping County, looked at the Duoye Regiment in the distance, and his mouth was about to crack to the root of his ears:
"Haha, it won't be long for the eight-way jump this time, right?"

Ping County is not far from Xiaoyao Village, where Li Yunlong ambushed the devil army twice in a row. In addition, Sun Desheng once investigated here, and it was discovered by Fu Liu's men at that time.

Therefore, after the attack on the military column, some voices believed that the attackers passed through Ping County

The Pingxian garrison is under great pressure.

If the locust army is unhappy, the second devil will naturally have a hard time.

At the beginning, the devil said that the attack on the military column was suspected of being the Eighth Route, but the second devil didn't care so much, so he naturally put his hatred on the Eighth Route.

At this time, seeing the locust army marching out to deal with the Eighth Route Army, it is natural to gloat.

All the common people looked at the triumphant Fu Liu and lowered their heads again, not daring to speak.


Taking a figure-of-eight step, Fu Liu triumphantly returned to his 'headquarters'.


Seeing Boss Mo leaving, Zhao Gang had a smile on his face.

Boss Mo's visit this time is to convey the new business in August,

This new deal is quite different from the past.

This time there are more targets.

According to the business requirements, the independent regiment sent people to rush to the three generals, Ryofu Hanyue, Ochiai Matsujiro, and Mizuhara Yoshishige, and the locations of their operations were also different, namely Baoding, Beiping, and Taiyuan.

The price tag is also higher.

Kill a devil general at will, that is, give fifty tons of weapons and ammunition.

If you can kill all three devil generals within three days and make enough noise, you can also give 6000 Czech-style bullets and [-] million Mauser pointed bullets.

The price was so high that Zhao Gang immediately lost his composure.

Although he has figured out the rules from one transaction after another, as the transaction continues, Boss Mo's price will become higher and higher, especially the price with more difficult conditions, but 6000 is quite Czech, and [-] million hairs of Mauser pointed The price tag of the bombs still shocked Zhao Gang greatly.

The machine gun is the core firepower of the army.

The light machine gun has a fast rate of fire, the magazine feeds the ammunition, and has sufficient firepower continuity. The weight of the full magazine is only a dozen kilograms. The mobility is not lower than that of the rifle. The bipod supports the cheek to shoot, which makes the shooting range long and the accuracy is high.

The ability to suppress is very strong.

Whether it's devils or preserved fruits, class tactics are based on machine guns.

A machine gun is the soul of an infantry squad.

The devil's unit is at the first level of the squad. In addition to the crooked machine gun, there is also a grenadier, so the firepower is stronger.In the Eighth Route Army, since even the main force can only popularize machine guns up to the platoon level, the firepower is naturally far inferior to that of the devils.

Not to mention, there is still a serious shortage of bullets.

A few years ago, in that chaotic era, the most intuitive data indicating the strength of a domestic army was the number of machine guns in this army.

In the bandit world, with a machine gun placed at the gate of the village, one can claim to be at ease, and the surrounding militia groups dare not come.

If you can get 6000 Czechs, [-] million rounds of ammunition...
The strength of the troops will be qualitatively improved.

The improvement brought about by more than 60 grenades and [-] shell guns.

Plus the attack capability provided by individual flamethrowers.

With these possessions, in the Taihang Mountains, the army can really establish a core base, a core base that the devils can't get close to, so as to accumulate strength.

Finally, there is one big difference,

Boss Mo provided even more logistical support this time.

New, although inconspicuous, but very useful equipment, as well as more detailed intelligence support, even equal to indirect information and identity support.

Make buying and selling easier.

"Thirty thousand Czech style, 6000 million rounds of ammunition!"

Li Yunlong was also overjoyed.

With this batch of ammunition, Cheng Xiazi and the others could have a head-to-head confrontation with the devils in the mountains.

He doesn't believe it anymore,
The brigade commander remained calm when he saw this batch of weapons and ammunition that could make a qualitative change in the combat effectiveness of the troops.

"Haha, Brother Mo is getting more and more generous!"

Li Yunlong was very happy.


Zhao Gang thought of the questions he asked Boss Mo about reimbursement and the expansion of the independent group.

(End of this chapter)

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